NVedrtr ,duy 1916 , The Daily News I" Faulty Nutrition and 0 THE MAILS j Elimination" these ore FALL AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA WINTER Published Dally and Wek!r the cause of the most of the For tho East. QuarantMd Largsst Circulation ailments that afflict human Wednesday and Saturday, box SCHEDULES beings. Too much indigestible closes 9:30 a. m. and Friday 3 HEAD OFFICE food and lack of power 8. 8. PRINCE QEOnnr 3rd Ave, Prince flupert, Il.C. Telephone 88. a. m. For Ocean Falls. Dally News Building, ? to throw off the poisons From the East. . Friday at 0 n. m. For Anyox every Wedneidav 'm" fvp7 TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVEIITISINO 50 cent per inch, Oontracl that come from indigestion Trains arrlvo Tuesday and 8. S. PRINCE RUPERT nf '"hught, rates on application. these lead to a long line Thursday, 5:30 p. m. urday lor hcicn at 12 kan,noon,v rangcll.l or Vancouver Juneau and and Hkairw.iv . v." of distressing disorders. For the South. every Wednesday at w a. m. n" P"11' SdUth DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Nov. 22, ID 10. Avoid them by eating Tuesday, 5 p. ni. Boat sails at PASSENGER TRAIN 8EHUIP.F Tor imlth.r., Print Otorg., Ja.psr Shredded Wheat Biscuit 7 p, in. . Dta. connect In a thtrt far til .nut. i.' r.MmoMon,J is.k.t,,. Wlnnk. THE COMMISSIONS days refers to the revolt in tho a simple, elemental food that Wednesday, 7 a. m. Boat sails day nd at Eoulhsrn 1H30 ..IUIM m. MI..4 tutu tr.ln PrliM ttsry nupsrt rrldsy tttrr t 5 wk.. 'M U,Ur",,Uf-Agency m The Victoria Times has the party parliamentary ranks five contains all the bodybuilding at 0 a. m. All Ocean Steamship Lines following comments to make on op six years ago. . This was material in the whole, Friday. 7 a. m. Boat sails at nil.. TI.L.I ui luii'iiiiaiiun 1T!.. MA Him. . reservations. anniv' I; 0 m. wijr iivKCfc wiuvo, ou inira venuo. tho very pointed letter which organized by a group of Montreal wheat grain, including the a. PHONE 260 sails 0 Saturday, Boat p. m. bran coat which keeps the sent to Pre Tories and reached such Sir Bam Hughes Sunday, Boat sails 0 p. in. intestinal tract healthy and tiller Dordcn, tendering his a serious stago that for a time For Anyox. clean. Delicious for any resignation as Minister of two caucuses wero being held meal in combination with Wednesday, box closes 10 p. m CANADIAN PACIFIC Militia: by tho opposition members. sliced peaches or other fruits. RAILWAY In his letter of November 1st Tho harassed leader submitted Made in Canada tion of responsibility has no terrors Lowest Hates to Sir Hobcrt Dorden, tho reply for mo, but we shall await o all Eastern Po nta his resignation and tho names via Steamer to Vancouver end the to which was a request for his the proposals of the government; CANADIAN PACIFIC of Sir James Whitney and Sir RESPONSIBILITY HAS NO RAILWAY resignation, Sir Sam Hughes we shall see 'the arguments' they Meals and Berth includid cn Stttrrrr TERRORS FOR LAURIER wrote: ".Permit me to draw Hichard McBrido wero mentioned put forth and then wo will bo your attontion to every commission in connection with tho equal to the responsibility." Princess Maqulnna for Qranby & Alice Arm Friday 11 (Continued From Page One.) p. m. that has been formed. post. Finally Mr. Borden's U the afternoon session, tho Princess Sophia Southbound Saturday 6 p. m. They look beautiful on paper, friends managed to get some armed. The correspondence bo-twecn following resolution was unani Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. but few, if any, bavo been anything of tho recalcitrants into lino mously adopted: Sir Itobert and his ex. like perfect in practice. and a petition was presented That this convention of rep J I. PETERS, General Aeent minister to be justification proved Tho Hospital Commission, the to tho leader requesting him to resentative Liberals of Lastcru Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. Pensions Hoard and tho National withdraw his resignation. Certain of these charges. Ontario, takes this earliest oppor Servico Commission all British Columbia members It was plain that tho confidence tunity of placing upon record Us seemed lovely when they set will recall tho incident. of the opposition had been mis unswerving loyalty to tho King out, but everyone concerned They refused to sign tho petition. placed. and Umpire; and pledging our with them knows of the absurdities Shr Wilfrid said that Sir selves to assist in the continuing they contained." Sir Sam Hughes refers to a Thomas Tait, chairman of the and vigorous prosecution of tho Canada knows about the absurdities rumor that tho Prime Minister natfonal servico commission, had present war to ultimate success, of tho National Service contemplated retiring to the been compelled to resign because nd at the same lime to record Hoard from which Sir Supreme Court bench, "handing of this- jarring and discord. On our resentment. ai. tno. rcporicu. a 1 Thomas Tait was forced to re-s over tho premiership to another the very day that Sir Thopias re remarks of certain Conservative sign in disgust. It is a political under whom it is well signed Slr Robert Borden had politicians Impugning the loyalty body composed of eleven known I would not serve." To coolly and gladly asked him to of the great Liberal party; which Conservatives and one Liberal, whom did the minister refer? take part. To have accepted, Sir remarks wo consider as entirely who clearly was appointed under Mr. Rogers? Probably; wo Wilfrid declared, would have been unjustified and on insult to the a misapprehension. But know that the Minister of Public to condone the existing condition thousands of true Liberals who the country requires more information Works has frequently been of things. today mourn their sons and concerning tho late acting-premier of late. It is Sir Wilfrid said there was no brothers who have given their minister's reflections on the unnecessary to say that the truth in the charges that he had lives at tho front, as proof of The Royal Standard Test Hospital Commission and Pensions selection of Mr. Rogers as not done his duty in regard to re their loyally and love of tho Hrit-ish Board. What were the Prime Minister would be a cruiling. Ho had done his duly Empire and that this conven 151 absurdities In their cases? Are menace to the state. in the past and would continue tion expresses its condolence and Here' where we test the of Canada they there still? These are two Our late war minister says to do it In the future. Tho only heartfelt sympathy with all Cana choicest simples six Billion wheat vitally important bodies. They that in tho midst of the war it thing that really mattered, he dians who have lost sons and re sere crop. We grind them into flour h the EST have to do with the treatment took four months to get the said was the winning of the war, latives at the front." little mill see on the left of .vi.V PAT.. you and repair of our battered soldiers, cabinet to authorize tno pur That was more important than The foregoing resolution has the picture. Then comes the for their sacrifices and chase of trucks for the Second the triumph of any political party. reference to alleged utterances of supreme test-bread-baling. If the maintenance of their dependents. Canadian Division at wholesale Turning to the nickel question Mr. McNaught, M. L. A., and Mr. the bread is peifect ia every Sir Sam Hughes prices Instead of allowing large Sir Wilfrid said that tho govern Mcllrien, of Toronto. way we pronounce the wheat should have amplified his statement commissions to local agents ment should take steps to make Al and the flour-ROYAL affecting those boards. who would not have handled it absolutely certain that Cana STANDARD. Certainly he will have to do so the order at all. Tho Rogers dian nickel Is not finding its way For Good Looks AT YOUR GROCER'S when parliament meets. wing of tho cabinet must have Into Germany. a woman must have good Sir Sam Hughes' remark been exceedingly strong. The It had been announced,.Sir Wil health. She can do her part by .Vancouver MiHing6 Grain CaLttC about the agitation against the war could wait. Let the boys frid said, by Hon. A. E. Kemp and helping nature to keep the blood Vancouver.New Wrstulnster.rieneima.iKTona the liver active and the Prime Minister In opposition have their commissions. by Hon. Arthur Meighen that par Eure, regular, with the aid of liamcnt is to be asked for an extension the mild, vegetable remedy of time and that in tho BEECHAM'S event of a refusal the responsi FRED STORK'S HARDWARE bility would be placed on the Lib Travel East eral party and himself. PILLS OVER THE "I am not afraid of responsi HmSsas tt Emcv S f sWhl Vdat la fwa 710 SECOND AVI bility," said the Liberal leader. Carpenters' Tool Bulldere' Hardware Ship Chandlery 'I have taken it upon many oc MILWAUKEE" Wire Cable 8teel Block Fishing Tackle casions bul always having in view LAND ACT Iron Pipe Pipe Fitting Rifles and 8hotguna the welfare of Canada. The ques- The Newest and Shortest Line to the East Rope Valve Ammunition Vancouver Land Olatrlet District of Pumps Hoee Paint "Safety First" is the TAKE NOTICE Coast,tbat Rang Archie 3.Barnes Martin. Crossinc the Cascade Mountains, the Kittitas Vslhr- ''e tclum' Stove and Rano.ee Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron occupation mill raansrer, of the city or bia River, the Hitter Root Mountains and Montana l ' V .Slogan of Business' Vancouver. Province of British Columbia, crsine a country of surpassine scenic grandeur, histw u 1 intere 1 WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" Intend to apply for permission to pur and wonderful development. 75 years of chase the following deicrlbed land)) OVER in Canada, Commencing at pott planted on tbe TWO FAST THROUGH Tit A INS PAHA' oulh i ho re of Cousins Inlet about Ove FRED STORK'S HARDWARE the strength,demonstrated security, chains Lot II,west Itanre of S,the Coast southwest Districts corner tbenee of "Tine Olympian" and "The Columbian" south tO chains, tbenee west 40 chains. 1 safety and service of The thence north to chains, thence west JS THAINS to Bank of British North chains, thence north U.5 chains more or Tho NEW ALL-STEEL less to II. W. M. or Cousins Inlet, thence America. The history of follow Inr tbe II. W. M. to this post and JiUTTH. MILKS CITY. SIOUX CITY. this bank for over three-quarters containing one hundred and twenty-five MINNEAPOLIS. ST. l'AUL. MILWAUKKK A Uliu (US) seres more or less. Tickets of a century has DATED at Vancouver, B. C this tit For further Information rfuardlnff fares, train senice, reierroti. ", etc., been one of progress and day or November, A. D. 1916. call on or aJJren development, and of J. tt. AltCHIE BArtlES MARTIN. City Ticket Office, GrxnJ Trunt Pacific, to and from Norway. Swadtn. Dn-nark, Third Ave., I'rince Ruirt, 1. C or consistent in the growth Finland, Italy and Russia. Al LINOS mom NEW YORK regard of the business LIQUOR ACT, 1810. City Tictet Offices. Chicago. Milwaukee & St. ftul Vancouver, Jt l St. "Ilclllr Olor- mot. sird 443 Hastings West, Stockho'aj' Dee. I net world. (Section 41.) OR "Frederick VUI Dee. lib. THE BANK OF NOTICE li hereby riven that, on tbe Second Ave. and Cheiry St-. S""1' Bemmfjord" Dee. Sth. first day or December next, application will Hava Your lUsarvallont mada Early. Britkh North America be made to tbe Superintendent or Pro For Rates. Illustrated Folder and vlnclal Police for renewal or the hotel aBaiMsSBBBBBBMH Oeoeral Information Apply to 7 YEARS IN BUSINESS. licence to sell liquor by retail In tbe hotel known as the Northern Hotel, situate at LsBBBBBairr-e'ff1f' DYBHAVN A HAM SON CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, S7.SSt.04. -IPM Port Simpson, In the Province or British Inturanca and Staamahlp Anv, Prlnca Rupsrt, B. a PRINCE RUPERT BRANC1 Columbia. Daily Ne The Dated Ibis 7th day or October, !!. Advertise In W.J.SMITHERS,Manager EftNEST WOOD BICIIAIID3, Applicant. EMPRESS C0FF 0. C PRINCE RUPERT. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F, Q, DAWSON