11IC 0A1L1 IIKWf Hnturdny l)ciptm 191,1 Yttrs Mm SkNMMfi Ths HrS. Problem js FAR AND NEAR Sixty FROM B. C. UNDERTAKERS Local Ncu)s Notes not a prob'm in the home . "The DR where Shredded Whear is Daily Kews" FUNERAL OmtOTOnS AND KM. known. The whole whtlat Hudson Jlny blankets which Frcnh killed poultry for Christmas. BALWCRS SATISFACTION QUAR-ANTEKD Grain ia the real staff of life, formerly cost the retailor 53.50 OftN DAY AND NIQHT CLASSIFIED ADS. Harry Atkins. tf. and have it in Shredded 11T 1ND STREET PHONI 41 Mm you at the mill now cost $9.00. This Wide variety of gifts for smokers Wheat Biscuit prepared in gives somo Idea of what tho storekeeper WANTED. form. It a digestible contains at Oil's Cigar Store. tf. more real body-building is up against. MINERAL ACT WAITltra- - u-i"''-7.nce- RWr, (Jeorge A. McNicholt returned material than meat or WAMTEIK- Puno t0 BAKING from Vancouver this morning. eggs, is more easily digested, One of the crack bombarding Nctloe to Delinquent Partners. WANTED ttnt" rhoM u Orant Mtnood and Salesman of ri 7- TO Patrick D1y, and costs much less. The squadrons of tho French Aerial repreent largest calenda", " TAKE NOTICE that where we lure Xmas cards cost but little and food for the up-and-coming done and caused to be done Canada. Good m7 I0n,p,n Service has been cited in tho Order aessment Slate- ejpcrlence Uriy. POWBfR arc always appreciated. Mcllae man who does things with work by survey on the Daly, Sullivan, New. J Bui in uj of the Day on tiaving accomplished Edith and I-ol Mineral Claim, illuaied In III. 294. brain for the kiddies Bros. hand or tbe Salmon - Bear niver District, Portland WANTED-Eiperlenced that need a wdl-bal- 200 successful expeditions Canal Mining Division, for the year 1016, waitress Apply Habc rortln I now. In the old, and have paid for said work and recording Qnced fooci for stUdy or play During Mt4 frM grape. into enemy territory. "fne the lum of l 10.00, unless you WAREHOUSEMAN WANTED- country and Amis it quite inter for the housewife who must these trips over 40 tons of bombs pay to os tbe sum of tttft.00 for your rt 4 Mobley. Ltd. ApDl, ihtre of said assessment work, together in NO ALUM esting. save herself frcm kitchen were dropped on railways, inuni- with the cost of this advertliement, we POn 8ALE drudgery. Delicious for thall at the expiration or ninety (00) days W. J. Alder has to Victoria iou factories and enemy concen gone breakfast or any meal, with from the date hereof, apply to the Mining lrn liir to bring his family up to Prince trations. Hecorder at Stewart, B. C., to have your ing .tore and four ltmg milk or cream. Interests In the said Daly, Sullivan, Edith to cotd Storage Pl.nt. ,, c"!;: J.L.HICKEY Itupert. , and Lois mineral claim vetted In us, in ne. now being carried ' Made in Canada. Itcports from Berlin show that pursuance of the provisions of the Mineral furnished. Apply T. M on n B For Xmas buying see Tile's the taking of Bucharest did not Act. . CONTRACTOR A BUILDER Dated at Victoria, D. C, this itth day FOR SALE Carload mining new slock of carpels. - Special dispel the gloom created by the or November, A. 1). 1016. eluding 17 machine drill.tnsclilBerv h. and Mrs: Braun. The case arose james Mcdonald. n.M I .t.t u.m.e..,." "" Mr. Store and Office Fixtures, discounts. tf. fall of Monastir. ninnn, etc Apply - out of a dispute over somo farming F.tl. FltEDEntCC C. WINKLEn, vail news. tr. Sash, Door and Moldings. Toys, Dolls, Games, Hooks. land at Kitsumkalum. Oak and Hard Woods of all New Zealand has prohibited Xmas Cards, everything for Xmas kinds. Mr. and Mrs. George Crate returned the export of wool. WE GUARANTEE 1B PER CERT. at McRao'liros. 204. SAVING. WHY PAY MORE FOR RENT Wo Specialize In making to the city yesterday afternoon FOR and fitting storm windows, Order your sausage meat dressing from the prairies. Mr. Crate Oxford University now harbors any size. for your turkey from Harry has been In North Dakota for 50 undergraduates instead of FIRE Modern 6 room house. Englitb inn. Cottage t rooms, tth Ave Plate and Sheet falass and Atkins now. tf. some time and more recently in tho 3,000 of pre-war days. It is Cottage 4 rooms, bath. Summit sec Ave 7 Glazing. Saskatchewan. He is a brother-in-law an Oxford without athletics, boat INSURANCE Furnished Cottage t;i: stb Ave E Ccrner Fraser and 6th 8ts. Charley Youngman is Jn hos of the late Jack O'Brien. races, breakfast parties or the Cotuge Cottage 4 4 rooms,rooms Thompson isj tut and Are-4 lut pital in England recovering from Union. OLD, 8TRONQ CONIPANIEtf PHONE GREEN 269 a spell of sickness. - SEE MCMORDIE POEM BY MRS. KLOWER APARTMtNTI, t rotnt, P. O. BOX 448. CONSOLIDATED SECURITIES, LTD. bath and rang. R(nt of Uims ttu Eider-down comforts. Pillows IN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE WESTHOLME THEATRE Room tl Smith Block haa bn raducsd to to per month. PHONE CI and BLACK 293 Naat and clsan. Good Jtnltef itr. sheets and blankets. See Tile's k. Will kalsomln t suK tsnant. large assortment. tf. The current number of the There was a cowded house at BEST THING IN TOWN rOR THI University Magazine, published in tho Wcstholme last night when MONEY. Sheet Metal Work You can reduce that High Cost Montreal, contains a poem by the Blue - Bird feature. "The LAND ACT We write fir Insurance repr. of Living by getting your Xmas Mrs. Ethel Klower, of Prince Itupert. Wrong Door," was screened. The Vancouver Land District District af tenting only trong, liberal com-panle. Now is the time to have Gifts at Mcltae Bros. 204. It is entitled "The Pioneer same program will bo repealed Coast. Rang S. Your butlnss It solicit. your heating plant put in Wife," and Is descriptive of the tonight and it is well worth see shape for the winter; roofs P.ev. W. II. Pierce, of Port Es- TAk'E NOTICE that Archie Barnes Martin, H. Q. HELCERSON, LTD heart-struggle of a prairie farmer's ing. There is also a highly amusing occupation mill manager, of tbe city of and skylights seen to. sington, returned from the south wife, who has steeled herself two-reel comedy," In which Vancouver, province of British Columbia In such cases consult a the Maquinna yesterday. Intend to apply for permission to pur practical man If you want on to endure a life which was to her thero is some whirl-wind action chase the following described lands i Sff 004 04 results. imprisonment. It is a poem full and no end vt fun. . Commencing at a post planted on the For the little ones. Child's south shore of Cousin Inlet about Ave of pathos and is one of Hid finest chain west of tbe southwest corner of table and chairs. Doll buggies C. 0. Rowe E. examples o'f Mrs. Klower's work. Whatever your gift problem Lot 31. lunge S, Coast District thence J. Davey and beds. At.Geo. D. Tites., tf. south to chalnsf tbence west 40 chain, Practical sheet metal man. may bo we enn satisfy it. Mcllae thence north 10 chains, tbence west It Opposite Board of Trade COAL Favorite Ladysinith OUR HOME ART Dros. 294. chains, thence north it.t chain more or Teacher cf Singing and less to II. V. M. or Cousins Inlet, tbence llooms 322 2nd Avenue Wellington lump and nut, best results. following tbe II. W. M. to this post and Voice Production. PHONE SAC. Phone 15. P. II. C. Co. tf. Mrs. Planitz, whose "homo art" Fancy china. French Limoges containing one hundred and twenty-nve MtJ) acres more or less. Estimates Furnished Free. was referred to recently has open and Nippon. Xmas prices at Goo. DATED at Vancouver. B. C this 1st PHONE DLACK 217. . . . . Miss II. 1 Ha Knumk.. ft A Bryson and J. Tlothwell UJ IBM iiuiciuuci, Jl. U, IV IO, ed a studio in the premises for D. Tile's. U' J. tl. AhClllE BARNES MARTIN. were married last evening by ftcv. merly occupied by the late Peter Prince Rupert Feed Co. Canon Ilix.arrived Miss from Bryson England.Just recently McLachlan, on Third Avenue This talented lady is displaying a variety of the daintiest little Victor Zaleiski has gone to San articles fashioned out of shells HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS Francisco to play for a time in gathered around Prince Itu AND FERTILIZERS etc., an orchestra there. Mrs. Zaleiski Each article is hand-paint and baby are remaining in Prince pert. WE HANDLE ed and is a real work of art. Drop Rupert. Bulbs, and Take Orders for in and see them. Nursery Stock. Colbncl Guthrie and Major THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME. HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING Geggic left this morning for Ed INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR Chicken Feed A Specialty. monton. Captain Godenrath will Mall Ordtrg Promptly AtWnd4 To. remain in British Columbia re Curries Bakery Dominion of Canada debenture stock cruiting. Re -Opening Announcement IN SUMS Or J50O OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. P. O. Bci 833. SC8 Third At. James Currie has returned to Uavtnr today re-opened tbe old PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Pioneer Bakery, on Third Avenue, the bakery business and is busy near tbe Poat omce. I hope to araln Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free now at his old stand. "Jim's" merit tbe support of my old-time of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent LIQUOR ACT, 1610. many friends will wish him every customer. Cake, Tie and Bread per annum from the date of purchase. (Section 4.) success. will be made a ipeelaity. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and NOTICE is hereby riven that, on the JAMES CUfllllE. accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment nrtt day of December neit, application will made under any future war loan,issue In Canada other than an issue of T,,fc net Cross sale yesterday be madeMo toe Superintendent of Pro- Treasury Bills or other like short date security. yinctal Police Tor renewal of tne hotel jn charge of F. II. Mobley, M. P. Proceeds of this stock for licence to aell liquor by retail In tne hotel are war purposes only. known as toe Kortbern Hotel, situate it P.. Q. A. ,ir oodland and Jack vti- SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized Port simpaon. in the ProYtnee of Brlttib blefr, realized the handsome sum COAST, RANQK THREE bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications Columbia. TAKE notice that I, Francl Joseph for this stock which bear their stamp. Dated tbli 7th day of October. lto. if 207. Full dotails will be pub- Ovale, acting- a aveut for the Empire Ottawa. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, ER.NEST WOOD IUCHA!D3. Applicant. H8Jle(l later Pulp and Paper Mill. Ltd., of Swanson bay. B. C, occupation lofter. Intend to DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA. LIQUOR ACT, 1910. apply for permission to lease tbe follow OCTOBER 7th. 116. tSaction it.) Call the Pony Express for wood ing- described lands i NOTICE U hereby riven that, on the , ,n aiiiva inD,fha n-. t feet Commencing at a post planted on the first day ot December next, application will I ...0... (oulh shore of tbe lagoon at the end of be. nude to the Superintendent of Pro-1 Ucst household coal and general the East Arm of Mussel Inlet, about one vlmlAl. " Pnllr fn. r.niwil nf ttut. twitl I I I. nnafn Illann. initirlnf. r. . ind ono naif mile in a westerly direction I ,.nn. ..II llmiA. I vhA lu.i.1 HUllOIVt J IUIIU tll,tl, f U I from tbe N.W. corner of T. U 446. 305 known ai the nno Tree Hotel, situate fttlflpeciajly. i'ricos moderate, l'hone ll00r., thence south JO chain, thence west 40 chain, thence north SO chain 301, It. W. Hogers. tf. i.imh.. more or less to shore line, thence follow Dated tni 10th day of October. 1914.1 ing thore line In an easterly direction to clauence MAnuADum: .bands. Judge Yountf reserved JudK point of commencement. Xnv iO Annllrant I - rilANCIS JOSEPH BEALE, Applicant i mum yumeruuy ill 1110 uuhd ui October 1 8 lb. 1016, J.J6 Itobert McCook V. Hoborl Braun AKERBERG, THOMSON TAKE NOTICE NOTICE that L. Murray Fuller ha disposed of bis interest In tbe firm Dr. Prices COMPANY Fuller, McMeekin of Fuller 4c McMeekin to the Fuller. Me Arent tor Co'y. Meekln Company, and that the (aid L. iCREAM Murray Fuller ha no further Interest In "FRISCO IMPERIAL," "PALMIB," said business. The firm of Fuller, Me POWPBB EAKING "FISHERMAN," "TSRRO" AND Heg to announce that they Meekln Company will collect all accounts "CLAV" OAS SNQINIS. .have received a large assortment and pay all bm. m S PHONE 526. of Fancy Christmas Dated this Olh day of December, 1016 Sixty yeati the standard Goods, including Blockings, b freo from alum Dr. Prico's Nuts, of all kinds, High grade Table Ilalstns, Currants, PHONE 93 P, O. BOX 38 tuvtny doubtful or unwholesome A. Peels, Figs, Mincemeat, ingredient. It is made from Harry Harvey etc. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Cream of Tartar, derived. from (Lata London, lag Oonf atolr of Mul) Quality the Finest grapes pure and healtniui PUPIL OP LANSOOWNK OOTTELL and Prices Right. Transfer and Storage beyond any question. Pupil Taken for feel satisfied that the VIOLIN. PIANO, VIOUNCELLO and Do Christmas Do you your shop, BEST LUMP A NUT COAL are using s IIAHWONT. ping early and get tho cholco baking powder you i; EXAMINATIONS - eafe and certain? absolutely Puplla Proparad far Kaamlnatlena of the market. NO. LONQ WAITS label to AaaocUlod Board, Vanaauvae, Oanlaf Ty.... rpnrl the Royal OelUa of Muaic, Landon,Eng. Phone 60 Phone 672. NO SHORT WEIGHTS - :r n nnimnn nlutnr THIRD AVENUE When You Order from Us. BCO U II TERM8 PHONE BLUE 278 i;