November 20 10 tC. Mondaf THE DA1L1 RKWB. BORDEN QOVERNIVIENT'8 with a trades union at his back BE SLESSIRG OF QniM PRACTICAL JOKE 1- bad enough, but consider the 2,000,0001 "ituatlon of the unorganized THE ENCINtyKEf WWWT ! vUinltnued 1-roin page one., worker, the pcIujoI teacher, the 1 SKLTIiy BOGY Night, an Independent Conservative clerk, Ihe parson, the Innumerable FISMSftSJMTS KNOINt Belgians Journal, has tills to wage slaves of desk and say: t Crl B 1-1 In. fer 7 In., 1J-1I Depend on us ...... -- ah Hours Sickness ace iho mismanagement of our t'ounlcr who are not able to gain Hers Pswee. iia Taking iiiuii-"-""" man power in connection with the llieir ends by striking and must Ojl. S s-4 In. by S 1-1 In., SS for Bread! war has been such that nothing take what they get or leave it. Mors Power. 4 0,1 s 1-1 la. br in, 28-as that can he done will ever repair If the Cold Storage Kings and the Hers Pwr. the damage. Muzzling Uourassa other food brigands are allowed Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians to unchecked these fellows have depended for food entirely the "Comfflisuon would probably bo the most effec go poor For Further Information on tive method of still accomplishing will soon bo In sight of Apply to for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, "a little something, but, of course, starvation. even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only this will not be done. Hut asking The grimmest Joke of all is W. E. WILLISCROFT three weeks they have had no chance to rait more Prince Rupert, B. O. the Liberal leader to share the when a deputation goes to Ottawa and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I responsibility o t Uiiwervalive t ask the Uorden government for Backed by the mismanagement measures of relief against the was rather a Prlnc Rupert Land District District of good idea, the only trouble is the High Cost of Living, and the government Ooast, Ranf S. Old Man saw the point of the suggests that the municipalities TAKE NOTICE that the racine Mills, Belgian felieffund MR, MARRIOTT J hook and concluded not to bile." shall conduct invcstl- Limited, of Vsncouver, B. O, occupation 73 Lees Arc, Ottawa, Ont., I Still another Joke is the tariff Igatkms of their own and when pulp for permission scd psper to mskers,purchs intend the folio to spply lot so generously contributed in the British Empire and tbe United A :r t st 9th, 1915. a cruel joke. It was a twenty-live jthey have found the witch the described lands 1 Commencing at a post States, the neutral Belgian Relief Coauusttoo. has imported 'Jt it It ray duty to tell you what cent, government will what planted at the southeast corner or Lot let enough wheat, (lour and other foods to feed tbe whole nation tariff consider "Fr- a tires" has done for me. per when the Liberals nn the west shore or Cousins Inlet, theuce so far. The great majority of the 7,000.000 Belcuna left in went out or olllcc in (ought to be done, if anylhiiiL'. et 40 rosins, thence south 10 chslns, the r ,rs n"o, I began to feel run-tired, 1911. It is country have been able to pay for their daily sBowsnce of thence nil to shore, thence and suffered rery much a forty per cent, tariff now a The government has or should Ions shore to point of -commencement,northesMerly bread but a steadily growing number have no mosey left. tr and Kidtfey Trouble. veritable Hake's Progress. War have four reports on this subject containing IS seres, more or less. al of "Frult-a-tlres", I ACTTIC MILLS LIMITED, Unless we are willing to let these hundreds el thousands of tLu::.. I would try them. The result or 110 war, it would have been a in hand right now. Consequently Msrk Smaby( agent. women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the r,3 tiingr. During the 3 years forty per cwil. tariff because the any proposal to investigate is a Dated May 1 1th. A. D. 1116. Aur. II expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this pessible P taken them rejrularly and Uorden government had to carry stand-off, pure and uiuiple. Go, someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a 1 month all this winter I ' -hanje for anything, have out its bargain with its masters, chase yourself that is what the i n hour's siiknett since 1 com the food profiteers, to deliver the government says to the people No people under the AIEed Flats are at we9 able b 1 nil'- i.-itiff "rruit-a-tives", and I who LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS generously as we Canadians! No causa has ever been more know i. v. Iiat I haven't known for consumer to their lender mercies. complain about the High Cost HOTEL deserving of help I In the name el Justice and Humanity lor I poo .ii ;. years that is,the blessing And well have they done it so of Living. the sake of our own self-respect let las arre al we caa to of a J-!iy body and clear thinking well that in another year, that is Jiakers bread is now six cents - IS NOW OPEN TO QUESTS help our martyred Allies I brain WALTER J. MAimiOTT. to say at the end of the war, the a pound. The bakers say they One America,of the circumference Isrgest Hot 100 Springs feet-Temperature In Seod year subKnptloM weekly, aeatUy as b aaa kaap aess a Leaal as food profiteers will have about all can't do it for less with flour at of Water, 180 d. Falir. Previadal Coamiuces, oc t tk Me a ox, C for $20, trial she,25c. Central Executive Committee, 59 St Pttar tt, strtreal At ' or sent postpaid on receipt the money there is in the country. 89.00 a barrel. Flour is (9.50 a Ciellnt Trout Pishing In Laislae of j :a by Frult-a-tires Limited, Trust them to keep a good lap barrel because the Borden government's Laks. 32.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. Phon Connections with Terrace. Ottawa. ahead of the purchasing value of milling friends have it RATES! tuo pee day. the dollar. Trust them to lick up all their own way. The Northwest Salvation Army. For further particulars, spply to all the benefits of high wages to fariner cannot sell his surplus i. BRUCI JOHNSTONS, Btanaeae. the worker Trust them to get wheat to the American miller except Public meetings, Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m all there is out of the goose short against a prohibitive duly, ?undavs at 7:30 p. m. of actually killing it! and the American miller is similarly CANADIAN WOMEN The situation of the worker mpeded in selling his surplus HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SHOULD KNOW TKII flour to the Canadian consumer. "CANADA FIRST"Milk Is the BEST Milk Coughing sorters MINERAL ACT SECOND HAND GOODS sold by Your Crocsr. The Government Bulletin germ Meat prices are scandalous and Nj.305 tells tb story-rr COSTS THE SAME. it NASTURTIUM, IRIS FRACTION, BELUS threaten to become more so. The OP ALL RINDS tio siocn roTieni oai Stef UIIIIID Htl riODUCT-IHSIST FRACTIOJC, GENTIAN, BLUE BELL FRACTION. cold storages are firmly entrenched BOUGHT AND SOLD If rou want wkfirwdcrum,chin"CaBaJaFintEvaporated Coaching increases Cm COSMOS FRACTION, THISTLE U whip at wld f rnh cream. Irritation of the already Inflamed FRACTION. MARIGOLD FRACTION. LILAC with the Borden government! HARD TIMES SATISFIED WITH A Tm AYLMER CONDENSED MILK CCLts. macnoos membranes FRACTION. FERN FRACTION, PINE APPLE A cold storage warehouse was 8MALL PROFIT AVLMta.OUT CAMAOk and it moreover apt to carry FRACTION. COXCOMB, BFOONIA FRACTION, disease to others. MINERAL CLAIMS situate In the burned at Lindsay the other day Try S2S Srd At., Or Pnons Rd 26S Hi thicu's Syrup of Tar and Queen Charlotte District, located at or near one of the many and a small Cod Liter Oil promptly stop Ikrda Bay, Queen Charlotte Inland, Province coughing, and aoon, thanks ot British Columbia, and lawfully held by one at that and a quarter of a to Us tonic properties,effects tarda Mines Limited. million dollars worth of food a permanent cure. TAk'E NOTICE that I. John A. Madonls. The wonderful popularity solicitor lor Ikeda Mines Limited, free went up in smoke. That is only of MsUiien's of Tar firrup miners' rrrtincate No. 70314 B, intend and Cod Liver Oil is one of the food-boards the cold-sloragers specially after the explraUon ot sixty days from doe to its great value as a are laying by so as to the date hereof to apply on behalf ot the permanent Tung and bronchial healer. said Company to the Minlnr Recorder for create artificial scarcity and w a certificate of improvements for the purpose bottle.Sold everywhere,15c larrt of obtaining a Crown Grant to the famine prices. above claims. Being as close to tlio cold 8 for i. U MATB1EO CO.Prttsv. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action kevbrookc. IQ. tinder Section SI of the Mineral Act must agers as the Borden government Threelhtylbrce& lull I I MtfUmtt till be commenced before the tsiuanre of uch is it probably knows these facts. 1 Zzzpr:z2zz certificate of Improvements. 1 Dated this lilt day ot Msy, A. D. ttt. That one bank of which the larg "MS JOHN A. NACINNE3, est cold storage operator in Canada Close Link Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. is a director, finances prac tically all the big packing companies in this country. What would the depositors in this bank say if they knew that their own Ramsay's money was being used to choke them to death? Would they leave their money there or would there noted how audience Have you ever an be a run on the bank? Empire Cream Sodas face of speaker? Another little fact worth look, yawns in the an uninspired lug into. Not a pound of meat. On the other hand, have you noted how an audience not a can of peas, not an apple nor an onion, not an ounce of will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when In 2-tb. Tins anything can be bought in Canada the speaker reveals enthusiasm ? except at a retail price fixed by Have their superior attained their enviable reputation by discriminating housewife the wholesalers. Fruit rots in Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression of truth. To quality and uniformity. The most Insists upon "Ramsay s Empire" when buying Soda the shop windows sooner than impart belief in anything, a man must believe it Biscuits. suffer an abatement of price. deeply himself. We call such a man an enthusiast. There must be combines about They are made In B. O. and your grocer gets his supply Why not get after 'em -II. F. G. This applies to the written word also - particularly frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means erltpnssa. to advertisements. When the manufacturer really MINERAL ACT Rlvermoutb FracUonal mineral claim. believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost Prove It by buying a tin with your next order. situated In the Skeena Minlnr Division of s Casslsr District. inevitably find expression in Advertising. And enthusiasm Manufactured by Where located: At the head of Allen will be contagious his audience the Arm. adjolninr the tUvermoulh and Carl RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. boo TAKE mineral NOTICE claims.thst I, 0. R. Nsdeo. Free readers of the newspaper will, figuratively speaking, Miners' Certiorate No. 4.09B. setlnc as "lean forward and listen intently." Vancouver, B. C. agent for Carrie Pratt, Free Miners' Cer tldrate No. 9J.9I7B. intend, sixty dsyt from the data hereof, to apply to the To be convincing an advertisement Minlnr Recorder for a CerttOcate of Im provements, for tba purpose of obtaining must convey an unmistakable a crown Grant or the above claim. t; And further take noUce that action, impression of enthusiasm. Let Us Save You Money on your under section St. mutt be eomroenred bo-fore, article will do when the the tssua of surb Certiorate or Ira. only Gasoline or Distillate provrmenta. advertised has inherent worth. Dated this tint dsy of December, A. D. ivts- Apr. t. We guarantee to save you 25 per cent, on gasoline or distillate and N Thus we have:4 upkeep and free anv motor from CARUON troubles. A seven ounce U)x- of rnonvrtiit Carbonvoi.!. . . f nnnlval-nt!- to BO irallons of gasoline,will bvery iiva vou box Sincerity --Enthusiasm -- Advertising: $15 400 in to gasoline 600 ad-Larbonvoid Carbonvo:d puts the ililional and give miles,from Geo.P.McCoO Three mighty forces, close-linked. dry powder you is a just drop In the : "GO" in Gasoline : tank. Will re- jpovealfearbon from cylindera. .If mrt Mug a Utal j talk tr yur aaWrMaf pniltmt aWtt lk AittrtUUf'Dtfrtmml The lara-eat ALLIES OKU Kit ED GROCER N JUNE 283,000 comrjanlea th.worl.l Previous use it.order THE 250,000 cartons. iiy ( tkU utrntfiaptr, Sj 1 ytu trt Joiaf a pnvimtUl tr msthtal tmilttti It mtU it wtll fr furanteed oryour money refunded. Mailed anywhereon receipt of 11.60 ft to kavt lis ttm.tul aW tttUtait tf fti tdnrtitlut tt. A Utt tf tkttt Has Moved Into the Hart Blk. mill it funltktJ, mUitml ml tr tiUfaHtm, ij tkt Sttrtttry tf CmAau Pnu Attttlotitm, Kttm fOJ, Lumtitm BuilMnf, Ttrtmtt. For Sole Only by Geo. L. Lrlnce Rupert' BtC Clayton, - NOW READY FOR BUSINESS " ! www mi