n The Daily News "V Or- V - -- A 1 vir. NO, 271 vv I'MN'ck nupfcrVr, b. o., Monday, novembeii 20, ioic. PIUCK FIVE " vrp -. CENT9 - r - M . . I0NASTK IS DECLARED SERBIAN CAPITAL TEUTONS ROUTED IN MACEDONIA - BIG ADVANCE BY CANADIANS AND BRITISH SERBIAN CROWN ALLIES DEMAND 'BORDEN GOVERNMENTS CANADIANS AND PRINCE ENTERS ALL MUNITIONS. i GRIM PRACTICAL JOKES BRITISH MAKE Ottawa, Nov. 17. Some people CAPTURED CITY IN GREEK HANDS might call it cynical effrontery, FURTHER GAINS others callous indifference, others again a sardonic sense of humor. Monastlr Taken by the Allies and Fleet Commander 'Presents Noto At all events the liorden government New Serbian Capital One Mile Advance on Three-mile Declared to Greek Government More has the laugh on the public. Front In Ancre Sector Retreating 800 Teutons are Allied Gains on Rumanian It has been a grim practical Joker North. Prisoners Taken Great Fronts. cver since tho war started and Air Battle. for some time before that. special to The Dally 2ewi.) 'Jprclal la The Daily wi.i Perhaps tho grimmest Joke of (Special to Tbe Dally News.) London, Nov. 20. Monastir, London, Nov. 20, Vlce-Ad- all has been the war profiteering. London, Nov. 20. The Cana stronghold in (he Bulgarian mlral Fournet, commander of the Instead of putting the manufacture dians and British are continuing lias fallen. Tho Macedonia, cap Anglo-French fleet in the Medi of munitions on a national drive along tho Ancre lure of Monastlr Is regarded In basis, Brf and as suggested by Lloyd lerranean, has presented to Hie yesterday advanced ono mile on circles being of im official as George's commissioner, Mr.'I). A. Greek government n note do a thrcc-milo front In this sector. political significance. He mensc Thomas, the liorden government manding tho surrender In the They now occupy the outskirts of tides having a tremendous effect preferred to band out tremendous Grandcourt to tho north of on the morale of tho Teutonic Allies F.nlonte Allies of all arms, niu fortunes to- their party friends. Thiep- m&Jr' .ttzfc - JCfeV .iBVjBVjBVjBY ' ilM val. Tho Germans put up a stubborn n the Balkans, coming, as it nillons and artillery possessed by So far as too liorden government resistance and it 'only was dues, along with the great British is concerned, this has been the Greek army, with the oxcep- a Tory after severe fighting that victory drive on the Ancrc, it is .believed war from start to finish a special tion of the fifty thousnntl rifles in was gained. Eight hundred pris that it will have n demoralising opportunity sent by Providence actual the oners wero taken in thia use by forees remain movement effect upon the- people of Gcr- to shake the plum tree to a finish. . , by the Canadians and British. - - II 11 F- ing under arms last many as wt'ii us on ineir armies afjer tho. step We pass this way only once," on other fronts. in demobilization of the flreek m-i v.v.-:r2?I iftBBBWflBBVBBBBV wm one Imagines tho liorden govern Great Air Battle. Serbian Prince Honored. nrmy was taken. ment saying. "It's our last chanco In a spectacular air battle be Monastir has already been established In Transylvania. for a long time. Go to it. Eat 'em " tween flvo British aeroplanes and as the new capital of Pctroijxad, Nov. 20. The llu- alive." eight German machines, tho Brit Serbia, and, at the occupation of And go to it the profiteers did. manians on the Trnnsylvanian BRITISH BATTLESHIP UNDER FULL STEAM ish were successful In driving off the city, the Serbian Crown Prince front have taken tho offensive This is one of tho few pictures of the British navy in war Profits anywhere from one hun- tho Germans. One enemy machine marched through the streets at lime which the censor has permitted'to be published. The picture ureu to five hundred per cent. was brought down. the head of the Serbian army. against the Austro-Gcrmans in shows the" battleship under full steam with tho muzzle of a hugo Poor quality at that. Paper shoes, Fighting In India. Tho Germans amK Ilulgarians the Tirgiula Valley and have Shoddy uniforms. Defectivfthells. gun of another man-o'-war showing in tho foreground. British forces have had a clash were decisively defeated In a captured a series of heights. Spavined chargers and so forth with six thousand Mohammedan fierrs conflict in a snowstorm. The Austrians and Germans MARSEILLES STRUCK BY KELLY SENTENCED TO and so on. Get as much for as tribesmen on tho Indian frontier. "n the eastern section of the made several attacks on the-Hussion A HUGE TIDAL WAVE TWO AND A HALF YEARS little as possible. All the traffic The tribesmen were defeated. Macedonian front, the British positions in tho Carpathians. could bear and then some. have made a further advance and They were temporarily success (Special to The Dally Mewi.) (Special to Tbe Dally news.) In pursuance of this policy of from that distance. At any ralo the Teutonic allies are now in ful but were subsequently re London, Nov. 20. There wero Winnipeg, Nov. 20. Contractor handing it out to their friends, no attempt has been made tn send disorderly retreat to tho north. pelled. t disastrous gales in the southwest Kelly, w ho w as convicted of having ions of dollars were spent in them to the front or to supply Uu the Dobrudja front the Rus Atlantic on Saturday, breaking all equipment that had to be dis their places with disabled officers . secured money under false sians continue to gain ground records for the past twenty years. carded as soon as our soldiers who havo done their bit in' tho CANADIAN, NICKEL pretences in connection with the against tho army of Von Mackon-zen. Marseilles, the French port in the reached England, From flvo to field. The condition of the Cana TO BRITAIN'S ENEMIES Mediterranean, was struck by a construction of tho- Parliament six million dollars was spent on dian Army Medical Service in hugo tidal wave. Details of the liuildings in Winnipeg, has been Itoss rifles after the British War England, infested, as Dr. Bruco Social to tim Dttly Newt.) FUNERAL SERVICES OF damage done arc not yet to hand. sentenced to two and a half years Office had reported against them. reports, with incompetents,, drug Tor jnto, Nov. 20. Hartley II. THE LATE S. E. STEBBINS In tho Stony Mountain penitentiary. Worse than that theso rifles, by (lends and booze fighters, who got Iwart, the recently elected Lib-ral NAVAL RECRUITING amming when in action, have their Jobs because they wero party member of tho Legislature The funeral services for tho been responsible for the loss of supporters, is another prime example for West Toronto, has publicly late S. E. Stebbins, who met his Mayor McCaffcry has called a SUPREME COURT many Canadian lives. pf Sir Sam's method of do charged tho Federal and Ontario lenth under such tragic circum- meeting of citizens to bo held in ; Another hugo joko has been ing things. governments with laxity in permitting tances at Granby recently, were the city hall on Tuesday at 8 p. in. The sittings of tho Supreme Honorary-Lieutenant-Gcneral Sir Not to go into trite details of Canadian nickel to get to held in the Anglican Church, for tho purpose of appointing a Court wero resumed this morn Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia, old scandals, tho biggest Joke Sir the enemies of Britain. Ho blamed Anyox, nt 1.30 on Friday after committee to assist in recruiting the man who did things." What Sam has perpetrated on tho public ing when the case of Imrns v. hat ho called tho "Cochrane-HearsLFei-guson noon, Ilev. O. H. Shepherd, offi for tho Hoyal Navy. Tho meeting Sam did is now all too plain. One is himself. Sam is really tho Johnston was proceeded with. It. connection with ciating. Mr. Shepherd spoke feel will bo addressed by Lieut. Chor- thing he did was to inflict on the Gypsy's Curso on tho Borden government, Ihe International Nickel Company ingly of tho deceased, describing ley anil Lieut. Julien, who arc M. Hums and Albert Johnson country Honorary Colonel John but he doesn't realizo for tho fact that in 1010 li f m as a clean-cut, clean-living hero recruiting, and Captain Lux-nioro were partners in tho hotel busi Wesley Allison, whose idea of this. Ho thinks ho is a Joan of two million, four hundred thousand mnn, who niado friends wherever may also speak. A largo ncss at Prince George. Jointly saving money for tho British Em-piro Arc pounds of Canadian .nickel ho went. The funeral was largely attendance of citizens is requested. they purchased soino land in con was to steer fuse contracts Another lugubrious Joke by the ,e't tho United Slates, thnt did not attended and six fellow-linesmen nection with tho hotel, which was that should have gone to good Borden government was tho ap-pointmont Pi to Great Uritaln or her Allies. acted as pall-bearers. Deceas'ed, later taken over by Mr. Johnston. Canadians to American manufac of It. B. Bennett, M.P., w ho had been at Granby for about STRIKING DRAMA. AT Mr. Burns is now suing for an turing firms on a commission as chairman of a "non-partisan" NEW WELLINGTON COAL, year, was well known in Prince WESTHOLME THEATRE accounting and damages in connection of ten per cent, and up. Ulti National Service Commission. Phone no, Wo have Just ro-tcived upert and held In high esteem with tho deal. The plain mately a Hoyal Commission was Non-partisan!1 1 Why, ft. B. never a shipment of 500 tons by all who knew him. George Iieban in tho great Mo. tiff's case was completed this found necessary,to prevout Sir thinks of tho Almighty save as a l-uinp Coal, Wo arc prepared to Tho remains havo been for-nrded rosco production "Pasqualo is morning and the defenco will bo Sam's friends from saving all the Tory, and an Imperial Federa- Pit in your winter's coal for you. ly C. I. It. steamer to tho tho feature of tho Weslhtlmo heard this afternoon, L. W, Pat money in the British Empire lionalist of the Lionel Curtis typo. south for Interment in Mr. Stcb- show for tonight. Human inter more is appearing for tho plain for himself and his side-partners. n Integral part of this Joke'was in's homo town of Troy, Now ost is tho keynote of this great tilf nnd T. H. Slioebotham, of Another thing Sir Sam did was the attempt to hand Sir Wilfrid WESTHOLMtt Hampshire. T h o funeral arrangements drama, in which George Beban Vancouver, for the defendant. to slick Caua'da for $10,000 for Laurier a lemon that is to say. wero carried out by achieves' a triumph as tho pro. a load of shovels with a holo In offering S Wilfrid a full sharo OPERA HOUSE Bruco Morton. prielor of a small town grocery SOLDIERS DEVELOPED tho middle. Theso shovels, called of tho blame for tho government's IHcturu and But Mutlo. MONDAY ONLY Ho has divided his affections be. PECULIAR LANGUAGE by tho soldiers "Hughes' spoons", ineffective recruiting methpds, RED-HOT GUNS tween Margarita, nn orphan girr wero found to bo good neither for while refusing to give him a look- George Beban ho has adopted, and Colombo, his Mr. Stanley, tho Church Army diggitig nor defending, the hole in on army contracts and matters l' a poworful A Uritlsh gunner slates thnt horso. He struggles to pay olT n Commissioner on tho western being big enough for the sand to liko that. photoplay during tho "big push" on the mortgago on his business, and front, says the, French and F.ng run through, not big enough to On this point Toronto Saturday "PASQUALE" western front tho Uritlsh big guns Ims Just succeeded, when ho is lisli troops havo developed i shoot through and a tolerable (Continued on page three.) 1'ivo acts. were almost red-hot. Stenin arose, called to tho colors by his native peculiar language, known only to bull's-eye for tho Hun marksmen when cold water wns poured over Italy, Ho returns a scarred vet themselves, which answers al However, that was only a little ANIMATED latest in GAZETTE IJ them and into them after every ernn, to find bis homo and loved their common needs, Tho words Joke something to keep his hand LONDON CAFE Inlversal events twenty rounds, and they wero still ones in danger. It Is a story of uoupluss tho official Interpreters in not a big Job like tho Bert- AND GRILL f 1 w111 1)0 with you hot twenty-four hours later Ex. everyday life which should inako oui an i.ngiisu souiier Willi no rum Shell, Committee. Third Avenue 'jnurrow In "THE night, Tuesday n strong appeal to all. An Anl French at all can nsk o French Another thing Sir Sam did was Serveu Nothing but the Best Yours PAWN-SHOP"Trulv. All wool Jaeger Slippers. Ex-cepllonally mated Gazette completes u flno soldier with jio Kngllsh nl all for to load up tho Canadian Staff in STRIOTLY UNION HOUSE CHARLIE CHAPLIN. mco gifts for cold show. Chnrjlo Chaplin is -coming practically anything ho wants England with friends of his own weather, nt Peck's. 273. on Tuesday for ono night only. nnd get it. F.xchmigo, who seem content to view tho war BOXES FOR LADIES