Friday November, 0o. iSERADLE FROM FROM FAR AND NEAR i 2,000,0001 THE ENOINEykLFINEMtNT 1 A. C. l'luiticrfell, in a long TROUBLE letter Or STOSAGH to the Victoria Colonist, suggests Belgians risHERMAira engine that llio government should fix a maximum I cyl 1 In. v 7 In It-IB Depend on us Started price all Wretched Until He on food Hers Pwf. Fell sluiTs, and that exports should crl t-4 In. by B 1-f In, 28 for Bread! To Take "Fruit-a-tives" ceao until Cnna.Ia's demands am Mors Pow sr. MlMfTRaaL. satisfied. Ho also 4 Cyl 6 1-2 In. b In, 2S-3S HI C'lMrtJt! Sf., says that tho Mora Powsr. Tur " ycars 1 M a mIj,erD'0 embargo on labor should be lifted Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians f"r -r r from I had Kheutnatim frequent IHsxy and Stomach Spells, in order that Canada's Industries For Further Information have depended for food entirely on the "Commission j ;lf.n I took food, felt wretched mny proceed. Apply to for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, , t I Buffered from Ithcu-J" even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only m (it ulfully, with pains In my A. J, I'rudhouiriic has hcen W. E. WILLISCROFT three weeksthey have had no chance to rait more-arid fcJl'v". ,! i iots,and my hand awollcn. elected to tho Prince Rupert, B. C. ft '1 jT,scJ "PnilU-UTCi" and executive of tho the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I A t :o outset, tliey did mo pood. Tclkwn Hoard of Trade. Backed by the r t. rxt lor, ell I was getting 1 8; I can truthfully gay that Hon. Frank Cochrane says that COMMISSIONER SOWTON Prints Rupsrt Land District District of ii. s tives" Is tho only medlclno Coast, Rani a. I he docs .not know Relief Fund lrcW'. i-ouis LAURIE. anything about Commander-in-chief of the Salvation Belgian tte, ic; a box, C for 2.CO, trial slie.-SSc. nickel being sent to Germany. Mr. Army in Western Canada, TAKE NOTICE that the r act fie Mills, At Jl flralfrsor sent postpaid by Fruit Cochrane seems to bo speaking who arrived in the city last evening Limited, of Vancouver, B. t, occupation to generously contributed in the British Empire and the United t-ur I. uiited, Ottawa. as n member of the government and who will deliver n lecture pulp acd paper makers. Intend to apply States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported and not as a gentleman interested in the barracks tonight at 8 described for permission lands;to Commenclnr purchase the at followlnr a pout enough wheat. Sour and other foods to feed the whole nation Salvation Army. so far. The great majority of the 7.000.000 Belgians left in in the nickel industry. planted at the southeast corner of Lot 189 o'clock. The title of tho lecture on the west shore of Cousin Inlet, thence the country have been able to pay for their daily allowance of is "Tho Salvation Army in the west 40 chains, thence south to chains, bread but a steadily growing number have no roooey left. Public meetings, Tuesday, Major W. W. Foster, Islands Oreat F.uropean war." Staff Captain thence east to shore, thence northeasterly rhnr'lay and Saturday at 8 p. m ilonr shore to point of commencement, Unlets we are willing to let these hundreds el thousands of Sundays at 7:30 p. m. representative in the provincial Peacock is visiting this district enntaintnr AS acres, more or less. women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the legislature, has been awarded the with tho commissioner. PACIFIC MILLS Mark Smaby,LIMITED,a rent. eipense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible I). S. O, for gallantry on tho field Dated May Uth. A. D. 1916. A nr. II someone muit contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month every Coughing scatters gen of battle. known to all citizens of Prince month all this winter I stop it llupert. She will bo used in the No people under the Allied Flag are as well able to ceatribote Tho Griffiths interests in Se- ore enrrving trade between Hritish generously as we Canadians! No cause has ever been more Irritation Coubidg of tb increases already the In nttlo have purchased tho steamer Columbia and Pugct Sound. LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS deserving of help I In the name of Justice and Humanity for the sale of our own self-respect let u give al we cast te flamed nincuona membrane Hrilish Columbia, a vessel well HOTEL Allies help our martyred I in J la morrort r apt to carry diitt to other. The Hrilish ship Alice A. Leigh 19 NOW OPEN TO QUESTS Send your ubtcriptSou weekly, aoatUy ta la aw laaast la Lacal a Mathien'a Sjrrup of Tar and LIQUOR ACT, 1910. has just arrived in Havre, France, One or the larrest Hot Sprlnrs In Pro iacial Committees. Of la tk g Cod Liver Oil promptly ttopa coughing, and toon, thanke after taking 198 days on tho voy-acrc America, circumference nf S00 feet-Temperature Central Executive Committee, 58 St Pater St, Mantreal ISO d. Water, Fatir. to it tonic properties,effects (Section it.) from tho Columhi.i River. a permanent cure. JtOTICE Is hereby riven that, on the 02.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. The wonderful popularity nrt day of December next, pplicatlon will Tills is the record slow voyage for Ciealltnt Trout Fishing In Lattlt of Mtthlen'i Syrup of Tar be made to the Superintendent of Provincial Las. and Cod Liver OU ia ape dally rollcc for renewal of the hotel the trip. Phon Connections with Ttrrace. do to it great Talne a a licence to ell liquor by retail In the hotel RATES i e2.B0 ptr day. permanent Yung and brooch known at the Northern Hotel, situate at Ul healer. rort Simpson, In the rrovlnce of British The Hetail Grocers Association For further particulars, apply to Sold ererjrwhere. large Columbia. J. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Manager. i3C of San Francisco is starting a bottle. Dated thl 7th day or October, 1916. campaign to try and induce President i, U MATHILTJ CO,rrap, ERSEST WOOD MCHAIIDS. Applicant. WOMEN UnkrMkc, P.Q. Wilson to put an embargo CANADIAN r ., mm Maeumf IMi NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. on the exportation of wheat. The SHOULD KNOW THIG fmr fmn mmd i pmm ii mn wAfci mmrm 1m amvt j R. S. a Chapter 115. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR CANADA FIRST M Milk Is the DEST Milk grocers plan to have their customers old Your Crocer. The Government bulletin 4-H1 The Orand Trunk Pacific nailwty Company f3 bf hereby rive notice that It has under sigh the petition. SECOND HAND GOODS K j.305 u;is the story-IT COSTS THE SAME. Section 7 or the laid Act deposited with OP ALL KINDS iKYontociaroaTNitcttBiN chid CAADItl MOOUCT-IKS1ST tho Minister or Public Works at Ottawa Virginia City, famous in tho BOUGHT AND SOLD If you wntwMrTM!dereim.chillCnadF!rt'EvponLd and In the oince or the District Reristrsr then whip as with f icih cream. r the Land Rerlstry Office. District of early mining days of the west, is Th.AYLMER CONDENSED MILK CO..Lto. Prince import at Prince Rupert, a description HARD TIMES BATI SPIED WITH A Atlmc.Out.,Canada again the centre of considerable of the site and plans of ware- SMALL PROFIT iiuuse proposed to be built In rrlnce Rupert attention. The C. E. Jury Syndi Try S2S 3rd As, Or Phona Rad 268 Harbor at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, cate, of Toronto, has taken bond In front of waterrront Block "0". a acrordlnr to rerlstered plan of the town-site and option on mining territory in or the said city of Prince Rupert deposited tho Jumbo known the In the aforesaid Land Rerlstry district, as TheWhiskv Jl omce as No. West Comstock lode. Tho district AND TAKE NOTICE that after the expiration will bo tested with diamond of one month from the date of oQuality the first publlratlon of thl notice, the drills and, if satisfactory results Orand Trunk raclllc Railway Company will obtained, deep shafts will bo Acedia Wood under Section 7 of the said Act apply to aro 8 Years tho Minuter or Public Works at his office sunk. before bottling In the City or Ottawa ror approval of said site and plant, and for leave to construct GUARANTIED BY THE the tald u art-bouse. Dr. H. Thacker, Liberal-Labor GOVERNMENT ot CANADA Dated at Wlnnlper. Manitoba, this "5th member of tho New Zealand parliament, day of May A. D. ll. THE OIIAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY maintains that the only COMPANY. solution of the high cost of living II. II. HANSARD. Solicitor. problem is for tho government to tako over control of all food supplies. Tho government alone can deal effectively with tho manipulators who aro driving prices up. Ramsay's LUMBERMEN WANTED Tho Hritish army requires lumber Cream Sodas Empire just as much as it requires munitions and there are many , KSBBBBJBd mou in Canada who can do their The Poor Man's share for tho Empire by enlisting In 2-lb. Tina in tho Forestry Hattalions. Sergt. Stokes is at tho lied Cross rooms University . Have attained their enviable rooutation. by, their superior w recruiting for a new Forestry quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- $ Hattalion. and blacksmiths, teamsters, wife Insists upon "Rameays Empire" when buying Soda Biscuit. J chaffcurs, sawyers, fliers, edgemen, fellers, laborers and jj They are made In B. O. and your grocer gets his supply anyono having a knowledge of 'ONES knows more about motor frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means 5 lumbering will be welcomed to cars than any other man I know," said a man to his eritpneee.- tho ranks. tf. friend. 4' He has obtained his Prove It by buying a tin with your next order. LAND ACT knowledge chiefly from motor car advertise i mcnts, and the catalogues and booklets Manufactured by PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT DIS circulated through them. TRICT OP COAST, RANQE III. RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. or TAKE Vancouver,NOTICE British that raclfie Columbia,Mills,occupation,Limited, " AH I know about photography," declared a well pulp and paper makers, Intend to apply known amateur, " I nave learned from the men who I Vancouver, B. C. for permission to purchase the followlnr advertise cameras, plates, papers and films." x described lands. Commeuelnr at post (lamed on the north bank or Koey river, Advertisements have been about one-quarter of a mile up-stream from the shore of rits-IIurh Sound: thence north twenty chains, thence east twenty well called "The Poor Man's Let Us Save You Money on your alonr chains, shore thence In south a westerly to river' bank,direction thenc to University," but other than point of commencement and contatnlnr Gasoline or Distillate forty Dated June(40) lotu.acrea,tote.more or less. Septt poor men have been schooled PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED, thereby. and 1 by "Mark Smaby." ArenL We diatillate guarantee to save you 25 per cent, on gasoline or upkeep and free any motor from OA It HON troubles. A seven ounce E "i v,uroonvom la equivalent to do gauona u, k"v ...... - If yea mu 4tit 11 Much of what the avcrago individual knows con of Carlnnvi.i - will ml iriva save from you talk over your advertising prob ccrninil personal and domestic hygiene modern inH???"", the Urn with lb Advertising U. olficj methods, books and authors, electricity, 400 Carbonvoid puts ditional miles, Geo.P.McColl of this pre " Mi partmeot newspaper. tarbonvoU la a dry powder you cious stones, investments, and almost everything else, "GO" in Gasoline : tank. Will re. If yiH art Jlng m prtvimrfal r Juatdron In the : matitmal ! it Mould b well he has learned from advertisements. novo ail carbon from cylinder. lor you to have tb counsel aod Ta largost companies In the world use it. T'lK ALL1KS OUULIIM) GROCER assistance ot a good advertising Advertisements have stimulated our intelligence, IN cartons, fully JUNK 288,000 CARTONS. Previou order 2M.000 aganey. A list of these v.I!lb added enormously to our knowledget and given us ouicouur your money reiunucu. oihim'v"..v.-. turnltbad, witlioul cost or obll. which have raised levels of to aspirations us higher Has Moved Into the Hart Blk. gallon, by the Sect clary ol Caned its Tress Association, lioom thinking and living. Advertising is indeed "The For Sole Only by 503,Lurosdea Hulldin,Toroolo. Poor Man's University." Geo. Prlnce Rupert E,c L. Clayton, - NOW READY FOR BUSINESS