November 10, 1010. 4 .iraday, mn DALLY JfBWI. ORANGES GERMAN PEACE PLANS - APPLES, WERE NIPPED IN BUD ft THE MAILS 2000,0001 AND PRUNES Homo lime For the East. Belgians n&o there F was n report ' Wednesday and Saturday, box from Charles II. Sahln, president closes and 3 0:30 a. m. Friday Depend on us Four Fruits Usui In of the Guarantee Trust Co., a. in. Are The of Now York, that Ucrlln was to From the East. for Bread! Making "Fnilt-a-tlves make peace overtures through Trains arrlvo Tuesday and ..FI'rjlT.A-TIVES" U the only Washington. As nothing came of Thursday, 5:30 p. m. mrJicino In tho world that U made tho movement, it was by somo regarded For the -South. Since shortly after the Gernun raTan'oa, &e Belgian, the Juice, of fresh ripe frulU."X as nothing but a stock Tuesday, 6 p. in. Boat sails at have depended for food entirely on the "ComBtmiaa Itl.manlfe.Ur Frult-a-tlve. boAmae flr to I r.have exchanges rumor started for 7 p. tn. for Relief in Belgium". Their own 'rtore bf food, tried won't ether Uke remedies and they did mo nnanclal purposes. It now transpires Wednesday, 7 a m.' Boat sails even if not destroyed or pillaged would last only -ooj", On the other hand,the fact that Mr. Sab In obtained his at 0 a. m. three week. they have had no chance to rais more Sat"Fruit a-tlTes" la entirety different Information from an unimpeach Friday, 7 a. m. Boat sails at and the ruthless German, refuse to lupply then I in the world, ficm any other preparation able In Icg O' Tho Illng" at tho West, Is lust why you should give It a fair trial, source, and the Chicago press! 0 a. m. Backed by the V In any trouble of the Stomach, Liver, stales that neutral diplomats had! holme Theatre tonight. Saturday, Boat sails '0 p. m. nowel. Kidneys or Skin. "Frult-a- actually prepared to start for' Sunday, Boat sails 6 p. m. tiTe ", composea orwtmuv tonie t m America as tho bearers of tho! For Anyox. Bdian Rdieffund .fruit and the greatest nerve ever discovered, ouc. wiuii German government's proposals.' Wednesday, box closes 10 p. in. il23c. Atalldealerior.entpostpald Ambassador Gerard, who left for to generoualy contributed in the Bntnh Empire sad the United . . o,.. T.lmlliil., Ottawa. State, the neutral Relief Com inn py jtui homo about the lime the talk Belgian ma. ba. inported enoujh wheat, flour and other fooda to feed the whole natioa started, was not in Salvation Army conccrncu the to far. The great majorily of the 7,000,000 Belpa. left m matter. THE ENCINEyKEFINEMENTm the country have been able to pay foe their daiy alowance of Puhlfc meetings,, Thanks to its intelligence department, Txeet botfa CACtot J bread but a steadily growing number have do'meaty left hiir!lny and Saturday at 8 p. m tho British government Ft.HntMAIV-S KNOINK Unlet, we are willing to let these hundred. l BMoaanda of Jundav. at 7:30 p. tn. i.uiiu i i irariH'u oi mil mo movement and) t Ofl B 1-2 In. ki 7 In, 11-16 women, children and old men aUrre, they murt be fed at the lost no timo In nipping it in the Horse Pewtf. expense of the Belgian Relief Fond. To make that peenble scatters bud. It will bo remembered that Crl 3 8-4 In. by 8 1-2 In, 28 someone mutt contribute nearly 93,000,000 a l Coughing gtam Hon Power. month all thi. winter I Lloyd George, nt this time, came! CyUtf 1-2 In. by . In.. 2S-3S it No under the AEed Rata wefl able otwtnboia Stop out with a most emphatic state Hon Power. people are at to generoutly at we Canadian.I N cases bee ever bsea more Coughing locrritea the ment to the American press, saying deserving of help I In the name of Justice and Himiaaati for Irriution macnooa of th mcmbrmnea alreadj ln-fUmed that Hritain would resent any For Further Apply Information to the uke of our own self-respect let as $jhre al we caa la tod It moreover apt to carry attempt on tho part of any neutral help our martyred AlEesI ditette Mtthleu't to othera.Syrup of Tar and government to institute a In "Half A Ilogue" at the West-holme W. E. WILLISCROFT Stud jmm wbacriptSea wotkly, tMotkly a h taa!) sb ta Laaal at Cod Theatre tonight. . Ptonadal CoaiBittca,at to tho g Oil proinpOy Urer atop peace movement at that time. Prince Rupert, B. C. coughing, ana soon, thanks Central Executive Committee. 5t St rMsr tt, msnfrtal to Itt tank properties,effects A few days later, in tho House a permanent The wonderful curs.popularity 2 of Commons, he made an impassioned anyone to squeal for him. We arc $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. fighting for fair of Mathien'a-Syrup of Tar speech from which tho play against a MINERAL ACT tod Cod Urer Oil it specially bully and we shall fight until we doe to hs great Talne m a followirlgjs an extract: "Any step Certificate of Improvements get it. Any talk of France permanent Tnar-sad bron. or NOTIOI at this timo by the United States, chUl healer. Russia making a separate peace Btsln Mineral Claim, iltutte In the 8olduywlKre,5clarg the Vatican or any other neutral Skeena Mlnlnf Dlvltlon of Cattlar Dlttrlcl. w Is I have visited nonsense. just botxlea. in the direction of peace would be Where located: About four miles from X.LMA' the battlefields of France. I stood, the beach on the touth tide of Alice Arm CANADIAN WOMEN construed by Ilritain as an unneutral, tt tho hetd of a brincb of' Lime Creek. mun.r.q. 7 it at the of hell KNOW THIS pro-German move. Britain as were, door and TAKE .10TICE that I, Oeorte R. Ntden. SHOULD saw myriads marching into the rree Mlner't Certlflcate No. 04006B, Intend, "CANADA FIRST"Milk I.the BEST MHk 9 mut. MtaV has only begun to fight, and elity dtyi from the dte hereof, to ot j by Yoar Grocer. The Government Bulletin I furnace. saw some come out tpply to the Mining Recorder for a Certiorate we can brook no interference. N j.305 1 cUsthe story IT COSTS THE SAME. of it scorched and mutilated. This of improTeroentt, for the purpose of itTootocirotTititiiu ovato The British soldier is n sportsman, obtaining a Crown Ortnt of the above cttADua at rtoevct-iaai.T Ho has fought as n sportsman ghastliness must never again be tlatm. If yon win!wh'Tfd crura.cMIl"C"J FTr"ETtpormtd re-enacted on this earth, and one And further take notice thtt action, hn whip tt with freth cream. and will die as a sportsman. tinder teetlon'.i,'mutt be commenced before Thb AYLMKR CONBCNSSD MILKCCW.L.T. method at least of ensuring that the Isme of tucb Certinctle of Im Avknaa,oht Canaaa He plays the game; has never end is the infliction of such punishment provemcnts. squealed, and has never asked Dated tblt nth day of March, A.D. 1 0 16. upon the perpetrators of GEOROE R. N ADEN. this outrage against humanity that the temptation to emulate LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS their exploits will never again The Whisky HOTEL enter the hearts of the evil-minded r 13 NOW OPEN TO QUESTS oQuaKty 31 amongst tho rulers of men. One of the Hot In largetl Sprtnga That is the meaning of Britain's America, circumference 300 feet-Temperature AgodbtWaod of Water, 1.0 L Fthr. resolvo." 8 Years will also bo remembered that before bottliaa? icellant Trout Fishing In Laktlta It Lake. ju9t at this lime, Premier Asquith CUARANTEED BY 'THE Phona Ooniitctloat with Terrace. GOVERNMENT f CANADA RATES) SUO par aay. mado his famous speech in which he said, "this war cannot be allowed For further particulars, apply to J. BRUOI JOHNSTONE. kUnr. to end in some patched-up Close jUnket and dishonoring compromise masquerading under tho name of peace." "Ja5v ir fka .XS These emphatic statements from tho leaders of the British Ramsay's people caused tho German government " to abandon its efforts at arriving at a peace through the noted how audience Have you ever an good ofllces of the United States. Empire Cream Sodas LIQUOR ACT, 1910. yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? On the other hand, have you noted how an audience (Section .) will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when NOTICE U "hereby ttven that, on the In t-lb. Tin. first day of December next, application will the speaker reveals enthusiasm ? be made to the Superintendent of Pro Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior licence vlnclal to Police tell liquor ror renewal by retail of In the the hotel hotel . Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression of truth. To quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house-, known at tho Northern Hotel, iltutte at wife Insist, upon "Ramsays Empire" when buying Soda Colombia.rort Simpson, in the Province of BrlUtb impart belief in anything, a man must believe it Biscuits, Dsted this 7U day of October, ttte. deeply himself. We call such a man an enthusiast. ERNEST WOOD RICUARDS, Applicant They arsmad In B. O, and your grocer gets his supply This applies to the written word also particularly; frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means MINERAL ACT to advertisements. When the manufacturer really crlspnees. . j 0 believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost Prove It by buying a tin with your next order. RlvermQuth Fractional mineral rlaim. situated In the Skeena Mining Dlvltlon of in And Cattltr DUtrlct inevitably find expression Advertising. ea Manufactured by Where loci ted i At the bead of Alice ithusiasm will be contagious his audience the Arm, adjoining the Rlvermoutb and Carl RAMSAY BROS, ft CO., LTD. boo TAKE mineral NOTICE claims.that I. O. R. Ntden. Free readers of the newspaper will, figuratively peaking, Mlnen' Certinctle No. (H.OtflB. acting, at "lean forward and listen intently." t Vanoouvsr, B. O. agent for Carrie Pratt. Free M Inert" Cer tinctle No. ,I7B. Intend, sixty 1ty from the dtte fcereor, to apply to the To be convincing aa-advertisement Mining Recorder for a Certificate of lm- " provementt, for the purpote of obtaining must convey an unmistakable a Crown Ortnt of the above cltlm. And further take notice that action. , I impression of enthusiasm. This it Let Us Save You Money on your under lection at, mutt be commenced be. will do when the article rore the Issue or such Certlllctte of improvement!. only Gasoline or Distillate advertised has inherent worth. Dated Ibis 1 3rd day of December. A. D 1911. Apr. t We guarantee to save you 25 per cent on gasoline or diatlUato.and 'Thus we'have: upkeep and free any motor from CAKUON troubles. A seven ounce ho of Carbonvoid ft onulwnlent to W irallona of eatoline. fcvery box Sincerity Enthusiasm -Advertising: of Carbonvoi.1 will save you 115 400 in to gaaoline 600 ad-Carbonvoid Carbonvoid puts the ditional and idve milet.from Geo. P. McColl Three mighty forces, clew-linked. la a dry powdar you Just drop In tho : "GO" in Gasoline : tank. Will re-from "OVe til nrlinn eylindera. Ifjtm re M-r - i r"' p--"" milk at 4aWMa4a Oraerfaaeat The larireit It. TUB I ALLIES OltDKUED Q ft O C E It argtaar'tattltfatl It muU h melt fr f wt paper. .awrar iuj IN JUMP, oiid mil (iivrAkiv! iiMvimi, nrder 250.000 carton. rtllv Kuaranteed or your money refunded. Mailed anywhere on receipt of$1.60 yea fa Liv ti teaatrf- W'aaaliajatr ft 4trUwt tttmtf. A lUt a itrat e- - . will be farnhkid, wUk'fl fl KeM'atfta.-'fy tki'SetrifrjM CaaWiaa Has Moved Into the Hart Ilk. Vm A iiortaatM.)Km i M, Lmmidmt Building. TVrMla. For Sale Only by Geo. ! Frlnce Rupert BX Clayton, - NOW READY FOR BUSINESS .!