The Daily News . . . rnr VII. ' 20. ; .-- jj 1 . . ' Jr PRINCE RUPERT, B. C.t SATURDAY, DECEMDEn 16, 1916. PRICE FIVE CENTS (HEAT FffiICi fSCTORY ON VfflHIM FRONT . " """" " " -Q RUfIA SCORNS PEACE TALK-WASHINGTON WILL NOT URGE TOWARD PEACE YET , ,. . " RUSSIA TURNS FRENCH REPLY tMia camo must.m.riuao.iN mob v ncturmco vnsrUMJnlmintmrHKMtaor to amo m rffcuunvt AMERICA DOES DOWN GERMAN TO PEACE TALK NATIONAL SERVICE. NOT LOOK FOR PEACE TERMS AT DOUAUMONT 1. WW It your Ml mm- AHswsMsrsyouf. yar ACCEPTANCE Whr do you.ltvot Wro rtu boor I. 4. Nam of ttty, town,I SorthcllfTe -Says Proposals Result Advance Two Miles on Six-Mile 9 Notes Will be Sent Without CommentWashington cf Internal Trouble Britain Front 7,600 Prisoners are 10. How much tun havo S5T PJ. sajoo sepa Bstttsa avaJostYM. Believes Far ysa a Will be Stronger Taken British Gain m lad II month from a If aot,os you MhmAssdY Time'not Ripe for Peace-Deportations Than Germany. In Mesopotamia. U. Mm yLj lull um ofyour tmw W. ltKA sr yMi4HSfTtsd, Opposed. U Of your,top w , 11. Of yoar doXf- SMSM Or a wi9Wf r (SpwUI to Tbe Dally Hw.) (Spvcltl lo TIm Diij ftewi.) ts Mow mooy parsons boaidooi U. Of your hMHngt.'L yonraolf 06 you oupoortT (Sprclil to The Dally Newt.) London, Dec. 16. The Russian Paris, Dec. 16. The French 17. What ant yew working at for a Mwjt-1S. Washington, Dec. 16. The rovtrnment, following a spiriled forces have made an advance of WhowntevaM lt prevailing opinion in official clr- ' Mdi patriotic speech by the Minister two miles in depth along a front of Foreign Affair, unanimously of six miles on the Verdun front, IS. Hrn yon i troda or prcfunon rL mtfsa, cles liere is that the time Is hot passed a resolution against tho north of Douaumont, where extensive 21. Art you worttnj rtm t. SS. N Mt.-tyV. ripe for a peace movement. 'aewptanco of the German peace gains were mada some a. Would you tn wWllfiq to chonpo your pnunt worh lor ctfcf work at Mo tan m durlna tho mm I., America will not ask the Entente proposals. time ago. The French captured ?. An yoB wlllino.If your rrtwty foro H Itw whoro you now Boo,md SO to opww othor tt I"Cndi to do ouch worfc T Allies to take up the German offer NorthcllftVa Views. seven thousand, five hundred Germans IMTMUCTION rO rtlXIMO M TKM CANO RO OM THO WTMOT Oi. IT AOK M OUUTtOfM. COUKT VOUM AMSWCM. The now. notes, however. .New York, Dec. 16. Lord Norlh-tliffe along with several heavy FAC-SIMILE OF CANADA'S NATIONAL REGISTRATION CARD. La Patrie says of this card, will be sent lo the Allied govern stales that Germany's peace guns. which it publishes as above, "The questions on this card must be answered and addressed lo the ments, but without comment, for proposals are the result of grave In Mesopotamia. Director-General of National Service, Ottawa, in the official envelope which accompanies it, Inside internal dissension, on account of London, Dec. 16 The British of ten days of receiving. It is unnecessary to use a stamp." . i. ; - tho present at least. the shortage of food and the seriously Expeditionary Force in Mesopotamia Though determined to take ,no strained relationship which has again assumed the offensive PREMIER BORDEN BUSY CITY COUNCIL WILL BUYER DID BETTER action towards peace now, President between the various German and has subjected the Turk-ish HOLD INVESTIGATION exists Wilson reserves the right to WHEN IN VANCOUVER THAN THE GOVERNMENT and Austrian states and also positions to an effective bom urge mediation at a later date. bardment. Turkish trenches Meeting in committee of the between Austria and Germany were Representatives at Washington of and Turkey. captured and the British casualties (Special to The Dally newi) whole yesterday afternoon, the The Monetary Times this week the various neutral nations are -said Vancouver, Dec. 16. Premier city council decided to investigate publishes a letter from George Rt proprieto"r were slight, the positions be- The of the Times to be in full accord with the ng reduced by artillery before Borden attended a civic luncheon thoroughly the high cost of living Naden in reply to Sir George E. also states that the Prussian government views of President Wilson. tho infantry attacks were carried here yesterday; held a military along the lines laid down in the Foster's Empire Club- speech, in has learned that the The notes will be sent, as requested out. review and also made an auto recent order-in-council. The investigation which he held up this city as a British Kovernrint Inland in by Germany, andthe reply Greek ItuatlonT mobile tour of the places of interest will begin at once, the terrible .examples The- letter is 1917 to surpass Germany's military expected from the Entente Allies around the city. He also enquiry including clothing, boots published under the headline: Dec. 16. Should the Athens, to "What activity of 1014, and that Germany is, are your the received two deputations and de and shoes, potatoes, flour, sugar "Man Who Bought It Did Better Greek disregard from the viewpoint of guns and government terms?' In answer to this, Ger livered two public addresses. and most staple articles. The Than The Government." The following Entente note which delivered was lis. Britain's strength will be many is expected to reply, "Come A strong deputation represent wholesalers and retailers will be is the letter, to which the yesterday, its attitude will undoubtedly three times greater than Germany's Into the conference we have proposed be considered hostile. ing the Compulsory Service League, asked to furnish sworn statements Monetary Times also devotes has been at any period and we will tell you our including members of the of costs, selling prices and space editorially, commenting on terms." during the war. LADIES PROVIDE MANY Supreme Court, Churches and stocks on hand. on the productive power and Vigorous Protest. other public bodies, presented a growth of production of Prince COMFORTS FOR THE BOYS KIZE WINNERS AT New York, Dec. 16. -A vigorous resolution advocating enforced MINISTER OF MINES Rupert. THE RED CROSS SALE expression of indignation was of the military service in times of emergency. MARRIED IN VANCOUVER Prince Rupert, Nov. 24, 1916. The supply department voiced, at a mass meeting here The gentlemen in charge of the Red Cross Society, in charge of To the Editor, The Monetary last night arranged as a protest Red Cross sale yesterday wish to Mrs. F. G. Dawson and Mrs. W. T. Hon. William Sloan, Minister Times, Toronto, Ont., against the enslavement of the acknowledges with thanks CATHOLIC BAZAAR of Mines, and Miss Catherine uear Sir: In your issue of the The of "tend their heartiest thanks to Kergin. Belgians. deportation HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL Fisk McDougall, daughter of Mr. 17th inst. you give unusual have which articles condemned in the Cadets who rendered such the following Belgians was trenchant the months and Mrs. D. McDougall, 1149 prominence to a portion of a yeoman service and to Sergt. been received during fashion by Colonel Roosevelt, made Over $300 was realized at the Beach Avenue, Vancouver, were peech delivered by Sir Geo. E. Stokes and Private Maynard who of October and November, Joseph H, Choate, former Iso proved Invaluable. The donors from Bed Cross supplies: Mrs. sale of work arranged by the quietly married a few days ago Foster under the heading, "the Ambassador to Britain, and Arch-' 2 ladies of the Catholic Church, The ceremony was performed by town which lies under a curse Resolutions surgical Ireland. of the various prizts are also Peyton, 2 suits pyjamas, bishop were thanked for their gifts to the shirts; Mrs. R. J. D. Smith, 3 which was held in the Stork Block Rev. A. A. McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. referring to Prince Rupert. One adopted urglng lhe Unlted States tause. The nugget, re-dojiated suits pyjamas; Mrs. Youngman, on Thursday. There was a large Sloan will take up their residence sentence I particularly wish to I to emphasize the opinion that the 2 shirts; attendance and everything moved n Victoria on their return from draw to your attention, vix: "Who Uportations kT W. Goldbloom. was won by W. suit; Mrs. Weston, are outrageous. 6 along smoothly and pleasantly. i short trip to the south. live there now? The men who shirts; Smithers, coal, donated by Albert Mrs. P. v. Anderson, Tho booths were tastefully deco have speculated and who are and donation a PIONEER MISSIONARY & McCaffery, went to Mrs. A. Mrs. Hal Peck, 3 shirts, Douglas, box of cigars, from the Queen Mary Knitting rated. Mrs. McNeill had charge WHITE MEETS BANKERS- hanging on by the skin of their RETURNS FROM ENGLAND re-donated 4 suits pyjamas, of the candy stall. Mrs, Harris, teeth and their toe nails to see k7 Bert Tlngley, went to J. Lome Club of Mrs. Duffy, and Mrs. Lome Mac- (Special to Tho Dally News.) f the good Lord In some way or McLaren, fruit cake, given by making a total of 10 suits of py Rev. A.E. Price,who had charge 14 Casse Bakery, L. M. jamas and 13 surgical shirts. aren were at the fancy work Ottawa, Dec. 16. Sir Thomas another will send a windfall to of Church of England work at won by table, and Mrs, Uesner had charge White, Minister of Finance, has enable them to get out of their for fe Oex, water-color, donated by Thn following have knitted Rltwangar twenty-two years of the children's booth. announced that his meeting in bad business." and who later in charge at ,ack Venables, went to E. La socks: Mrs. Alex. Smitn, pairs; was The supper tables were dalntl conference with the Canadian It is only fair to this city that Ma- "e the Indian curio, left from Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh, 1 pair; Mrs. Alert Bay. arrived on the ly arranged and laden with good Bankers' Association yesterday should give for a reply Clival, was won by Miss M. E. William Millar, 2 pairs; Miss Es you space quirfha yesterday afternoon, hav- things. Mrs. D. W. Morrissey was most satisfactory. to such a base accusation, entire- direct from England, Miss Vienna mg come sson, oil stove, given by Initial ther Nadon, 2 pairs! Oil Company, went to Dr. Calderoni, 1 pair; Mrs. Tyre, presided over this department ly unworthy of a cabinet minister After spending a furlough of oyer K'rgin, tea pair; Mrs. Williscrofl, 1 pair; Those waiting on tables wero: Disastrous-Fire. whom his Sovereign has honored a year In England, Mr. Price Is pot, given by George Mrs. MacKay, Peterboro, Ont., Dec-16, Seven Mrs. F. Henning, by Knighthood. his to where ho T'te, won by Mrs. and Miss Grace Tovey, 1 pair; Miss on way Masselt. Byrotuck, Miss Zeinanlz and of tho injured victims of the disastrous Miss Kenny. I wish to emphatically refute will take church duties. Ho Mrs. 5 lbs. of Katherine Piltsbury, 1 pair; over tea, given by Kelly, fire which destroyed tho Astoria. wuelas Co, went to W. Gold-"'oom, ,. Cuthbcrt, North Pacific, 3 the Misses Quaker Oats warehouses hero such a statement and, further,!was warmly welcomed by Bishop who re-donated it to the pairs; Mrs. King, 1 pair; Mrs. W. counter it by saying that the citi-Du Vernet .on his arrival here. BRIDGE havo succumbed. Threo bodies cd Cro Society. Tho beautiful II. Kergin, 1 pair; Mrs. W. Willis VANDERHOOF zens of Prince Rupert are not OPENING CEREMONY havo been recovered from tho painting, presented by Mrs. croft. Telkwa, 2 pairs; Port Simp ruins. relying on the good Lord to sendl Winnipeg Mayoralty. p,Hi some time ago, was. held son Knitting. Club,.. 26 pairs, and Tho citizens of Vanderhoof had them a windfall, but, an tho con. I Winnipeg, Deo. 16. Dyson has over a the gentlemen felt that Oneen Charlotte jvniuwig(tat iuw, a gala day on Wednesday of this Tho congregation of the Church trary, bclievo that 'The Lord boon elected mayor by the narrow tickets should bo sold bo- 50 pairs. Mrs, do Gex gave week when they celebrated tho of England on Sunday evening helps those who help themselves"I majority of sixty-six. r such a work of art was knitted scarf. opening of the bridge across the will have the privilege of hearing and aro energetically developing ramed, received from their flsheles, minerals and other 07-piece dinner-ware Special Donations wore Nechaco, leading into the Dablne an address on "Trench Life in Knitting Club, 23 natural resources. I know of nolXmas values. Geo. D. Tito's. the Queen Mary country. A bottle of wino was France," by Captain Percyi A Bee nil's cigar Store for. tho pairs and Mrs. T. H. Johnston, 4 broken at tho centre of the bridge Godonrath, This ought to prov city where there are fewer specu 1 Xrn novelties In pipes, pairs, making a total of 124 pairs and every resid&nt of the district exceedingly interesting as few lators pure and simple and who elUe.holders, etc 1 tf. and one scan. for miles around was present at men havo had a better chance lo have no other occupation. LONDON CAFE the ceremony. seo what trench life Is liko. Visit Nor do I know of a city where AND GRILL hru. WELLINGTON COAL, Municipal Telephone Department ors at tho servico will be wel there is a greater production of Third Avenue .Pionci. in ...wa .nave Just. . re- NIW DlftCOTORT. For every two dollars cash coined. 294 the necessities of life and com Serves Nothing but the Boat . ea shipment of 500 tons Th Clir Bub.crlbrrs about deslrlnf Publl,n ch.nro ne of purchase you havo a chance for merce per capita. STRICTLY UNION H04HHC u,nI- Wo Km oih.r alteration. Ple.M three prizes. See Tito's window Open every evening till after If you will take the trouble to are prepared to rlllnr no BOXES FOR LADIES m,i , not.7y UilUMM In of your th. Supt. display, tf Xinns. Mcllae Uos. 294 (Continued on pago three.) winter's coal for you later tun Pec. 10b. Il.