1MB DALL1 fci Wednesday NA.mbp. , , I5U Local News Notes A Distinctive Reason ,n'r,w',w,w" Mitchell Albert left for Vancouver this morning. What fa the chief reason for the superiority of Dr. Price's Cream baking rtev. J. P. Dimmlck returned THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME,' HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING from Ocean Palls this morning. INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR Powder? but P. E. McPceley, of Vancouver, DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE There are several good reasons, arrived this forcnon from Swan-son STOCK there is which distinguishes Dr. one Day. IN SUMS OP $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. Price's from other baking powders. The schooner Aurora brought Principal repayable lit October, 1919. This reason,which every woman should in 5,000 pounds of halibut this Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free know, is that Dr.Price's Baking Powder morninr. of exchange ot any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent annum from the date of purchase. per fa made from Cream of Tartar, which Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at comes from grapes. This means a CARBONVOID for sale by Lip-sett accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment par and healthful fruit origin. It means natural & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Electric Co. . If. Treasury Bills or other like short date security. food as distinguished from mineral substitutes Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. used in cheaper baking powders. William Tutlle, tho well known A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to ttcoa-nized bond and stock brokers allotments in made on respect of applications mining man, left for the south for this stock which bear their.stamp. on tho Prince Itupert. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. Br.PEICES O O A I Favorite Ladysmith DEPARTMENT OCTOBER OF FINANCE.7th. 11. OTTAWA, Wellington lump and nut, best results. CREAM Phone 15; P. ft. C. Co. tf. BAKING POMie! P. E. P. Keegan, who is interested in the fishing Industry at Juneau, is a visitor in town today. MADE FROM CREAM OF TARTAR DERIVED FROM GRAPES J. Chrystal, cashier with the Contains No A turn Treadwell Company of Juneau, arrived from the north last night. J. Bruce Johnstone, of Lakclse arrived in tho llotsprings, city THOUSANDS OF TONS last evening and will spend a few Sheet Metal Work OF RUBBER REQUIRED days in the city. V. J. rtooney, superintendent Now is the time' to have II is estimated that the crude of O. T, P. Telegraphs, arrived in your heating plant put in rubber used by manufacturers jot the city last night and left for shape for the winter; roofs and skylights seen to. various rubber products will the east again this morning. In such cases consult a amount to 202,000 tons this year, If want Don't miss tho great musical practical man you of which the United States will results. treat in the Empress Theatre tomorrow C. 0. Rowe use one-half. This appears night. Miss Maud Scruby, H I 6wwpoo with TOerle'on'iy." '''iffitf tifc'k pj M strange when it is considered that A. II. C. M L. It. A. M., the emi w?'r r"0(, 'or on ptll,r Co,(1 non1 SP' - '''; .' rK' Practical sheet metal man. while the States will uso half nent cellist. Opposite Board of Trade Great Britain practically controls Rooms 322 2nd Avenue the entire rubber growth of the P. F. Quinn, o f Vancouver, PHONE 340. world. All this was brought about father of Mrs. Hugh Dunn, was a Estimates Furnished Free. by the plantations established in visitor in town last evening friftn Ceylon, Sumatra, the Malay States the east. Mr. Qulnn left for home and Java under the direction and this morning. financing of the British govern Prince Rupert Feed Co. ment. J. D. McAulay, freight and pas senger agent for the O. T. P. at It is fortunate for Canadians, and for the world, that it is Britain, Juneau, was amongst the south-going DENTISTRY STEEN & LONGWILL "The Daily News" HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS rather than a private corpor passengers on the Prince AND FERTILIZERS ation, that controls this immense Rupert this morning. . CROWN A ANO SPECIALTY BRIDOE WORK SANITARY AND HEATINQ CLASSIFIED ADS. output, for in the face of big war DR. J. 8. BROWN ENGINEERS The Gymnasium at the Rail WE HANDLE orders and the upward trend of DENTIST waymen's Club Second Avenue Warm and eomfuruMe on TALBOT IIOL'SE- Bulbs, and Take Orders for prices on all staple products, Dflleei Smith Block, Third Avenu Agents for room, bath, hot and cold water, will be to the public on Pri 484 open Phone wett Nursery Stock. England has gradually lowered McCLARY FURNACES cents per ttlrht. It and If.JI ft day evening first. All interested 1 30 Second Avenue. Weil the price of crude rubber from Chicken Feed A Specialty. are. invited to attend. ' PLUMBING WANTED. 3 a pound in 1010 and $1.25 and Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. ust before the Clrl for reoertt bouorL war, to 67 cenU WANTED Call the Pony Express for wood Harry A. Harvey SHEET METAL WORKS Appiy iw uuuiujuii. - P. O. Bo I 333. SOS Third Ave. pound today. cut In stove lengths or 4 feet. (Late London, Eng., Conservatoire 1'hone 5, 831 Second Avenue. WANTED Two lorrers, ntr"r sod bo"" PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. This means one thing the Best household coal and general of Mualc) Night phones 576 men. Apply Williams k Hanson. l L substitution of rubber in PUPIL OF LANSDOWNE COTTELL every transfer. Piano moving our and Blue 270 ban second instance fuplls Taken ror WANTED To buy a possible for the leather Prices moderate. Phone The at the Amerlcanu or specialty. VIOLIN, PIANO, VIOL1NCELLO and right work, right Encyclopedia Brltannica, that is rapidly reaching a price 301, R. W. Rogers. tf. HARMONY. time, and at the right prise. NationaL Apply Bus III.JL2li that puts it within the reach of EXAMINATIONS WANTED Empty coal 11 snd n"" B. C. UNDERTAKERS only the affluent. In fact there George A. McNicholl left for Pupils Aaaoclated Prepared Board, Vancouver,for Elimination Center cans, t cents each. Rupert Uuim ironwork. is a strong movement on foot Seattle this morning to meet W. Royal College of Music, London, Eng. PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 33 FUNERAL OIPECTORS SATISFACTION AND GUARANTEED EM-BALSKttS now to use rubber to a larger extent P Ilinton, who ha9 conre out to TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. WANTED, a Woman for Hotel wort WU---- OPEN DAY AND NIOHT in footwear this winter than the coast to interview J. S. Emer 117 END STREET PHONE 41 ever before. Fabrics and chem LOST son in regard to the proposed SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF icals as well as the labor used sawmill at Prince Rupert. COAST, RANGE THREE Transfer and Storage LOST-Watch. rold-nlled. II Jee W Return Initial E. L. J. on ess. in making rubbers and overshoes BEST LUMP & NUT COAL New ofuce. . have increased slightly, but the Mrs. Comer a"d family of Van TAKE notice tbat I, Francis Joseph " Beale, actlnr as a rent for the Empire FOR SALE AKERBERG, THOMSON lowering of the rubber price has couver arrived in the city this Pulp and Paper Mills, Ltd., of Swsnson TIO LONG WAITS kept things pretty well balanced morning on their way to join Mr, Cay, D. C, occupation lorrer. Intend to NO SHOr.T WEIQHT3 r'olTsALE-Spr.or rot, COMPANY apply for permission to lease the follow .mall rocker, kitchen furolsBinrt. This movement has been fos Comer in Anyox. They will visit ing; described una: When You Order from Us. fourth Avenue. East Commenclnr at a post planted on the Agents for tered by the fact that nothing is for a few days with Mrs. John south shore of the Uroon at the end of cruwr r',lft "B -FRISCO FOIl SALE Cabin "FISHER IMPERIAL.""FERRO""PALMER,"AND so ruinous to leather as water- McRae, who is n sister of Mrs the East Ann of Mussel Inlet, about one enrlno-t.J0 h. p. ""' MAN." ' and one half miles in a westerly direction LIQUOR ACT, 1010. csh uftvr o "CLAY" OAS Comer. Any rea.6n.bh. ENGINES. particularly snow water and the from the N.W. corner or T. L.4II4I, SOS, iSectlon 4t. at the fronL P.rliruiarv PHONE 525. expensive leather must bo pro It 8001'., thence south to chains, tbenc NOTICE is hereby riven that, on the New s. , , west 40 chains, thence north to chains Or! day ot December next, application will tccted if one is to have any shoes TENDERS more or less to shore line, thence following be made to the Superintendent of Provincial ron SALE CIIEAr-Slnrle comb wJ to wear. . advt. shore line In an easterly direction to Police for renewal of the hotel brown lerborn bens snd puUeU- Tenders are hereby called for the point of commencement hotel Strleihorst, Splller Wer sup licence to sell liquor by retail In tho to II. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT ply of Ave rubber coats for the police, m AN CIS JOSEPH BEALE, Applicant. kruiwn as the I'lne Tree Hotel, situate at B. C. TO MARINERS For particulars apply to Chief Vlrkers, October IStb, tflo. J.tt Discovery, In lb Province or British Columbia. ATTENTION VOTERS Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac ron SALE-Carload flX Persons ho bold lot under agreement, cepted. Tenders must be In within thi Dated this totii day of October, It It. cludlnr 17 machine or assignment of agreement must make The lighthouse Inspector at days. r. PETEflS, City Clerk. ..Hil..Hlin-.,.. I CLAHE.NCE MAIIMADUkE SANDS, drill-steel. stesm-nttlni, declaration giving psrtlcuier or tbetr Nov. to. Applicant. Dsily News. title, before the last day of November, Ketchikan has Issued the follow FOR RENT Any person neglecting to take such de ing notice: Spike Rock Float ties M. Manson, a.A. claratlon will not be entered on the voters' TO THE CITIZENS OF W. E. Wllllsms. B.A.. L.L.B .HICKEY light three, Wrangell Strait, dis ItsL PRINCE RUPERT, B). C. Modem roomed bouse close In WILLIAMS A MAN30N It Is Impossible for me to ascertain the continued and float removed Nov. Srd Avenue, 3 bedrooms, name of agreement bolder! unless tne? 19th. A publle (netting I called In the o roomed Oat tnd Ave. Modern. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. CONTRACTOR & BuUD come in personally. Carpentere' Hall FrWay, November roomed cottare No. 1036 ttb MONEY TO LOAN It will rreaUy facilitate matters If per - i 24, at S for - p. m.f the purpose of Ave., E. Near drydock. Sec. 7. Boi lilt Fixture. sons wlsblng to make Oillco declaration bring and completing Platform and the organisation Storo Cotisre partly furnished close In IM serum Block prlore Rupert. B- C tUelr agreements, so tbat I may Inspect of a Prince Rupert Municipal tnd Avenue, t rooms and bath, r a rnn mill Molding. inru ana thus prevent errors. WE GUARANTEE IB PER CENT. Movement. .Tits Trades and no. Cottare 171 Summit Ave. of 4 Reference to old voters' lists satisfies SAVINO. WHY PAV MORE Labor Council request the prlvll large rooms. Oath. Oak and Hard Wood me tbat only a small proportion of agree FOR ege of placing feur Aldermanl tan-didatee Furnished cottste No. IJ7 Ith Ave. mem bolder bave registered In past ' kinds. on the tkksl. .Thus giving E., Near school In section years. Tbis, I believe, has happened be FIRE to the cltltene at large the opportunity t roomed flat opposite school 6.In Stuart J. Martin Wo Specialise In m'" cause people wrongly think tbetr names of aelectlng the Mayoralty Section A. Bath. torm win-dows, will be and fitting inserted without any action on candidate and the remaining four McMordie Apts. I rooms and their parL I therefore call special at Aldermanle candldatte, also the 4 roomed cottste No. tot 9th Ave.bath:E. ASSAYED any !" , INSURANCE ten lion to the necessity of agreement School Trustee. So, cltlsena, here f roomed No. OUM bolder making declarations. Is cottage no Ith Ave. E. Plate and Sheot chance to the your Join "get-together Oreen Cottare at corner and Seventh FRED fETEns. City Clerk. HAZELTON B. C. movement" and make thlngo Glazing. OLD, STRONG COMPANIES Ave. a rooms. Near school. count. If Your House le vacant List It with FrandJthJ' I,,,. SEE Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Corner SUBSCRIBE FOR Us. We can All It for You. CONSOLIDATED SECURITIES, LTD. Council, November 21st, ISIS. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE Tho oldest established Assay 269 Iiooiu It Smith Block . i. ANDERSON, Secretary. PHONE GREEN The Daily News PHONE El and BLACK 2S3 S. D. MACDONALD, President. H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD Office In tho North. l. J m