tnti oaIL Mi" lTlny N, .v, mJu:;. ' For a Quick Pick-Up THE MAILS The Daily News Luncheon try that most FALL AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA WINTER PaMUhad Dllr and Wkr delicious, nourishing, whole For the East. Guaranteed LargMt Circulation wheat food, Triscuit, the Wednesday and Saturday, box SCHEDULES shredded wheat wafer-toast. closes 0:30 a. m. and Friday 3 HEAD OFFICE It contains nil the bodybuilding S. S. PRINCE nrnnnr Dally Ncwa Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Ilupcrt, B.C. Telephone 98. material in the a. m. East. For Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Victoria the From Friday at 0 a. ,. For Anyox eveVy wnf THAN8IENT DI8PI.AY ADVERTISING 50 centa per Inch. Contract whole wheat grain, including Trains arrive Tuesday and S. S. DniNrr Milling ratea ou application. the bran coat which promotes Thursday, 5:30 p. m. ........ ... - a ui tuiituuvcr anu nil " healthful and natural For the South. every Wednesday at 0 a, in. p,,lnl uth DAILY EDITION Frldny. November 24, 1010. bowel movement. It is real Tuesday, 5 p. m. Boat anils at PASSENGER TftAIN SERVICE whole wheat bread without For mlthers, Prince Oaorga, Jaspar Mmenton, tssUtoon 7 p. m. P.0, connecting thare for all polnta In' ta.t.rn Canada .? .W'"'U CANADA'S PART that they have forgotten they yeast, baking powder or Wednesday, 7 n. m. Boot sails and Coulharn SUl laataa Prlnca Rup.rt atari W.d...."Vt,,l" chemicals of any kind an day at 11,30 a. m. MI.ed train ary Friday at B a. "4 ,,Uf The municipality of Charles are really French and Canadians. at 0 a. ni. Agency All Ocean ideal food for children because Steamship Lines. lou rg, Quebec, has passed n Had these men been it compels thorough Friday, 7 a. m. Boat sails at For information and reservations annl'v ii resolution opposing conscrip still in tho land of their fathers, mastication and ensures perfect 0 a. m. City Ticket Office, 620 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 Hon and saying that Canada would they have said today digestion. A crisp, tasty Saturday, Boat sails 0 p. ni. has now done its part In tho that France has done "snack" for picnics or excursions. Sunday, Boat sails 0 p. m. war. This being a free coun enough? If they did, they Toast in the oven For Anyox. try, this council of this little would bo unworthy of the name and serve with butter, soft Wednesday, box closes 10 p. in. municipality is perfectly at and noble traditions of France. cheese or marmalades. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY liberty to express its opinions Had they been in Alsaco or Made in Canada mind that ho was really defeated in the presidential election. Like Lowest Rates o all Eastern Pointa whence their fathers on any subject; in fact, only by Lorraine, via Steamer ho does not to Vancouver and the such free expression of opinion probably came, would they today triotic Laurier in Quebec in Sir Sam, probably CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY can the thoughts of any community be declaring that the 1011. The pandering of Borden know when he is beaten. Meata and Berth Included on Steatrer he made known to the French in Alsaco and Lorraine and his followers to the Wilson has sent his other parts of tho Dominion. had done enough and that they men who declared that they President Princess Maqulnna for Granby & Alice Arm Friday 11 p.m. that Canada lias must do more to drive out condolences to the new ruler of Southbound By stating no Princess Sophia Saturday 6 p. m. would shoot holes in the Union There is little now done its part in the war, the Teuton? Austria-Hungary. Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday G p. m. Jack is largely responsible for the who Is this little municipality is telling The people of Charlesbourg doubt that gentleman the state of feeling which the world that Charlcs-bourg, have forgotten that they aro prevails called upon to occupy this thorny J I. PETERS, Gcnernl Aeent small communities in or rather Charlesbuorg, French; have forgotten that many throno deserves all sympathy. Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. in Quebec today. Fortunately, town council, does not intend they are Canadians, and, in it is not a feeling which to do any more. The statement thcip narrow racialism, fostered Exclusive agency for Jaeger fills the hearts of the great majority shows clearly that the by such traitors to the noble slippers. All styles and sizes, at of the Fronch people in aldermen of this little burg do French race and to Canada, as Pack's Shoo Store. 273. Canada. When proper recruiting not yet realize what Canada Bourassa and his like, have methods have been adopted SUBSCRIBE FOR has done, nor do they realize lost their vision of tho future in Quebec, it will be found that what Canada and the Empire and the memory of their past. the French-Canadians of that The Daily News has yet to do. Canada's part The future of Canada depends province are Canadians through in- the war is not the giving entirely upon the vanquishing and through and that they are of a certain number of recraits, of the Prussianlsm ready to fight to the last for For Good Looks nor the supporting of the Imperial which has brought such suffering Canada; for France, and the have good forces for any given the people of a woman must upon Empire of which they form a health. She can do her part by time, but tho giving wholeheartedly France and Belgium. If the part. helping nature to keeptheblood of her last man and people of Charlesbourg are the liver active and the her last dollar in the cause of satisfied that Canada should Eure, regular, with the aid of NOTES AND COMMENTS remedy the mild, vegetable liberty and justice. Canada is come under the rule of the doing her part nobly, though Prussian, then, and then only, BEECHAM'S Premier Bowser has at last some sections of the Dominion can they say that Canada has made up his mind to resign. It The Royal Standard Test are doing more than others, done her part. As that noble PILLS is too bad that he has been at but that part has not been patriot, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, so done fully until the iron heel ably expressed it in Montreal last obliged to relinquish his hold Ktm&m ttk Cnry Bat al SMil V to WaaMft HerVi where we test the MJmrprkn. la ks.2S the affairs of the province, upon - of the Teuton has been lifted recently, if they do not want choicest samples of Canada's but he must realize that the peo from France and Belgium, and to fight for Britain and do not six million acre wheat crop. tho- Hun invader has been , want to fight for France, then pie really do not want him. LAND ACT We grind them into(lour in the DEST driven across the nhino from surely they must want to fight a Vancouver Land Dlatrlct Dlatrlct of little mill you see on the left of whence he came. for themselves. The resolution Emperor Franz Josef seems to Coast, Rang 3. the picture. Then comes the be really and; truly dead at Ia9t. supreme lest-bread-ba ling. U The people of Charlesbourg passed by this little municipality TAKE KOTICE tnat Archie Barnes Martin. aro undoubtedly largely of is the result of gross ignorance This aged and infirm ruler of the occupation mill manager, of the city of the bread is petfect in every Hapsburgs has been reported dead Vancouver, Province of Brltlib Columbia, way we pronounce the wheat French origin. They are probably of the whole situation, Intend to apply for permission to pur of that small section of coupled with the ill-feeling oftener than any other ruler in chase the following described lands: Al and the flour-ROYAL Commencing t post planted on the STANDARD. be would interest tho French in Canada has been fostered the history and it people which by south shore of Cousins Inlet about art who have become so wrapped men whom Sir nobert Borden ing to know Just when he died. It chains west or the southwest corner of AT YOUR GROCER'S w up in their own supposed and his colleagues took under is reported that he has been dead south Lot 31.30 Ranre chains,3,thence Coast west District;40 chains.thence Vancouver Milliig&Grain CaLtJI EOVAL and the idea bo for many months. thence north 30 chains, thence west Si grievances of their wing, that they might chains, tbenre north 13.3 chains more or V.ncouvrr.Kw Westminster.Maneuno.vutona French Nationalism in Canada, successful in fighting the pa- less to II. W. M. of Cousins Inlet, thence Sir Sam Hughes has gone to rollowlnr the If. W. M. to this post and containing one hundred and twenty-five Quebec on a recruiting expedition. (133) acres more or less. Sam has a habit of talking too DATED at Vancouver, B. C, this 1st 1 FRED STORK'S HARDWARE much and, for Sir Robert's sake, 81.of November,ARCHIE A. DAWES D. 1016.MARTIN. Travel East It is to be hoped that ho does not I tell all he knows about how things OVER THE 710 SECOND AVE have been conducted In Ottawa, riRE ALARM SYSTEM J) CarpcntarV Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery "MILWAUKEE 1 Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle The United States Hughes has CIRCUIT NO. 1. Iron Pip Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns taken a long time to make up his Basils -lib St. and 3rd Ave. The Newest and Shortest Line to the East Rop Valves Ammunition Bwi IS etn 8t. and 3rd Ave. Pump Hose Paint Safety First" is the Boa Boa mJonetkoD 1- lib St. and of 3rd and Crossinc the Cascade Mountain, the Kittitas Valley, the Columbia 8tovs and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron Slogan of Business" 3rd Avm. River, the Bitter Root Mountains and Montana C . " triV Bel IS -HI Ave., between Itb sod crsinc a country of surpassing icenic anndeut, hutoru l interest WC SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" th sts. (Kuei Hotl. 75 years of so 17 1st av. and Tib 8t (On and wonderful development I 111 OVER in Canada, ral Hoi LI TWO FAST THROUGH TRAINS DAILY FRED STORK'S HARDWARE the strength,demonstrated security, Soi 12- 3rd CIRCUIT 1. 3rd 81 "The Olympian" and "The Columbian" safety and service of The Bet 23 trd Ave. and Mrlirijr 81 Bank of British TRAINS o North Baa Ave. aud McBrMe UI The NEW AIX-STEKL America. The history of Soi 2S--tml Ave and Kbd III IIUTTK. MILHS CITY. SIOUX CITY, Bo i 20 lad Ava an.1 sth HI ClIICAi." this bank for over three-quarters Be I 27-0. T. r MI.NNKAl'OLIS. ST. PAUL. MILWAUKHU and Tickets of a century has oinouir KO. train service, reservation., etr., For further Information rfjrardinff fares, been one of progress and call aJJren Bos SI -lib Ava, and rullon b. on or development, and of Bea SS Borden and Taylor Sts. City Ticket Office, Grand Trunk I'winV, t and from Norway,Italy Sw4n,and Rusala.Don-mark,-Finland, consistent growth in the Bos S 7th Ava. and fultog RL Third Ave., 1'rince Rujrt, l. C,, or Mflgrt-HSBBBBBMr Ml mBbI SAILINGS FROM NIW VORK regard of the business Bos SB -fib Ave. and Couwi Ava. Citr Ticket Offices, Chlcapo. Milwaukee te St. lUul Kai)y "Helllf OIot" Nor. tJrd. Bos 27 Stb Ava. and Dodge I'I. 441 Hastings St. West, Vancouver, 11. C. "Stockholm"' .......... Dee. tod. world. hoi S3 lb Ave. and Thompson 81. "Frederick VIII ........ Dee. tin. THE OR "Berremf Jord" ........ Dec 9th. BANK OF OlROUIT NO. 4. Second Ave. and Cheiry Sl, Seattle Hato Your Roaorationa maia Early. British North America Bt.1 at 4tb Ave. and Immersoo For Rales. Illuitraird rolder tod ri. Ovueral Inrorinatloo Apply to mot 42 lib Ave. and MiBrld Bt 7 YEARS IN BUSINESS. Bui A3 lib Ava. and Oreao BL VBBBBVBSaWstfS-TBBBB OYSHAVN HANSON CAPITAL AND SUKFLUS, S7.M4.0O0. Dot -tth Ava and Basil 81. Inauranea and aHsamshls, Aianey, Boa 46 7th Ave. and Kberte. Prlaaa Ruaort, B. 0. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH Uoi 141 -7lb At, and Yiuna St. News W.J.SMmiERS,Manager Advertise In The Daily EMPRESS COFFE b. o. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. CI. DAWSON pniNCE RUPEnT,