December H, 1010. f(ay, Tliu; 1HP MAILT RED CROM SALE DOCTOR'S w rnum fllf " AND NEAR.,,, Although two bazaars were on Tho nw crop of wan.,1 GOOD ADVICE in navel last week, Mrs. l'rlnglo nnd Mrs. 2.A00.000 cases greater umn Good Shoes Need Protection lhal of lasl yPnr. If it,, i LTlrd turned in $31.10 to tho Ilcd -- .pin tniii( Cross Fund on Friday. Tho noddy TflfioOnTakiiig,FrBit-a-tiYes" crop would were make put freight on rail train nt of n,e 900(li 1 extends Us thanks to those From Wet, Like Good Clothes! MA Uf OaaiI n... two ladies, also to the public-spirited iney uiu nci uuuu iiium in icngin. citizens who did not forget n.P. Q..J.14lh, 1915. An the wounded men in the press High Price of Shoe, and Low Price of many' yeari with tcr-wilndifMon Invcslignlimi Into th .ttlTcredfor nd Conitlpation. I making resources of South Africa of other duties, and to all who Rubbers and Overshoes, Spreading has been started. There sent donations of food or articles This CommoiMerae View arc vat Rundown. A neighbor.drisccl to be rallied. Mrs. Deasey of Te'try''Fllttire,,. I did so and nren of native grasses In Bouth f r doctor, I befan Africa which are believed hi h Masselt, gave n silk cushion, Mantra man, and woman, too, who would never and h adrlaed mo to go on as vnluahle for ii 1 1&m which was won by Mrs. Desner; think of letting a good suit get damp, will thoughtlessly paper making tobpran..ithTrulta-tiTCs". llio as In -J'eg () The Iling" at the basket of fruit, donated by Mrs. splash through slush and water with an expensive 1 eomi itt that I owe my life to"Fruit. esparto grass of Spain. WcMholmn Theatre tonight. Doherty, won by J, Manson; pic pair of shoes, caring little' so long as the feet do to thoso who not get too wet. to and I want say ture, donated by Mr. floldbloom, 'fjffromlndijestlon.Constlpatlon or Halibut sold recently at thi nJeIf-'try FruIt-aUToa and you wharf In Seattle for 15 a very Interesting letter from won Ijy Miss Pringle, and two This treatment takes it out of shoes just as much IStUeir. CORING QAUDltKAU. cents per North Ilorneo, describing the conditions doylies, donated by Mrs. Deasey, as it would outof clothes, for none but the heaviest jOe.t box,6 for$2., trial site, 25c. pound. The average price in Seattle obtaining there. There Is won by Mrs. Woodland. waterproofed leather, unsuitable for general wear, can jtilldaleriorwnt postpaid by Fruit. two years ago was 1 cents. not a single practising barrister The following sent donations: stand repeated wetting and give more than half the Limited,Ottawa. The Hallway and Marine News service it should. In these days, with shoes costing ,m or solicitor in North Horneo, Mrs. Willlscroft; Mrs. V. S. says that had 15 cents been two to five dollars a nair more than before the war, raid Fisher, Mrs. IJarasiow, Mrs. no one who is at all in sympathy with the Empire-wide right along there would have been Australia and New Zealand are Youngman, Mrs. A. M, Manson, movement for thrift will deliberately continue no diniculty In retaining the busi. such waste. WANTED conserving their gold supply and Mrs. John Mcflae, Mrs. Lindsay, ness In Seattle bao stopped minting half-sovereigns. Mrs, McClymont, Mrs. de Gex, Fortunately, indeed, rubber has not followed the Tract Experienced Tracklayers Bridge men.and Practically all payments Mrs. McNicholl, Mrs. McMeckin, ,upward trend of almost every other necessity of life, General men,Construction Labor, .Tho current number of the arc being made in Uver and Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Eggert, Mrs. but in the raw state is even cheaper than before the era to join the 239th Uat-uiion, t'nlled Kinpirc Magazine contains notes. The New Zealand gold Irwin, Mrs. Homer, Mrs Woodland, war. So, though labor, fabrics and chemicals cost Overseas Hallway more, and a war tax is paid on crude rubber as well Corp. coins held In amount to Mrs. J. II. Mrs. Construction r reserve McLeod, as on the other materials, rubbers and overshoes, B.Drafts O. for leaving Valcartler,Vancouver,P. Q L1KELSE HOT SPRINGS 30.000,000 as against $25,000,-000 Howling, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Hunter, except in a few cases, have 'not advanced in price. nwkly. a year ago. Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Mcintosh, Thus a pair of rubbers, costing perhaps one-fifth as attested and forward HOTEL much will double their Be Mrs. Carss, Mrs. Allison, Mrs. as your shoes, practically papers to Vancouver, and - ia now orE.i to quests service and save you repair bills. At the same time transportation will be arranged The natives of the Province of Sinnott, Mrs, Morrissey, Mrs. II. they will be protecting you from colds by keeping at One or the lerreat Hot Send all once.communications Arnertft, circumference 100 Sprtori feet-Temperature to Hewa, in the Fiji Islands, have F. Mcllae, Mrs. Stnilhers, Mrs, n. your feet really dry and comfortable in any weather. to; Officer commanding. of Water, 110 d. rahr. offered the sum of $7,500 to the J. D. Smith, Mrs. Kilpatrick, Mrs. M9th 175 Cordova Ualtallon.St.,C.W.E.F. ticellent Trout riehlna In Laketa Dritish government for the purchase Craig, Mrs. Jenns, Mrs, Smith Save Costly Shoes and Doctor's Bills by Vancouver, D. C. Lake. of an aeroplane. The patriotic (Digby), Mrs. Paterson, Mrs. Wearing Rubbers or Overshoes This Winter Phone Connections with Terrace. oiler has been gratefully Douglas, Mrs. Raymond, Mrs. RAT til $2.80 pee day. accepted and the army council Smith, Mrs. Jennings, Mrs. Lord, For rurtber psrtleuUrs, apply to has telegraphed its thanks to the Mrs. Pringle and Mrs. Sanderson. scatters t. BRUCf JOHNSTONE, Manaf ee. bfgUflg gens native chiefs. Mr. A. B. Evans gave a cash donation. Step it 31 Years Older Than The In his message to Congress, Coughing lacreaaee flat trriutioo of th already in-tuned Dominion of Canada President Wilson urged military SUN AND TIDE Black Sfa LaKV lnnew tnnrooaa membrane control of all railroads In case of iieeaee and U morrorer to other.apt to carry the name implies, emergency; enforced arbitration Friday, December 15th. Tan PUkJ BEasy1 MathietTs Syrupof Tar and AS The Bank of British and investigation on merits before Cod Urrr Oil promptly atotw Sun rises.. 9:4 a, in. S Mnsg8 coughing, anil eooe, thanks North America was a strike is begun; delegation Sun sets .....4:16 p. in. white to rte tonic propertie,effect established long before the of power to the inter-state com lit. 17.7 t a permanent cure. High water ...5:16a.m. Best vHHH?7TH ioc of The kUthiea'a wonderful Byrup popularity of Tar Provinces united and merce commission to raise the Low water . . .1 1 :8 a. m. Ht. 9.7 for the FTjrr3TTjm Faiiwt aad Cod Urcr Oil it special became the Dominion of freight rates to make possible a High water . . .4:52 p. m. Ht. 17.5 aat to Hi great value a a ust operation of the eight-hour permanent Tung and broo-cUal Canada. The sound, Low water ..11:27 p.m. Ht. 6.7 healer. progressive management law, and legislation to promote Captain McGee, M. M. S. A. JB tTerj where, larga ocatianal and industrial train which has made it a power JL l MATBICfJ CO,rrvav. in Canadian finance makes ing. it the bank for your I M MWl m . Tacoma Retail Grocers' Asso account. ciation finds that the housewife is THE BANK OF partly to blame for the high cost British North America pf living. She demands numerous and late deliveries and a service Salvation Army, 7t YEA BS IN BUSINESS. all round which means largely in CAPITAL AND SUBPLUS, S7.M4.M. rublic meetings, Tuesday creased expense for the grocer, PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH Ihrsday and Saturday at 8 p. in Grocers are sometimes compelled tofl at 7:30 p, m. W.J.SMITIIERS,Manager to spend 10 cents in delivering a loaf of bread which costs them 8 cents and sells at 10 cents. Buy ing in large quantities was sug gested as a means of reducing Ramsay's costs. MINERAL HOT Empire Cream Sodas Certificate NOTIOR of Improvementa Sliver Bow Mineral Claim, altuata to U Skeena Mlnlnf Dlrlslon or Caaatar District. The Poor Man's Where located: At Um bead of a branch or Lime Creek about roar mllea rrom tbe In 2-lb. Tina beacb on the aouth aid of Alice Arm. TAKE NOTICE that I, Oeorre R. Naden. Free Miner's Certificate No. tlOMB, acUna University H" attained their nvlable reputation by their superior aa avent for Thoa. McRoatle. Free Mlner'a discriminating house-Insists Certificate No. emtB. and Jamea U Hatch, quality nd uniformity. The moet rrea Mlner'a Certificate No. S7tteB. In upon "rUmsays Empire" when buying Soda tend, alxtr daja rrom tbe date hereof, to tttculta. applr to tho Minlnr Recorder for a cerun rate or Improvement!, for tbe purpose of 'ONES knows more about motor obtalninr a Crown Orant of the abov They are made In B. O. and your grocer gets his supply claim. cars than any other man I fluently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means And further take notice that action, know," said a man to his under aecUon tl, must be commenced be c,,lpneee. urn ; fore the Issue or such Certificate of im friend. 4 1 He has obtained his Drovetnenta. knowledge chiefly from motor car advertisements, Prove It by buying a tin with your next order. Dated thia tun oar or xarcn. a.h. iiic OEOROE R. NADEN. and the catalogues and booklets Manufactured by circulated through them. ! LTD. "All I know about photography," declared a well-known RAMSAY BROS. & CO., " amateur, I hive learned from the mao who .Vanoouver, B. O. advertise cameras, plates, paper and films." Advertisements have been r. 3V well called "The Poor Man's Let Us Save You Money on your University," but other, than poor men have been schooled Distillate laalMies? Gasoline or Wkv rsJwi On trial vfl eoarlAoa you thai thereby. a sort and aa rarnedy lor any Is at aarvUe In haadaohe four If fm r efefaf a Itetl lutimtu Much of what the averado Individual knows y? fr'honvoid fa equivalent to 60 gallon, of g"', aav you MATHHiri talk aver your advartUiaf prob cernintf personal and domestic hygiene saodara tin i ri"ivoia Kne and give from Nervine ftwiers Una with of the this AdvartUiaf U office methods, books and authors, eleetrteky, precious ion to too Carbonvoid puts the tlitwnai muv-P. B. liUmiitei If partmtat newspaper. stones, investments, and almost avarythfaH else, Ilia If sMaf reWaWa powder you . jrea are m er jSoldUa dry snw he has learned from advertisements. 3XX SMMeaa faitou It would beat all itdr?P'nthe : "UU" in Uasoiine ; taiisi -- 1 fromeyUnders. lor you to bava tho counsel and Pvaaircwbon .JLL.atATrfleHJCO.1 assistant oi a food dvertUiof Advertisements have stimulated our IN if?i't companiea In the world ue it. THE ALLIKS pRp"Jflv afener. A, list ot lli will t added enormously to our knowledget and given us fwrintwxj lurnisbed, without cost er oblU which have raised to higher levels of or your Inoney r" umlU MtillnywheMOnrw''lpt0f gatioa, by the Seat alary ul Caa aspirations us adleja Eess Association. Koona thinking and living. AdverUsiog is ladead The MS,Lamsdea Duildia,Toroato. Poor Man's University." For Sale Only by Geo. Le Prlncc Ruperi B.C. ADVERTISE IN Clayton, - The Daily News