(THE DAIL1 B1WJ Wednesday, November 15. mi Albert Johnson, the- well known How Will You Protect Local News Notes hotel keeper of Fort George, Is In Your Wife the city. Mr. Johnson is party to one of tho cases coming before and the children should you 1'. 1). Carr is in the city from the Supremo Court this week. fall ill or lose your employment Btnilhers, N ? Have you money in e e II. lirclzens, of Hazelton, is in the Dank tide the to family When think of think over until you are "on your you Shoos, town for tho Supreme Court sittings. THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING feet" again ? uf Wallace's. 208. Mr. Ilretzens is ono of the INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR Every married man should II. S. Brown is visiting in town parties interested in the Debenture open an account in our from Sinilhers. Group mining case. DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK Savings Department and put e t IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE by a part of his earnings every THEREOF. Call the Pony Express for wood week of month. J. II. llocrig left fur the eouth Such turn, eernlnf Interest, will be this morning. cut In stove lengths or 4 feet. Principal repayable 1st October, 19J9. welcome protection for the family. Host household coal and general Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free A with Sarinfe Account may be opened Mrs. Whiteside, uf Tclkwa, ar transfer. Piano moving our of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent one dollar. rived last evening. specialty. Prices moderate. Phone per annum from the date of purchase. THE BANK OF e Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and 301, It. W. rtogers. tf. accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, In of payment W. J, Leary, of Bkldognte, is any allotment British North America made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of visiting in the city. The poliee last night raided n Treasury Bills or other like short date security. 79 YEARS IN BUSINESS. e gambling den situated between Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. W. P. Freed, of Sinilhers, is a commission of of cent will be CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. S7.SS4.000. Fraser Street and Third Avenue. A one-quarter one per allowed to recog. visitor in the city. nized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH Several arrests were made. Accused for this stock which bear their stamp. W.J.SMITHERS, Manager J. L. Christie, of Tclkwa, is a have been let out. on $5(1 For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa, visitor in the city. ball. The case will come up on DEPAKTMENT OF, FINANCE, OTTAWA, OCTOBRR 7th. 116. Saturday. There were five cars of fish for UNION TRANSFER COT the cast this morning. Charles Olson, formerly of this city and now of the Railroaders' Joe Iiourgon, of Hubert, came Solicits your Hauling and Battalion, arrived from" the east in on last night's train. Coal Orders ast evening on a visit, Charles M. J. llobln returned last evening Ives, of Massett, of the same battalion, Prompt attention from a visit to Dorreen. is also here for a short and careful delivery furlough. given to all John J. McNeil, of Telkwa, arrived orders, either large from the interior last evening. Have you seen the wonderful or small. new contract or the New York Life Ins. Co.? Every contingency Mr. Ilaynes, inspector of Tost absolutely provided for. Look BEST QUALITY COAL unices, arrived from Victoria this yourself right In the eye. Have and CLOSE PRICES forenoon. you made ample provision for the PHONE 67. wife and kiddles? Let me Ulk It CARBONVOID for sale by Lip-sett over with you and show you what & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward this great mutual company will Electric Co. tf. do for you. C. E. BA INTER. j Sheet Metal Work ! Mr. and Mrs. George II. Munro and little girl have gone south on HANDY MEN WANTED (MMMjw"'0""' a ten days vacation. Now is the time to have The Cth Field Company, Cana rrocefi" H1 sod lor one psckaw Oold Bond Soap, tfiffi&ffi HW' heating in plant your put J. E. Carroll, of Hazellon, was dian shape for the winter; roofs Engineers, whose headquarters amongst the passengers from the and skylights seen to. are at North Vancouver, arc interior last evening. In such cases consult a offering splendid opportunities to practical man If you want results. Mrs. George E. Keith, of Ter the handy man. Any man of or race, Is amongst the visitors in dinary intelligence, able to use C. 0. Rowe town from the interior. tools; drive a horse or motor Practical sheet metal man. W. T. Donnelly, who has been wagon, or use tools of any kind, Opposite Board of Trade here for the past few days, left can And an opening with the En Rooms 2nd 322 Avenue for the south this morning. gineers. The Engineers offer a 1 PHONI DENT! 3TRY News"! S40. STEEN & LONGWILL "The Daily Estimates Furnished Free. COAL Favorile Ladysm ith scope where the natural abilities of a man will have the best chance CROWN AND BftlDOr WORK Wellington lump and nut, best re a SPECIALTY SANITARY AND HEATINQ CLASSIFIED ADS. sults. Phone 15. P. II. C. Co. tf. for development. Promotion is DR. J. 8. BROWN ENGINEERS rapid to anyone possessing constructive Prince Rupert Feed Co. The Belgian Concert realized instinct. Carpenters, DENTIST WANTED. OBeti Sail til Black, 1hlr Aea Agents for about $350. A full financial miners, wheelwrights, fitters, Phone S4 McCLARY FURNACES WANTED Girl for housework, few ki statement will be published later. plumbers, electricians, etc, as dslly. Apply Mrs. Thumpum. Seal Con, HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS wen Phone til. as tiandy men without ex PLUMBING II. M. McGlnnls, general agent AND FERTILIZERS perience, are wanted. The re and WANTED Delivery boy. Apply U for the Chicago and Milwaukee, cruiling ofllces for the Canadian Harry A. Harvey SHEET METAL WORKS Bekerr ttil arrived last evening from Winnipeg. WE HANDLE Engineers are at the corner of (Late London, Eng, Conservatoire Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. WANTED Two lorrers. niHM w luen. Arply Williams k MM"- Jj Bulbs, and Take Orders for . 4 Hastings and Homer Streets, Vancouver, of Music) Night phones 576 PUPIL OP LANSDOWNE COTTELL Nursery Stock. and at 606 View Street, and Blue 270 WANTED TO buy a second tani J Mrs. C. II. Sawle, of New Hazel- Pupils Taken for Encyclopedia Brltannlcs. Aaerlonui Victoria. Free VIOLIN CELLO and The right work, at the right bailyM. transportation ar VIOLIN. PIANO, NatlonaL Apply Box ll. ton, returned from the south to Chicken Feed A Specialty. HARMONY. and the time, at right prise. day and left for home on the ranged from any part of British EXAMINATIONS WANTED Olrl for tewrsl loutt all Or litre Promptly Attendee" To. train. Columbia. tf. Pupils Prepared for Kiamlnatlone Apply Mrs. Dsvldson. Emmerion moft Associated Board, Vancouver, Center Royal College of Music, London, Eng. PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 38 P. O. Bo I SSS. SOS Third Ave. WANTED Empty cosl oil lH P Joseph Coyle, 'of Sinilhers, ar LUMBERMEN WANTED Sam PRINCE RUPERT, M. C. TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 PACIFIC cans. S cents each. Rupert rived in the city last evening, ac CARTAGE, LTD. works. .' companied by Mrs. Coyle and The British army requires lum WASTEDWomsn for Hotel wort A9 daughter. J I ber much SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP Hotel Central. just as as it requires Transfer and Storage . . . COAST, RANOS THREE munitions ana there are many LOST The Senator brought in 25,000 BEST LUMP & NUT COAL B. C. UNDERTAKERS men in Canada who can do their TAKE notice that I. Francis Joseph IT jew- MJ LOST-W.tcb. roM-Wtod. pounds of haliiut last night. It ' for tbe Beale, actlnr as arent Empire Betum share for the Empire by enlisting Initials F. L. J. on caw was bought by. the Booth Company Iulp and Taper Mills, Ltd., of 8 wanton' NO LONG WAITS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND B-BALMCRS News onice. - in the Forestry Battalions. Sergt. Bay, D. C, occupation lotrer. Intend to SATISFACTION BUAR-tNTEED at 12 cents. , NO SHORT WEIGHTS apply for permission to lease tne following FOR SALE OPEN DAY AND NIOHT ... Stokes is at the fled Cross rooms described lanasi When You Order from Us. 117 END STREET PHONE 41 W. Croteau, a well known recruiting for a new Forestry Commencing- at a post planted on tbe SALE-Tur bosl, leBftt I ' FOR south snore of the laroon at tne end of -dsW Dattalion and blacksmiths, team beam 9 feet, JJJ rancher jf Telkwa district, was the East Arm of Mussel Inlet, about one feet, hesvjr quirt amongst, the arrivals from the sters, chaffeurs, sawyers, fliers, and one half miles in a westerly direction LIQUOR ACT, 1910. rnllstlnr.enrine. SnsP Api-ly for Bupert ww from tbe N.W. corner of T. L. 41116. sot, interior last evening. edgemen, fellers, laborers and 1I600P.. thence soutb 10 cbalns, thence (Section 41.) works. . " AKERBERG, THOMSON NOTICE Is hereby riven that, on the anyone having a knowledge of west 40 cbalns, thence north SO cbalns first day ol December nest, application will ron sale cheap- ""'e","!'"ri return more or less to shore Hoe, thence follow-Inr be made to the Superintendent of Provincial lerborn bens P"' COMPANY Alder;nan Montgomery lumbering will be welcomed to brown o. shore line In an easterly direction to 8P""' hotel wv,rr0,.T rollce for renewal of tbe to H. Slrletbor.1. Arentt for ed last evening from the prairies. the ranks. tf. (Kitnt of commencement. licence to sell liquor by retail In tbe hotel b. a . - "FRISCO IMPERIAL." "PALMER," lie reports that there is a great October FRANCIS JOSEPH BEALE, Applicant. known as tbe Pine Tree Hotel, situate at mlDMI Istb, till, Discovery, in tbe Trovlnce or British Columbia. FOR SALX-C.rlo".d "FISHERMAN," "FERRO" AND Hcarcity of labor there. mblM drllli. The Daily rns-s delivered bj dudinr 1 "CLAY" OAS ENGINES. w. carrier, 50 rents ninnlh. Dated this 10 th day or October, ft It. drill-steel, stesm-lltuui, PHONE 526. per Lieut. Engr. Wood, who has CLARENCE MAHMADUKE BANDS. Dally News. Nov. 19. Applicant. been in the city for some time, FOR RENT CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT was amongst the south-going BABTS lei M Maasofi. B.A. ATTENTION VOTERS W. E. Williams. b.A L.L.U J.L.HICKEY this morning. Persona who bold lots under atTeementi, passengers OWN Modern S roomed house close In WILLIAMS A MANSON or assignment or erreement mutt make 3rd Avenue, 9 bedrooms. - - ,ninCR a declaration rlvlnr particular of their The school children realized the 0 roomed flat tnd Ave. Modern, Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. CONTRACTOR Zr title, before toe last day of November. ft 'roomed cottare No. 1010 9th MONEY TO LOAN sum of $48 by the sale of candy Any person nerlectlnr to take such de Ave., E. Near dry dock. Sec. 7. BOI till clarallon will not be entered on the voters' last night. .This department' was Cottare parUy rurnisbed close In Heltersou Block priure Rupert, B. C list. Snd Avenue, t and Noldn rooms and bath. Door It Is impossible for me to ascertain the iu charge ofk Miss Nickerson. Collate No. 171 Summit Ave. 4 Sash, Wood, of names or agreement holders unless they ! e large rooms. Bath. OaV and Hard come In personally. T. II. Shocltolham, who is coun Furnished cottare No. 1ST Ith Ave. kinds It will rreatiy facilitate matters If per. E., Near school In section t, ' sons wlshinr to make declaration brius sel for D. K. McGregor In the 1 roomed flat opposite school in Stuart J. Martin WeSpeclslUalnmsk". their arreements, to that I may loir eel Continental Trunt case, arrived Section S. Bath. and fitting sto" them and thus prevent errors. MeMordie Apts. a rooms and bath. Inference to old voters' lists satisfies from Vanuouver this morning. 4 roomed cottars No. 109 ttb Ave, E. ASSAYEK dows, any me that only a small proportion or arree-menl ( roomed cottars No. Us, Ith Ave, E. Sheet OltM , and holders bave rerlstered In past Cottare at comer Green and Plate W Seventh years. This, I believe, has happened bey Mrs. K. A. Mann, of Grand Tbe pur'y v3 i,m, dare ct Ave, rooms. Near school. HAZELTON B. C. Glsxlnfl- cause people wroorly think tbelr name Forks, IJ. VJ who has been visit Baby a Owa bwap iii.ve tuatle it If Your House le vacant List It with Fraser sidj win be inserted without any action tin a unhettal la ut tr. J use it Ua. We can All It for Vou. Corner their part. I therefore call special at ing her mother, Mrs, Kmmon, at WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE The oldest established Assay tention to the necessity of arroemrnt Juneau, l visiting In the city, H. Q. HELGERSON, PHONE ORK holders maklnr declarations. Albert Soaps Liwtcd,Montreal. LTD Office In the North, FIIED FETEHS, City Clerk, guest at., the Uayvlew. tBBEZ aiBa!2aiall1BMy