rue da iiwj Tuesday, December 12 loin COUNCIL TO DISCUSS make an examination of prices. HIGH COST OF LIVING Mayor McCalTcry suggested Hint Local News Noles they meet In committee of the "The Daily News" ,0ntiiiued From Page One i whole on Friday al 3 p. in, to Tlir Princess Maqulnna will not discuss the matter fully. CLASSIFIED ADS. i.ll nt Alire, Ann until furtlier llae. "and, If they are absurd, it Aid. Mcltae suggested that they also well that we know." n'tlcc. is pass a resolution now regarding Aid. Montgomery said that he that WANTED. any article wns supposed to Fur Xmas buying see Tile's favored Ihe fullest investigation. be loo high, so that they would WAITRESS WANTED Prince nUptPi Motc new stock of carpets. Special Sugar, shoes and most other commodities have something In go upon In WANTED Salcsmsn Of real i.iii,. discounts. tf. were very high, and going committee. II was finally decided rrnrrsrnl ...mmm i.icuuar. wmpinv in to higher and it was time we to hold a full discussion al Friday's unaaa.MperlenM-uood contract Fancy china. French Limoges knew why this was. It seemed to New.' 111 Din, ami Nippon. A'nias prices at Geo. meeting and pass any necessary ttt. liiin that it was necessary to cap resolution next Monday. WANTED Experienced wsltreis. D. Tito's. tf. trenches before Ssvoy Hotel. Apply ture three lines of tf. CREAM O O ft L l-'nvorilc Lnilysmitli anything could be done and Eider-down comforts. Pillows LOST , Wellington lump and tint, best re- the sooner they started the belle. slicels and blankets. See Tile's LOST A brown kid glove Finder pit Mill. Phone 15. lMt.U.Cn. tf. large assortment. tf. return to Jabour Bros. it I, BfiKiMG Powder Aid. Nelson read from the order-in-council FOR RENT Mrs. Fee, who ha heen visiting to show that Aid. FOR RETT Furnished bouse l..m. with Mrs. Knight, left for her! Casey's motion not in accordance I steam bra led. hot snd &iU water B. C UNDERTAKERS Terms reasonable. norrulk home In Vancouver at the end of with the order. He Fulton SL rtuima, MADE IN CANADA ! Ihe week. I tei. favored an enquiry but it would FUNERAL DIPECTORS AND ESS- FOR SALE I ... ALWfRS SATISFACTION O0AN- I be useless to pass a resolution. J'rinciral will a ANTEED OPEN DAT AND NIOMT I jirauy give recital FOR SALE n face of the wording of the or I Carload mining machinery in ItT 2ND STRUT PHONE 41 Pure Wholesome Reliable of Dickens' Christmas Carol eluding IT machine drill, column ban der. drill-steel, stram-nttlogi tic Umi.' in the Methodist Church .bn Dally Hews. ' Aid. Casey said that he obtained For sixty years Dr. Price's Cream Baking Thursday evening:,. . . lcc.. 21. tf. his figures in regard to sugar MINERAL ACT Powder has been the standby of countless peoial half-holiday discount of from a merchant who would pro Nctlce to Delinquent Partners. housekeepers who hare relied upon it for 10 per rent on purchase (except vide the documents to prove his To Grant Mabood and Patrick Daly. FOR RENT healthful, delicious, home-baked biscuit, cake TAKE NOTICE that whereas we nave He did not wish to shoes) made up to 11 o'clock to statement. done and caused to be done assessment and other pastry. morrow morning. Wallace's. move a resolution contrary to the work by survey on tbe Daly, Sullivan, wrni v n.nH nouse. L:ff.i II. Edith and 11 Mineral Claims, situated In Cottar t Dr. Price's contains alum. There is .... order-in-council, his idea being In rooms. Sib Ave no the Salmon Bear River District. Portland Cottar 4 rooms, bath. Samn: t Av never any question about the absolute purity The total business done by the have an enquiry along the lines Canal Mlnlor Dlvlilon. for tbe .year It 16, Furnlbed Cot u re :it gib and healthfulness of the food it raises. ity market during the month of laid down in that order. He was inr and ssnie bave paid the sum for of ssld tSIO.00,work and unless record you- Cottage Cottare 4 4 rooms.rooms Tbompsoa na tth and Av; ita.E November was 92.475.10, the willing to withdraw his resolu pay to us the sum of Sill.00 for your That is why the best informed housewives shsre of said assessment work, together commission. earned being I85.. tion If it was out f order. KCMORDIE APARTMENTS, 1 with the cost of this advertisement, we rooms, prefer and use it 5. Aid. Montgomery said that if shaU al the eipiraUon of ninety 0) days bath and rant. Rant of thote flat rrom the date hereof, apply to the Mining ha been reduced te $8 per month. there was doubt as to the resolution, Recorder at Stewart. B. G to have your Neat and clean. Oood janitor lar. The city council last night Interests vice. Will kalsemln te sslt twianL In the said Daly, Sullivan. Edith he thought that the coun adopted a report from the city and Lois mineral claims vested In us. In BEST TMINO. IN TOWN FOR THE NOTICE cil as a whole should go into the pursuance of tbe provisions of tbe Mineral MONET. treasurer advising that 127,000 of ACL TAKE KOT1CE that U Muiw Fuller matter and lake action along the Dated at Victoria. B. C this tlth day accumulated sinking funds be in- J.L.HICKEY ha disposed of hi Interest In the firm We write fire Insurant- repre proper lines. The main thing of November. A. D. It It. of fuller k McVeekin to tbe Fuller Me- ested in property bought in by james Mcdonald. senttng only strong, liberal companies. Mrekln Company, and tbat the said L was to get started in the matter. CONTRACTOR BUILDER the city at the recent tax sale. r. it. FREDERICK C W1.NKLER. Murray Fuller has do further Interest In Teur buslnoo I tollctus. Aid. Casey then withdrew his Mid Mistness. Tbe Arm or Fuller, Ne-Metktn Store and. Office Fixtures, Company will collect all account Under the auspices of the Ladies motion and moved that the coun H. O. HELGERSON, LTD and pay all bill. WI GUARANTEE 1S PER CENT. Sash, Door and Moldings. Dated this 9th day or December. IS 18. Aid of the Presbyterian Church, a cil go into the high cost of living SAVINO. WHY PAT HONE Oak and llard Woods of all LIQUOR ACT, 1910. tea andsale of home cooking will according to the wording of the FOR kinds. (Section 41.) be given at the home of Mrs. I). order-in-council. FIRE .NOTICE It hereby riven that, on tbe E. Smith, Musgrave I'lace, to The city solicitor said that it We Specialize Jn making nrt day of December next, application will E. Davey and fitting storm windows, be made to tbe Superintendent of Pro morrow, Wednesday, from 3 to C. was clear that the council had no . vincial Police for renewal of tbe hotel ... INSURANCE any size. licence to sell liquor by retail in tbe hotel power to pay money to anyone to known as tbe .Northern Hotel, altuate al The general committee of the sit on any enquiry. They must Teacher of Singing and Plate and Sheet Glass and OLD, STRONG COMPANIES Port Simpson, in tbe Province of Brlttib city council last night brought in first make up their minds that Voice Production. Glazing. Columbia. - SEE Corner Fraser and 6th Sts. Dated this 7th day of October. ISIS. report recommending the ap certain specific articles were be CONSOLIDATED SECURITIES. LTD. ERNEST WOOD RICHARDS. Applicant. pointment of James Neville to the ing held up to a high price and PHONE Room SI It and Smith Block BLACK 233 PHONE BLACK 217. PHONE GREEN 269 LIQUOR ACT. 1910. Fire Department in place of Jas. that then they would proceed to P. O. BOX 448. (Section 4. Currie, who has resigned. The re NOTICE Is hereby given that, on tbe first day ot December next, application will port was adopted. be made to tbe Superintendent of Pro . . vincial Police for renewal of tbe hotel Mrs. A. A. Brand, has licence to sell liquor by retail in the hotel gone to Sheet Metal Work known ai the pine Tree Hotel, situate at England to meet her son. Private Discovery, In the Province ot British Co lumbia. Brand of the 102nd Battalion, whq Dated this 10th day of October, 1 9 1 e. has earned a brief furlough. Miss Now is the lime to have CLARENCE MAR.VADlkE SANDS. Nov. JS. Applicant Brand accompanied her mother your heating plant put in shape for the winter; roofs on Ihe first stage of the journey. and skylights seen to. leaving her at Vancouver. THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME. HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING In such cases consult a AKERBERG, THOMSON INVESTMENT. MAY PURCHASE AT PAR practical man If you want The city council last .night, on results. COMPANY the motion of Aid. Nelson, sec DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK C. 0. Rowe "FRISCO- IMPERIAL,''A tents for "PALMER." onded by Aid. McFtac, decided to make reductions in the telephone IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. "FISHERMAN," "FERRO AND Practical sheet metal man. "CLAT" OAS ENGINES. charges to those whose phone- Opposite Board of Trade PHONE 525. Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. out of order because of the Rooms 3?2 2nd Avenue were Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free PHONE S40. snowstorm. of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent . per annum from the date of purchase. Estimates Furnished Free. Harry A. Harvey At the Fortnightly Club, in the Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and Presbyterian Church on Wednesl accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment (Late London, Eng.. Conservatoire made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of of Music) day evening, life debate is, "lie- PUPIL OF LANBOOWNE COTTELL Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Prince RBpert Feed Co. ruplls Taken for solved that Canada should have Proceeds of thU stock are for war purposes only. VIOLM. riA.NO. nOUN CELLO and conscription at once. The af. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized HARMONY. Urinative will be taken by Mr. Pat. bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications EXAMINATIONS for this stock which bear their stamp. HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS Pupils Prepared for Examinations more and Mr. Carpenter and the For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. AND FERTILIZERS Associated Board, Vancouver, Center negative by Mr. Naden and Mr. Rojal College of Music, London, Eng. DCPAKTUENT OF FINANCE. OTTAWA. Hunter. OCTOBER Tth. atlft. WE HANDLE TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 ... Bulbs, and Take Orders for Aid. Casey at the council meet Nursery Stock. ing last night drew the attention of the light committee to the fact Chicken Feed A PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 38 Specialty. that certain houses across the SUII Ceder Promptly KUmM Ta. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. creek could not get light connec tion because of the lack of cer. . O. Boa SSS. BOS Third Ave. Transfer and Storage tain supplies which have not been PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. purchased. If w as referred to the BECT LUMP A NUT COAL committee. SAEEKA LAND DISTINCT DISTRICT OF TiO LONG WAITS COAST, KAMA! THREE The Ladies Aid of the Catholic TAKE notice tbat I, Francis Joseph NO SHORT WEIGHTS Church will give a turkey dinner Brale, actios as areut for the Empire When You Order from Us. Pulp and Taper Mills, LtL. or Swanson on December 14th from 0 to 9 p B. logger. Intend to Bay. C occupation m. in the Stork Block. Tickets apply fw permission to less the follow Inr described lands LAND ACT 50 cents. There will also be a Corumencinr at a post planted on the Vancouver Land District District of sale of work. Refreshments south shore of tbe laguon al the end ot Coast, Rang S. the East Arm or Mussel Inlet, about on TALE NOTICE that Archie Barnes Martin. served in tbe afternoon. Bale of at(i one half miles in westerly direction ececpaiioa mill manager, of tbe city of work starts at 3 o'clock. 281 frwm the WAV. corner of T. L, 44S40, lot, Vancouver. Province of British Columbia, (I(OOP, thence south to chains, thence intend to apply for permission to pur west 40 chain, thence north SO chains chase tho following described land: Call the Pony Express for wood more or less to (bore line, thence follow Commencing- at a post planted on tbe tot shore line In an essterly direction to south shore of Cousins Inlet about five cut la stove lengths or 4 feet point of comntencemebL cualnn west or the southwest corner of Best household coal and general rru.Nas josepu beale. Applicant. Lot SI, Hang I, Coast District thence October tttn, ttu south SO chains, thence west 40 chains, transfer. Piano moving our Air M. Hanson. BJL Ibeure north to chains, .thence west tft specialty. Prices moderate. Phone chains, thence north Is.I chains more or t W. K. Williams. B.V. LX.B toss to II. V. M. or Cousins Inlet, tbence 301, II. W. Rogers. tf, WILLIAMS A HANSON following- the H. W. M. to this post and Barristers, Bolloltors, Etc. cuntaintng on hundred and twenty-five tt acres more or less. Chimneys, pipes, ranges. ta1 OMSr TO LOAM Boa till DATED at Vancouver. B. C. this 1st 'urjiare cleaned and put in or. day ot November. A. D. it 1 1. llattersne Block Mines Rupert, B. C I AhCME BARNES MARTIN. der. lhono FriU. ti9. i9i.