MA OAfLY NKWi Wednesday. N ' ll, The Bread Problem is MMIIMMMMIM The Daily News not a problem-in the home THE MAILS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA where Shredded Whcor is FALL AND WINTER Deii and Weekly known. The whole whtat For the aat, Ouarantoad Largaat Circulation grain is the real staff of lire, Wednesday and Saturday, box SCHEDULES and you have it in Shredded closes 0:30 n. m". and Friday 3 HEAD OFFICE Wheat Biscuit prepared in a. m. D. o.n amamaaktMH rninut UEORQE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.ll. Telephone 98. ror ucean lalls, a digestible form. It contains From tha Eaat. Vancouver, , Friday at a. in. For Anyox ? WadnSfdU TIlANBIKNl DISPLAY ADVEItTlSINO SO cents per inch, li.ntract more real bodybuild Trains arrlvo Tuosday and ever, ,M7 ratrrf on application, ing material than meat or Thursday, 5:30 p. m. lor Ketchikan, WranKell, Juneau nni rn, is more easily digested, nrday at 12 noon. F'or ,nvay rvc 8U eggs, For tha South. every Wednesday at 0 a. muncomcr 011(1 p0,nt3 DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Nov. 29, 1910. and costs much less. The Tuesday, 5 p. m. lloat sails at PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE food for the up-and-coming for mlth.r., frlnea aeorge, JMp,f 7 m. tdmenton, .,.,. . p. peg. connecting there for all In' A Wl""-and who does things with point. man QUEBEC AND THE WAR parliament, when ho and his Wednesday, 7 a. m. Iloal sails Southern State. I..,.. rVm.a RupeS Vw, CJi,..? U" hand brain for the kiddies or dir at 11130 a. m. MI.ed train 'M In Us efforts to show Hint followers could have driven tho at 0 a. m. erery rrldar at B a M need will-balanced that a Agency Ail Ocean Steamship Sir Wilfrid Lauricr Is reapon graft-ridden Borden government food for study or play Friday, 7 a. m. Hoal sails at For Information and reservations Lines aunw u slide for the alleged lack of In from olflce? Was it for for the housewife who must 9 a, m. City Ticket Office,.620 Third Avenue. phone Icrast In recruiting In Quebec, political clTcct that this aged save herself from kitchen Saturday, lloat sails O p. ni. a l 2go the Victoria fiolonlst claims statesman addressed moro re drudgery. Delicious for Sunday, Boat sails O p, in. that, since Sir Wilfrid is the cruiting meetings than anyl breakfast or any meal, with For Anyox. r zrr most influential French-Cana member of tho government? milk or cream. Wednesday, box closes 10 p. m. dian, lio ought to bo held re In allowing Bourassa and CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY sponsible for the outbursts of his disloyal sheet freedom, tho Made in Canada. RED CROSS SALE Henry Uourassa; and bis Borden government is placing Lowest Rates to all Eastern Pointa That all the soldiers arc not in via Steamer friends. Uourassft and his kind politics before patriotism. Did NOTES AND COMMENTS to Vancouver and tlia the trenches was shown last Fri CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY can only be dealt with by the not Bourassa and his avowed Meal, and Berth day when Mrs. Hal reck and Mrs. lncludtd on Ste.mer Dominion government, Itour-nssa disloyal followers assist Borden Sir Ocorgo E. Foster's Empire II, S. Wright rcallied tho"sum of Is friend Sir Wilfrid's, into Ho Club speech has the Journal no of power? must bo put Princess for & Maqulnna Qranby Alice Arm $36.85 at the lied Cross sale, Friday 11 p. m. but Is, or was, a staunch recompensed for the part bo in an awkward predicament. It Princess Southbound Maqulnna Sunday 6 when the. weather was most discouraging. p. m. supporter of tho Horden government. played in defeating Laurier in contents itself with a typical attempt: The lied Cross Society Princess Sophia for Alaska Monday, December 4th. Did not tho Conser- the last general election. Reciprocity to twist the remarks of Sir thanks the ladies for taking vatives combine with Bourassa was tho issue in every George so that they appear to J I. PETERS, General Aeenc charge of tho sale and also all to defeat Lauricr In Quebec in part of the Dominion, except mean something else than in Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. citizens who helped the cause. 1911? Did not they prevent Quebec. There, the issue was tended. The boudoir cap, donated by Mrs. Conservative candidates from the Canadian navy. Laurier's Frizzell, was won by Mr. Sinclair; taking part in elections in Imperialism was tho theme in Ottawa has decided not to tho picture-in caribou leather was which there were Nationalist Quebec. Dr. Blondin said it punfsh deserters from tho army won by Mr. Goldbloom, who kind candidates? was necessary to "shoot holes If they 'report for duly by the ly handed it back to the society, Sir Wilfrid Laurier has no in tho Union Jack to breathe middle of next month. It would and the pullman slippers, donated power to Interfere with Bour-assa's tho air of liberty". Borden's be interesting' to learn just bow by Mr. Vcnnbles, were won by Mr. anti-recruiting propaganda, "colleagues" in 1911 accused many deserters there are and why W. II. Wright, Donations of food while the government Lauricr of being an Imperialist, they deserted. were sent by the following: Mrs. at Ottawa has ample power to while today he is accused by II. Hampton, Mrs. It. McKay, Mrs. deal with this traitor to Can. other supporters of the government The Allied reply to tho German Smith (Digby), Mrs. Hesncr, Mrs. ada and the Empire. One young of being unpatriotic. claims of victory in Rumania is Hill, Mrs. Harper, Mrs, M. M. Scotchman, a Socialist who Tho scheme Is too transparent. a renewal of activity on the Macedonian Stephens, Mrs. W. S. Fisher, Mrs. does not believe In war. Is In Quebec, Laurier is loo patriotic, front. The Greek situa Arnold, Mrs. Jennings, Mrs. I'al-more, spending two years in jail because in British Columbia, he tion should be cleared up early Mrs- F. Mcll. Young, Mrs. ho raised his voice is not patriotic enough. The in December and then there will Williscroft, Mrs. Sinnott, Mrs. agninst It, yet, Henri Bourassa, amusing part is that the accusers be something stirring amongst Mrs. J. F. flitchie, who has no war to make upon in each instance arc in the Bulgarians and Turks. McClymont, Mrs. K. Shockley, Mrs. Dimmick, Standard Test war but simply wishes to vaunt the same ranks. In 1911, Borden The RoyeJ The Victoria Colonist takes Mrs. I'd. Young, Mrs. Mcintosh, bis hatred against everything was obliged to give three great pains to point out that the Mrs. A. M. Manson, Mrs. Kilpat- British, is allowed to speak cabinet seats to Nationalists Here i where we tett the Lieutenant-Governor, if he rick, Mrs. Galland, Mrs. Eggert, and write against recruiting as from Quebec, who accused cares, chotcett aamplea of Canada' can refuse to sanction the Mrs. Mobley, Mrs. Stillwcll, Mrs. often as he pleases. This, in Laurier of being too patriotic appointment aiz million acre wheat crop. a free country, under alleged to the Empire. Borden had to of a cabinet minister. Conway, Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Lind We grind them Into(lour m the BEST He accepted the appointment of Mrs. Homer, Mrs. thimble, say, the left of - democratic government. ally himself with tho men who little mill you ice on Tho Colonist accuses Sir would "shoot holes in the W. It. floss, Tom Taylor and W. Mrs. It. J. D. Smith, Mrs. Hal the picture. Then, comet the J. Dowser without a murmur. Peck, Mrs. H.S. Wright, Mrs. Wm. If Wilfrid of placing politics before Union Jack," as a matter of supreme test-bread-bating. tile Millar, Mrs. Dowling, Mrs. Mc. the bread ia perfect in war. Was it for political political expediency. Politics The Dorden government linked every effect that Laurier went; before patriotism was Borden's up with the Nationalists and the Nicholl, Mrs. Morrow, Mrs. Muse, way we pronounce the wheat Mrs. Morrlsscy, Mrs. Sherman, and the flour-ROYAL Al to Montreal and called upon motto then, and the fact that price paid was tho Laurier naval Mrs. Mrs. W. T. Kergin, Peyton, STANDARD. every man able to fight to join he still allows Bourassa a free policy. Today, there is a belated and Mrs. Doherty. The following AT YOUR GROCER'S the colors? Was it for political rein proves that it is so now. attempt to recruit the nucleus effect that tho Liberal leader of a Canadian navy. It is a scheme are thanked for donations of VnnfnnvprMillino'firnin fnl tvT F.OVAL STAX5AD money: Mr. A, D. Evans, Mr. lUmVUIVI lIlllllllpVI UIUIII VV.MJt, I granted freely an extension of Blue-rim and cups saucers, worthy of the hearty support of Goldbloom, Mr. Freeman, and Vancouver.NewWr.lainttrr.Neneime.VKtorta.., a year in tho life of tho present,$1.25 doz. Wallace's. every patriotic Canadian, and it Mrs. Dawson. The society also was just as worthy in 1911 as it thanks the city council for giving is today. them free telephone connection FRED STORK'S HARDWARE which is found to bo a great convenience. CARBON VOID for sale by Lip. Travel East 1 sett & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward Electric Co. tf. MMMW-V OVER THE 710 SECOND AVI FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Carpantara' Tools Buildera' Hsrdwars Ship Ohandlary For the little ones. Child's "MILWAUKEE" Wlra Cabla Steal Block Fishing Taekla table and chairs. Doll buggies JlftOUIT NO. 1. Iron Pips Pipe Fitting Rlflea and Shotguna and beds. At Geo. D. Tito's, tf. Baa 11 Itb St and Ird Are the East The Line Newest and Shortest to Ropa Valvaa Ammunition ttb So ia St. and Ird Ave. Pumpa Hoaa Paint "A Dollar Saved is Be Sat i 14 is Junction eitTsi. and of Ird lit.Are.Int an.l Crossinc the Cascade Mountains, the Kittitas Yallcv. the Columbia ,Jj Stovea and Rangea Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron Ird Ae.. River, the KittccRoot Mountains and Montana Urnn, traversing Dollar Earned" Baa IS HI Are., between Itb and histouud interest scenic of grandeur, a a country surpassing WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" 9tb stt. (Knot Hotel.) and wonderful development. See 17 lit Are. and Ttb St. (Ceo , DOLLAR to your credit trel Ho ML) TWO FAST THROUGH TI.AINS DAI LY A in the bank, is yours. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE You don't have to ct sou it so. a. Columbian" work for it all over Sea(foal XI omca.)Ird at, and Ird St "The Olympian" and "The again as you do(or the dollars Sea sa Ird Ate and McBNde St. that have been spent. Bat let Ae. tu. MeDrlde HI The NEW AIX-STEKL TKAINS I" Bl 2 iml Ave and tnd at CITY. How dollars have lIUTTIi. SULKS CITY. SIOUX many, you Boi 19 lul Ate an.1 lb St CHIUt.0 that you can call your own P Bet tl O. T. r, IINNHA1MMS. ST. PAUL. MILWAUKHIJ na Tickets Why not start an account in oinouir no. a For Information train lervice, rerratir.i, etc., our Savings Department and further regarding firei, save a part of the money you See 11 lib Are. and fulton 8 call on or aJJicti Sea aa- dortlen and Tajlor St.. GranJ Trunk IVific, City Ticket OfTice, to and from Norway, 8w4n, Denmark, earn ? A few dollars saved FlnltiU, Italy and Rueela. eachweek,amount to hundreds Sei 84 Itb Ave. and fultoo SL Tliira Ave., I'rince Ruicrt, H. C, or SAILIN08 rROM NtW YORK Be. Stt lib Ave. and Cumot Ave. IViu! Railway k St. Milwaukee in the of Citr Tictet Ofllcei, Chlcafro. sblLLLLmSbbLI -Ilelllr Olor" hot. tird. course a few years. Baa t7 itb Are. and Dodfa PL 443 lUuingi St. Weit, Vancouver, 11. C. "Stockholm" Dec tnt Be as atb Ave. and Thompeoo St "Frederick VIII Dec. ttb. THE BANK OF Ok "Berrenirjord ........ Dee. 9 th. outourr no. a. Second Ave. and Cheiry St, Seattle Have four ReeeMatiene aaaaa Early, British Neiih Aoerki Be i 41 ttb Ave. and tnuseraoo for Rate, mutinied Folderi anil HL Oeneral Information Apply to Sai 41 lib Ave. and McBrida Bt T9 YEARS IN BUSINESS. Boa 4a lib Are. and Oreen si BMaBBhjf ?"5'NBBBB3 OYBHAVN MAN80N CATITAL AND SUBrLUS. S7.aSt.eM. Sai 44 tb Are and Bull St ace a4 Bteaaaahla Aaeaer, Baa 48 7th Ave. and IWU. Prlaet Rupert, a. o. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCI Baa 141 7ta Ave. and Yuma at News. W.J.SMiTHERS Manager Advertise In The Daily EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR G D4A7Bnai PRINCE RUPERT,