run DAlLI IWJ Wednesday, December 20, 1910. rr Mrs. Taylor, of Port Ksslnglon, prayers, for tho men at tho front arrived In town last evening to know when the people at homo aro B. C. UNDERTAKERS Local News Notes "The Daily News" Fuller, McMeekin Co'y. visit with her sister, Mrs. U. L. forgetting to pray for them. You Monroo, must pray for us, but you must FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM LEADING GROCERS SALMI RS SATISFACTION OUAR CLASSIFIED ADS. Oel It at Wallace's. in also fight the enemy your NTEED-M)REN DAT AND NIOMT Hog to announces that they George FrUzcll returned last midst." Mrs. Godenrath spoke 117 IND STREET PHONE' 41 havo received a largo assortment New slock of "spats" arrived evening from Smithcrs where ho very stonnly regarding tho leniency ron P.ENT -Five room house with bath,, of Fanoy Christmas Wallace's. furnished or unfurnished. Apply 'p. has been few 'days on " spending a Goods, Including Stock. with which alien enemies Perry, phone 1 T S. s 1 T, Ings, Nuts, of all kinds, High Kings $1.10 and 91.25 at the business. nro treated in Canada, and drew MINERAL ACT WANTED. grado Tablo Italslns; Currants, City Market. 300. a comparison with the treatment MaatMnaMaBanBMMMiMaaiiiiiiMMaMMHnaaMaB ms Peels, Figs, Mlnco-meal, Captain nnd Mrs. Don Peck nro of our men in Germany, many of Notice to Delinquent Partners WAtTItESS WANTED -Prince llupert Hotel etc Fresh killed poultry for Christinas, In town. Captain Peck has taken whom have been rulnod .for life. To Grant Mahood and ratrlck Daly. WANTED Piano to rent. Phone II. Ihtt whereas we hare a position with tho North Coast TAKE NOTICE Quality the Finest Harry Atkins. tf. Speaking of tho need for men and done and caused to be done assessment WANTED Salesman of real ability to and Prloes Right. Towing Company. work by surveys on the Daly. Sullivan, represent larresl calendar company la Everything for tho Christinas tho question of Canadians going Edith and Lois Mineral Claims, situated In Canada. Oood contract to Hint party. Do your Christmas shop- W. R. Taylor, or tho G. T. P. over there to fight and leaving the Salmon Dear JUver District. Portland Stale experience. Apply Boi m Daily ping early and get tho choice stocking Wallace's. Canal Mlnlnr Division, for the year ISIS, News. in. of tho market. slafT, left this tnorning for l!d-montnn their places to bo filled with and hare paid for said work and record. K. K. Phalr came In from Prince nnd Calgary. He will return aliens, the speaker said that this Inr same the sum or 1110.00, unless you WANTED Second-hand baby buggy or to. Phone 58 Phone.572. pay to us the sum or 1145.00 for your cart. Phone Blue 111, lit flcorgc last evening. north via Vancouver. need not trouble any man. Tho share of said assessment work, torether THIRD AVENUE one essential was to win tho war, with the cost or this advertisement, we WANTED Four-roomed house, with bath V. A, Williams, of Anyox, was W. O. Powell, O. T. P. agent at When that had been done, we shall from at the the date eiplratlon hereor, or apply ninety to the(10)Mining days room.Apply Box Fully 111 rurnlshed.Dally News.No children.lot. St. Andrew's Society Ladies In tho city yesterday. Skagwny, was amongst the southbound would be on lop and would be nblo liecorder at Stewart, D. C, to hare your FOR IACC Interests In the said Daly, Sullivan, Edith Auxiliary will hold an informal passengers this morning. to deal with the aliens who were and Lola mineral claims rested In us, In FOR SALE House-boat on float, containing Wide variety of gifts for smok dance in flallwaymen's Hall on Ho was accompanied by' Mrs. eft here. In conclusion, Mrs. pursuance or the provisions or the Mineral store and four living rooms. Close ers at Gil's Cigar Store. If. Act. to Cold Storage plant. Grocery business New Year's night at 9:30. Tickets Powell. Godenrath called for every effort Dated at Victoria, D. C this ltth day now being carried on. Rooms partly 50 cents each. Refreshments. Chief Gammon returned from on tho part of the ladies in kecp- or November, A, D. 1916. furnUhed. Apply T. McCymont. tf. tho David Donaldson, of G. T. james Mcdonald. Wcstholmo orchestra. 304. the south this forenoon. Victoria ng up and increasing the supply F. 14. FrtEDERlCK C. WINKLER. TOR SALE Carload mining machinery. Including PV staff, leaves for on IT machine drills, column bars, f, hospital supplies and also call drill-steel, steam-nttlngs, etc. Apply Friday. His father nnd mother "A Dollar In Time, Tho best evpr In pictures at tho celebrate their silver wedding on ed on every man to do his, part. Dally News. tf. Wcstholmo from now on. In moving a hearty vote of WE (GUARANTEE IS PER CENT. Saves Nine" January 1st. SAVING. WHY PAY MORE thanks to Mrs, Godenrath, Judge A. J. Watkinson, of Port Simpson, FOR FOR RENT Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Langillo, oung said he felt sure that tho VISIT to The Bank of was In town yesterday. FIRE A British North America V of Winnipeg, arrived from the ladies would oontlnuo tb.cir good for the of II. IJretzlns, 4of Hazclton, arrived south this morning. They will irk with greater zeal than ever. Modern A room house, English MIL purpose Cottage S rooms, 9th Ave., see. 7. in town last night's train. Christmas with Dr. and INSURANCE depositing part of your on spend Cottage 4 rooms, bath. Summit Ave. earnings, becomes pleasant Mrs. H, II. Grant. FIDDLER CREEK ROAD Furnished Cottage 117 Itb Ave. E. a Open for buslnfss Wednesday OLD, STRONG COMPANIES Cottage 4 rooms, Thompson and Ith. HAS BEEN COMPLETED and profitable habit,when once Cottage 4 rooms 110 1th Ave., E, afternoon and evening. Mcllno Bert Flewin, of Port Simpson, , SEE . you have acquired it. CONSOLIDATED SECURITIES, LTD. Bros. arrived this morning from Eng George Sackman, who, with his Room it Smith Block McMORDIE APARTMENTS, S rooms, The dollar you use to open land, after spending a few months PHONE 61 and BLACK 293 bath end range. Rant or these flat an account in the Savings Mrs. Brand and Miss Brand returned partner Gtis Bartels, built the ha been reduced'to SS pee month. in hospital recovering from Naat and clean. Oood Janitor eer-rlc. in from Vancouver this forenoon. road from Dorreen to the Fiddler Department turn saves shrapnel wounds. Bert looks well, Will kalaemlne to eult tenant. the habit of LAND ACT BEST THINS IN TOWN FOR THE others, as saving but an ankle and a wrist still Creek Mine, came in last night to MONEY. grows. trouble him He is pend Christmas in town. The Mrs. George A. Bryant left for considerably'. Vancouver Land District District of THE BANK OF delighted to bo able to spend road, with the exception of the Coast, Range S. We write fire 'insurance, repre-tenting tho south this morning to spend only strong, liberal companies. ridge over tho creek, was com- Christmas at home. British Ntr Ahserki Christmas. TAKE NOTICE that Archie Barnes Martin, leled last month, and Georgo Is Your bualneae la solicited. occupation mill manarer, of the city or 7t YEABS IN BUSINESS. For Xmas buying seo Tile's INTERESTING ADDRESS olng back early in the new year. Vancouver, Province or British Columbia H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, S7.8SMM. new stock of carpets. Special BY MRS. GODENRATH to take out timber for the bridge, chase Intend the to following apply for described permission lands:to pur PRINCE RUPERT BRANCI discounts. tf. ftcr the completion of which Commencing at a post planted on the (Continued From Page One.) south, snore or Cousins Inlet about n machinery will bo hauled In to W.J.SMITHERS,Manager chains west or the southwest corner of Order your sausage meat dress the mine. The road is one of the Lot 11, Ranre I, Coast District: thence ready to back to finish their go south 10 chains, thence west 40 ing for your turkey from "Harry finest in the north. chains. E. Davey (hence north 10 31 . work." Mrs. Godenrath said that chains, thence west Atkins now. tf. chains, thence north 18.5 chalna more or much could be said In not J.L.HICKEY loo less to II. W. M. or Cousins Inlet, thence E. II. Fletcher, inspector of po8t praise of the work done by the CHRISTMAS CAROL following- the II. W. M. to this post and Teacher of Singing and Tomorrow evening, I n t h o containing one hundred and twenty-eve CONTRACTOR A BUILDER Y. M. C. A. On every front, this Voice Production. offices, arrived last evening from MIS) acres more or leaa. Burns Lake. organization is working night and Methodist Church, Principal DATED at Vancouver, B. C, this 1st Store and Office Fixtures, Hrady will glvo a recital of day or November, A. D. IS it. PHONE BLACK 217. day for the welfare of the boys, J. It. ARCHIE BARNES MARTIN, Sash, Door and Moldings. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lipsett left and it is practical assistance Dickens' Christmas Carol. This Oak and Hard Woods of all for Vancouver this morning to which Is given, though the spirit should bo one of tho finest things SKEENA LAND DISTRICT RANGE THREE DISTRICT OP kinds. ever given in tho city and should COAST, MINERAL AOT spend Christmas. ual sido is not forgotten. Mrs. TAKE notice that t, Francis Joseph We Specialize In making Godenrath said a lot had been not be missed. Ueale, acting as agent lor the Empire nd fitting storm windows, Christmas gifts set aside and rulp and Paper Mills, Ltd., or Swanson Notice to Delinquent Partners. said about the religion of the Day, O. C, occupation logger. Intend to delivered to suit. McRae Bros. THE CRADLE Te Q. w. Maiwetl and Ortartee Nicholson. any size. apply for permission to lease the follow trenches. She did not know much TAKE NOTICE that whereas I have done Plate and Sheet Glass and Open evenings. 297 Horn lo Mr. and Mrs. William ing described Unas: and caused to be done assessment work about it, but she did know that Commencing at a post planted on the Qlazlng. J. Driggs, 848 Summit Avenue, n south shore or the lagoon at the end of on the Wolf Mineral claim, altuated at the Captain Percy A. Godenrath and scarcely a jnan entered upon a bead or Alice Arm. Observatory Inlet, in the East Arm of Mussel Hnlel. about one Corner Fraser and 6th Sts. on, at the General Hospital yes the Ski-ena mining division of Skeena district, Mrs. Godenrath left for Vancou charge without first praying to and one hair miles in a westerly direction assessment work for the ytarr III I, terday. from the N.W. corner of T. L. 44844, 105 PHONE QREEN 269 ver last evening. God, and thousands of men who IK00P., thence south 10 chains, thence till, and tilt, and nave paid for said work and recording the sum or had never prayed before were do west 40 chains, thence north 10, chains aame, BOX 448. P. O. 1107.10. L'nlesa you pay me the sum of Fancy china. French Limoges more or less to shore line, thence follow. Eider-down comforts Pjllows share of the aald assessment ing so now. 1111.10, ror your Ing shore line In an easterly direction to and Nippon. Xmas prices at Geo. with the 'cost of sheets and blankets. See Tite's The Spirit of the Men. point of commencement. work, together I). Tito's. tf. FRANCIS JOSEPH BEALE, Applicant. this advertisement, I shall, at the eiplratlon large assortment. tf. The described the from the dale speaker spirit October 18 th I lie. J.I I or ninety (10) days hereof apply to the mining recorder at Sheet Metal Work of the officers and men as mag The Prince Rupert last night Principal Brady will give a re Prince Rupert. B. C, t0 have your Interests niflcent. Each thought the other in the Wolf mineral claim vested In had well over a hundred passen cital of Dickcn's Christinas Carol PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 38 me. In pursuance of the provisions or tlie was more badly wounded than Now Is the time to have from the north. In tho Methodist Church on mineral acL your heating plant put In gers himself and there were many re Thursday, Dec. 21, at 8 p. m. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Daied at Prloce Rupert. B. C.. this llin day of February, II 10. shape for the winter; roofs markable instances of officers Twenty-six piece sets Rogers ml. J. K. STARE and skylights seen to. making light of grievous wounds flatware, knives, forks and Footwear for holiday gifts. In suoh cases consult a spoons Transfer and Storage that their men might be attended NOTIOE practical man If you want $13.75. Blakely Co. 299. Wallace's. results. to first. They were all cheerful. BEST LUMP & NUT COAL TAKE NOTICE that L. Murray Fuller has disposed of bis Interest In the arm See Gil's Cigar Store for the no ,na"er how severely wounded Umbrellas, detachable tops. One or Fuller & McMeekin to the Fuller, McMeekin C. 0. Rowe NO LONG WAITS and that the aald L. Company, latest Xmas novelties in nines. wrs. i.oaenrain also pain a nign hundred different handles to NO SHORT WEIGHTS Murray Fuller has no further Interest In Practical sheet metal man. cigarette-horders. etc. tf..inouie io ino vqiuniary aiu ue choose from. Pure silk and silk said business. The firm of Fuller, McMeekin Opposite Doard of Trade partmenl which furnished 28,000 When You Order from Us. Company will collect all accounts linen tops. Priced to suit all and pay all bills. Rooms 322 2nd Avenue W. R. Ross arrived from Prince beds within twenty-four hours of pockets. Blakely Co. 299. 2 1 Dated this 0th day or December, 1010. PHONE S40. George last evening and proceed!' tho outbreak of the war and was Estimates Furnished Free. jned south this morning. now taking care of 08,000, all by voluntary subscription. In the There is a splendid variety pro- same way, relatives of wounded gam at tho Westholme tonight, men were taken over to Franco Prnce Feed Co. Rupert including a Chaplin film. taken to the hospitals where their loved ones lay and houxed at a For the little ones. Child's hotel free of charge. If they wero HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS able and chairs. Doll buggies ablo to contribute to tho funds AND FERTILIZERS and beds. At Geo. D. Tite's. tf. they did so, but, if they could not, THOSE WHO. FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING it was all the samo. INVESTMENT. MAY PURCHASE AT PAR WE HANDLE COAL Favorite Ladysmlth Bulbs, and Take Orders for Wellington lump and nut, best results. France. Dominion of Canada debenture stock Dealing wit.h tho part played 1 Nursery Stock. Phone IS. P.R.C. Co. tf. France, the speaker" said it was IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. Ohloken Feed A Specialty. magnificent to seo a nation so J, D. Wejls, tho well known Principal repayable lit October, 1919. whole-hearted in tho great cause Mall (Win Promptly Attended Te. mining man of Usk, was amongst Interest payable half-yearly, lit April and 1st October by cheque (free soldiers of Franco receive tho arrivals in town last evening. The no of exchange at any chartered Dank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent P. O. Sfli SS3. SOS Third Ave. money, it Is all "For Franco.' per annum from the date of purchase. PRINOE RUPERT, B. O. Call the Pony Express for wood Every boy and every man up to 00 Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and cut In stove lengths or 4 feet. is doing his sharo and, as In'Eng. accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment 4 rt4 made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Best household coal and general land, tho women aro doing even Treasury Bills or other like short date security. transfer, j'lano moving our more. Tho women are plowing, Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. specially,. Prices moderate. Phone sowing and reaping in the fields A commisiion of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized AKERBERG, THOMSON 301, R. W. Rogers. tf. and doing men's work in every line bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. COMPANY of industry that thoir sons, broth For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. Mrs. Rolhwell, of Ilegina, moth ors, and husbands may be frco to DEPARTMENT OF Areou tor VlNANCK, OTTAWA, TRMCO IMPERIAL," "PALMER," er of Mrs. F, O, Dawson, arrived fight the enemy. OCTOUKR ih, I9I. TISHSRMAN," "FEaRO" AND from the east last evening to Canada's Part. "CLAY" OAS HMMNEaV upend the winter with Mr. and Reverting to Canada, Mrs, God PHONE 536, Mr. Dawson. enratn said, "wo want your