snat AlLt M1W8 Tuesday, December 5, lot o The Daily News THE MAILS FALL AND WINTER THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA PuklUWl Doily oshI Wookly For the East. Guaranteed Largeet Circulation Wednesday and Saturday, box SCHEDULES closes 0:30 a. m. and Friday 3 HEAD OFFICE S. 8. PRINCE QsTOItnr Dally News Duildintr, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone V8. a. m. From the East. For Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle evrrv NOTES AND COMMENTS trlday at 9 a. m. For Anyox every Wednesday at Midnight TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 50 cents Inch Contract per Trains arrive Tuesday and 8. 8. PRINCE RUPERT rains nn application. For the first lime in history a Thursday, 0:30 p. m. For Ketchikan, Wrangeir, Juneau and Bkagway every 8al For urday at 12 noon. Vancouver and all points south Liberal premier Is at the head of For ths South. every Wednesday at 9 a. m. DAILY EDITIOH Tuesday, December 5, 1910. affairs In Itussla. From the recent Tuesday, 5 p. m. Boat sails at PA88ENQER TRAIN SERVICE For Smllhera, Prince Qsoras, Jasper, Edmonton, Saskatoon disturbances in the Duma it 7 p. m. connecting there for all points In Eastern Canada and the and Eastern Winnipeg, CABIWET CHANCES That the Minister of War would appear that there was some Wednesday, 7 a. m. Boat sails and Southern Slateet loavee Prlnee Rupert every Wednesday and tatur. day at 11(30 a. m. Mliod train ovary Frldey at B a. m. t For months past there has will be allowed to resign is out truth in the rumors of pro-German at 0 a. m. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. been growing dissatisfaction in of the question, and it is not influence In Russia and that Friday, 7 a. in. Boat sails at For information and reservations apply to certain sections of the London unlikely that his threatened there was a section of the Duma 9 a. m. City Ticket Office, 528 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 which favored a separate peace. Saturday, Boat sails 0 p. m. with the coalition cabi resignation has been the means press Russia is more determined now Sunday, Boat sails C p. in. net. Since the early days of of bringing about the discus- than ever to see the war through. For Anyox. the war, there have been re-peated sion of a directorate of live Wednesday, box closes 10 p. m. attempts to get Premier men to carry on the war. The There Is evidently a pretty CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Leather chairs and rockers. A strong kick left in the "beaten" Asquith to resign and there introduction of Sir Edward have been several rumors that Rumanian army and Von Mac-kenzen substantial gift. Big discounts Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points Carson to the directorate would and Company are not to at Geo. D. Tile's. If. via Steamer to Vancouver and the he was about to do so. The be a move in the right direction, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY all their have luings own in "ginger brigade" thought that way and Meals Dertli Includsd on Steamer as he is the active leader getting to Bucharest. CARBONVOID for salo by Lip- the government's methods were sett & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward too leisurely and cumbersome of the "ginger" group and was The little disturbance in Athens Eleclrio Co. If. Princess Maqulnna for Q ran by A Alice Arm Friday 11 p. m. and there was a general disposition the first Insurgent to leave the Southbound Saturday 6 over the handing over of the Princess Sophia p. m. coalition cabinet. The (Ire and to have Lloyd fleorge, Greek guns seems to have been For the little ones. Child's Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. th'e .active Minister of War, ability of Lloyd George and more serious than at first re table and chairs. Doll buggies take over the leadership. Carson, coupled with the business J I. PETERS, General Aeent ported. The Allies seem to have and beds. At Geo. D. Tito's, tf. Recently, however, Lloyd acumen and foresight of got all they wanted, however, nnd Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, IMnco Rupert. B.C. George has come in for his Uonar Law and the experience Constantino must now be a good Prints Ruport Land District District of share of criticism, and the of Balfour, under the leadership little boy. Coast, Rang a S. Morning Post and Evening of Premier Asquith would News, the latter a Northcliffe make for a strong, progressive Premier Brewster has intimated TAKE NOTICE that the Pacific Mills, Limited, of Vancouver, B. C occupation have made strong attacks government, and a government paper, that ho will proceed immediately pulp and paper makers. Intend to apply against the Minister for which would meet with the approval to have the matter of the writ for permission to purchase the folly wing described lands: Commencing at a post War, alleging that he is inter, of all sections of the leared up. He is proving to his planted at the southeast comer of Lot 19 fering with military matters people. opponents that the writ was no on the west snore of Cousins Inlet, thence 40 thence south to chains, west chains, with which he should have Northcliffe has been severely irresponsible act of a politician thence east to shore, thence northeasterly nothing to do. Lloyd George's criticised for the stand taken truggling for power, but the along shore to point of commencement. containing 61 acres, more or less. reply was that he had been at different times during the serious action of a man who had PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, 'summoned to the seat of war war by his press but it is clear the best interests of the province Mark Smaby. agent Dated May Uth. A. D. ItlS. Aug. It 8 31 by the French and British that his criticisms were not at heart. leaders and that their conference made for parly political effect, had resulted in a thorough but in the interests of the nation The local Tory organ does not understanding all round, and and in order to strengthen seem to be able to grasp the idea that at no time had he sought Britain's position in the war. of a provincial Premier being Stuart J. Martin to interfere with active military His methods may not always public-spirited enough to place matters. have been wise, but it must bo the general over-seeing of the The Royal Standard Test That affairs are coming to admitted that he has been instrumental province before a salary. It will HAZELTON B. C. a head is evidenced by the report in directing the attention soon realize that a great change Here! where we teat trie to hand yesterday from of the people to weaknesses has come over affairs in Victoria choicest sample of Canada's The oldest established Assay London. Though it is only a in the government. The and that the old days are past ait million acre wheat crop. Office In the North. press report, there is every greatest weakness is undoubtedly forever. We grind them into flour in the BEST reason to believe that there are slowness of action, due to CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT little mill you ace on the left of to be changes and that the the miles of red tape which the picture. Then comes the changes will take the form of have to be unwound beforo Court of Raslelon, Municipal Vetera' LlaU tetrliwar supreme test bread-baking. If TAKE NOTICE that a Court of nevUlon, the bread is in a war directorate, instead of anything can be done, and the perfect every consisting- of Ilia Worship the Mayor, Alderman IN EMENT THE WGINtykEf the present unwieldy cabinet. formation of a small, compact Dybbavn and Alderman Casey, will way we pronounce the wheat That Premler Asquith will remain war board, composed of the It on Monday, the Eleventh day or December, 7nt(bcuta CeYbt V A I and the flour-ROYAL A. D. 1916, at t:30 p. m., as a Court STANDARD. at the head seems certain. best brains of the country or nevlslon to correct and rerlie the list riSM-atauurs knsins of voters for the A. It AT YOUR GROCER'S year D. 1 7. He does not possess the fire of would work wonders in speeding t OyL 1- In. ky 7 I-. 1I-1S The Court will sit In the Council Clum a Carson or Lloyd George but up action. Evidently the ber, city Hall, and any person bavins; any Horse Power. Vancouver Milling&Grain Cdlf B0YJH STANDAD I complaint as to any name belnr Improperly OyL -4 n. by S 1-2 In-, 2S his judgment is sound, and he "ginger" group have not shouted placed on .said list, or Improperly Korea Fewer. Vtncouver.New Westminster,fi aneimo.victori is above all things a leader. in vain. omitted therefrom, shall attend and lay 4 OyL 1-1 la, If I la. his complaint. Morse Power. P. PETERS, City Clerk. MINERAL ACT Fqp Further Information Rlrennoutn Fractional mineral r.lalm, Apply to FRED STORK'S HARDWARE tituated In the Skeena Mining Division of Travel East Casslar District. W. E. WILLISCROFT Vr'bero located. At the head of AIlr Arm. adjoining the Rlvermouth and Cari Prince Rupert, B. C. OVER THE 710 SECONB AVI boo mineral claims. iu huule tnat a, u. h. neaen, rree tmrpUff Tools Builder' Hardware Ship Chandlery Miners' Certificate Mo. 4,0B. acting as "MILWAUKEE" WJr Cable , Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle agent for Carrie Pratt, Free Miners' Cer- Uncate No. Sl.StTB, intend, sixty days DENTISTRY Iron Ploo flpo Fittings Rifles and Shotguns from the date hereof, to apply to the Hop Valves Ammunition Mining Recorder for Certificate of Im The Newest Bad Shortest Line to the East provement, for the purpose of obtaining DROWN MID SRIOSI WORK Pumps Hoss Paint a Crown Grant of the above claim. SFKOUU.TY Crossing the Cascade Mountains, the Kittitas Valley, the Columbia Stove and Rang Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron And further take notice that action. traversing the DR. J. 8. BROWN River, Bitter Root Mountains and Montana Canyon, under section (t. must be commenced be. " WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST' forr the Issue of such Cerlincabi of Improvements. DCNTtST a country of surpassing scenic grandeur, historical interest and wonderful OSUei Smith Block, Third vone development. Dated-this tJrrt Cay of December. A. D. Ill Apr. t. TWO FAST THROUGH TRAINS DAILY FRED STORK'S HARDWARE MINERAL AOT "The Olympian" and "The Columbian" Notice to Delinquent Partners. STEEN & LONGWILL The NEW ALL-STEEL TRAINS to To O. Mr. auiwoll and Chartoa Nicholson TAKE NOTICE that whereas I bar done 1IUTTU. MILES CITY, SIOUX CITY, and caused to be done assessment work SANITARY AND HEATING MINNKAI'OIJS, ST. l'AUL, MILWAUKHH mud CIIICAtfO Tickets on the Wolf Mineral claim, situated st the ENQINEER8 head of Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet, In For further Information regarding fares, train service, reservations, etc., the Sktena mining division of Skeena dis call on or address trict, assessment work for tba years it 11, Agents for U and from Norway, Swodon, Don-mark, 1914. and Itll, and have paid for said City Ticket Office, Grand Trunk Pacific, Finland, Italy and Russia. work and recording same, the sum of McCLARY FURNACES Third Ave., Prince Rupert, Jl. C, or SAILINOS FROM NIW YORK IJ07.S0. Unless you pay mo the sum of City Ticket Offices, Chicago. Milwaukee tt Su Taul Railway "Frederick VIII Dec. stn. "Berreusfjord" , Dec. 9tn., for your share of the said as PLUMBING 14 Hastings St. West, Vancouver, Ji. C. sessment work, together with the cost of "Berremrjord" Dee. th. and OR this advertisement, I shall, at the explra "Oscar n- Dee. fttn. tlon of ninety t0) days from the dale 8HEET METAL WORKS Second Arc. and Cherry St, Seattle Hava Your Rasorvatlona mad aarly. hereof apply to tba mining recorder ai For Rates. Illustrated rolderi ant Phono 6, 834 Second Oenertl Information Apply to Prince Rupert, B. C, to nave your Inter Avenue. e(,s in the Wolf mineral claim vested In Night phones 578 OVSrWVN HANSON me, in pursuance.of the provisions of the and Dlue 270 lasuraaoa and taamakl Aay, mineral act. Dated at Prior Rupert, B. C., this I gib The right work, at ths right oay m. or r ecru try,I, isia.E. STARK time, and at ths right price. Advertise In The Daily News. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT. B. 0.