u rUK DAIL1 Wednesday, December 0, (010. Leo Waugh, local manager of LIQUOR APT, 1910. Don't Forget Local News Notes the Dominion Telegraphs, left for (Section 41.) J.L.HICKEY Vancouver this morning. Mr. NOTICE Is hereby given ttist, on the "The Daily News" that when constipation, bfliousness or nrsl dsy or December neiL application will Indlsestloa is neclectw, it may cause Waugh Intends to Join tho Oth be msde to the Superintendent of Provincial CONTRACTOR A BUILDER a serious illness. Act upon the first Police for renews! or the hotel CLASSIFIED Wallace's symptom keep your digestive organs Kvcrylhlng in shoes Canadian Engineers for acllvo ADS. sell retail licence to liquor by In the hotel In mod order by the timely use of service. known at the Northern Hotel, altuate at Storo and OITlce Fixtures, Overshoes for the snow Wallace's. Tort Simpson, In the Province or British Sash, Door and Moldings. beechahs 288. Call tho Tony Express for wood Columbia.Paled this Tth day of October, ISIS. WANTED. ' Oak and Hard Woods of all cut In stove lengths or 4 feet. EltNEST WOOD MCllArtDS, Applicant. kinds. Charley Durham returned from WANTED Salesman or real stint, . Dest household coal and general LIQUOR ACT. 1810. We Specialize In making PILLS Kitselas last evening. transfer. Piano moving our (Section 41.) Canada. Oood contrsct to flhti,n and fitting storm windows, Bute eiperlence. Apply Dox l dIi!, Lam 91 ef Any ftWxbw It the WorlrL Mrs, Don Peck returned from specially. Prices moderate. Phone NOTICE Is hereby riven thit, on the any sis. nrsl day ol December nest, application will si. the south this morning. It. W. tf. 30 1, Itogers. Plata and Shoot Glass and be msde to the Superintendent or Pro vtncial Police lor renewal or the hotel -" i, itojrii Hotel. Glazing. "A Dollar in the Bask is Chinaware and dinncrware for Don't forget tho Anglican licence to sell liquor by retail In the hotel (1 known as the Pine Tree Hotel, sltuste at WANTED Cornor Fraser and 8th Sts. Worth Two in Promises" Xmas gifts Wallace's. 288. Church sale of work on Thursday Discovery, In the Province or British Co. . - -Experienced waitress. Atnl.a. 289 Dec. 7th in the church on Fourth tumbis. II. PHONE GREEN It. K. Myers, of Hazelton, ar Dated this 10th dsy or October. 191. P. O. BOX 448. you have a Ave. Fancy work, homo produce, CLARENCE MAItMADUKE SANDS. FOUND WHEN Savings rived in the city last evening. Nov. I a. Applicant. ndy, Hcasonablo prices. Tea you do not FOUND Sum or money, oive full have to ask favours W. P. Lynch relumed last even served afternoon and evening. flat It Mt n J, ft EJUft a. 1U4.A a dttiii.J or court refusals when you ing from a business trip to Formal opening at 3 o'clock. Pro Sheet Metal Work require ready cash. A Savings Smllhcrs. gram. Zoo, B. C. UNDERTAKERS FOR SALE Account in The Bank of British North America makes FUNERAL OIREOTORS AND EM-SALMI FOR.InHln.SALE Carload mlnmr...... machinery' in. Now is the time to have you independent of promises. Fancy china. French Limoges Miss Jean McGregor, of the RS SATISFACTION O.UAR drlll-sieel.v.uu..,, , , ,..iiii steam-nttlnts anus, column bin your heating plant put in The money is yours ready and Nippon. Xmas prices at Geo. local teaching staff, received of. SJITEED OPEN DAT ANO NIOHT Dally News. ' etc. Appi,',f' shape for the winter; roofs when you need it protected D. Tile's. If. flcial notice last evening that her 119 INO STREET PHONE 41 and skylights seen to. against loss safe from fire and oungest brother, Lieut. George In suoh oasos consult a theft and earning interest at For Xmas buying see Tile's practical man If want highest current rates. McGregor, of Wolfvllle, N. S, has you new slock of carpets. Special MINERAL AOT FOR RENT results. Deposits of $1. and upwards are been missing since November 18, Notice to Delinquent Partners. discounts. tf. CO. Rowe received on Savings accounts. . . . That this young olllcer will turn To Grant Mi hood and Tatiick Dsly. THE BANK OF COAL Favorite Ladysmith up safe and sound will bo the hope TAKE NOJICE thst wberess we have Modern S roomed house close in done and caused to be done assessment 3rd Avenue, ) bedrooms. Practloal shoot metal man. British North Anerftt Wellington lump and nut, best re of all in town. work by surveys on the Daly, Sullivan, roomed flat fnd Ave. Modern. Opposite Board of Trade Mineral I roomed cottire No. Edith and Lois Claims, situated In iota jm sults. Phone 15. P.P.. C. Co. tf. Rooms 322 2nd Avenue Word has reached town that the-Salmon Bear Hirer District, rortlsnd Ave., E. Near drydock. See. 7. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, S7,8S4,00e. Canal Mlnint Division, for the year Kit, Cottire partly rurnlsned close In PHONE S40. The captain of the wrecked Claud Kelchum, who left for the and have paid for aald work and record nd Avenue, I rooms and bith. Free. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH In r same the sum or 1(10.00, unless you Cottire No. 871 Summit Ave. 4 Estimates Furnished Roman passed through the city east some time ago. has been par to us the sum of tist.oo for your larre rooms. Bath. W.J.SMITH ERS,Manager this morning on his way souttj. quietly married to Miss Hernice share or said assessment work, toretber Furnished cottire No. 117 lib Ave.' with the cost or this advertisement, we Near school In section t. L. Wright, Dinghampton, N. Y. shall at the eiplration or ninety (00) days I roomed Dal opposite school In Pritce Rupert Feed Co. F. W. Hart left for Vancouver The happy couple are touring In from the dste hereof, apply to the Mlnlnr Section 6. Bath. this morning. He expects to remain the east and after which Recorder at Stewart, B. C, to hare your MeMordie Apts. t rooms snd bith. south, Interests In the ssld Dsly, Sulllrsn, Edith 4 roomed cottire No. tot tth Ave. E. AKERBERG, THOMSON in the south for a few they will make their home in this snd Lois mineral claims vested In us. In I roomed cottire No. no IthAre. E. weeks. pursuance of the provisions or the Mineral Cottire st corner Oreen snd Seventh HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS COMPANY city. Act. Ave. 6 rooms. Near school, AND FERTILIZERS Dated at Victoria. B. O, this tltn day ir Your House Is vacant List It with - Agents for D. N. Mclntyre, Deputy Fish or November, A. D. III. Ua. Wa can fill It for You. "FRISCO IMPERIAL," "PALMER," eries Commissioner, has been WESTHOLME THEATRE james Mcdonald. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCK "FISHERMAN," "FERRO" AND f.i4. frederick c winkler, WK HANDLE M. Q. HELQERSON, LTD "CLAY" OAS ENGINES. gazetted lieutenant in the 88th Bulbs, and Take Orders for PHONE 525. Victoria regiment. June Daye makes her first ap Nursery Stock. pearance at the Westholme to WE GUARANTEE 1S PER CENT. SAVINO. WHY PAY SJORB Chicken Food A Specialty. J. P.. Morgan, who has been night in "Heart-aches", a drama POR taking out timber in the Kitimaat wrwr.,t in four acts. It is a story of the FIRE Stall OetJers Promptly Attend) To. district during the summer and Harry A. Harvey thorny way of true love, told in fall, has returned to the city for E. Davey nteresting fashion. Helen Holmes . P. O. Bei SS3. SOS Third At. (Late London, Eng., Conaarvatolre the .winter. INSURANCE of Musle) in "The Girl and the Game", also PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. PUPIL OP LANSDOWNE COTTELL features In tonight's show. This Teacher of Singing and Railway employees fourth an OLD, 8TRONQ C0MPANIE8 Pupils Taken for MMINMMMfMMMWMWMMj VIOLIN, PIANO, VIOLINCELLO and nual ball, In flailwaymen's Hall, program is for tonight only. SEE Voice Production. LAND ACT HARMONY. December 7th. Cards and refreshments. CONSOLIDATED SECURITIES, LTD. EXAMINATIONS When want shoes, to Room it Smith Block PHONE BLACK 217. you go Vancouver Land District District of Pupils Prtpared for Examinations Tickets $1.50. Rous. PHONE SI and BLACK 2S3 Coast, Hangs S. Associated Board, Vancouver, Csnter Ing good time assured. 280. Wallace's. 288 TAKE NOTICE that Archie Barnes Martin, Royal College of Mutle, London, Eng. occupation mill manarer. or the city ot Vancouver, Province or Brltlih Columbia, TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 George James, o f Douglas, Intend to apply for permission to pur chase the followlnr described lands: Alaska, passed through the city Commenclnr at a post planted on the this morning on his way south. south snore of Cousins Inlet about Ave is well known in the chains west of the southwest corner or Mr. James Lot 31. Ran re J, Coast District; thence PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 33 lumber trade of the north. south SO chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north to chains,, thence west It PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. chains, thence north 1S.S chains more or J. n. Patterson, who owns the M. or Cousins Inlet, thence less to H. W. Marlboro cement works on the G, followtna- the H. W. M. to this post and containing- one hundred and twenty-fire Transfer and Storage T. P. east of Prince George, ari THOSE WHO. FROM TIME TO TIME. HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING (its) acres more or less. rived in the city last evening, ac. INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DATED at Vancourer, B. C this 1st BEST LUMP NUT COAL day of November, A. D. HI 6. companied by Mrs. Patterson. J.tl. ARCHIE BAILIES MARTIN. NO LONQ WAITS DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK SEEEMA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP Martin Johanson, of the Na. OOAST, RAJME THREE NO SHORT WEIGHTS IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. tional Independent Fishing Com. When You Order from Us. TAKE noUce that I. Francis Joseph pany, of Seattle, who has been Principal repayable lit October, 1919. Beale, acting aa agent for- the Empire Pulp and Paper Mills, Ltd, or Swanson visiting the north for the past Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free Bay, B. C, occupation lorrer. Intend to week, left for home this morning. of exchange at any chartered Bank In Canada) at the rate of five per cent apply for permission to lease the follow . per annum from the date of purchase. Ing described Unas: Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and Commenclnc at a post planted on the There were five more recruits accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in of allotment south shore of the laroon at the. end or payment any the East Arm of Mussel Inlet, about one OLD WATCH FREE. for the Forestry Battalion sent made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of and one half miles in a westerly direction A atra'iStlorwrl riaiuua south this morning. They were, Treasury Bills or other like short date security. from the K.W. corner of T. L. 44848. SOS, etar lima aa t!uh4 Proceeds of this stock are for war only. Arm. W. M !. purposes tltOOP.. thence south 10 chains, thence 'Ucka paU U all Ihfimn ill.WW tha ot M. Ilroman, Lars Nelson, E. RIcej A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized west 40 chains, thence north SO chains m worn H . In. E. C. Eastwood and Ed. Donnelly bond and stock brokers on allotments made in of applications more or less to shore line, thence followlnr .aWHaamaot.'. Ho. respect fta VOTU dHM ft. for this stock which bear their shore Hoe In an easterly direction to mm. wni. stamp. point of commencement. nti lor m of Mr The schooner Pioneer brought For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. FRANCIS JOSEPH BEALE, Applicant. laahionbt. Lallai' October tsth. Itie. J.it Oteuf Lni Alfcaru.O oar 4a. mot or in 30,000 pounds of halibut thj DEPARTMENT OCTOBER OF FINANCE,7th, ISl. OTTAWA. MrrUM fit to waar morning. The Tuladi is back in vttk wfclak Ales M. Hanson, S.A. Ik.mil. W. E. WUltams. B.A.. L.L.B U)um wUI a wataba.lira. Vn.mn port after a very rough trip in envwilaa.Sa raant. WILLIAM A MAMON which they got little fishing done ..a. J mt rami- Bat rri stars, Solicitors, Etc low abort.Sar.a ia4 w,ihow tbaaa th. kaaaualQaaVaa. IK.I thlak Ikia Ubr to oo4 ft. k. trna. tat aaoA SS HlW WWr a4 rai. . Fn. Wairh. In The Ladies Aid of the Catholic anil k rMaal. WIUJAH LIXJTD, W'halaMl. sot tisi tmtlaaa Uapi.lU 1.1.Cwtll. Hoao. LoauMn, , Church will give a Turkey dinner Halseraoa Slock Prince Rupert. B. C on December 14th from 6 to 0 p in. in tho Stork Iilock. Tickets &0 cents. There will also be a sale of work. 286 The Prince Rupert Returned Dr.PRICES Soldiers Association has elected the following oftlco-bearcrs: President, J. Hradbury; Vice CREAM President, II. O. Crew; Treasurer, A. Allett, and Secretary, C. I) Baking Powder Ilrethour. . W. J. Galney, who returned Sixty Ymmrm thm Stmndmr from" active service somo time ago, came into town from Hazel ton last night. Hill left for Vic. ijlif AMe oaly healthfMl torla this morning and hopes that twn "'w,tn 'rwe'rlet qiialHIes to the food tho doctors will think that he has TSSja r"od for ona Pck 001,1 8oP' ffi$ffi$$lifiB( suDlciently recovered from his wound to bo (11 for active service CONTAINS NO ALUM again. A fit for your,foot guaranteed Wallace's. 28fl