TUB DA1L1 WI Monday, Noycmberjn l9,8 SPLENDID RESULTS OF RED CROSS SALES I NeiOs Notes Sixty Yiars Ikt SImmIim. Local j DR Knch week sees Hed Cross l'rl-day for salo by I.lp-selt becoming more a purl of CARBONVOID Ho 3ntoe.tor and Parkin-Ward A Cunningham, Prince Hupert's war work, l'cople Elcctrio Co. If. ate realizing, as never before, THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING that to win vo must suvo lives Exclusive agency for Jaeger INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR and (hat theru is no belter way r slippers. All styles and sites, at CREAM than in taking tare of Ilia brave Pack's Shoo Store. 273. Dominion of Canada debenture stock men who every day make sacrifices BAKING that wo may live in safely, A. T. Uroderlck, manager of IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. il clucrs them to know that every the Union Bank, has returned Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. week the people of this city think from n visit to the south. POWKR Interest payable half-yearly, lit April nnd 1st October by cheque (free uf Uieiu and work for Incin. Last of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada") at the rate of five per cent week proved another good Friday, COAL Favorlto Ladysmlth per annum from the.date of purchase. Maria fram eraam af tartar mid the uocicty extends its thanks Wellington lump and nut, best results. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and rftrhrtt. fram craves. to Mrs. 11, K. McMillan nnd Mrs. Phone 15. P. II. C. Co. tf. accrued interest, as the "equivalent of cash, In payment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of NO ALUM Clancy for the line result uf J. A, Meeker has gono to Ocean Treasury Bills or other like short date security. ?lu.iO. The society also thanks Falls. Ocean Falls is ono of the J Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. , those who donated to the rallies, A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recog. the coast at the liveliest spots on nired bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications tho homo cooking and also for present time. for this stock which bear their stamp. UNION TRANSFER COT. donations of cash. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. Mr, Arnold donated a box of Captain P. F. Godenrath and DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA, fruit, won by J. II. McMillan, Mrs. Mrs. Godenrath are now in Van OCTODRR 7th, 1916. Solicits your Hauling and Vickers donated a lace collar and couver, niey expect, 10 visu Coal Orders culf set, won by Mrs. D. Q. Slew. Princo Ilupcrt this week. art; Mr. liloom donated a sack of Prompt attention Charles Murray, formerly cm- Hour, won by Mr. J. M. Sinclair; and careful delivery ployed in tho O. K. Barber shop, Mr. Tile donated a jardiniere given to all is reported killed at tho front. He stand, won by Mrs. J. C. lialsey, "-, orders, either large had two brothers on active ser and tho prize liens, donated by or small. vice Mr. George Wilson, were won by Mrs. Pallullo. The cariboo picture C. L. Munro will take charge of BEST QUALITY COAL framo is held aver. tho G. T. P. wharf olllcc on December and CLOSE PRICES Tho following sent contributions: 1st, Mr. MannucI having PHONE 57. hits. Craig, Mrs. C. L. Mun-roe, been called east owing to the ill Mrs. McMullin, Mrs. 11. McKay, ness of his mother. Mrs. Sinclair, Mrs. Besner, Mrs. D. II. McDonald, Mrs. Naden, Andrew Moncur, of Hazelton, who has been at tho front with Mrs. II. E. McMillan, Mrs. Clancy, Sheet Metal Work Mrs. Sinnott, Mrs. Cade, Mrs! A. the famous Princess Pats, is now M. Mauson, Mrs. Alex. Smith, Mrs. in tho Military Hospital at Esquimau Now is the time to have Mobley, Mrs. Peck, Mrs. Eggert, recovering from wounds. your heating plant put in Mrs. Dowling, Mrs. D. G. Stewart, shape for the winter; roofs Miss Maud Scruby, A. Il.C. M Mrs. Mcintosh, Mrs, Morrissey, and skylights seen to. L. II. A.M., tho talented English In such caes consult a Mrs. Irvine, Mrs. Winsby, Mrs. 'cellist at tho Empress Theatre (Bra 'igftWNfer save coupons with" groceries only, st ft&rtii g ftj rKMl for cn Pc" ,d Bond 8op- jy-?? 2j V practical man If you want Millar, Mrs. Little, Mrs. Lindsay, ra next Thursday evening, November results. Mrs. Patmore, Mrs. Bowness, Mrs. 23rd. It. CO. Rowe II. F, Mcllae, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. D. C. Mcllae, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Call tho Pony Express for wood Practical sheet metal man. Urooksbank, M r s. Williscroft, cut in stovo lengths or 4 feet. Opposite Board of Trade Mrs. Uroadhurst, Mrs. Ilobin, Mrs. Best household coal and general Rooms 322 2nd Avenue Vickers, and Miss Dickie. Contributions transfer. Piano moving our PHONE 340. of money were made by specialty. Prices moderate. Phone Estimates Furnished Free. Mr. Goldbloom, Mr. A. 1$. Evans 301, It. W. Rogers. tf. and Mrs. A. J. Morris- ' The C. P. II. tug Nanoose, Capl. I DENTISTRY o i Singleton, arrived from Vancouver STEEN & L0NGW1LL "The Daily News" Prince Rupert Feed Co. HANDY MEN WANTED last night to take south the CROWN AND BRIDOf WOK CLASSIFIED ADS. A SPEOIALTY SANITARY AND HEATING The Cth Field Company, Cana oarge win w. case, wnicn re dian Engineers, whose headquar cently brought north 1,000 tons DR. J. S. BROWN ENGINEERS HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS of coal for Albert A DENTIST ters are at North Vancouver, are McCalTery. TALBOT HOUSE Warm and eomforutrt Oflleti Smith Block, TO Ire Aienui, Agents for The with the in rooms, bath, not and c ia wsier. AND FERTILIZERS offering splendid opportunities to tug barge tow Phone 454 McCLARY FURNACES cents per night, It and IMS Pr weet the handy man. Any man of or left for the south this morning. 30 Second Avenue, Weal M WE HANDLE dinary intelligence, able to use PLUMBING WANTED. Bulbs, and Take Orders for tools; drive a horse or motor Yesterday was a regular old- and timer- but the gale lacked its old- WANTED Oirl for general bousewort. Nursery Stock. wagon, or use tools of any kind, Harry A, Harvey SHEET METAL WORKS Apply 417 Dunsmulr. J2L time "kick and there seems to Chicken Feed A Specialty. can find an opening with the En have been little damage done. (Late London,of Muslo)Eng., Conservatoire I'hono 5, 834 Second Avenue. WANTED Two loggers, rigging and bourn gineers. The Engineers offer a Night phones 576 men. Apply Williams Muuon. PUPIL OF LANSDOWNE COTTELL The chimney on Lynch Bros. BUil Orders Promptly Attended To. scopo where the natural abilities and Dlue 270 second bu4 Ml Pupils Taken tor WANTED To buy a store to grief and there of a man will have the best chance came VIOLIN, PIANO, VIOUNCELLO and The right work, at the right Encyclopedia Brltannica. Amerlcinui or P. O. Bot 333. SOS Third A. were a few other minor mishaps, HARMONY, time, and at the right prlco. National. ApplyBjxja JTjii for development. Promotion is PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. but nothing serious. EXAMINATIONS WANTED Empty coal oil n4 ni rapid to anyone possessing constructive Pupils Prepared for Elimination cans. S cents esch. Rupert Marios Ironworks. Aeeoclated Center Board, Vancouver, - instinct. Carpenters, Ben Self and "Doc" Evans left Rol College of Music, London, Eng. PHONE 93 P. O. DOX 33 miners,- wheelwrights, fitters, on a minting trip on Saturday WANTED Woman for Hotel wort ApplJ TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 plumbers, electricians, etc, as afternoon. As there was no sign Hotel Central. B. C. UNDERTAKERS wen as handy- men without ex of them this morning, their LOST perience, are wanted. The re friends sent out a launch party in SKEENA COAST,LAND DISTRICT RANGE THREE DISTRICT OF Transfer and Storage LOST-Watch. gold-Dlled. II J FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND cruiling offlces for the Canadian case they needed assistance. It is initials F. l I. on case. Return Dig SALVERS SATISFACTION Q.UAR-ANTEED BEST LUMP & NUT COAL News omce. OPEN DAY AND NIOHT Engineers are at the corner of feared that they may be stranded TAKE notice tbat I, Francis Joseph 117 END STREET PHONE 41 Hastings and Homer Streets, Van result of Beile, acting as agent for tbe Empire FOR SALE somcwere as a yester and WAITS Pulp Paper Mills, Ltd., of Swanson NO LONG corner, and at- (500 View Street, day's storm.1 Day, O. C., occupation logger. Intend to NO SHORT WEIGHTS FOR SALE-Spring r..i. dlnuif rWr for to lease tbe rollow sh apply permission . furnisWnfi. Victoria. Free transportation ar small rockers, klicnen Ing described lands: When You Order from Us. ranged from any part of British There was a little anxiety in Commencing at a post planted on tbe Fourth Avenue, East Columbia. tf. town on Saturday regarding the soutb snore of tbe lagoon at tbe end of FOR SALE Tug-boal lengtl i or 44 the East Arm of Mussel Inlet, about one H AKERBERG, THOMSON safety of Fred Scaddeu and three fel. brsrn 0 fret, heavy-duty and one half mites in a westerly direction LIQUOR ACT, 1910. engln. Snap for quick LUMBERMEN WANTED friends who went out to look at from the N.W. corner of T. L. 44840. 305, (Section 4t. enlisting. Apply Rupert Mart COMPANY ttOOOP.. thence soutb to chains, thence NOTICE Is hereby given that, on tbe works. a prospect a week ago intending west 40 chains, thence north JO chains Orsl day ol December not, application will Agents for Tho British requires lum to be away for three days. The more or less to shore line, tbence follow be undo to tbe Superintendent of Pro FOR SALE CHEAr-Slnle comb "FRISCO IMPERIAL,". "PALMER," army Ing snore line In an easterly direction to vlnclal Pbllce Tor renewal or tbe hotel brown leghorn bens sod pul " "FISHERMAN," "FERRO" AND bcr Just as much as it requires party returned to town safe and point of commencement. licence to sell liquor by retail In the hotel to ll. Strlethorsl. sptUer "CLAY" OAS ENGINES. munitions and thero sound on Saturday night, having FRANCIS JOSEPH BEALE. Applicant. known as the Pine Tree Hotel, sltuste at B.C. - - PHONE 625. are many October I lib, to 10. j.n Discovery, In the Province of British Columbia. 0k men in Canada who can do their been storm-bound on Elliott Is FOR SALE-Csrload mining ub drills, w share for the Empire by enlisting land. Dated this lOlh day of October, 1910 drlll-stecl.eluding 17 machine sleam-nttmgs, etc CLARENCE MARMADUk'E SANDS, In the Forestry Battalions. Sergt. Nov. 19, Applicant. Dslly News.. . .. nrf- i CITY OF PRINOE RUPERT FOR RENT MONDAY'S DArtCE Stokes is at Uio Hed Cross rooms Met M, Hanson, B.A. ATTENTION VOTERS recruiting for a new Forestry Guests for Monday evening's W. E. Williams, U.A.. L.L.B J.L.HICKEY Persons who bold lots under agreements, Battalion, and blacksmiths, team danco are requested to bring with Modern 0 roomed bouse close In WILLIAMS A MAN30N or ttslrnment of agreement must mike trd Avenue, 3 bedrooms. them their invitation cards. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. B"? declaration riving particulars or their sters, chafTeurs, sawyers, filers, 6 roomed flat nd Ave. Modern. CONTRACTOR & title, before the last day or November. edgemen, fellerri, laborers nnd DANCE COMMITTEE. ( roomed cottage No. 10)0 th MONEY TO LOAN Any person neglecting to take sucb de-.laratlon Ave., E. Near drydock, Sec. T. Boi tlt Store" "onico Future will Dot be entered on the voters' anyone having a knowledge of 40.,. Cottage partly furnished close In llelterson Block Prince Rupert. B. t and list. lumbering will be welcomed to fnd Avenue, 5 rooms and bath. Bash. Door and MoWWJ It Is Impossible for me to ascertain tbe WE QUARANTEE IB PER CENT. Cottage No. 171 Summit Ave. 4 names of arreement bolders unless tbey the ranks. tf. AVIN4. WHY PAY MORE large rooms, Bath. Oak and Hard Wood come In personally. FOR Furnished cottage No, 137 Ith Ave. kinds. II will greatly facilitate matters If persons LIQUOR AOT, 1910. E., Near school in section . ' wishing to make declaration bring FIRE roomed flat opposite school In Stuart J. Martin We Specialize InmaUnB tbelr agreements, so tbat I may Inspect Section t. Bath. fitting "" and them and tbus prevent errors, (Section 4t.) McMordie Apts. 3 rooms and bath. Iterexence to old voters' lists satisfies notice is hereby given that, on tbe 4 roomed cottage No. tot vtb Ave. E. ASSAYfcH dows, any slxo. me tbat only small proportion of agree first day of December neit. application will INSURANCE ft roomed eottage no. ISO lib Ave. K, Sheet OHM and and ment bolders bare registered In past be made to the Superlntwdent of fro Collage at corner Green and Seventh Plate years. Tbls, I bellere, bas happened beta vineial Police for renewal of tbe hotel OLD, STRONG COMPANIES Ave, 6 rooms. Near school. HAZELTON B. O. Glazing. ute people wrongly tblnk tbelr names licence to sell liquor by retail In tbe hotel ... If Your House le vacant Lltt It with wtll be inserted without any action on known as toe Northern Howl, situate at - SEE - , Ua. We can fill It fop You. their part. I therefore call special at Port Simpson, In tbe Province of British CONSOLIDATED SECURITIES, LTD. Wl WRITE PIRE INSURANCE The oldest established Assay tentlon to the necessity ot agreement Columbia. lu .in II Smith block plirJrJE GREEN 269 bolders making declarations. Dated tbls Tib day of October. 1916 PHONE 81 and BLACK S3 H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD Office In the North, P. O. fflED PETERS, City Clerk. ERNE8T. WOOD IUC1IAIID3. Applicant ' i --r4-4