l-'riilny DrrrinhPk The ServantProblcm who The Daily News s ever heard of It In the home THE MAILS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COI.I MMIA where the housewife knows PKliHJ Daily and Weekly Shredded Wheat? In five For the East. . Guaranteed Largest Circulation minutes you can prepare a Wednesday ond Saturday, box TRAPPERS-i"5!25iMr wholesome, satisfying meal closes U:J0 a. m. and Friday a f ot Fnf a.Mnslcrat,Wnlr. White WraMl, Mlnlt m n IIKAD OFFICE ver,ruber,aad athar t or Dearer collected In v Ji, with Shredded Wheat Biscuit pnip Totm runs nmncrr Mmuni:tiTiB.1,'" a. in. tMily News lluildlng, 3rd Ave, Prince llupert. B.C. Telephone UH. without kitchen fcoosu in the Wetls r.lln ciclmltcly In NOfllH SlliiiicXft kiw M worry From the East. reliable responsible sal a Fur House with an nnUrmljhif.JI? work. For breakfast heat station aalstln for',tnora than a third of a century a ion,IS" AUVUl TtSIN'i or HIANHIMNI 1IS1'UAY -5tl upiii fi in. li i.tinirmi nntl resiif ul rrrortl rendlna;Fur Trains arrive Tuesday o bhlpprrs prompt,8 ATI iv ? ; miff on application. the Biscuit in the oven to AMU I'RUFlTAliLU returns. Write for"Cke fttatrti tsilii-ttaonlyrauable. Thursday, 5:30 "in. accurate market report and p. ' 1 frlr fhS ' -r restore crispness and serve For the 8outh. A. B.SHUBERT, Inc. "daily edition &rog l'rlclay, Doc. 20, llMO. with hot milk. For lunch USWUSt nails at 5 Boat Tuesday, p. in. serve with sliced bananas or other fruits. Made In 7 p. in. AMERICA'S PROTEST said regarding such t-ulnloss Canada. Wednesday, 7 a. m. Boat sails Three thousand people at. slavery as is being practised by at l a. m. FALL AND WINTER tended the mnsH meeting in the Germany against the poor helpless Friday, 7 a. in. Boat sails at Carncgio Hall, New York, to Belgians. 1) a. m. SCHEDULES protest against the deportutton Hie Saturday Evening ,1'ost Saturday, Boat sails G p. m. of Belgian civilians into Germany advocates , thut Lincoln be Sunday, Boat sails C p. in. S. S. PRINCE GEORGE to bo forced to labor for studied in the public schools of For Anyox. , For Ocean Falls, Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle every the Germans, A strongly word-ed the United Stales as well as Wednesday, box cjoscs 10 p. m. Friday at 0 a. m. For Anyox every Wednesday at Midnight resolution was adopted, declaring Caesar and Vergil. There is S. S. PRINCE RUPERT For Ketchikan, NVrongell. Juneau and Bkagwny every Saturday that the reports in the sound sense in the suggestion MINERAL ACT ot 12 noon. For Vancouver and all points south press had not been contradicted and the grown-ups might, every Wednesday at 0 a. ra. PASSENGER TRAIN 8ERVICE and that investigation particularly at the present ca in regard to the iuvason of NASTURTIUM, IRIS FRACTION, BELL1S FRACTION, OENTIAN, BLUE BELL FRAC For Smlthsrs, Prince Qeorgs, Jasper, Edmonton, Saskatoon and Winnipeg, had shown that these were understated time, refresh their memories Belgium, at the outbreak of the T10N CO9M03 FRACTION, THISTLE connecting there for all polnta In Eastern Oanada and the Eastern but surely CTiere be MARIOOLD FRACTION. LILAC and Eouthern States leseee Prince Rupert every Wednesday and Betur-day Instead of exaggerated. regurding this greatest of war, can no FRACTION, FRACTION. FERN FRACTION, PINE APrLE at 11:30 a. m. Mlied train every Friday at B a. m. The following is one of American statesmen, with great-prolll, diiTerenco of opinion iw to tie FRACTION, COXCOMB, BFOONIA FRAC Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. the clauses in the resolution, Thau Lincoln, it would proper course to pursue in TION, MINERAL CLAIMS situate In the For information and reservations apply to Queen Charlotte District, located at or near City Ticket Office, E26 Third Avenue, PHONE 260 copies of which were ordered be hard to imagine a more regard to the enslaving of tens Ikeda Bay, Queen Charlotte Island, Province sent to all representatives of peace-loving man, yet it is impossible of thousands of the Belgian of British Columbia, and lawfully held by ' Ikeda Mines Limited. the German government who to think of Abraham people. ', TAKE"NOTICE that I, John A. Marlnnls, can be reached in the United Lincoln discussing peace between solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited, fre NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION, ACT. miners' certiorate No. 70S54 B, Intend States: Germany and the Entente Chapttr 15, Revised Statutes of Caqada, after the expiration of aiity daya from CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Hume . 13. Hanlnarton ana Norman It. Resolved: "That we request powers while Germany is deporting Brodliurst or the jof Prince the date hereof to apply on behalf of the City luujerj, said Company to the Mtntnr Recorder fot m aassBBBBBsi aa mmm sssa BaaaaassssrasssaBSi Bttaasi sa(Ba(a(BMai m aissBaSBaBfM m ssaiamvssssBsssnjisBaaBvi the government of the United tens of thousands of in the l'rorlnce of British Columbia, lirrf-Iiy a certificate of Improvements for the put Lowest Kates o all Eastern Point States to protest with all its .Belgians into a much more degrading sive 7 of notice the said that act they deposited have under with Section the pose of obtaining a Crown Grant to the via Steamer to Vancouver end the force and earnestness against slavery than was ever Minister of t'ubllc Works at Ottawa and tbnvr AND riatms.FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY In the otner of the District Registrar of inder Section ti of the Mineral Act must Meals and Berth included orr 3t e rr-rr these outrages; to emphasize experienced in the United Titles at the Land Ilerlstry Ofllee at the lie commenced before the Issuance of uch the detestation with which the States. That the spirit of Lincoln City of Prince Itupert aforesaid a description ertiflrate of improvements. of the site and the plans of a wharf Princess Maqulnna for Granby Bay Friday 11 m. Dated this 3 lit day of May. A. D. tl p. American people regard these still lives is evident from proposed to be built In Hcnsluns; Day, JOHN A. MACHINES, Lanfrara Island, In front of Lots 690 and Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday G p. m. abuses; and to request -o German tile report of the j speeches at Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. V8. Queen Charlotte Island Land District, Princess Sophia for Alaska Monday, January 1th, 1917. government, in the name the mass meeting in Sew York. rrovlnre of British Columbia. of all neutrals, to cease its That more of it will be transfused AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex piration of one month from the date of LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS J I. PETERS, General Aeem policy of expatriation and into oillcial Washington the first publication of this notice .the Corner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Kupert. B.C. said Hume B. Bablnrton and Norman It. slavery; and we pledge our utmost will be the ardent hope of all HOTEL will Urodhurst under Section 7 nf the support to the Administration true Americans. said act apply to the Minister of public IS NOW OPEN TO QUESTS Works at his office In the of Ottawa, in whatever way it may It is impossible to know just Province of Ontario, for approval City of the One of the largest Hot Spring's In America circumference J00 feet conclude act." said rite and plans and for leave to to what is behind the presenting construct Temperature of Water, 180 d. Fanr. the said wharf. "Straight from the shoulder'1 of the Wilson' peace note, but DATED at Prince Ilupert. B. C, this Eicellent Trout Fishing In Labels speeches were made by Elihu Secretary Lansing's explanation 7t!i day or December, A. D. ISIS. Laka. WILLIAMS & MAN SOX, Root, James M. Deck and other is not reassuring. One Solicitors for the Applicant. Phona Connections with Tarraca. J RATES t $2.50 par day. p prominent citizens. Mr. Hoot imagines hat, had the spirit jp! tie M. Mansoo. 6.A. declared that "if the civilized of Lincoln been alive in Washington For further particulars, apply to W. L.L.B K. Williams. B.A.. J. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Manager. world of the twentieth century today, the important WILLIAMS & MANSON is willing to stand silent in the matter of discussion between Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. face of what Germany is now the United States and Germany ONEV TO LOAN doing in Belgium, then the would not have been a patched Box tint 'jjj lleiferson Block Prince Rupert, BC civilization of this century is up peace but a complete under, Stuart J. Martin worse than the savagery which standing regarding the deportation marked the Roman Era." of the Belgians. A Lincoln DENTISTRY; ASSAY Lr( This is the right kind of would have demanded that peace talk and well worthy of the Belgian slaves be restored CROWN AND BRICKIE WORK, HAZELTON B. C. the nation which had its own to their homes before a Bingle ' A 8PBOIALTY The Royal Standard Test battle to fight against slavery'. sentence regarding peace was DR. J. S. BROWN The oldest established Assay Many in this great mass meeting penned in the United States. DENTIST R.l.at alth VStlatjS . Office In the North. Here's where we test the must have thought of Lincoln There is a division of opinion VMIbli VIII Phona SSB(lTSt.S 484 eVWIIWV j choicest samples of Canada's and what ho would have regarding the action of Ameri- six million sac wheat crop. We grind them into flour in the BEST little mill the left of you tee on HIQHEST PRICES PAID FOR the picture. Then come the Tickets THE ENOINEyKLf INLMENT SECOND HAND GOODS supreme test bread-baling. If inert toita tAtiTott XJ OF ALL KINDS x the bread is petftct in every to and from Norway, Iwtdtn, Dan-mark, FJSHKRMAirS ENGINE the wheat Finland, Italy and Russia. BOUGHT AND SOLD way we pronounce 2 Cyl. 8 1-2 In. by 7 lnH 12-18 SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK A I and the flouf-ROYAL "Frederick V1H Dec. 6th. I HARD TIMES SATISFIED WITH A Horaa Power. STANDARD. Bergensrjorcr Dec. tn. SMALL PROFIT Cyl. 3 8-4 In. by 6 1-2 In., 26 "BergensJord Dec. 9th. Horse Power. AT YOUR GROCER'S Try S28 3rd A vs., Or Phons Rad 268 "Oscar II" Dee. S8th. t Cyl- 1-2 In. by S In.. 25-38 Hava Your Reservations mad Early. Horsa Power. iVan mil vp r Mill i n o x Train fnl M STANDS For Rates, Illustrated Folderi and illUllllwU VIUIU VU.1SIU, I General Information Apply to ADVERTISE IN Cihuvvuivi.v--......... ...,.,,.. !rr. . v nanviDw.iKiorie,... DYBHAVN HANSON For Further Information jSBBisispr,'-. '"fflfBB Insurance and Steamship. Agency, The Daily News Apply to Prince Rupert, B. C W. E. WILLISCROr-T Prince Rupert, B. C. Whether n " For Yourself Let Us Save You Money on your or aa a STEEN & LONGWILL Gift to your Friend Gasoline or Distillate SANITARY AND HEATING We guarantee to save you 25 per cent, on gasoline or distillate and ENQINEERS PERRIN'S upkeep and free any motor from CARBON troubles. A seven ounce box pi L-arbonvoiU Is equivalent to W gallons ol gasoline., livery box of Carbonvoid will save you Agents for $16 in gasoline and give from Carbonvoid the McCLARY FURNACES GLOVES 400 to 500 ad-Carbonvoid puts ditional miles, is a Gasoline: dry powder you 1 MatMciTs Syrup I i :"GO"in just drop in the tank. Will re- 1 PLUMBING at Tar and Cad Liver Oil move all carbon from cylinders. The well known Perrin trademark as The largest companies in the world use It. THE ALLIES ORDERED A t . ' as v 11 u t M and IN JUNE 288,000 UAKTONS. frevious order 250,000 cartons. fully SHEET METAL WORKS shown in cuts should be on every glove guaranteed or your money refunded. Mailed anywhere on receipt of$1.50 lirfiUttlaSSctaUi you get, as this assures you perfection of Jf Phono 5, 834 Second Avenue. For Sale Only by Night phones 570 Style, Fit and Finish. Geo. L. Clayton, - F rince RuPer. B-c- The right work,and at Blue the right 270 Bmtt dmaltrt (A world vr th time, and at the right price. jroMMiise) PBRRJM'S CLOVES. if MPRES S C0FFE UHu LKSALE DISTRIBUTOR F, Q. DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT l 0.