November 15, 1010. Wednesday, lnc Daily kjiwi. STRICKEN 11 HIE ENORMOUn AT UkLQIAN CrtOWD CONCL.. ft,THE MAILS I 2,000,0001 STREET (Continued From Iae One. For the East. . Belgians .1 uio iiussiau National Antbcin Wednesday and Saturday, box uuur miiicii Aiaslcr M. rUi-ultirk closes 0:30 a. m. and Friday 3 Depend on us rundurcd n violin 80o in remark- a. in, ably good tone for ono so young. From the East. for Bread! 832 St, Vau St., Mobtbmu Alias Uuorglna Hunter played tho Trains arrive Tuesday and , i9i2, I was taken suddenly III pianoforte Thursday, 5:30 p. m.": .Acute Stomach Troublt and Delweeii accompaniment.tho parts tho For the South. Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians Jlned In the street. I was treated manage have depended for food the "Commission liwnl for nearly two inent of the Weslholino Theatre Tuesday, 5 p. in. Hoat sails at entirely on physicians 7 for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, ILn and my weight dropped from 225 screened a scries of views of P. in. Lois to 100 pound.. Then several "Australia's Unknown" showiiic Wednesday, 7 a. m. Hoat sails even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only Ifmy friends advised mo to try " rult. scenes of the at 0 a. tn. three weeks they have had no chance to raise!more almost Australian backwoods .tires". tsan to improit in which tho Friday, 7 a. m. Hoat sails at and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I with tht fit ti dose, and by using them, natives llgur- from tho distressing cd In "Peg O' The Ring" at the West-holme 9 a, m. i recovered prominently. Tho overture in Backed by the Stomsch Troulle-and all pain and the second part of the Theatre tonight Saturday, Doat sails 0 p. m. Constipation were cured. Now I welsh program Sunday, Hoat sails C nf. I cannot r'o "Fruit. was followed by a splendidly- Hit. Tho boys kept perfect tlmo For Anyox. p. Belgian Rdicf Fund fuTcs"enough". II. WHITMAN. staged pageant showing Uritannla and displayed considerable skill 50c.a box, 6 for $2.50, trial slie, 25c. in tho centre, with a host of little Wednesday, box closes 10 p. m. in the art of club This jUall dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit. girls dressed in sailor swinging. so generously contributed m the British Empire and the United 4-tivcs Limited, OtUtva. costume was followed by flag drill by Utile States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commisiinn has imported supporting her, these being Hanked girls from King Kdwanl School, txzvlitttt enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation Salvation Army. by a big gun battery of boys. directed by Miss Taylor. Kach so (sr. The great majority of the 7,000,000 BeJpns left in Representatives of every corner THE ENOINEyktf INEMEN the country have been able to pay for their da3y alowsnce of a and d carried a Canadian Hag V Public meetings, Tuesday, of the Ilritisli Kuiplre camo forward tnest bots tftYbt bread but a steadily growing number have no toooey left. Union Jack and they carried out Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. in to pay homage- to llritaiuila, many difficult movements with FISHKffManrS INOINI Unless we are willing to let these hundreds of thousands of giindyrs nt 730 p.m. each one bearing the ilgure of a credit. The Iho t cyl e 1.2 In. by 7 In.. 11-18 women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the High School pupils, Horse Powar. expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible battleship. There were many girls dressed French Hod Cross as 4 Cl. 3 3-4 In. by 6 1-2 In, 2D someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a saonlh every Congfiliig scatters genv striking costumes and all showed nurses, then sang "The Marseillaise Horse Power. month all this winter I caro and skill in featuring the 4 Cfl. 6 1-2 In. by S In, 25-38 Stop it in French, responding to an Horas Power. No people under the Allied Flags are is weH able te csjsstribiite garb of the various countries encore with "We'll Never Let the generously as we Canadians! Ne cause has ever been more Coagblnj? tbctetses the over which Dritaln holds sway. Old Flag Fall." deserving of help! In the name of Justice and Humaasrjr for Irritation of the already in. For Further Information flamed mncuont membranes "Hule Hritannia" concluded this Apply to the sake of our own self-respect let es give al we cast te The sounding of a aerie's of help martyred Allies I nd U moreover apt to carry which our dlaeaae to others. scene, was conducted by bugle calls by the band of the Mathleu's Syrapof Tar sad Miss K. Kason. W. E. WILL1SCROFT Send yew abcnp(!oaa weekly, aoaddy et ts eae laese) essa bs Least at Cod Liter Oil cadets brought forth much ap Pieviacial CoBmitteea,et ! Im g promptly stops The Prince Rupert, B. C. next item coughing, ana soon, thanks was an exhibition plause, the boys producing splendid Central Executive Committee, 59 St Peter St, antreal to it tonie properties,effects of club swinging by Masters s permanent cure. tone and keeping good time. $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. James Tie wonderfol popularity Mitchell, Jack Nadcn, Fred A company of cadets, under Captain of Mathleu's Byrop of Tar Tom MINERAL ACT Stephens, Mack, Alex. and Cod Liver Chi is specially and Fisher, then gave an exhibi Certificate of Improvements one to fts great veloe si a tion of drill and physical exer permanent long and bron. NOTIOI chlal healer. Thousands Take cises, after which all the children linln Mineral Claim, situate In the 6otd everywhere,jjc large Ekrena Mining Division of Caislar DlJtrlct. in "(Y Joined singing Canada", bottles. this mil d,family remedy to avoid illness, Where located: About four miles from i. L. MATBirU CO.PTWSW and to improve and protect their health. which was followed by the Nation the beach on the south side of Alice Arm CANADIAN WOMEN They keep their blood pure, their it the head of a branch of Lime Creek. IfcCTtrnlii, TjQ. al Anthem, bringing to a close a SHOULD KNOW THIS livers active, then bowel regular and TKE NOTICE that I. Oeorge R. Naden. frii.i iiii r ntfK aumiaiiii '. digestion so una ana strong wim performance which will never be rn-e Miner's Certificate No. StoBCB, Intend, "CANADA FIRST" Milk Is the BEST Milk W md fmmt Vba mi. in. forgotten by those who were priv ality days from the date hereof, to sttd by Your Crocer. The Government Bulletin a--t apply to the Mlnlnr Recorder for a Certll N...30S nils the story-IT COSTS TH E SAME. BEEOJAMS ileged to see it. rale fif Improvements, tor the purpnae of itit4liilng a Crown tirinl of the above oataita !raoaucT-INSIST Iicfore tho closing number, rllm. I f yon want wh'ird cre m.chill"Caaad Flrat"Evaporated Principal llrady thanked those And fur'her lake notice that anion lbn whip at with f reth cream. PILLS onder section IS, muat be commenced before TmbAYLMKR CONDENSED MILKGOmLtd. who had assisted in making the Hie Issue nf such Critinrate nf lm Atlmcb,Out.,Canada Sale f Aa Mticfa la tk WetVL evening u success. He said that provemrnts. Dated this llth day or March. A D. 1916 irTMr. la hum. a hu. tonight and tomorrow, throughout GEORGE R. NADEV the length and breadth of the Ilritisli Empire, school children LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS would be gathered to pay homage The Whisky A HOTEL to the little ones of Belgium. He r 13 NOW OPEN TO QUESTS nf Oiinltr-tr thought that the performance in One or the largest Hot Spring's tn this outpost of the Empire re-llccted America, circumference S00 feet-Temperature Aged In Wood of Water, ISO d. Fahr, tho greatest credit upon 8 Years the children and particularly upon befort bottling KicslUnt Trout Flatting In Latalsa Lake. the teachers who had taken such Jhreehtyforces CUAJIANTFXD BY THE Phons Con nct tons with Terrace. GOVERNMENT. CANADA RATES l S2.E0 psr day. great pains in training them in the various numbers. For runner particulars, apply to J. BRUCE JOHNSTONE. Manager. It was a performance which Linked would have done great credit to a much older and larger city. The UIMMmSMMVSmVSVSSMSMfMS Westholmo orchestra rendered 5 yeoman service in playing selections throughout tho cvejiing and Ramsay's also in playing tho accompaniments to most of tho drill. Miss Marguerite Kilpatrick also played Have you ever noted how an audience splendidly in accompanying on Empire Cream Sodas tho piano. yawns in the, face of an uninspired speaker? LIQUOR ACT, 1910. On the other hand, have you noted how an audience will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when In 2-1 b. Tina (Section 41.) NOTICE Is hereby given that, on the the speaker reveals enthusiasm P flrst day or December next, application will Have atUlned their enviable reputation by their auperlor be made to the Superintendent of Provincial of truth. To is the Enthusiasm expression t rollce for renewal or the hotel buoyant quality and uniformity. The moat discriminating house- licence to sell liquor by retail in the hotel t wife Insists upon "Ramaays Empire" when buying 8oda known as the Northern Hotel, situate at impart belief in anything, a man must believe it -deeply t rort Simpson, In the rrovlnce of BrlUsb such enthusiast. Biscuits. Columbia. himself. We call a man an Dated this 7th day or October, tfts. I They are made In B. O. and your grocer gets his supply EIXNEST WOOD RICHARDS, Applicant This applies to the written word also particularly frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means crisp nets. to advertisements. When the manufacturer really I MINERAL ACT believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost J Prove It by buying tin with your next order. Rlvermoutn rracuonal mineral rlalm, situated In the Skeena Mining Division ol inevitably find expression in Advertising. And enthusiasm Caislar District. Manufactured by Where located: At the head or Alice will be contagious his audience the Arm, adjoining the Rlvermoutn and Carl-boo 1 RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. mineral claims. readers of the newspaper will, figuratively speaking, TAKE NOTICE that IO. R. Naden, Tree Miners' Certificate No. 94,0(B, acting as "lean forward and listen intently." Vancouver, B. O. agent for Carrie Pratt, Free Miners' Certiorate No. ,9UB, Intend, stity dayi from the date cereor, to apply to the To be convincing an advertisement Mining Recorder for a Certificate or Improvements, I for the purpose of obtaining must convey an unmistakable a Crown Oram or the above claim. impression of enthusiasm. This it Let Us Save You Money on your under And section runner St.take must notice be commenced that action,be will only do when the article or lm-ITGvements. fore the Issue of such Certiorate Gasoline or Distillate advertised has inherent worth. Dated this llrd dsy of December. A. D. 111, Apr- t. guarantee to save you 25 per cent, on gaaolino or distillate and Thus we havet upkien im.i t troubles, A seven ounce 01 Carlu.r,..i.i Y""1V0W IS motor equivalent from to.CARUON 60 gallons"v of K":.. pnr JJ Sincerity Enthusiasm Advertising: W to COD ad. Carbonvoid puts the ditlonal and give miles,from Geo. P. McColl Three mighty forces, clow-linked. VfTtonvold is a dry powder you : "GO" in Gasoline : t.nk Will re. from cylinders. If j r . a It I mM ttU ever jaer tdnrtiiiut rs-sss sssat (t AivrMl DrfrtmI S JiVP"1" the world use It. THE 250,000 ALL. hS O JWWMjU - QROOER if tkit uiwipapr, aj If jm mrt JtUf prvicUl tr msHtrn!SaaVaeai It wtulJ i mill te e order yea Is havt lh raasiti mud atthtamct tf 4 14 aJptrtUlu A Iht thft anteed Refunded! on .Mailed anywhere rowjpj.oftl oryour money mill furuUhiJ, witktul rail r hlltHn, b lh Strlry nf CsaeaV'aa -Vfts Has Moved Into the Hart Blk. Autiti, Rum SOS, LumuU BmilMmt, TsresSs. For Sale Only by Geo. L. Clayton, - Lrlnce Rupert B,c' NOW READY FOR BUSINESS I (s) I