1 OH A I L Y News VOL Vlf NO. 75, PIUNOR ItUPEItT, H. C, FMDAY, NOVEMIIEIl 24, 1015. PMCE FIVE CKNTfl WHEAT TEE C7 InnJ MY BRITjjH AIR SUCCESSES - BULGARS RESISTING STUBBORNLY IN MACEDONIA BERLIN CLAIMS BULGARS ARE BRITISH CHIEF GREAT CAPTURE REINFORCED APPEALS FOR OF WHEAT LAND IN MACEDONIA MORESUPPORT Rumanian are Driven Dack In Stubborn Resistance North of I People Not Yet Awake to Gravity Transylvania Russians Monastic Artillery Dusy of Situation Bishops Call Hold Line Russian in West British Air For Economy French Warship Gone. Successes. Food Plans. iffM to Th Dtlir News.) tfiK-cul to Tb Dally Aewtl (Special to Tbe Dally flews.) London. Nov. 21. The Tcuton-k London; Nov, 21. Except on London, Nov. 24, Sir William Aim a in llie Wallachlan region the Macedonian frnnl, there is Robertson, Chief of Staff of the i-iuiinui: to advance against the little fighting nf any account Ink. British army, declares that he has Ing place. every confidence In his fellow- Rumanians. Ituisian reinforcements have North of Monastlr, the Germans countrymen, who are not yet fully arrived in the region of Kimpo-lung nnd Bulgarians have been strongly awako to the gravity of the war where the Germans and Aus-tr.ans reinforced nnd arc offering a situation. He has appealed to are making desperate hut stubborn resistance to the Allied the people for greater support 'utile efforts to break through. armies. In this region, the French and is" satisfied that the appeal Berjln Report. have captured additional territory. will bo satisfactorily answered. Falken-bayn MOTHERS AND BABIES PAR DE TO PROTEST AGAINST HIQH MILK PRICES-Tliere was a No Xmas Dainties. Berlin claims that Von s army has captured eleven Western Front. great procession of mothers in Hydo Park, London, England, recently, protesting against the artificially The leading Bishops of tho thousand square kilometres of Fighting on the western front high price of milk, which has recently been advanced by "profiteers" to the serious detriment Anglican Church request tho ten valuable wheat soil in Rumania is confined to heavy artillery engagements of the baby. Note the baby in the centre of the picture making his own vigorous outcry against banishment of all extravagancies -during and battles in the air. tho combine. the remainder of the war, and that this success to The German artillery is very active particularly in the matter of ex extent solves Germany's food a large problem for this winter. at Iieaucourt, Seres and Ypres MEIGHEN SPEAKS ON GERMANY PROTESTS NEWSPAPER CASE pensive foods used in the celebration It is also claimed that the Germing while the British arc bombarding NICKEL SITUATION GREECE IS NEUTRAL VERY COMPLICATED " of Christmas festivities. the enemy lines in the vicinity of French Economy. have severed tlio Rumanian 1 Messincs, Armentieres and Loos. Paris, Nov. 21. At a meeting aft of communication near (Special to Trie Daily .laws.) (Special to The Daily News.' In the air fighting the British Before tho Supreme Court ad of the cabinet this morping pre Catuva by capturing the railroad. have again been successful, three Toronto, Nov. 21. Hon, Arthur Berlin, Nov. 21. Germany is journed Jast evening, Mr. Justice sided over by President Poincaire, Russian Dreadnought Sunk. machines having-fallen within the Meigben, addressing a meeting of strongly protesting against the Morrison intimated to counsel in iLwnsc decided to cstablish a Min , Tili-jgratl, Nov. 24. The gov-rc.nent officially announces that Iiritish lines and a fourth Ger a Conservative Association here expulsion of the Teutonic am the Coyle v.-McXeil case that he istry of Provisions, to have entiro down last night, declared that the responsibility supervision of tho provisioning brought bassadors Ih: Russian dreadnought Imper-i man aeroplano was from Greece, declaring would require an accounting by for Canadian nickel of tho civilian population as well the German side sa Maria has been sunk as on that the action is a mockery of Mr. Coyle and Mr.-McNeil an the Dritannlc Mined. reaching Germany rests with the as me army. ihe r suit of an Internal explosion. international law depriving a neutral different parts of the plant in British government. He added New York, Nov. 21. Officials Two hundred of her crew state of tho free privilege of LETH BRIDGE MAY of the White Star Line state that that it would have been suicidal (question. are missing. the British Admiralty reports for Canada to have placed an em. deciding its own questions. His Lordship said that he was HAVE MINERS' STRIKE that tho' Britannic, which was bargo on the metal, as that would satisfied that the portions of the HON. A. E. KEMP NEW sunk in tho Aegean Sea yester prevent the Allies from receiving PLEASING PROGRAM plant in the woodshed and at tho (Special to The Dally News.) MINISTER OF MILITIA day, was not torpedoed but struck nickel to meet their requiements AT PATRIOTIC CONCERT ranch were not Included in the Lclhbridge, Nov. 21. The sit mine. in the war, on account of the lack sheri fTs sale. There was a direct uation between the miners and 'pedal Ut Tbe Dally News.) a of refining facilities in the Dominion. Owing to the inclement weather conflict between the litigants as I the mining companies here pre Ot awa, Nov. 21, Hon. A. E. PRESIDENT WILSON conditions last night, there was,to what took place at the sale, sents difficulties and there Is no Kemp formerly minister without "o satisfied that the defend of a settlement being arrived ADDRESSES CABINET not a largo attendance at the con- was -pign portfolio in the Borden cabinet, ant deaU wilh 1,10 under lhe differences arc still un SANTA ROSA MOURNS plant cert the of the given a by Daughters i in lato sworn yesterday as (Special to The Dally News.) FOR DEAD NOVELIST belief that it was all his and that, seltlea on baturuay a stme wm Minister Empire In the Empress Theatre., of Militia, m succession be declared. Washington. Nov. 2i. President at the time, plaintiff concurred in probably to Sir Bam Hughes. The chief performer was Miss' Wilson has wired to Charles (Special to The DUy News.) his actions. His Lordship be-1 HALIBUT ARRIVALS E. Hughes thanking him for his Santa Ilosa, Cal., Nov. 21, Tho Scruby, a 'cellist of great ability.'neved that both plaintiff and the NEW HALIBUT RECORD congratulations. whole Santa H&sa valley today is In tone arid execution Miss Scruby defendant acted under a bona fide The American schooner Sitka The president delivered a short in deep mourning for Jack Lon showed a thorough command of mistake. The connection between l The Atlin Fisheries yesterday brought in 30,000 pounds of halibut and impressive speech to his cabinet don, the popular novelist who died her instrument and was encored McDougall and Coyle did not paid 13 cents per pound-for this mornincr nnd the Cana. yesterday, calling upon them yesterday. Ho will bo missed by on each occasion. Mrs. E. II. clearly appear nor was he clear the halibut brought in by the dian schooner Joe Haker made to aid him In tho difficulties which hundreds of poor people in this Patterson's recitations brought'as to whether the defendant was Doreen, while the Ilorvig Fish Co. Tort last confront him. district as he freely provided meal forth their usual demand for re-'a party to what took place be- PAid the samo price for the faro night with 500 pounds, tickets for any who were in want. peats and were much enjoyed.1 tween Bourgon and Dr. Wallace, of the Sealight. Booth Fisheries very vth rough weather Interfering NAVAL RELIEF "The Cosy Corner" group from Ho accepted the statement of the paid 11 cents for the American tlshing. At noon 12 cents The Shipmasters' Association FAREWELL GIFT the Presbyterian Club made a defendant as to the purchase oflcatch. bid for the Canadian fish and 10 for the American. have called a publio meeting to pretty picture. Frank Moore sang the goods from the sheriff andl Shortly after noon today, the ho held In tho Council Chamber Yesterday, at tho residence of well in the solo part and the' that defendant firmly bellevedJAtlin Fisheries paid 11 cents NEW WELLINGTON COAL, this evening at eight o'clock to Mrs. Du Vernet, president of the chorus group, composed of Mrs. that ho was ownur of tho prop-jfor the fare of the Joe Baker, Mionc no. v0 have just ro-eived select a committee to take charge Caledonia Women's Auxiliary, tho Darton, Mrs. J. II. McMillan, Miss crty. Neither was entirely to topping all previous records for of tho arrangements for n smoker executive ,wero Invited for tea and Irwin, Miss Marguerite Kilpat- blame for what happened, nor Halibut at Princo Ilupert. The a tons shipment of 500 1 np Coal. to be held next week in aid of tho also to say good-bye to Mrs. A. L. rick, Miss Kathleen Grant, Miss wholly blameless, which made the reason for tho high price Is that Wo to are prepared I'Ut In Relief Fund for tho widows and Ford, who is leaving on Saturday Carton, with Messrs. J. Currie, D.'case rather difficult. Tho defend- there was a demand for fish for your winter's coal for you. orphans of the men of tho Itoyal with Mr. Ford to reside in tho McCorkindale, S. Darton, L. C'ant was Justified in taking the to Canadian market and the sup-Holtby, Navy who have given their lives east. and George Hudson, did ! plant which ho had purchased nndjply of fish In Canadian bottoms WESTHOLME for the Empire A largo attend Tho members, on behalf of tho well. J. E. Davey sang splendidly there was no damages coming to was very small. ance of citizens is requested. society, presented Mrs. Ford with In both his numbers and Lieut. Coyle from tho taking of McNeil's! OPERA HOUSE a pair of silver bon-bon dishes Drake was heard to splendid ad-!own property. Ho also took part Presbyterian Church Bazaar in TONIGHT Flcturs and ONLY Bast Mualc. Jack Mitchell, of Stewart & nnd a letter expressing their regret vnntago In "Glorious DeVon," of tho plant which was not in- the church, Wednesday, Novem Mobley, has gono to Saskatchewan at her departure and appre while his humorous numbers eluded In the nurchase. McNeil ber 29th, at 3 p. m. AH kinds of The Captivating on a two weeks visit. Ho expects ciation of her faithful services wero also appreciated. The ao- must account to Coylo for tho Xmas novelties, plain and fancy HAZEL and DAWN to bring his sister to the coast on wince the early days of Princo companlments wero played sym-jsums of tho sales ho had made sewing, etc.- Tea and Ices served. . IRVING CUMMINGS n visit. Miss Mitchell nrrlved In Ilupert. pathetically by Miss L. M. Ellett.'of plant which he had not bought. Splendid musical program In tho m a dramatic tho Mountains romance of Canada from Scotland somo weeks Ilev. Dr. H, It. Grant, who nro- His Lordshln asked to hoar ovl- evening. if. "THE FEUD GIRL" ago. SUN AND TIDE sided, opened the proceedings in denco as to what damage may be Five acts. Saturday. November 25th. a fchort and appropriate speech considered duo to tha plaintiff In HELEN HOLMES Just nfter noon today tho Cold Sim rises 8:10 a. m in which ho traced the history of regard to tho plant taken by Mc LONDON CAFE u In the 12th Episode nf Storage Company bought tho faro bun sets . . .i .11 p. m. the Daughters nf tho Empire and Neil which was not really his. AND GRILL The Girl and The Gamo" of the Sitka, 30.000 pounds, at High water ... l:rin. m. lit. 10.2 dwelt upon the splendid work accomplished Third Avenue 8ATUnDAY ONLY lli cents- row writer, .. .Orf-rt n. m, lit. 7.8 by the organization Rubbers! Rubbers!! Rubbers!!! Serves Nothing but tha Best JOICE FAIR In "A LITTLE' High watep. 12:50 p.m. Ht.22.0 since tho outbreak of the war. Exclusive agency for Goodrica 8TRICTLY UNION HOUSE VOLUNTEER" Men' Ni' l 8(1,6 J,Hols Wnl Low wnter .7:llp. m. lit, 2.1 "God Save the King" brought the American Ilubbrrs, All styles nnd LATEST GAZETTE lace's. 275 Captain McOro, M. M. . A. concert to a close. sizes. Peck's Shoo Store. 270, BOXES FOR LADIES