Monday, Dceomlier 18, ioio, 1(1 U OAIM flatWJ The largest nnd most complcto ARRESTED AT ANYOX IN Sixty Ytart Mm Stanford CONNECTION WITH THEFT B. C. UNDERTAKERS Local News Notes stock of Jewclcry, silverware, cut ..e udiiy news 'DR' glass in the city. Priced right, 0 aT sTddddds) DIKEOTOM ARB come and look fop yourself. Tho William Murray, a passenger SUNCRAL SATISFACTION OUAR-INTIIO-OPKR CLASSIFIED ADS. (lot it nt Wallace's. lALWaTRS Blakely Co. 299. for Anyox on the Maquinna on DAT ARO RIHT WW Mr. and Mrs. V. G. G. Mohan Friday, has been arrested and 117 MO fTREET PHOWt 41 Tho Canadian schooners Ha rn ni.ii tne room noute wiik have gone cast on a visit. brought to Prince Ilupert in con-neclion furnished or unfurnished, adm. and Joe Baker brought in about Perry, phone m. tri Footwear for holiday gifts, 1,200 pounds of halibut th(s with the theft of a travel-ling MINERAL ACT WANTED. Wallace's. morning. They sold at 13 cents bag belonging to Ilev. A. K, BAKING per pound. Price, who came north on the Notice to Delinquent Partners. WAITRESS WANTED Prince RnpeM Fresh killed poultry for Christ . . . same boat. The police met the To Grant Mahood and Patrick Daly. WANTED Piano to rent. Phone inas. Harry Atkins. tf. Prlvalo Megraw, of Verpon, a boat here but were unable to lo done TAKE and NOTICE caused thai to be whereas done assessment we have WANTED Salesman of real abllitT"!! brother of Major Megraw, Inspector cate the right man. Constable work by surveys oo Ito Daly. Sullivan, represent larreil calendar comnar E Everything for the Christinas of Indian Agencies, lias been Edith and Lola Mineral Claims, altuated In Canada. Good contract to rirni tartT Shlol, of Anyox, was wired to and, the Salmon Bear River District. Portland Stste eiperlence. Apply Boi til D.n.' MaaaaA VLPAflat AaVAALat AAVaaM stocking Wallace's.f killed In action. Ho was one of on searching the blankets of Canal Mlnlnr Division, lor the year II6, News. , 'Hj Ml. and have piaid ror said work and record' wVflfll Imam IrMn (TlpfS Wide variety of gifts fof smok tho first to volunteer for service Murray, found some of tho missing tnr same the sum or 1110.00. unlesi you WANTED Second-hand baby burrv M at the time of the Iliel Rebellion. the arrival pay to us the sum or 111.00 ror your cart. Phonejilue 1 1 1. ers at Oil's Cigar Store. tf. property. Upon assessment work, toretber NO ALUM share of said WAREHOUSEMAN of the prisoner here, he was given with the cost of this advertisement, w WANTED Arp1yli.. detachable art k Umbrellas, tops. Ono Mobley, Ltd. New stock of "spats" arrived hearing and the shall at the expiration of ninety (00) JJ preliminary Wallace's. hundred different handles to a from the date hereof, apply to the Mlnlnr FOR SALE case was adjourned until Friday, Recorder at Stewart, B. C to have your choose from. Pure silk and silk Edltb FOn SALE House-boat In the said Daly, Sullivan, on float, will before Interests cooum when it J.L.HICKEY For 'Xmas buying see Tito's linen .tops. Priced to suit all Dec. 23rd, come and Lois mineral claims vested In us, In Inr "ore and four llvlnr rooms, cw Magistrate McMullin. the or the Mineral to Cold Storsre plaot. of provisions Orocery tun pursuance new stock of carpels. Special pockets. Blakely Co. 299 Ad. ness now belnr carried on. Rooms ptrtlr CONTRACTOR A BUILDER discounts. tf. Dated at Victoria, B. C this llth day furnlihed. Apply T. McCymont u. G. B. Peterson, who has been FOX FEATURES AT ol November, A. D. 1116. Store and Oflice Fixtures, Stem glasses, and other glasses engaged in accountancy work in WESTHOLME THEATRE F. 11. JAMES FREDERICK MCDONALD.C WINKLER. FOR cludlnr SALE 17 Carload machine mintnr drills,machinery column Urt t Sash, Door and Moldings. for the Christmas cheer Wallace's. the city for some yearsf has re drill-steel, steam-nttinrs, etc. am,,' Dally News. jj .Oak and Hard Woods of all ceived an appointrflcnt under the The Westholmo management is kinds. Forestry Department at Victoria doing its utmost to provide its WE GUARANTEE IB PER CERT. We Specialize In making Order your sausage, meat dress Mr, Peterson is an expert ac patron with the very best pic-lures SAVINO. WHY PAT MORE FOR RENT and fitting storm windows, ing for your turkey from Harry countant and the services of such obtainable, and the latest FOR any size. Atkins now. tf. men are needed in Victoria. acquisition to their weekly program FIRE Modern room house, Entiish HilL Plata and Sheet Qlass and is fhe famous Fox service. Cot tire S rooms, tin Ave Mrs, W. K. Burritt and her Miss see. 7, Agnes Macdonald and Mr. Glazing. Fox films are shown in the leading INSURANCE Cottsre 4 rooms, bath. Summit Aft. daughter, Flora, left last evening Leo Waugh, of this city, were rurnlshed Cottar IIT lib Ave, t,' Corner Fraaer And 6th Ste. theatres throughout the continent Cottsre 4 rooms, Thompson and I for Los Angeles. in. married in quietly Vancouver the at much higher prices than arc OLD, STRONG COMPANIES Cot lire 4 rooms no ith Avt, e. PHONE OREEN 269 other day and are now visiting in Eider-down comforts. Pillows charged by the Westholme, but SEE P. O. BOX 448. Portland, Ore. Mr. Waugh, who CONSOLIDATED SECURITIES, LTD. MCMOROIE APARTMENTS, S rooms, slinuls and blankets. See Tite's they are being introduced to Room 1 1 Smith Block bath and range. Rent of Inset flu large assortment. if. was local manager of Government Prince Ilupert audiences without PHONE 61 and BLACK 283 has been reduced to ft per month. Telegraphs, is leaving for the Neat and clean. Oood Janitor ir. any advance in price. "The vice. Will kaloomlne to suit UntnL Twenty-six piece sets Rogers front. BEST TMiaM IN TOWN Plunderer," featuring William FOR THI Sheet Metal Work flatware, knives, forks and LAND ACT MONEY. fjpoons Bert Flewin, who was severely Farnum, will be screened tonight, $13.75. Blakely Co. 299. in addition to the Katzenjammer wounded at tho front some months Vaneeuter Land District District f We write fire Insurance, repre-sounnr Now is the time to have Little Aubrey Sweet has gone ago, has now returned to Canada, Kids, a series of clever cartoons Coast, Range S. only stronr, llbersl companies. Four heating plant put in Bert passed through and a very fine gazette. to Edmonton to spend Christmas Winnipeg Your business la solicits. shape for the winter; roofs TAKE NOTICE that Archie Barnej Mania, and skylights seen to. with his grandmother, ' on the 14th, and should now be 9 . ecupatinn mill manartr, or the city of H. Q. HELGER30N, LTD In such oases eonsult a in Victoria,, He will be homo in Vancouver, Province of British Columbia, For the little ones. Child's Port Simpson in time to Intend to apply ror permission to par praotloal man If you want spend Currie's Bakery rbase the followlnr described landsi results. table and chairs. Doll 'buggies Christmas with his father and Cnmmenclnr at a poM planted on the and beds. At Geo. D. Tite's. tf. mother. Walter Flewin is slill Re - Opening Announcement south shore or Cousins Inlet about five C. 0. Rowe chains welt or tbev southwest corner of . on active service. Lot II, Rsnre I, Coail District; thence . E. Davey Praotloal aheet metal man. COAL Favorite Ladysmith Having: today re-opened the old south to chains, thence west 10 chains, Pioneer Bakery, on Third Avenue, thence north tt chsins, tbenee west SI Wellington and lump best Opposite Board of Trade rjut, re Cuban Strike. near the Post omce, I hope to araln chains, thence north 1 1.1 chains more or Teacher of Singing and Rooms 322 2nd Avenue suits. Phone 15. P.R.C. Go. tf. Havana, 18. A general merit the support or my old-time less to It. W. M. or Cousins Inlet, thence rollowinr the II. W. M. to this post and Voice Production. PHONC 940. strike of the employees of the customers. Cakes, Pies and Bread II. Davies, of the G. P. It. staff containlnr one hundred and twenty-five Estimates Furnished Free. Havana Central Railway began will be made a specialty. '1 15) acres more or less. here, left for Victoria last evening, james ctmniE. DATED at Vancouver, B. C. this tit PHONE BLACK 217. accompanied by Mrs. Davies. today. day or November. A. D. ISM. i. II. ARCHIE BARNES MARTIN. Prisce Riyert Feed Ce. Mr. Len porter was amongst Fancy china. French Limoges the south-going passengers on and Nippon. Xmas prices at Geo. the Princess Maquinna Sunday D. Tite's. " tf. HAY, GRAIN, FEED, 8EEDS night. MINERAL ACT AND FERTILIZERS Miss Margaret Lindsay, daugh WINM0U ter of Mr. and Mrs.?!.. A. Lindsay, Notice to Delinquent Partners. has gone to Victoria to spend To O. W. Maxwell and Cham Nicholson, Bui be, and Take Order for TAKE NOTICE that whereas I have done Christmas. Nursery Stock. and caused done assessment work on the Wolf Mineral claim, situated at the THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME. HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING J. F. Strang, of the Gosse-Mil- bead or Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet, In Chicken Feed A Specialty. INVESTMENT. MAY the Skfcena mlnlnr division or Skeens dis PURCHASE AT PAR lard Canning Company, who has trlct. assessment work ror the years It 11, all Orr PMmptl, AlWn4 T. been here for some days, returned (OK, and Itll, and have paid ror said DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK work and recording- same, the sum at south last night. $307.(0. Unless me the of you pay sum r. o. slot aaa. eos Third a. IN SUMS till.10, ror your share or the said as OF ,S00 OR ANY MULTIPLE THJEREOP. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. sessment work, totether with the cost of A. Astoria left for Seattle last this advertisement. I shall, at the expire Principal repayable Ht October, 1919. evening. Miss Annie flood and Uon or ninety (to) days from the daw hereof apply to the mlnlnr recorder at .,Htl"t P.ayMe 1?'Jr-J'taI1i! April and l.t October LIQUOR ACT, 1910. Mr. Astoria are to be married Prince Rupert. B. O. t0 have your Inter P.rrornTeufcbt1" "U""" "perL. (Section 41.) shortly in the south. ests In the Wolf mineral claim vested In we. In pursuance or the provisions or the NOTICE U bereby rlren that, on the mineral act. aPreM flrsl day or December next, application will Sergt. Stokes, who has been Dated at Prince Rupert. B. c., this ltm be made to the Superintendent of Pro vlnclal Ponce for renewal or tne hotel here recruiting for the Forestry aay or February. i?ie. ml. 1. E. STARK licence to sell liquor by retail In the hotel Proceeds of this Battalion, left or the south on stock arc for war only. (mown a the Northern Hotel, altuate at SKEEIIA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP purposes Port Simpson, In the Proylnce o( Brttfsb the Maquinna last evening. COAST, RANOE THREE nirrH K?mlSil.n ?f nVluarter f on cent Columbia. TAKE notice that I, rrancls Joseph made inreipectcfapplicaSo?. Dated thli 7th day of October. Beale, acting as arent ror the Empire ERNEST WOOD II. -D. Robinson, of the Ilupert For RICHARDS. Applicant Pulp and Paper Nllls, or Swanson application forms Ltd., apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance. Ottawa. Marine Ironworks, left last evening Bay, B. C, occupation lorrer, Intend to DEPARTMENT 1810. OF LIQUOR ACT, FINANCE, OTTAWA for apply ror permission to lease the follow OCTOBER 7th. ll: (Section it.) Vancouver en route for (nr described lands.- NOTICE la hereby riven that, on the Athalmer, where he will Cotnmendnr spend at a post planted on the first day ot December next, application will south snore of the laroon at the end of be made to the Superintendent or Provincial Christmas. the East Ann or Mussel Inlet, about one Tollce for renewal or the hotel -and one hair miles in a westerly direction licence to ell liquor'by retail In the hotel Call the from the N.W. corner or T. L. 44146, 101, known at the Pin Tree Hotel, altuate at Pony Express for wood it coop tnence south to chsins. thence Discovery, in the Province or British Columbia. cut in stove lengths or 4 feet. west 40 chains, thence north JO chains more or less to shore line, thence follow-tar Best household coal and DatM this i Oth day of October, (tic general shore line In an easterly direction to CLARENCE MARMADUKE SANDS. transfer. Piano moving our point of commencement. Nov. It. Applicant. specialty. Prices moderate. Phone FRANCIS JOSEPH BEALE. Applicant. October llth UI6. 301, n. W. Rogers. tf. AKERBERG, THOMSON NOTICE TAKE NOTICE thtt L. Murray- Fuller COMPANY has disposed or bis -Interest In the Orm Fuller, McMeekin Co'y. or Fuller tt McMetktn to the Fuller Me-Meekln DrPrices Arents for Company, and that the said L. "rmsoo iMPfMAL." -pauhr,-HriMHiAM,M Murray Fuller has no rurtber Interest In Tcuno" aim LEADING GROCERS said business. The Arm of Fuller, Me-Meekln CREAM -cuiv" aoiaiNKs. Company wlU collect all accounts BAKING Beg to announce that they and pay aU bills. P0WDE PHCMHC SSS. have received a large assortment Dated this Oth day of December, 1916. of Fancy Christmas Sixty yean the standard Goods, including Stock, lugs, Nufs. of all kinds, High PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 38 Dr. Price's is freo from alum Harry A. Harvey grade Table Haisins, Cur-rants, cr any Uoubtful or unwholesome (Ute tendon, -, Oonaertatolre Peels, Figs, Mincemeat, PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. ingredient It is mude from t ami) etc. Cream of Tartar, derived from pupilop uwnomrm i oarrau. Quality the Flneat Transfer and grapes, pure and healthful Puplla Taken for Storage and Prices Right. beyond any question. VIOUN. PIANO. VIO UN CELLO and HARMONY. Do your Christmas shop, BEST LUMP A NUT COAL Do you feel satisfied that the Pupils Prp4 EXAMINATIONS for aUamlnatleo ping early and get the choice, baking powder you are using is AMMleUd Baartf, Vancuvf, oUr of the market. NO LONO WAITS absolutely"We and certain? Reral QolUg f MueU, fo don,Eng. NO SHORT WEIGHTS Phone AS Phono 872. Have you read the label to When You Order from Us. TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 THIRD AVENUE see tut contains alum? StavEER