1010. THE OA1LI NEWS. Mil bo permitted In mltlo on the-' BirillEST ONE FROM FAR AND NEAR(M installment plan. III HIE MM Two haachall leagues with numerous Twelve men In the city of Kor. tiicinbern are ,,w com. York are reported to control the IictliiK for pennants in Britain's Generous Mexico. southern food prices of the country. A Handling u.tint Of D'oP'r ".""li" (Jreal Interest Is being Federal taken in the Orand Jury may bo called game. O II Uilnl.l scarcely give the Mexicans credit lo investigate.' Of Crude Rubber Situation ior iieing able to Indulito in nw. Ihlnjr o peaceful. Tln.v It Is staled that Quebec may liovo dilllculty in adopt the floltenburg systems of supply of umpires.keeping up t10 handling the liquor trade when Has Held Down Cost of Rubber Footwear the bars of that province have While Prices of Other Necessities Soar U Is estimated that the visible been abolished. supply of oil In the Tamplco district of Mexico is When, some twenty years Great Britain fourteen billion American ships arc being refused ago, began to barrels. With oil at $2 a barrel coal at llritlsh ports. Coal establish great rubber plantations in her tropical Dominions, the there is every prospect of this Is outside world's industrial experts laughed in scorn. Were there part of Mexico making a rapid being conserved and Is supplied not thousands of square miles of wild rubber trees in Brazil and uiTTIC WARREN financial recovery. only to ships "utilizing it in such elsewhere simply waiting to be tapped? Were not the marvellous int.,July 8th, 1915. a way as to be benellcial chemists TortKc to NriL of Germany working diligently to devise a process for r J tl.rco"Frult-a-tlvos"years and have in The Japanese have inaugurated ain and her Allies." making synthetic rubber at a fraction of the cost of the natural article? Britain, they averred, was wasting time and : tliem a good medicine. a regular steamship service be. money. r. . Ifaltie,tins troubltd with Winnipeg Oreeks nro lo send tween Kobe nnd the west -. Tlio Doctor said the Mexico. ports of $500 monthly to ex-l'rcmier Six years ago the price of crude rubber jumped to $3.00 a pound, VU a) u J with Dropsy. Ilerllml! The Kiyo Maru made tho Veniclos to assist in the overthrow because the 60,000 or 70,000 tons which seemed to be the limit of the forests .-rail swollen and we tiegan first trip last month. of Conslantine. It is estimated fell far short of the enormously increasing demand and the synthetic u'Jnotlirc. Unaliy.we rubber promised by Germany failed to materialize. The 8,200 tons produced K J to try "Frult-atlves". She Work has been resumed the that Venizelos has an army by the British plantations in 1910 was more than welcomed, and the scoffing tri ' f improvement after ue had on of 100,000 men now nnd that he ceased. By 1914 the plantations were producing nearly 100,000 tons, or 60 n ktr -j tablets. In a short time, ricfi mines of San Pedro, Mexico. will have 150,000 by spring. of the world's supply, and the price had been reduced to one-third of the u. ha J all gono down and her The workings are very old but arc 1910 figures. This year the plantations are contributing 150,000 tons 75 flfjh ' took more natural. Now still very rich. There are signs Kidcr-down of the total production and Britain holds a monopoly which has been of iheis the healthiest one in the amity of comforts. Pillows vital importance in the War. returning industrial tc.i hu signs of the old ailment. activity in sheets and blankets. See Tile's We ean r. t say too much for"Fruit-a-tivrt'' Mexico. large assortment. If. Controlling the seas as well as the supply, the British Government and would never be without has effectually cut off the Teutons, while providing an abundance for the them". WILLIAM WAnnn.v. Thomas Hosence and J. Fagan, A fit for your foot guaranteed Allies. To neutrals, who might easily have been forced to pay any price, of Victoria, have discovered a the monopoly has been truly a benevolent one, for so long as they resell none 50c. a box, 6 for $20, trial lie, 25c. Wallace's. 288; to the Germans, they get all the rubber they want at a lower price than At til lit alert or tent postpaid on long sought free gold vein on before the war. reeeiptof price by Fruit a-tires Limited, Siwash Creek in Yale district. Six Principal Brady will give a rei OtUvt. years ago $1,000 was taken out cilal of Dickens' Christmas Carol No nation, neutral or belligerent, benefits more generally from Britain's at this point but slides covered up in the Methodist Church on foresight and generosity in this matter than Canada. Besides the general use of the scores of rubber products, practically every Canadian uses rubber scatters the pocket which has just been Coughing serai Thursday evening, Dec. 21. tf. footwear more or less for at least six months of the year. Now that leather Step it rediscovered. has gone up 80, and shoes are costing two to five dollars a pair more than When you think of shoes, think normal, the advantage of wearing rubbers and overshoes this winter is Coughing Increase the New York Diagnostic Society is of Wallace's. 288. strongly emphasized. They cost so little compared to the shoes whose term Irritation of tb already In-flimtd to creel a hospital whero fees will of service they practically double, that it certainly is economy to wear them' mocuoua membranes at every sign of bad weather. And there's another point, even more diaeite nd U moreover to other.apt to carry be fixed according to the earning Sleds for boys, girls and babies important: Math ien's Syrup of Tar and capacity of the individual. If the at Mcllae Bros. 287. coughing,Cod Liver Oil and promptly soon, thanks slot patient cannot alTord lo pay, he CITY OP PRINCE RUPERT The need for leather at the Front is so great, and the to its tonic properties,effects ( a permanent care. j, Court of Rsvlslon, Municipal Votsrs' List. scarcity so serious, that it is a patriotic duty to save it The wonderful popularity TAKE NOTICE that a Court of Revision. of Httbien't Syrup of Tar WANTED conslstinr of Ills Worship the Mayor, Alderman all we can by wearing rubbers and overshoes. and Cod Liver Oil it specially Dybhavn and Alderman Casey, will dot to its great value aa a tit on Monday, the Eleventh day of December, permanent lung and bronchi! Experienced Bridge men. A. D. 1016, it :30 p. m., ts t Court braler. or Revision to correct and revise the list Track Tracklayers and Sold everywhere, rjc Urn General men,Construction Laborers of voters for the year A. D. 1(17. bottles. The Court will sit In the Council Cham lo join the 239lh Hat-lallon. ber, City Hall, and any person having any A L. MATHICTI CO.IT. Overseas Hallway complaint as to any name being Improperly tkatrMk. rjj. Construction Corps. placed on said list, or improperly Drafts leaving Vancouver, omitted therefrom, shall attend and lay U. C. for Valcartier, P. Q., his complaint. weekly. F. TITERS, City Clerk. MINERAL ACT P ! He attested and forward A papers to Vancouver, and NASTURTIUM. IRIS FRACTION. BELLIS sssaaBtsB transportation will bo arranged LAND ACT FRACTION, OENTIAN. BLUE BELL FRACTION, m 2,000,0001 at once. COSMOS FRACTION, THISTLE Send all communications FRACTION, MARIGOLD FRACTION. LILAC (Ulvatlon Arm. to: Ofllcer commanding, VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT FRACTION. FERN FRACTION, PINE APPLE W Kt erians 239th Battalion, C. E. F. Of COAST, RANOK S. FRACTION. COXCOMB, BFOONIA FRACTION, Public ineeliiigs, Tuesday 175 Cordova St.. W. MINERAL CLAIMS situate In the r&ursnay and Saturday at 8 o. in Vancouver, B. C. TAkE NOTICE that I, Leo Stanley Bur- Queen Charlotte District. located at or near fjy Depend on us don, or Ocean Falls, B. C, occupation mill Ikeda Bay, Queen Charlotte Island, Province und vs at 7:3(1 p. m. secretary. Intend to apply for permission of British Columbia, tnd Itwfully held by to purchase the foilowlnt described landst Ikedt Mines Limited. for oread! Cominenctnr at t post planted about Ave TAKE NOTICE, that I, John A. Mtclnnls, chains distant and In a westerly direction scllcltor for Ikeda Mines Limited, free r from the southwest corner of Lot 31, miners' certificate No. 70314 B, Intend Ran re 3, Coast District, thence south 30 after the expiration of sixty days from Since shortly after the German invation, the Belgians chains; thenre east tt chains; thence north the date hereof to apply on behalf of the have (or food the ''Commission entirely depended on 30 rhalns; thence west S3 chains, to this said Company to the Nlninf Recorder for Ramsay's post, containinr In all about II teres. certificate of Improvements tor the pur (or Relief in Belgium". Their own store of (ood, LEO STANLEY BURDON. pose of obtaining a Crown Orant to the NOVEMBER 8, 1010. F. 6 above claims. even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action three weeks they have had no chance to rais more under Section St of the Mineral Act must Sodas NAVIOABLK WATERS PROTECTION ACT. be commenced before tbe Issuance of such and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply thecal Cream j Empire R. S. C Chapter 11B. certificate of Improvements. Dtted thlt tut day of May, A. D. 19 1. Backed by the JOHN A. MACINNE3, The Ortnd Trunk Pacific Railway Com Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. pany hereby rives notice that It has under Section 7 of the said Act deposited witn Bdgiai In 2-lb. Tint) the Minister of Public Works tt Otttwt MINERAL ACT tnd In the omce or the District Reclstrtr Certificate of Improvements their superior of the Ltnd Rerlstry Office, District of lenerouahr contributed in the British Empire and the UnUed Have attained their enviable reputation by Prince Rupert it Prince Rupert, a de NOTIOI to quality and uniformity. The moet dlncrlmlnatlnQ houee-lfe scriptlon of the tile tnd plans of ware Silver Bow Mineral Claim, situate In Ute States, the neutral Belgian Kdiet lommitana baa uaportea Soda house proposed to bo built In Prince Ru Skeena Mlnlor Division of Casstar District. enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation Insists upon "lUmaaya Empire" when buying pert Harbor tt Prince Rupert, British Co Wbere located: At the bead of a branch to far. Tbe peat majority of the 7,000.000 Belgians left in Biscuits. iuroblt. in front of waterfront Block "0" of Lime Creek about four mllet from tbe the country have been able to pay (or the daily alowance of according- to registered plan of the town beacb. on tbe south tide or Alice Arm. bread but a steadily growing number have no money left. site of the ttld city of Prince Rupert de tbat Oeorte R. They are made In B. C. and your grocer geta hla supply TAKE NOTICE I, Ntden. posited In the aforesaid Land Ret Is try Free Miner's CertlOctte No. S4094B. acttnt hundreds of thousands ol freshness, which means Unlets we are wXng to let these frequently and Insuring No. 933. quickly, omce at as arcni for Tbos. McRostle, Free Miner's "Itpnese, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the t Crrtinctte No. tmtB. and Jtmei U llatcn. women, children and old man starve, they must be (ed at the t I plrtilon of one month from the date of Free Miner's Cert til cats No. 87ttB. In- expense el the Belgian Reuei Fond. To make this possible next order. the first publication of thlt notice, the tcud. tlxty days from tbe date bereof, to someone mutt contribute nearly $3,000,000 a i Prove It tin with your by buying a Orand Trunk Ptcioc Railway Company will apply to tbe Mlnlor Recorder for a Certin month all thit winter I under Section 7 of the said Act apply to tate of Improvements, for tbe purpose of Manufactured by the Minister of rubllc Works tt his omce obtalnlnf a Crown Orant or tbe above No people under the AEed Flags are at wel able t caett In the City of Otttwt for tpproval of rUlni. boast bat eoerouilv aa wa Canadians! Ne cause ever said site tnd plans, and for leave to con And runner tate notice that action, & LTD. ol In the el Justice and Hnmsaity for RAMSAY BROS. CO., slrurt tbe ttld warehouse. under section it, mutt be conunenced Ixs deserving help I name Dated tt Wlnnlper, Manitoba, thlt 31th lore the Issue of tucb Certificate of Im the sake el our own self-respect 1st as aire al we can to Vanoouver, B. O. day of May A. D. 19 It. provements. help our martyred Allies I THE ORAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Dated this tUb day or March. A.D. me COMPANY. OEORGE R. KADEN. Sead yew ssbseript(aas weekly, sssatily ta la at tassst ttta ta I a., H. K. HANSARD, Solicitor, Pnviackl C in,at to ike S Central Exioutiva Committee, M Si fttar K Mwtraal Let Us Save You Money on your UNION TRANSFER COT $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. Gasoline or Distillate Solicits your Hauling and We , arrntlefrTS ?a.olin? or distillate and Coal Order box ?f Carbonvoid aroonvom Is equivalent to w kuu" --v.,w",1 civa- -from vou The Whisky Prompt attention CANADIAN WOMEN is In gasoline Carbonvoid puts the ditional miles and oartful dell SHOULD KNOW THIl f0 to 600 ad. Urbonvoid It a dry powder you oQuality vary given to all 11 CAM AD A FIRST"Milk Is the DEST Milk t.nk. Will I I Juttdronln the : "GO" in Gasoline : cylinders.re. orders, either large sold hf Your Croc sr. The Government Bulletin :'"'ve au carbon ' . , 1 1 from'i n hi i K 1 1 E D Acad la Wood N j.303 1 cllt the ttory-IT COSTS THE SAME. IN Avt companies In the world u It. V' 250.000 cartens. Fullv 8 Years or small. asttouisseciarosTiiisciissMM oessa JUNK 288 0O0 CAUTONS Previous order ctsasua nasi raoeucr-IMtltT before bo tt ling lfrUwanlrhlnneJerm.cliiU"CJrirt"ETSpocu4 ttta wklp ss Willi (istu tf euu BEST COAL QUALITY CUARANTEED BY THE TmsAYLMKR CONDENSED MILK COHLvo. For Sale Only by GOVERNMENT CANADA and CLOSE PRICES Geo. L. Clayton, - Lrlnce Ruper B.C. wmmmmmmmmam no PHONE 57.