The Daily News 1315 VOL. VII, NO. 285. J'futfct: iiLTiKHT. n. a, Wednesday, decemheh o, ioic. PH1CE FIVE CENTS L COMSTEUCTIOM TO START SOON KING ACCEPTS ASQUITH'S RESIGNATION - BONAR LAW OFFERED PREMIERSHIP 2 - ARRANGEfilENTS FOR EMERSON PREMIER ASQUITH RESIGNS SAWMILL NEARING COMPLETION BONAR LAW OFFERED 'POSITION w p. HINTON 8AYS EVERYTHING QOINQ SMOOTHLY AND CONSTRUCTION GREAT POLITICAL EXCITEMENT IN LONDON POSSIBILITIES MAY START EARLY IN THE NEW YEAR OF GENERAL ELECTION DISCUSSED CRITICISM TRAFFIC MANAGER WILL DISCUSS THE OF BALFOUR AND GREY LED TO THE STATION ALTERATIONS PREMIER'S RESIGNATION V. P. Hinton, tratllc manager had a chat with Hun. T. I). Pat- (Special to The Dally Newa.) tion. It is understood, according for the Grand Trunk Pacific; H. lullo, whom he found tip to the London, Dec. C- At the conclusion lo reports from usually well Informed H, Hansard, the company's solicl-lor, eyes in work but not loo busy to of a day of extraordinary quarters, that Premier and ocorge A. McNicholl, ns-listant go fully into the question of the political excitement and activity, Asquith- resented tho outcry general freight and pas-lenger development of the hinterland of King George accepted Premier against Viscount Grey, whom arrived from the-louth Prince Ilupcrt. "Mr. Pallullo has agent, Asquilh's resignation as leader government critics hold responsible on the Prince George this tho right idea," said the railroad of the coalition government and for the late developments in forenoon. olllclal, "and he has the energy offered the premiership to the nt. Greece. Sir Hinton, who has been on and nbility to tackle the big problems BRITISH HOSPITAL SHIP SUNK IN THE AEGEAN SEA Hon. Andrew Bonar Law. There It is also believed that Mr. Asquith the coast for some little time in which confront him in the This is a photograph of the While Star liner Britannic, which is no announcement as to Mr. refused to request the Itt. tonnection with the company's Department of Lands. On the development was sunk in the Aegean Sea while bound to Saloniki with nurses Bonar Law's decision. Should the Hon. A. J. Balfour to resign his business, Informed The Daily of the country back of and hospital equipment. The Britannic was a vessel of 47,500 latter decline the premiership, nt. post as First Civil Lord of the .News that the arrangements in the city depends the future of tons and was the third largest British liner afloat. Hon. David Lloyd George, Minister Admiralty. The Morning Post connection with the building of Prince Hupert and the Minister of for War, is the most favored and the Northcliffe press have I ianiill at Prince Hupert, by J. Lands may rest assured that he selection for the responsible post. been severely critical of Mr. Balfour's g. Emerson, of Vancouver, are will obtain every assistance possible TEUTONIC ARMY 'BRITISH AIRMEN There is considerable controversy administration and have progressing Bmoothly and satisfactorily from the Grand Trunk Pacific regarding the possibilities been clamoring for drastic 'The necessary papers Hallway Company.' NOW CLOSING IN j HAVE FIELD DAY of the holding of a general elec- changes in the British campaign are being prepared now," said Mr. against the German submarines. Binlon, and I expect to be back PREMIER BREWSTER IMPORTANT SHOWINQ8 Food Restrictions. ON BUCHAREST ON WEST FRONT ON ROCHER DE BOULE when I Vancouver in on Sunday, The Board of Trade has passed Wieve everything will have been OUTLINES HIS PLANS an order, becoming effective on utisfactohly consummated." Mr. Important development work December 19th, that no evening City Encompassed on South and Ten German Machines Downed Eioton added that there were, of Interviewed in Victoria the Southwest Russians Still and Others Had to Quit Two has been in progress at the meal served in hotels, restaurants omrse, certain arrangements to other day as to the plans of the Attack, XJ In the tFnorny Planes Destroyed,, P.ocher Do Boule mine for some or any public place shall exceed timtr aml-thei r am"t0 w 1 si pm-o U made uitu the government but Carpathians. Serbs Still Succeed. uiree courses anu mat otner ka" did nut look for any difucui- stcr said that one of the first most gratifying results. Another meals shall not consist of more tiei in the way of bringing the matters which called for attention (Special to Tbe Dally newt) (Special to Tb Dally Hews.) big ore shoot lias been encounter- than two courses. spoliations to a satisfactory conation, was the financial position of London, Dec. G The Teutonic London, Dec. C. In the Loos between tho three and five It is the intention of the board the province. He said that it is forces under Von Mackenzen almost district, a squadron of British hundred foot levels and Superin to tako steps at an early date to Williams believes that he most essential that we know just tendent forbid the consumption of meat, "If all goes as well as I hope," encompass(Hucharesl on the aeroplanes successfully bombard has the key to the whole sit- now uid Mr Htnlon, "you may look where we stand financially and south and southwest and are now ed a railway station and an enemy pouItry and game on certain days tho BOO-foot Lf , uation on level, tha hnMl n.,hti ninPa to &r a start being made in the that the people are entitled attacking determinedly from the aerodrome. Ten German machines k'ilding of the sawmill along know, too. He intimated that lie west and northwest. were driven down nnd Iiich at first was a little puzzling, and ,Q prlvale nou8e8. according to a report in tne Umi. tout the first of January." He intended to go carefully into the The Russians are keeping up others were forced to land, un Herald. There is evi- neca every mnarked jocularly that there matter with tho Minister of their strenuous offensive from able lo cope with the ferocity and PREPARING FOR BIG dence of the or a opening up WORK DEVELOPMENT wnied to be in Finance and that a balance sheet skill of the British attack. Two some peoplo the Jablonitza Pass in the Carpathians large new body of ore while interesting f fcince Hupert who had the idea would be prepared showing the to the Moldavian fron German aeroplanes were com development work is be- ' ttat the Grand Trunk Pacific did demands which had to be met tier. pletely destroyed. Tho Edmonton syndicate which ing carried on on tho No. 1 vein. lot want business, and that the from month to month. Sofia Report. There is considerable hostile is carrying on extensive develop tat intimation he received of the "The effecting of economies An Amsterdam despatch from artillery fire at Loos and on the BARS TO BE CLOSED ment work on the Knauss property Proposed sawmill was a copy of will have to receive close and Sofia states that, after Bucharest Ypres section of the western IN QUEBEC PROVINCE at Dorreen are arranging for local paper which nt the outset earnest attention. The elimination has been taken, the Central Powers front. The British batteries ef tho incorporation of the company and it is expected that A. L. Shaw, ought to show that the railway of waste throughout tho service Intend to capture Avlona, the fectively replied to the enemy (Special to Tbe Daily Hews.) B. n. of Skeena tompany would be almost certain of the province, in every Albanian port on the Adriatic and bombardment and repelled all at Quebec, Dec. 6, The provincial of Stettler, Jones, and the others interested Crossing, to retard the project all It could. branch and every respect, calls to Join hands with Greece. tacks. government of Quebec, following will be in the city within are looking for business for for action al the earliest possible Serbian Success. Italian Front. a caucus of the Liberal party, has the next few days. Prince linnuM nil n. !.., moment. At the same time the East of tho Cerna Hivcr, on the Home, Dec. 0. T u e enemy decided to abolish open bars "f. Hinton, "but it must be busies cabinet will have to devote its Macedonian front, and north of made a surprise attack on the throughout Quebec, permitting Forty men are at work erecting which gives promise of permanence efforts to what may be called the Grunishle and Budmirtsa, the Italian positions north of Sant? the continued sale of liquors un permanent camps and a smaller and sound development." creation of economic? production,' Serbians have captured additional Cnlerina last night but the at der a revised system, the details force is driving n tunnel. Everything u "aid that he had heard of said the Premier. fortified enemy positions and nro tempt to break through failed, of which have not yet been decided is being got ready for big work in the spring ,0Ie criticism in regard 4o some Thorough Reorganization. compelling tho Bulgarians to retreat. the Italian machine gun fire prov upon. This action is the development will and and machinery supplies atbutlding concern having been "With the initiation of a thorough ing an effective barrier to the result of an interview with Pre bo hauled in on tho snow this unable t., Bet a silo. So fur as reorganization and the Austrian infantry. mier Gouln by a hundred prom b knew thu company applied to change of policies which tho new after March 1 last. This will be inent women representing the winter. This property gives every of tho ' McNVholl and had been told government has been placed in taken up by us in council at the SERIOUS FIRE AVERTED temperance interests. promise of becoming one 10 and such EARLY THIS MORNING big producers of this district. look over the about earliest opportunity, sites at Seal Cove office by the people to bring lnl report later. be left free action will follow as we decide to They had never I have felt that I must RED CROSS WORK made a sign or wanting a from tho routlno duties of nny de be necessary in the circuin The fire brigade was called out BY-ELECTIONS out of ,lle trom the that I may properly stances. at one o'clock this morning to Mrs. Pringle and Mrs. Loidl The by-elections arising company. partment, so Mr Hinton will o f the Returned Soldiers. Chaloncr'tt Studio on Sixth Street will have charuo of tho lied Cross lhe appointment of tho members spend a day or maintain supervision 'n tho terminal city and this whole. I will assist, so inr as "Ono of the matters of grave The oulbrenk resulted from tho sale on Friday, in tho rooms on of tho ncw cabiuel wlU lake P,ace jnernoou will have a lengthy con-ence be, in the work of tho finance importance to which the govern blowing out of a chimney stopper Third Avenue. It Is cratifvimr to Member 30lh, nomination with General Superin-Bent department may and all tho other inent will givo its earnest and im and, for a short time, it looked ... , , ,,. day being December 23rd. I no Mchan regarding tho pro-Jd branches of administration, but mediate attention is that of pre dangerous. The flames threaten request for homo cooking for necessary arrangements are Doing alteratlonH at the' station my time must bo largely devoted paration for tho return of our ed to spread to tho Empress Thea these wt'oklv snip. The sum rushed through, though it is will be duty to tro and to the store of Mcltae l n,ulcinaled l,iat there will be 8evu,tt other matters of local to tho numerous problems which soldiers. It our realized each week is a big help Sorloncc. will arise out of tho changes in establish and inaugurate such Bros., Ltd. Fortunately tho blaze In aiding tho funds necessary for nuy colUPHl8 While , victoria, Mr. Hinton volved and to tho direction of the broad and wiso policies in this was caught in time and tho bri lied Cross Work, and there is no "Before-the-war prices" on all working out of policies. In this regard as will at once secure to gndo very quickly put it out. more important branch of war toys, dolls, games, etc. Wallace's I know I will have tho loyal support tho men who have boon making work than the caring for the WESTHOLME of every ono of my colleagues. such a splendid fight against the NEW WELLINGTON GOAL, wounded. common enemy a well-won and phono 118. Wo have Just ro OPERA HOUSE GATE neaday (Tonight) Only "The cabinet will nt once take Justly deserved reward, and which celved a shipment of 500 tons For every two dollars cash LONDON JUNE DAYE Into consideration tho various will tend to tho general advance Lump Coal. Wo are prepared to purchase you have a chance for ANB GRILL iu . IN aspect of tho constitutional ment and well-being of tho province. put in your winter's coal for you three prizes. See Tito's window Third Avenue r T - A 0 H E 8" question, and take bucIi steps as The government may be display. tf.l Serves Nothing but the Best l HELEN our parts. will b necessary to clear up nil relied upon to carry out Its pre The real "Eastern" two-buckle 8TRH3TLY UNION H4HME -IN HOLMES which exist lu regard to election pledges In this connec- overshoe for wen, wotne-n and 07-pife dinner-ware. Special . doubts BOXES FOR LAC4CS . 'he qui--j ...u i .ne uama" the status of legislation passed (Conllnued on page three,) children Wallace's. 288 Xnias values. Geo. D, Tile's.