OPEN LCAD3 CAUSED l in gelling tho city out or the m? to rroics well LOB YEARS THE WIRE TROUBLES BO holo and there was no money to Buy Rubbers end- Overshoes (Continued From Iae One. ppond on renewing Iho telephone For Their Lltilo Foot and CANADIAN WOMEN HE SUFFERED system, Ho ncccpled full responsibility at the Sanio Time Save SHOULD KNOW THIS 51 mnde, lie fnvorod the publishing for his sharo In; tho the Expensive Shoes "CANADA FIRST" Milk Is the) BEST MUk of tho soldi) Your Grocer. The Government ItuIUtln in report Him Feel full. matter and thought tho council, From Injury by Nj.305 tellitha story-IT COSTS THE SAME. ifmil-a-liYes" Made Aid, Montgomery said that he was Justified in pursuing tho line Water, Ico and imorocirotMHtDnn CmUllt SAM PSUCT-INSIST owma is If Walking Or Air did not know what Aid. McCly. it did, Just as the councils of 1014 Snow lfroowintwMprderMtn.ttilM"Cfrirtt"ETporild Mb whip as with (reth crests. 0,.UJi,O-t., Not.28th. 1914. mont meant by direct attacks, hut and 1915 had done. He did not The woman who hAS several Itttl Thb AYLMER CONDZNSKD MILK CO..Lra. 'tw years, I was troubled a certain newspaper in town had shirk tots to provide with shoes will ATtMia,out Canada Tor o responsibility Just becauso welcome the announcement that, CoMation &rvm,""t' tMk J tried to throw grave suspicions tho elections through the effort of tho Ilrltlsh were Tho report near. iliiUailltd"ht. One day I saw Government, the price of rubber has upon the city council In this mat. was ndopted. been reduced ao that the rubber lor. hoes that keep the little one' feet 1 L von foci like vulklniron air." dry have r.ot advanced In price, aa Aid. Mcllao said that ho other footwear ha. Here' an thought 8AVINQ3 ENQUIRY opportunity for tho mother to keep JVlix. In Tery short time, I they should not take seriously the the kiddle dry-shod and, at theaame feel better,and 0 Ifttlfin. time, ave the expensive little shoe, to rclUh everything wild charges.made by people who At the city council last night that have almost doubled In price. 2,000,0001 mitttood arpcUtc, Mother should buy rubber thl i I tit and tho Headaches are gone did not know what they were talk. Aid. Casey, seconded by Aid. fall, not only to keep the children' ntirtV I recommend this pteatant Inn; about. Kverybody was aware Smith, brought in a resolution and feet dry,the but anow to water keep the from fall rotting rain Belgians 'Lit tnedtri to all my DAN friends McLEAN. that the storm of November 20th asking that the heads of tho various The the expensive economical leather woman In their will appre-elate shoe. trial was something nway out of the departments bring In, not this and at the same time her Depend on us aite, 20c. 50e. a box, 0 for $2.50, will be a patriotic act, a service to all dealers oraent postpaid by Fruit-itirei ordinary in regard to its effect later than December 18th, reports the British Government, every time it he bur a pair of rubber. 21 Limited, Ottawa. upon wiring, and that tho government covering the reduction made for Bread! telegraph system be-tween during tho year in the operating here and I'ort Simpson had forces o f their departments, Christmas cards, 5c upward Since after the German the shortly invasion, Belgians Wallace's. WANTED been torn to shreds and had to showing what savings had been 284. have depended for food entirely on the "Commission bo rewired entirely. The O. T. P. made and how the savings had Eider-down comforts. Pillows for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, had also had Experienced Bridge men, the same difficulty been effected. Tho resolution was Tract men, Tracklayers and to contend wu.i that the city and adopted unanimously. sheets and blankets. See Tile's even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only General Construction Labor, three weeks have had chance raise! ers to join tho 230th Battalion, government had. Ho thought that large assortment. tf. they no to more-end Overseas Hallway the superintendent's RED the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I report an. CROSS SALE Construction Corp?. Drafts leaving Vancouver, swored fully the wild statements Christmas postals 2 for 5c. Backed by the B. C for Valcartier, P. Q., made by The lied Wallace's. 281. irresponsible parties. Cross sale of last Friday, "'Be'attesled and forward Aid. Casey said he had no ob in charge of Mrs. Oakley and to Vancouver, and Belgian Relief Fund transportation papers will be arranged jection to the report being pub Mrs. WJnsby, realized the sum of LAND ACT at once. lished. Ho said that Mr. Kennedy $13.55. Tho society wishes to Send all communications VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT generously contributed b the British Empire and the United had warned the council in May extend its thanks to these tow ao Odlcer commanding, OF RANGE 3. to; COAST, the neutral Relief Conunissioo has States, Belgian imported 239th Hattallon, C. K. F. of the condition of the telephone ladies and to all who contributed TAKE NOTICE that I, Leo Stanley Bur-don, enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation 175 Cordova SU W. of Ocean Falls, B. C., occupation mill Vancouver, I). C. system and that the council had to the success of tho sale. Mr) secretary, Intend to apply ror permission to far. The great majority of the 7,000,000 Belgian left in done nothing to lako care of the Uroderick gave a $5 gold piece, to purchase the following described lands: the country have been able to pay for theix daily allowance of danger. They concentrated their won by Mr. F. fl. Dawson; Mrs.j chains Commencing distant and at a Id post a westerly planted about direction Ave bread but a steadily growing number have no money left. energies on retrenchment and reform, William Millar a hand-worked from the southwest comer of Lot St, Unless we are wuTwg to let these hundreds of thousands of hdn re 3, Coast District, thence south to fashing scatters gtsm laying off men instead of, towel, won by Miss Taylor; Miss chains; thence east 5 chains) thence north women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the it improving the system. Ho said Oleeson a pair of hand-knitted to chains; thence west St chains, to this expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible Step post, containing- in all about ii acres. someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month arvery that a man named Summers had gloves, won by Mr. Mcllostrie; LEO STANLEY BURDON. month all this winter! Coughing. Ibotiwi the November s, itie. r. c. Irritation I the already been laid off. He did not want to Mrs. John Mcltae a collar and No people under the AlGed Flags are as weO able to ceatribnte flamed mocuoua membrane make a noise over a misfortune doilie, won by Mrs. Harper, and tad U moreover apt to carry generously aa we Canadians! No cause has ever been more disease to others. but he thought the council had Mrs. Jennings. Tho Indian mat B?reI deserving of help! In the name of Justice and Humanity for Matbien's Syrup ol Tar and been negligent in its duty in regard and pocket, left from the carnival, the sake of our own self-respect let us give all we caa to Col Uer Oil protnpU j sloj tougbin;, and aoon, thank to the telephone system. wer.o won by Mrs. Jennings. The help our martyred Allies I P to Hi tonic Properties,tflrcti Aid. .Montgomery said that Mr. following sent donations of food: Send jmm raWtiptioe, wtekly, siaalUy t h mm Isass) ssaa t Laaal as a ( permanent cure Pieviscisl te the g me wonuenni popularity Summers had been an inside man Mrs. IJesner, Mrs. Smith Digby . of Mathleu' Bvrup of Tar Central Executive Committee, 59 St, Peter St, Httrtreal and Cod Uver Oil ia spedally and did not belong to the line Mrs. McMullin, Mrs. A. M. Man. r WMkalVaW A Hi iT do to Iti rreet 1od value at a gang, which had been kept up to son, Mrs. Humble, Mrs. Patmore, I $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. permanent asd bronchial healer. its former strength. Mrs. de Oex, Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. 6old rrerjrwhere,jje Ury Mayor McCaffery said that Aid. Fuller, Mrs. Carss, Mrs. Parker. .L. MATHIEU CO, lr. Casey was very fair In taking his Mrs. Winsby, Mrs. Wrathall, Mrs. share of the responsibility, ho being Kllpntrick, Mrs. Mcintosh, Mrs. rr Mm an tM mtm a member of the council. Young, Mrs. Douglas, Mrs. Alli I M Aid. Nelson said that Aid. Casey son, Mrs. W. S. Fisher, Mrs. Dow-ness, spoke as if he were entirely outside Mrs. Mellior, Mrs. It. S. of the council. He did not Wright, Mrs. D. C. Stuart, Mrs. recollect that Aid. Casey had ever M. M. Stephens, Mrs. Turnbull, Sanation Army. raised his voice in council as to Mrs. Eggert, Mrs. D. O. Stewart, Public meetings, Tuesday the condition of the telephone Mrs. Oakley, Mrs. Lord, Mrs. riiurwiay ami Saturday at 8 p. tu system. The council had had a Harper, Mrs. Orme, Ms. II. F. Mcltae, Sundays at 7:30 p. in. serious financial duty thrust upon Mrs. It. J. D. Smith, Mrs. Irvine, Mrs. Lindsay, Mrs. Mc-Nicholl, Mrs. D. C. Mcltae, Mrs. Harold Parker, Mrs. Williscroft, 5 Mrs. Hal Peck, Mrs. Dowllng, Mrs. Hrooksbank, Mrs. Akerberg, Mrs. Ramsay's Storrings, Mrs. Geo. Sutherland, and Mrs. A. B. Evans. Baay NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. Empire Cream Sodas R. S. C Chapter IIS. Tbe Grand Trunk ractnc Railway Com piny hereby gives Dotlce that It has under Section 7 of tbe said Act deposited witn In S-lb. Tin the Minister or Public Works at Ottawa and In the omce of tbe District Registrar of the Land Registry omce. District of Haa attained their enviable repuUtlon by their auperlor Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert, a de- of the site and of ware scrlption puns house- quality discriminating and uniformity. The moet house proposed to be built In Prince hu 'fe Insists upon "Ramaays Empire" when buying Soda pert Harbor at Prince Rupert, British Co. Biscuits, lumbla. In front of watei front Block "U" according to registered plan of the town site of the said city of Prince Rupert de 'ONES knows more about motor They are made In B. O. and your grocer gete hie supply posited In tbe aforesaid Und Registry cars than any other man I frequently and qulokly, Insuring freshness, which means omce as No. tJ. know," said a man to his AMD TAKE NOTICE that after the ei crlpnM- .,-,- . plrailon of one month from tbe date of friend. "He has obtained his the nrst publication of this notice, the Prove It by buying tin with your next order. Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company will knowledge chiefly from motor car advertisements, under Section 7 of tbe said Act apply to and the catalogues and booklets Manufactured by the Minister of Public Worksat bis omce circulated through them. In the City of Ottawa for approval of RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. struct aid site tbe and said plana,warehouse.and for leave to con 'All I know about photography declared a well " Dated at Winnipeg. Manitoba, this 11 lb known amateur, I have learned from the men who Vancouver, B. O. day of May A. D. tote. advertise cameras, plates, papers and films," THE OnAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY ja COMPANY, Advertisements have been It. II. HANSARD, Solicitor. - well called "The Poor Man's Let Us Save You Money on your University," but other than Gasoline or Distillate poor men have been schooled thereby. We distillate and gasoline or 25 cent, on Khy'WS CAKITON roubles. A - "une. If yea are aWaf a lftl htlnit$ Much of what the average individual knows con S Carl''.;'U " w "'" will .avo' you talk over Your advertising problem cerning personal and domestic hyicnc. modern ml crlva from with tbe Advertising De office methods, books and authors, electricity, precious the of this Carbonvoid ditional mile, pertinent eewspsper. rV.t.r,.M puts stones, investments, and almost c Y try tbm4 else, muAt.l I- dry tiowderyou If yea are.eWaf m SrtWeiaf er rJrVlnthS : "UU" in Uasoune : tank. Willr. MtfesW It would be well he has learned from sdvertbemesrts. from eyiinuere. lor you to have the cousstl end t he Urirojit i the world THE ALLIES OlKUED assistance ol a good advertisiaf Advertisements have stimulated our ktelcaee, """Panics in uaa It, wail"M K ?iW'W0 CAUTONS. I'revioua order 2W.WO . r". W& agency. A list of these will be added enormously to oar knowledet and given us ggwanteed or you r money refunded. Mailed anywhonrecetpt of IJ turnUhed,by without the Secietary cost or ol Can-ediaa obligation, aspirations which have raised us to higher levels of GUARANTEED BY THE Pjj Pre Assoctatioa, Kooat thinking and living. AdvertMs ietedeed "The For Sale Only by COVtJtNMENTaf CANADA (H Stt,Lvmsdee Kuildio,Toronto. Poor Nlsn's University." Geo. L. Clayton, - Fflnce Ruper- 13.C.