The Daily News - Hr - VL VII. NO 2fi8 j prince in , ert. b. c Thursday. November io. 1010. PHI RE FIVE CENT PARSOW AMD FEW MEM TAKEFOUR BMMEP GERMANS LOSE HEAVILY IN MAKING SMALL GAIN - SERBIANS STILL GAINING CHAPLAIN AND ALLIED LINES ITALIANS ARE FEW MEN TAKE DRAW CLOSER FORCED BACK FOUR HUNDRED TO MONASM ON SAN MARCO Substantial Gains In Ancre Drive Bulgarians Pursued by Serbians Exposed Positions are Untenable Germans Make Progress Rumanians and Russians In Face of Shells Bomb At an Enormous Regain Ground British Dropped on Padua-Many Sacrifice. Air Success. Killed. iHyrt-liii to TV 011 Hewi.) (Simlal M Tle fully Ktvj (Special to Tbe Dally Newt.) London, Nov. lfi-Tlio British London, Nov. ItfV-On tTic Mace Rome, Nov. 10, Tho Italian m drive along the Ancre In tho"direction donian front the Allies are suc forces, under a heavy Austrian of Transloy continues. cessfully continuing their offen shell-fire, have been obliged to Tbe number of prisoners taken sive nnd their lines have been ad evacuate exposed positions at San in tin district since Monday now Marco. vanced closer to the Bulgarian amounts to 5,078. The British Austrian Report. stronghold of Monastir from the fought splendidly, overcoming troops Vienna, Nov. 10, The Aus- a fierce resistance. The southeast. ,The Serbians, who WRECK IN WHICH C. P. R. ENGINEER NARROWLY ESCAPED DEATH trians have captured Italian British losses were comparatively have played an active part in the This unique picture shows the wreck at the west end of thet. IK II. bridge in Gait, Ontario, trenches and four hundred and light considering the-extent of the recent important victories, are in which six cars were reduced tu matchwood, and Engineer Joe Brand, of Toronto, and Fireman, seventy-five men with seven ma gams made. pursuing the Bulgarians. Kusel, of London, saved themselves by jumping. The smash-up occurred on the main line and chine guns. Gallant Chaplain. Transylvania. delayed traffic greatly. Slippery rails are given as the cause. The same spot was the scene of a Padua Bombed. Four hundred Germans surrendered The Itumanians have again bad wreck several years ago when five men lost their lives. The white articles in the foreground Paris, Nov. 10, Austrian avia-. to a British chaplain made a successful stnnd against are no mushrooms, but fresh hams. tors dropped a bomb on the ancient who was at the head of a few the Teutons, having captured city of Padua, in Italy, kill Hritish soldiers in the Ancre district Boasic, while the Russians have TEN FOR CONVICTION REPUBLICANS BLAME 'DAMAGES FOR INJURY ing thirty-two-and injuring fifty-eight. . recaptured the trenches which FOR GOVERNOR JOHNSON i AWARDED LJ.MACKAY ACQUITTAL -TWO German Gain. they "recently lost at Narayouka. Belgian Success. Paris, Nov. 10. Strong German British Air Success. Paris, Nov. 1C Belgian forag- Victoria, Nov. 13. There will (Special to Tbe Daily Ke.) I in the case of L. J. Mackay v. attacked A of Hritish forces the French positions squadron aero ling parties raided the German north and south of the planes carried out successful be no re-trial of the Gosden case. New York, Nov. 10. Hughes' riie Canadian Fish and Cold Stor- trenches at Dixmuide and secured Somme last night and gained bombing attacks against a Ger The accused will be formally al organizalion will unite against age Company, Ltd., before Mr several prisoners. umuea advantages ai arr exceeu-ingly man aerodrome on the western lowed his freedom folIowlngMhe Governor Hiram Johnson, of California, Justice" Morrison In" the Supreme heavy cost. The enemy front. Bombs were also dropped entry by the crown today of a In an effort to prevent him Court yesterday, tho Jury, after EIGHT-HOUR DAY FOR losses far outweighed the im-p- on the railway lines; the stations, nolle prosequi. The "50" charge getting the nomination in 1920. about forty-five minutes deiiber- STANDARD OIL WORKERS. Hancc of the point gained. The and the rolling stock. will be dropped, as well as the The Republican leaders point to a tion, brought in a verdict for the Gosden Johnson's huge majority in California second count laid against iiermans have also secured a tininHiT....... naapssinir llm H.imaces fcan rrancisco, JNov, lo, me footing in St, Pierre Yaast wood CONTINENTAL TRUST CASE in respect to a conversation which in tho recent election and at t..u.$1,500. w--.Standard Oil Company have and at Pressoire, where the HEARD THIS MORNING Gosden said he heard between J. comparo it with Hughes' minority, The evidence for the plaintiff granted an eight-hour day to T. Scott, Mr. Anderson aud Mr. as evidence that the governor was their workmen here and made French no made gains the other day. bowed that, while he was truck- this fore McTaggart. in league with a Democratic ring.j decrease in account of the In the Supreme Court ing in the glazing room of the cold pay on THIRTY THOUSAND MEN noon, Mr. Justice Morrison heard The attitude of the crown is Wilcox Uenies that the G.O. P. torage plant, last October, a box curtailed hours. The shorter G. that the perjury charge has resulted nominee declined to -tieet California's the of M. McGregor v. IDLE IN AUSTRALIA case I). weigning neiween inree anu iuuri"'""fe "j uiiw iiw.. ...v,. II. Naden et al. W. Steers, of in two disagreements and governor and wants to hundred nounds fell from the and eiBnl thousand men in Call- there is now no hope of a con- know if Johnson turned down the (Special to Tbe Pally newt.) Vancouver, appeared for Mr. McGregor truck of a man Holton. who was fornia. Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 10. and W. E. Williams for iction. meeting. He refuses to offer any behind him, breaking Mackay's Thirty thousand men are idle and O. II. Naden and M. P. McCafTery. The jury is alleged on Saturday criticism until he is certain of leg. It was shown wheel BELGIAN CONCERT a hundred steamers are tied up L. W. Patmore represented T. I). to have stood ten for conviction the facts. Hnlton's truck had Cone into REALIZED SUM OF $275.20 in Sydney and Melbourne, and the Pattullo. Mr. McGregor, who is and two for acquittal. On this Wall Street is stunned by ru depression in the floor, where! Sydney wool sales have been suspended a stock broker in Vancouver, occupied point" there is no official infor- mors that 6,300 errors have been the top coating had worn off. The The following is a statement of on account of the coal the stand this forenoon. natlon. found in the counting of,the Call hole was described as being nine the receipts and expenditures in strike. He testified to having been a party It is undersloodthat at the con fornia ballots. Both in Los inches across and three-quarters connection with the concert given to the taking of an option on 110 clusion of the case Saturday Mr. Angeles and in Sail Francisco f an Inch deep. py the city school children In aid BRITISH TBI BUTE shares in the Continental Trust W. C. Moresby, Crown counsel, many errors have been found In Dr. Kergin testified as to the of the Helgjai little ones, in the TO CAPTAIN BOELKE Company, of Prince Rupert, at a expressed his decisjon to at once the recounts and several local nature of Mackay's Injuries,I vveswoime m a rmt ineaire i on m mesuay l - price of $2,000, the option being recommend that the charge be judges have been summoned to bowing that the plaintiff would evening: Special to Tbe Dally flcwi.) for fourteen days. The original dropped, lie is said to have-re- explain how they arrived at their never again have the full use of Receipt. Berlin, Nqv. 15, Hritish avia option was really in the name of garded the defence put up in the totals. the limb. SaI( of tickets $312.55 tors, with lh Imn unnrf HninnHlitn his associate, N. F. Wilson, who second trial with an important Sale of candy 48.00 which prevails amongst the rival had Mr. McGregor go to Prince new witness as much stronger DR. BLAND DECLARES given by Gus Anderson, L. L. Le Contribution from west- flng men, have Bent floral Rupert to look over the affairs of than the defence offered by Gosden THE CHURCH IS DEAD iiniiT n. Crist and John Mathle- holme Theatre 12.00 wreaths for the grave of Captain the company. M. J. Hobin and at the first hearing. son. Each testified to the fact! Roelke, the famous German aviator C. H. Peterson provided him with (Special to The Daily Newi.) hn Mnr.knv knew of the condi- Total I37.J.5& who was killed recently. They statement of the affairs of the CHURCH UNION DEBATED Winnipeg, Nov. 10. At The tion of the tloor, which was worn! Expense. have also written letter of sympathy company, wnicn a ne a went a I nuu a 11 item AT FORTNIGHTLY CLUB Presbyterian Synod, Rev. Dr. in idaces on the surface, the worn Rent of theatre $72.00 to the parents of the deceased by item, asking questions in re Hland, addressing hundreds of places being covered by sheet Printing u.-a oiUcer. gard to items which he did not The opening debate of the elders and ministers, declared moinl Mr. Mnthiesdii. the suner- Flags, etc. 10,00 understand. Ultimately he signed Fortnightly Club was held in tho that the church at the present inlendent of the plant, said that Hughes' Vote Reduced. an agreement to purchase 110 Presbyterian Hall last evening, D. stage in its history is dead. He he was not aware of this particu-l Total ..:Y......$97.35 st I'aul, Minn Nov. 1C The nlmres for 82.000. The case is McCorkindale presiding over a asserted that the entire system lar hole. All the workmen knew Balance . .$275.20 "uges still proceeding. fairly large attendance. The sub must be reconstructed and that plurality In the slate of the conditions ana they hau nol Minnesota has been reduced to ject was: "Resolved, that Church the church must deal with graft fear regarding their safety. RED CROSS SALE ?C7. TWENTY-DOLLAR SHOES Union bo held in abeyance until combines and patronage. Mr. Fulton, for the defendants, Kl i.. LOOKED FOR IN CHICAGO such timo as there is more unanimity It will be remembered that Dr In addressing the Jury, contended Mrs. u. E. McMillan anu ftirs. "tw WELLINGTON COAL, in the Presbyterian Church.'" Hland caused quite a sensation that there was no evidence of Clancy will have charge of the Mione no. Wo have Just ro (Special to Tbe Daiiy wi.) I). 0. McRae. Douglas Stork aud some months ago in Port Authur negligence on the part of the Hed Cross Bale In the rooms or elved a shipment nf 500 tons Chicago, Nov. 15. There has E. II. Patterson conducted Ihoj by his tirade against certain poll company, and that the plaintiff, Third Avenue on Friday, when nil '"np foal," w are prepared l been another advance in the prico affirmative and C. II. Murray, E. ticians. knowing the condition of tho Moor. Indie, are expected to bring along rut in your winter's coal for you. of leather and it is reckoned that J. Smith and William Turnbull voluntarily undertook the risk, what they can In the way of home shoes will be selling here at 20 the negative. On an audience Sam's Farewell. alto pleaded contributory cooking. These sales are of per pair at no distant date. vote, the negative carried. Ottawa. Nov. 10-iSlr Sam negligence on Hie part of the sreat assistance to tbe ned Cross LONDON CAFE At the close of the debate songs Hughes, the retired Minister of plaintiff. Society In helping the wounded AND GRILL Big Toronto Fire. were sung by Mr. Raper and Mr. Militia, dressed In iftan, attire Mr. W. E. Williams, for'the U feront and our efforts must Third Avenue Toronto, Nov. 10. One hun Warner, both of whom were bad 8a farewell to his ntllce assis plaintiff, described minutely the t untiring as long as the war Serves dollars damage has heartily encored. The accompaniment ants (his Nethlng but the Best dred thousand morning. condition of the tloor, and thola8t. STRICTLY UNION HOUSE been done by fire to the waro were played by Miss Jiliflleulty 'u man trucking a box! BOXES POfl houses of Adams Hrolhers. leath Marguerite Kllpatrick. The ladies The homo of Leckio Shoos. welBhlnat over three hundred Provincial Constable Shlels and LADIES er merchants in thl city. provided refreshment. Wallace's. tC8,l (Continued on Pase K) I family have gone to flranby.