The Daily News V PRINCE RUPERT, D. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1016. PRICK WfcSKT' JOfFRE APP01 TED COMMANDER IN CHIEF K - jOffRKSNOW GRIM BATTLE GERMAN PEACE COMMANDER OF STILL RAGES IN OFFER FINDS FRENCH ARMIES CARPATHIANS LITTLE FAVOR further Liquor Restrictions Asked Rumanians Still Retreating Be- Westminster Gazette Urge Care Francn rremiir rrenwn iuru teutonic forces -The ful Consideration Austrian Succeed In surprise Bulgarians Claim Italian Cabinet Resign German Attack. Force Is Routed. Losses. (jpwlil to the Dilly Newt.) I (SpecUt la Tlx Dtllj Sews.i (Special to Tb Dtllr ltewi.) parts, Ir 14.As a result of Paris, Dec. 14. In Rumania London, Dec. 14. The German j( rwent session of the Cham-1 the Teutonic Allies continue to peace proposals are being regarded w of Uepulfes, the details of make progress and the Rumanians with little favor, but there fbifhwere not made public, Gen- are retreating towards the nortli is some indication that the first n) Joffre. who has commanded least. impulse of irritation may be succeeded Ike French army on the western I In the Carpathians and on the by a more Conservative frost since the outbreak of the Moldavian frontier the Russians view, The Westminister Gazette, nr. bas been appointed Com. and Germans are still at grips, one of the most Influential London of the French with the Russians still taking the papers, urges a careful consideration irafci. offensive. of Germany's proposals. Uquor Restrictions. In Macedonia. It says that the situation Ilriand has There is heavy artillery fight calls for a high degree of Dritish . . ,- i i i and the tr parliament iu cuuti icio- ling north of Monaslir, where bad statesmanship laying aa to place further restrict weather is interfering with in down of a carefully planned constructive is upon the consumption of fantry movements. policy. Aholic beverages throughout It is reported from the Bulgar- VICE-REGAL PARTY ON PROVINCIAL TOUR. The photograph shows His Excellency the Gov- Austrian Cabinet Resigns. bact. ian capital that sit thousand M- ernor-General, family and staff, together with the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, with family, The Austrian cabinet has re-standing Western Front. banians defeated a force of Ilal- In front of Ontario's Legislative Buildings in Queen's Park, Toronto. Reading from right signed and the Emperor has asked U hostile patrol tried to enter ians near Pasheslna and Kpirius to left the party is as follows: Front row. Lady Blanche Cavendish, Lady Maude Cavendish (standing Alexander Spitzmueller, former m trenches east of Armentieres and that the Italians fled from slightly forward . Lady Hendrie, the Duke of Devonshire, the Duchess of Devonshire. Sir Jnhn lMlnister of Commerce, to form a Mi repelled. The enemy ar- the enemy. Hendrie, and Miss Hendrie. Back row: Col. Alex. Fraser, Capt. A. Macintosh, A. D. C, Capt. Kenyon-Slaney, new cabinet. I Rlnt an ffollftf Fund A. D. C, Capt. Bulkley-Johnson, A. D. C, Colj the Hon. II. G. Henderson, military secretary German Casualties. to His Excellencyr and Col. Clyde Caldwell. - - .German,, casualties .iorg tbV ad berta yesterday month of November total one hundred at La Malssonette-Barleux. government gave fry wre counter-shelled by thousand dollars to the Belgian ROUSING SPEECHES peal for recruits. He said in con-J SIR WILFRID LAURIER and sixty-six thousand. The elusion, "The place to defend total German losses since the beginning Surprise Attack. Relief Fund. AT RECRUITING MEETING Canada is not over here; but on MAKES STRONG APPEAL of the war amount to In a surprise attack against the the battle line of France." four millions. This does not in- mj positions In the Argonne NATIONAL ECONOMY The recruiting meeting in the Lieut. Wood, R. N., In a breezy Quebec, Dec. 8. In a strongly elude losses sustained in German miun, e destroyed mine works si captured prisoners. MUST BE PRACTISED Empress Theatre last evening little speech said that if there patriotic address delivered this I colonies. was something which no one were any young men who were afternoon to thousands of his (Sn-eUI to Ttw Dally newt.) should have missed, but, unfor not satisfied with the cut of their Quebec constituents Sir Wilfrid MAJOR H. L. BODWELL ILA WILL ADOPT niinun Dec. 14 That national tunately, the audience was largely clothes, he would advise them to Laurier urged upon Canadians.! AWARDED THE D. 8. O. GUERILLA TACTICS economy must be practised soon composed of ladies, who are al don the King's uniform. It was and especially French-Canadians,! lis the opinion of Sir Thomas ready doing all they can. Therfl the finest ever, and was suited to their duty in the crisis which has! Word has reached town from of Unance was a distinct lack of young men all seasons and climates. If the been reached in the war. He urged I England that Major II. L. Bodwell tspwrui to Tbt vmr sw.j While. The Minister be to in the audience, which is greatly kilts did not suit all, there was them to enlist in -the following formerly of the G, T. P. terminal BPaso. Texas, Dec. 14. Villa says that it will necessary to of to be regretted, as it is impossible an office on Third Avenue where terms: "I am here to say that i engineering staff at Prince Ru-favor the importation every gtin entered the city of restrict the necessities of to reproduce Col. Guthrie's ad they would be welcomed by Sea recruiting down here the pert, has been awarded the D. S. Huahua. Accordng to a letter thing except dress in cold type. The Daily man Burke. system of voluntary enlistment. O. Major Bodwell was a resident tan I prominent citizen of Chi- lif and what is required for war the home News, at the time the Kilties' of Capt. GodenratU, who was We have no conscription here of this city for several years when toua, Ihe bandit chief Intends purposes, and to cease jewelry, ficers left Halifax for the coast greeted with three cheers and a and will have none. It is not to the town was in the making and divide of candies, hi fnrp into bands of nroduction a on this tour, raised the question tiger, paid a high compliment to force that we want to appeal, but his many friends will be delighted nd scatter them along the etc. American Join. of the enormous cost of such recruiting. Major Peck, in command of the to sentiment, to your hearts and to learn that he has so dis-to burder w ith the inten- Newspapers Journal and the After hearing Colonel ICth. He described the retaking your better feelings." tinguished himself on the field of of raiding American towns. The Ottawa Free Press have amalgamated, Guthrie, we are of the opinion of lost ground on June 13th by Referring to his forty years'!battle. being called that the sending of such a speak. the 10th and 13th battalions, representation of that constitu- GET TOGETHER the new publication the Journal Press. R. D. Ross, er throughout Canada on recruit when '.Major Peck led the attack, ency. Sir Wilfrid traced the for- CONSCRIPTION DEBATE ing work is well worth any ex after someone had given the order tune and the destinies of the Lib- fyact of the new journal, forbids a lengthy report the proprietor pense. to retire. He reminded the ral party and the country during! There was a stirring debate on 'Ihe meeting of the Prince Ru-lis a Conservative. On the platform, Rev. Dr. Grant audience that though many of the that period, concluding with the the question of conscription at Municipal held Movement, CROSS SALE had wilh him, besides Col. Guth men returning might not be defeat of 1911, declaring they the Fortnightly Club last evening, evening and by RED presjded over rle and his staff, Lieut. Wood, J. maimed, and might look well, the had fallen with their heads high,I the affirmative being taken by Mr. ' McCutcheon. The general I m of the speeches all to The men of Prince Rupert will H. McMullin, Judge Young, Mayor mere fact that they had been sent and leaving a record against Patmore and Mr. Hunter, and the tfds was McCaffery. Rev. W. E. Colllson, back meant that they had suffered which nothing could be said." He negative by Mr. Naden and Mr. S Crentop millv In iiimit have an opportunity 10 snow "M do towards the Red and S. D. Macdonald. agonies and were still suffering continued, "You all know that the Carpenter. Each of the speakers ana,, wilu combined what they can and It is In opening the meeting, Dr. from the effects of severe wounds main issue in the province of I did splendidly, the various points lurkng of all ciliiPn In hfilnimr Cross sale tomorrow, "e Hoard to raise the sum of Grant described the 23Cth as a Major Geggle, M. 0 recalled Quebec iu the last election was(being brought out clearly. An of Tradn. th rllv conn, the intention tunl and fifty uouars w Scotch-Canadian battalion, and how iu 1008 the French and Ger not reciprocity, but the naval I audience vote decided in favor of all public hundred two bodies "l ttlA tr.,..i .hlnmunt Of WOOl. which went on to deal with the patriot man officers discussed war and question, and the cries of our ad-1 the affirmative. llw'T " ; r" the wharf with bill i. of the Scottish race. He-id the French spoke of 1920 as the versarles were all about the! ""Hill r lading attached. Now gentle that though most of the High time. The Germans replied that navy". Sir Wilfrid argued that For every two dollars cash to to release landers supported the Stuarts to they should remember 1870, Tho the war had proven the Justiflca-I purchase you have a chance for it is up you "-Piece dinn..rnr. hii men ihU valuable wool for the ladies, the last, they were now Just as French said, "It can't be done tion of the Liberal naval policy, three prizes. See Tile's window w vmav kl'V V U I I w" sale tomorrow. loyal to the dynasty which sue again," and we know that that is Referring to the growth of the display. tf. "values. Red Cross the .Geo. D. Tito's. at ceeded them. He quoted figures true. lie described how every Dominion, and particularly to the show that the large proportion 60 in Is Pacific eoaat. Rlr Wilfrid buM I THERE WILL NOVELTIES &0T APARTMENTS now to man from 10 to France MISS THE RED CROM McMORDIE t .1 1. m....1 of Scottish emigrants remained doing something towards winning "Wo have to provide for the de AT THE RED CROM SALE TO- u ON FRIDAY reduced to 19. 3 rooms, nam llelgerson, Ltu. under the flag and that when the tho war, France found them fense of tlieso cities and our II. 0. range. call to arms came, the Scots were selves at war si years too soon coasts, for when England U at WESTHOLMF WELLINGTON COAL, there iu greater proportion to They wero not ready, but they ore war, Canada It; at war. Tho war NEW ... a I it I rA- their population than any other ready now. Major Gegglo drew has given us a brutal confirmation LONDON CAFE TONIGHT OPIra HOUSI phone 110.shipment we of 500 tons race, though the Irish, English an extremely dark picture of tho of this, both on the Atlantic AND (HULL ONLY colved a io and Welsh did their sharp as well war, declaring that Britain today and Pacific. You heard talk of the Third Avenue KING Coal. We are preparea BAQQOTT coal for you. After describing the magnlfl is beaten, and will be beaten un (continued on Page Four.) tervee Nothing but the Best winter's ?n From Nowhere" put In your cent work done by the Canadian less every man is taken through 8TR40TLY UDHON HOUOK Eighth Episode or MEN BE AT THE RED CROSS at Vpres, Olvanchy and Fcstu out the Empire He said that, un URPR40ES FOR YOU AT THE BOXES FOR LA DIM ' U' THr mnii I BALE ON FRIDAY. bert, Dr. Grant made a strong ap (Continued on Pago 4) RED CROM SALE TOMORROW.