TUB DAIM IIWJ Thurmliy, y0vfml,Cf ,6 19J6 How Will You Protect 'damages for injury AWARDED L. J, MAOKAY Local News Notes j Your Wife ,Continued From Pago One.) and the children should you When you think of Shoes, think fall ill or lose your cmnloy pound hnif to content! with in of Wnllaco's. 2C8. mcnt ? Have you money In iloilKlntr Mitch n hole, Ho held the Bank to tide the family thai it wan imponnlblo for Holton A. P. McCorklndalo has gone THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS until "on REQUIRING over you are your fect" again ? to sec the depression In tho floor. on n visit to the prairies. INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR Every married man should lie contended thnl tho evidence Harry fllbson, tho well known showed that Hol DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE open an account in our for tho plaintiff mining man of Stewart, Is In the STOCK Savings Department and put ton wns hnndliiiR hi truck in tho city. IN SUMS OP $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. by a part of his earnings every ordinary way. Ho claimed damages week or month. on the ground that Mnckny CARBONVOID for sale by Lip-sett Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. welcome protection for the'family. would never apaln l)C able to fol-A & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque ffr.-of Saving's Account mey be opened ow ),, former occupation of Electric Co. tf. exchange ot nny chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five ner Ven . per annum from the date of purchase. and tie.cutlcr prospector. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of THE BANK OF Bert I-oud, formerly of Prlrico surrendering at par and .His in summing Lordship, up, accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of allotment British North America dealt very clearly with the legal Rupert, Is now ia tho trenches made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than any an issue of aspects of tho caso under common "somewhero in Flanders." Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Procceds of this stock are for war purposes only. 79 YEARS IN BUSINESS. law, and also as it camo CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 738 4.000.- O O A L Favorlto Lad yam it h A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recoe-nlred within the scope of tho Employ bond and stock brokers on allotments made in Wellington lump and nui, best results. respect of applications PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH ers Liability Act. for this stock which bear their stamp. Phone K.n.C.Jo. tf. W.J.SMITHERS, Manager 15, . or application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. HALIBUT ARRIVALS Frank Jabour, who left hero for DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA, u.iuDr.K 7tn. ivio. tho front some time ago, Is in UNION TRANSFER COT. Five halibut schooners made hospital recovering from wounds. . . . port this morning with 190,000 1 pounds between them. The Vnn-sco S. O. E. Whist Drivo and Dance. Solicits your Hauling and had CO,000; the Republic, 00,-000; K. of P. Hall, Friday, November Coal Orders the Orient, 15,000, and the 17th. Cards, 0:15 p. m., dance at Arctic, 20,000. These, are all 11, Admission by ticket, can be Prompt attention American vessels. The .Canadian obtained from any member of S. a rid careful delivery schooner Rose Spit brought in O. E. 209. . . given to all 5,000 pounds. There had been C. C. Loop won first prize at tho orders, either large no bidding thfs forenoon, but, as Oddfellows' whist drive, and A. R. or small., there has been a. good deal of Phillips was second. The prixes m - - --wr -w ' -?r -t-if ' ,-T v if fSfn :; it t- r 7" fish shipped south in the last few were a ring and a locket, donated BEST QUALITY COAL days, it is not likely that prices by Solomon Mussallem. and CLOSE PRICES will go over 12 cents. . Walter McLeod has gone to PHONE 57. HANDY rVlEN WANTED Edmonton as boiler inspector for VIST, the O. T. P. He will cover the The Cth Field Company, Cana territory between Prince ' Rupert dian Engineers, whoso headquar and Winnipeg, with headquarters Sheet Metal Work ters aro at North Vancouver, are in Edmonton. offering splendid opportunities to Now is the lime to have the handy man. Any man of ordinary Call the Pony Express for wood Save coupons with groceries only your heating plant put in intelligence, able to use cut in stove lengths or 4 feet. rood for one psckare Gold Bond shape for the winter; roofs tools; drive a Jiorso or motor Best household coal and general and skylights seen to. wagon, or use tools of any kind. transfer. Piano moving our In such eases consult specialty. Prices moderate. Phone can find an opening with the En practical man If you want 301, R. W. Rogers. tf. results. gineers. The Engineers offer a scope where the natural abilities C. 0. Rowe Jack Anderson and family have of a man will have the best chance arrived in town from Stewart. Mr, Practical sheet metal man. for development. Promotion is Anderson has accepted a position Opposite Board of Trade rapid to anyone possessing con with the Rocher I)e Boule Com nooms 322 2nd Avenue structive instinct. Carpenters, pany . Mrs. Anderson and family PHONE S40. niiners, wheelwrights, fitters, DENTI3TRY "The News" will remain in town for tho win STEEN & LONGWILL Daily I Estimates Furnished Free. plumbers, electricians, etc, as well as' without ter. OROWN ANO BRIOOI WORM handy men experience, CLASSIFIED ADS. A PKOIALTV SANITARY AND HEATINQ are wanted. The recruiting ine name ti. iieggic appears ' . w ' DR. J. S. BROWN ENGINEERS offices for tho Canadian in tho latest casualty list amongst Prince Rupert Feed Co. Engineers are at the corner of the killed. It is feared that this OOlcti Smith DENTIST Block,, TMre Ata.iy. Agents for WANTED. Hastings and Homer Streets, Van is George Heggie, ono of the pio Phone 4S4 McCLARY FURNACES WANTED Girl for housework, few ao BSSaaPSSBTPhSaPsSB'a aa a aSPsBa?tP couver, and at 000 View Street, neers of Prince Rupert, who re dally. Apply Mrs. Thompson. Seal Cwe,ttt HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS Victoria. Free transportation ar sided here for about eight years PLUMBING tw.nA ..1 AND FERTILIZERS ranged from any part of British before enlisting for overseas ser and WANTED Girl for general noueorL Columbia. tf. vice. ' Harry A. Harvey SHEET METAL WORKS Apply 417 Dunsmulr. Wl HANDLE . . (Late London, Kng., Conservatoire 1'hono 5, 831 Second Avenue. WANTED Two loggers, rigging and bob Mtnaoo- k of Mutle). men. Apply Williams Bulbs, and Take Orders for SPLENDID DRAMA AT Harry Hayes, formerly a long PUPIL OP LANSDOWNK COTTILL Night phones S7C band tl Stock. shoreman has been and pluo 270 WANTED To buy a second Nursery WESTHOLME THEATRE here, shot in Tupllt Taken for Encyclopedia Brltannlca. Americans w the wrist and Jack Hampson, of VIOUJf. PIANO, VIOUNCELLO and Tho right work, at the right National. Apply Boi U. DaUy Chicken Feed A Specialty. HARMONY. time, and at the right price. King nagot, in Harold Mc Fiddler Creek, a well known min EXAMINATIONS WANTED Olrl for general bousa wort. WW. SUII Orders"'Promptly Atttatled To. Grain's famous play "Half. A ing man in this district, has been Puplle Prepared for Kiamlnatloite Apply Mrs, Davidson. Emmerson Aeeoelated Board, Vancouver, Center Fifth Avenue. - i at the Wcstholme shot in tho arm. Both aro now Rogue,1 to ' Royal College of Stuale, London, Kng. PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 33 oil aod P. O. Boi 833. SOS Third Ave. WANTED Empty coal night is seen to splendid advan in hospital but expect to bo able cans, ft cents escb. Bupert Marls Ironworks. TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 PACIFIC LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. CARTAGE, tage. Bagot plays the part of a to return to the front. ..' playwright. He has received a WASTED-Womsn for Jlotel wort. Appj letter from 'a young Iadywho has LUMBERMEN WANTED SKEINA COAST,LAND DISTRIOT RANGE THREE DISTRICT OP Transfer and Storage Hotel Central. ambitions but replies that he has LOST BEST LUMP & NUT COAL, B. C. UNDERTAKERS not time to trouble with amateur The British army requires lum TAKE notice that I, Francis Joseph a LOST-Watch, gold-niled. IT ' W actresses. The young lady tricks ber Just as much as it requires Beale, acting as erent for tbe Empire initials F. U J. on esse. Beturn WW Pulp and Taper Mills, Ltd., of Swanion NO LONG WAITS SUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EH-ALMCRS him very cleverly .into seeing her munitions and there ore many Bay, 0. C. occupation locrer, Intend to NO SHORT WEIGHTS News omce. SATISFACTION OU ARAN apply for permission to lease tbe follow SALE act and the is that is men in Canada who can do their' FOR TEED OPEN DAY AND NIQHT result she. Inr described lends:. When You Order from Us. m 11T END STREET PHONE 41 given a trial and ultimately bo-comes share for the Empire by enlisting Commencing at a post planted on the FTsALE-Tug-boat, lesiU J south shore of the lagoon at tbe end of M In the Forestry Battalions. Scrgt feet. U-..n 9 feet. WW-uW famous. Meantime, she the East Arm or Mussel Inlet, about one quick lor Snap has captured the'heart of a friend Stokes is at the Red Cross rooms and one half miles tn westerly direction LIQUOR ACT, 1910. engine.enlisting. Apply huporl M'lw rrom tbe N.W. corner or T. L. 8t, 305, of the playwrlghj. Ono of the recruiting for a new Forestry (Section 41.) works. - II600P., thence south SO chains, thence THOMSON NOTICE Is hereby given that, on the AKERBERG, most amusing parts of the play Battalion and blacksmiths, team west 40 chains, tbence north to chains first day ot December next, application will FOIt SALE CIIEAP-Slngl. g more or less to shore line, tbence following be made to the Superintendent of provincial brown leghorn bns and pui"- 0 COMPANY is the scene of a group of small filers, chaffeurs, sawyers, fliers shore line tn an easterly direction to Vol Ice for renewal of tbe bole) to H. Strlethorsl. SpiHer W,, Agents for town gossips discussing tho pros edgemeh, fellers, laborers and point of commencement. licence to sell liquor by retail In the hotel B. C FRANCIS JOSEPH BEALE, Applicant. known as tho I'lne Tree Hotel, situate at '! "FRISCO IMPERIAL." "PALMER," pectivo marriage of this anyone having a knowledge o young October tltb, t18. j.tt Discovery, In the Province of British Columbia. FOIt SALE-Carload "FISHERMAN," "PERRO" AND man with an actress. Itis ono lumbering will be welcomed to eluding IT machine drills, "B,BAp "CLAY" OAS ENOINES. the ranks. Hated this 10 th day of October, It It. drill-steel, gteam-ntungs, tf PHONE 526. of tho most delicious bits of tf CI.AIIE.NCK MAIIMADUkE SANDS, Dally News. comedy over staged. "Peg O' Tho Nov. 19. Applicant. FOR RENT Ring," which completes the program BABY'S airi u Wanton, a.A. CITY OF PRINOE RUPERT ATTENTION VOTERS continues to provide thrills W. K. Williams, O A., LI. H J.L.HICKEV rertoni who bold lots -under agreements, and is holding tho interest of Modern roomed bouse close In WILLIAMS A MANSON or assignment or agreement, must make 3rd Avenue, 3 bedrooms, - Solicitors, Etc. Barristers, declaration rlvlnr particulars of their Westholmo audiences. This show e roomed rial tnd Ave. Modern, CONTRACTOR title, before tbe lut day of .November. will bo repeated tonight. ft roomed cottage No. (OSS 9th MONEY TO LOAN " Any person neglecting to take men declaration Ave., E. Near drydock. Sec. T. Boi till Ollh'O will not be entered on tbe voters' Cottage partly Turnlshed close In llrigerson Block 1' inre Huperl. U. t Store and KUluifJ. list. Snd Avenue, ft rooms and bath. Bash, Door and It Is Impossible for roe to ascertain tbe Tb Take Collage No. 171 Summit Ave. 4 Hard Wood of name of arreement bolders unlets they large rooms, Bath. Oak and come In personally, thUroild,family remedy to avoid Illness, Furnished cottage No. J7 tin Ave. klllt,8 It will rreatly facilitate matters It per- and to Imorove and protect their health. E., Near school"In section t. ' mUnfl In tons wishing to make decltittlon bring ( They keep their blood,pure, their t roomed flat opposite school tn Stuart J. Martin We Specially their agreements, so. that I may Imped, livers active, their bowels'regular and Section S, Bath. and fitting storm windows, them and thus prevent, errors. f agesuoa sound sna Strong wna a McMordie Apia. 3 rooms and bath, ' Inference to eld voters' lists satisfies! -mwam-m 'Va 4 roomed collage No. t09 tth Ave. E. ASSAY Lit any sl. nd irte that only, a tmtll proportion ot agree I roomed eutttge No. 1(0 Ith Ave. E. Plate and Sheet OI ment bolders have registered' tn past foliage at corner Oreen and Seventh HAZELTON D. O. years. This, I, believe', has happened be- , Tht) n. :'. i'p i.f Ave. A rooms. Near school. Olazlnfl. cause people wrongly think their names: O.b.Owu;.. j. j; ;j It If Vour House Is vacant List It with Ccrnerar snjthjil- will be Inserted without any action on univri it) U r . . umj U Us. We can All It for You. Uclr part. I therefore call special at-1 beneficial, tc -kn 4. ,t Wl WRITE PIRE INSURANCE Tho oldest established Assay PTONE OREEN 269 lentlon to tbe necessity of agreement H. Q. bolders making declarations. Albert u-ritMtc J,Montreal. HELQERSON, LTD Offlco In tho North. P. " I Urn Sala af Aay MaaUlaa la tk.WytU. ritED rETEUS, City Clerk, I aWU eiarrwaMt. sas)te,Steala