November, 1010. Wednesday trie daily new. I0BLYMEDIC1 GOING DOWN 2,000,0001 THAT HELPED HER Belgians Depend on us fruit-a-lives Again Proves lis Extraordinary Powers TJi,- 1 IJ Vf for Bread! March 2nd m5' T. no, Qc-t Since after the German the , recciTcJ the most wonderful shortly invasion, Belgians j JV f,.,m taking "iruu-a-uvcs-. have depended for food entirely on the "Commission n. ! for years from Rheumatiim for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, an.! aairo obtainable Of life,without and I took results.every I even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only re l rult-a-tlTCi" and It was the three weeks they have had no chance to rai more ouiy i.-inn ..that really it did ft...rood. and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I 1 :a entirely wen mw iwreu-roii fcVw tt has disappeared, and tho tcr-n Backed by the body are all gone. I ! ;ns 40 my others, who suffer from such j, ,ci Hv'j ;ia Mada-kISAIE diseases, will try KOCIIO.V."Frult-a. Belgian Relief fund tot a bo, 6 for $2.50, trial site, 20c. jit all : ali:r or sent postpaid by Fruit-a so generously contributed in the British Empire and the United tiTes Limited, Ottawa. States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation Salvation Army. to far. The great majority of the 7,000,000 Belgians left in the country have been able to pay for their daily allowance of bread but a steadily growing number have no money left. Public meetings, Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at 8 o. m Unless we are willing to let these hundreds of thousands of Sundays at 7:30 p.m. men, children and old meet starve, they must be fed at the expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month every Coughing scatters genu month all khis winter I Stop it No people under the Allied Flags are as well able to contribute generously as we Canadians I No cause has ever been more Centals? loereaaea the deserving of help! In the name of Justice and Humanity for Irritation of the already Inflamed the sate of our own self-respect lot us give aO we can to nincnou membrane help our martyred Allies! and U moreover apt to carry disease to others. Send your tuUcnptiooa weekly, I alWly ac a mm mm? mm i Mathiea's Syrnpof Tarand PieviacUl Committees, I the Cad Llrer Oil protnpUy stop coughing, and toon, thank Central Executive Committee, 59 St. Pats St, Mantreal to Hi tonic propertiea,effect permanent cure. $'2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. The wonderful popularity of Mtthlea'a Byrnp of Tar and od Liver Oil la tpeda!l v doe to its rreat value aa a permanent Tang and broo chlal bealer. Sold everywhere,J5C Urge bottles. i.L. MATHIETJ CO,rrcv. CANADIAN WOMEN Skrkrke, 1-.Q. SHOULD KNOW THIS Wm I ! mm Mmlklmft Wm im f-ttmm mm wtri mm tm mmm IM "CANADA FIRST"Milk Isthe BEST Kfflc y mA,111 nil mmm l.i i.f -!dI Your Crocsr. The Government Uulletln Nj.303 tells the story-lT COSTS THE SAME. CAiua !PHOSUCT-INSIST Hrou wantwklrrdcrftm?chiH"Cii.Jrirl"ETcorted then whip as with f reib cream. ThsAYLMER CONDENSED MILK CCLto. i Ol II SHIP IS SURE IN SOni: DISTRESS AND THERE'S NO REPLY TO OUIl S. 0. S, Cartoon 'Torn Avlmcb.Ony Canada London llystander. The Dally rt8 uelivcied 1j NAVAL RECRUITING his heartiest support. carrier, 50 cents per timnth COMMITTEE FORMED Ilev. Canon Ilix said that the war would have been fought out The Whisky Continued from Page one. and lost but for the navy. We have our liberty and our privil oQuality tmmuium jwho had spoken had shown very eges because of the fact that tho 1 AredlnWood clearly tho circumstances in navy was ready. He felt that 8 Years there would be no difficulty In getting before bottling winch the people of Canada found the 5,000 men asked for. CUARANTtED ! themselves. He felt certain that BY THE Lieut. Julien then explained the C0VTXNMENT ml CANADA 9jB would assist in ritizi-ns every wny methods of the committees, which -m possible to carry out the recruiting are centralised In Vancouver for scheme outlined, lie promised British Columbia. He asked the citizens to appoint a committee, rallliilISIIIAili!ill' - which would appoint a delegate . P to headquarters. Hn said that he U tm im .,.. SH n W ana mm .i a would aid that committee to the host of his ability and that they Ramsay's had only to make their wishes known to have them attended to. lie felt that If 25 men from Prince Empire Cream Sodas Rupert were transferred to tho North Sea they would form the nucleus of a navy here. They The Poor Man's would Imbibe the spirit of the In 2-lb. Tina navy as our soldiers had done tho spirit of the trenches. Universily Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior M. J. Hobln. seconded by T. D. quality and uniformity. Tho most discriminating housewife Paltullo, moved that the committee Insists upon "Ramsaya Emplro" when buying Soda consist qf Judge Young, Biscuits. J. II. McMullin, Canon Rix, Fred ONES knows more about motor They are made In B. C. and your grocer gets his supply Peters and L. M. do Gex. This cars than any other man I frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which moans earried unanimously. know," said a man to his """ crispness. friend. '' He has obtained his 3 mm- Prove It by buying a tin with your next order. . knowledge chiefly from motor car advertisements, and the catalogues and booklets Manufactured by Geo- P. McColl circulated through them. RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. " All I know about photography," declared a well-known GROCER " amateur, I have learned from the men who Vancouver, B. C. advertise cameras, plates, papers and films." Has Moved Into the Hart Blk. Advertisements have been 5 well called "The Poor Man's NOW READY FOR BUSINESS Let Us Save You Money on your I University," but other than Gasoline or Distillate MINERAL ACT poor men have been schooled rtlvermoutn Fractional mineral rltim, thereby. We or dWIUato and iliutctl In tua Skeena Mlnlnr Division or guarantee to save you 25 per cent, oni gasoline Cassltr Dlstrtcu A E?P n4 're. any motor from.CARBON rouble.. - Where located! At tna bfJ or Allc yea ri Jain m Ittal iminut Much of what the average individual knows concerning of" CarUnvoid oi i;arbonvoi4 la equivalent to do gauon. w"' ,iL0" Arm, atljolninr the 1(1 vermouth amt Carl talk over your advertitinj; frob personal and domestic hygiene modern ami crive boo mineral Urns with lha Advrtisio Department claims. la In rrttB,K..i office methods, books and authors, electricity, precious 400 to W0 ad. Carbonvoid puts the ditional miles, TAkK MJTICK that I, 0. it. Htden. Tree of this newspaper. stones, investments, and almost everything else, l arbonvold ia dry powder you Miners' Ceriincite fia, 4,oD. ariios as are Jlmt a pnrlmlal tr luntdronln tho a : "GO" in Gasoline : tank. Will re- iirent ror Carrie Trill, Free Miners' Cer um-litml tUu It would te tll he has learned from advertisements. from cylinders. Hfirttu jio, oj.vnu. intend. li(y ily (oryoutobtv the ccnmtl od ?SP,wor,d use it THE ALLIES DEUKD 'rum the dtte tereor, to sppl to tht astlttaaee oi a tood advcrlliio Advertisements have stimulated our intelligence, "fJIili 2S4.UU0 UAKiUNn, rreV10U - . Mliilnt Recorder ror a Certlflcaia or tin afener, A list of theia vtill b added enormously to our knowledgct and given us Kwranteed or ywr money refuiided. Mailed anywhereonreceiptoflLMt provements, for the purpose of obtaining lurnithed, without coil or cblt-alioo, aspirations which have raised us to higher levels of s crown Orant or tba abovt clalu. by the Seeietary of Can. thinking and living. Advertising is indeed "The And further Uka nolle that action. adlaa Press Association, Uuom ror duic umj j under section 8k, must I commenced i S03,Lumsdea Ituildlaf Toronto. l'oor Man's University." Rupert B'c fort b Uius or surb CtrttHcaU of 1m Geo. L. Clayton, - Lr!nce provements. Dated this tlrd dty or December. A. D, Apr.