THE WEATHER Twenty-four hours ending 6 a m., May 11. MAX, TEMP. MID IN. TREMP. BAR. iN. RAIN 47.0 82.5 29,872 y THE DAILY VOL. II, NO. 105 | te | BASEBALL SCORES ee ce Northwestern League BVADERO WINS BIG BATTLE IS DECLARED PRESIDENT «=~ ‘ | Spokane 11, Victoria 9. exican Insurgents are Victorious After a Desperate Day ard Night Battle at Juarez---General Navarro, Federal Leader, OUGHT BARS is a Captive and His Men Have Surrendered the Fortress to TO BE OPEN Victors---Juarez is Made the Provisional Capital. tee 2 .nos This Moca, Canadian Press Dispatch) | barricaded position near the church | buildings, the Federals concentrat-| ing Jaurez, Mexico, May 1]-—|at Juarez. Owing to the high wind | ed upon the defence of their po- This little bullet-riddled city aa sprang up i oe at oe ey . oe fire beat F ' j.| te Names was rendered almost a| back the rebels with great loss. pf Juarez = today the sacl hopeless struggle, but the Federals} The dead strewed the approaches) Mayor Manson and Licence ional capital of Mexico, and managed to hold their ewn. Commissioners Waited on by rancisco Madero is the pro- Seeing that they were not to|single rebel who had forced an| Electors. Law was Looked In- Wisional President. President) be driven from their place by the| entry there was killed. | to. Police Chief Decides on adero and his staff have fire, the rebels immediately made a change of wind Open Bars. | te aken complete possession aft- determi: ed attac k upon the ee gave rf I san ee te : . osition. Swarming over the bar-|over the fire, arc 1eilped them Iq ee ve of the blood: |’ insufficiently | after the skirmish, to ree their | ily during the day ir stin the revolution. Gener- guarded while the defenders were! defences tion, and all three candid aa) Navaree the Federal Com- battiiig’ with the fre. the Eaepander is a captive, having pe.tic:; sticceed sl. is ; rrendered today with al- carrying the position by a hand to ost the entire garrison, sey-| hand conflict ral hundred men. Every- A dozen Federal soldiers died in ing is quiet. UP TO POLICE CHIEF to the broken barricade, and every Fortunately a ricades at a point tie by-elec-| @ insur- been in attendance at the City EIGHT NEW CANNERIES Hall. Up to noon sts all but Will Operate in Alaska This candidate felt confident Year, Making Fifty in Al! had the most of them. Seattle, May 10. 2 l saim canneries will be ir opera- I iy Il Des r { way ver he | irr > N J 2 a hero struggle to heat back Fight new when some the invaders about eleven o'clock, El Paso, Texas. of the electors discovered that the| tion in Alaska this season, making te eflorts were made by the But the attacking party paid | fifty bars were open all over the town. ederals last night to beat back!dearly for their e fires which in all. The new canneries eve-a capacity of 1,008,000 cases. One bar is almost next door to the is burning | The BIOSPITAL BOARD PRESENT "Sse son's ™ €A FINANCIAL STATEMENT | nemzccasziccucneea (htt Price wrt ing In order to avoid confusion with! and Election Regulations at the Ithough on Paper They Are $43,000 Ahead, They Are nee pleat of eae ee See SS a ieee \ ait ® : ~ = 6 1e© Manageme ot the old Oval ers decider oO allow 1e mars oO} Still in Need of Ready Cash--Are Going to Get Eas : at decided to ieeanead After Subscriptions Promised Them \t momentary ad-!} threatened their) vantage. Leaving the run of quinnat salmon, the polling booth. There was a stam-| st and Chief of Police. th Mayor the License heavily, and a big year is expected. Manson, ‘he orice of salmon in’ all “the Commission, Merryfield, M. M. Stephens and the Chief of Police were all buzzing remain open. ‘There is NELSON MILITARY 0 Teiegraph Line to Stewart Is}known as Nelson’s Own. Voting has been pro eeding stead | and it will be re jinion Yukon telegraphs this morn-| about htty | ing. votes had been recorded, and each} Kistumlakum that my the Prince turn is an off-shoot from the direct! have not as yet been paid for the A small sensation was caused Hine Chairman of] finished direct communieation will , ‘ Com.) be afforded between Vancouver) 10 and Stewart without relays of ont description, et ; ; othing| meeting of the Act! Civilians’ | ings. financial| receive applications from its name to the Victoria Cafe. in the Municipal Clauses ; ‘ ‘ ; the ol > Aucen? } oe uinst it.’’? he said " rplus of over $43,000.00|reminding the Board of the neces-| the old Royal Lunch one could against it,”’ |} aid, | be he Hospit Accounts /sity of having proper fire pre get a good lunch, but at the Z res: : { which } just beer utions taker t the Hospital,| Victoria Cafe one can get a square Not to “know” when buying is| be ‘ ‘ \ nat ’ i ¢ auditors that further insurance|structed to inform the ¢ ity Clerk | Swift's Pr mium Hams and Ba-|sooner or later, into ld be effec ted upon the build that’ these are on order. cons, Cowichan eggs, etc. “trouble” in the home. ;men at any tie. oa | NEWS State NEXT MA © >} BS For Souti 3 Oo % Princess May............ ‘riday nedn Prince Rupert...... .... S ay, 8 amy For Nortu § Dis of California... . FiM +, Mey¥2“} \ Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist PRINCE Rupert. B.C., THurspay, May 11, 1911. MAYOR ALLOWS BARS TO OPEN ON ELECTION DAY FFICERS oO » *s PRICE FIVE CENTS ——_———— SEND IN RESIGNATIONS Over a Slackness in Bringing Pay Day Dispute as to Whether They Regiment May be Disbanded. Nelson, May 11.—There is al- most a rebellion in the ranks of jthe 102nd Regiment, familiarl~ This |morning every officer of the local |company sent in his resignation Construction has been resumed | to the Department of Militia, and “READY IN JULY” Promised Soon jon the new Dominion Government | their example is to be followed by . . re | ‘legraph line from Kitsumkalum| others, It is expected that the » Stewart, a distance of 150 miles, | regiment will be so decimated of sady for operation |its officers that the Department j early in July, announced Mr. T. J./ will be obliged to disband the ‘ates have! Phelan, superintendent of Dom- regiment. The dissatisfaction kas been bre- The Stewart extension from] wing for a long time past. Today is a branch from] was merely the climax. It is Rupert line which’ in|claimed that the men in the ranks betweenAshcroft and Dawson. | drills they put in last year, as The construction work, whick|well as for those in this year. was commenced last year, is now | This has been a grievance to the about half way to completion, it men, stated, and gangs are now ringing wires from Lava Lake to Poor Kamloops In’ addition, an order has re- most valuable species, has started pede for the License Commissioners | the Naas and ftom Alice Arm to|cently been issued ordering the 1@ Same river. When, the line is There is a Mute Rebellion in the Ranks of the 102nd Regiment On---There is Also a Must Attend Camp or Not--- regiment to go °.to camp at Kamloops. The order reminded the men that jail or a fine awaited odre. This was considered an unnecessary and offensive order. Army Goes on Strike The men in the ranks are obliged to fulfil the term they engaged for, but the officers are not so bound. Accordingly the officers of the | Nelson company agreed to send in their resignations together, as a protest against the treatment accorded the regiment. There are other companies in neighboring towns, and these it is expected and hoped will follow Nelson’s example. The regiment being classed a: a city corps is entitled, it is claimed, to perform its drills at its own headquarters, and was exempt from the order to go to camp. Learn to Shoot ASTRONOMER IS BUSY IN PRINCE RUPERT Tomorrow evening the annual | yy, A. T. McDiarmid and Prince Rupert} will | held in the Government Build- | Rifle Association or in ) } | — . : Every young man should lo determine the exact latitude and longitude of Prince Rupert,an jintricate series of observations and 0! calculations are in progress at able to use a rifle and Mr.| illiam Godson, in the Govern- pleased Government astronomers. One of valued at t lhe building is Phere was also some reference 1,534.26 and so far only $13, to the heating plant which has pv.00 is insured At yesterday's been guaranteed in good and last a cling * the Hespital Board ing order by tl : Lord Kitchener Will Have ¢ President, Mr D. G. Stewart, \ pplicatio has been sent to with this matter which is ocal meteorological station, is busy on Prince Rupert making DON i |; Ottawa, assisted by Mr. F. W.| CORONA | Dowling who has charge of the} | | Charge of Troops from All Parts of Empire the Provincial Secretary to have } to the Finance Committee the hospital put on the list of those Outstanding Subscriptions [receiving Government Aid out $3000 is represented in Secretary's Resignation . ; ‘ (Colonial Press Dispatch counts by outstanding sub ; Nothing further has been done Phis sum the auditors : n OM se Cael London, May 10.—Lord Kit- in the matter o ta uth " , mend should be reduced as : chener, having finished his exten- ; bert’s resignation The Assistant | ~, possible Steps will be sive tour, has returned to England Secretary is carrying the work, to collect as many of these to take up his new duties in con- vations. The oiher, Mr. Jaques, | also of Ottawa, is in Vancouver | | taking They are} iconnected by the wireless tele-| | graph, for the observations must be } taken at precisely the saine mo- ;ment to determine the longitude. Watch the Stars | The ordinary seaman’s calcu- | observations. | young! present by two of the Dominion| Staff are Calculating the Exact Latitude and Longitude of City—Delicate Job Requires Succession cf Starry Nights | ‘LOOKS LIKE | | VILLAINY Railway Line ==/them Mr. A. T. McDiarmid fe Log and Rock Placed on a PLOT IS SUSPECTED Temiskaming and Ontario Ry. ommissioners Were Inspect- ing the New Electric Road at the Time— Motorman Found the Obstructions. (Canadian Press Dispatch) Cobalt, May 11.—This morning motorman Berry of the Nipissing those who neglected ic obey the’ ible rhe president, him- looking after the matte: ¢ help of a committee which ill convene, Contract Patients has been proposed by the cal Association that arrenge- | be made for doctors’ con- patients by the issue of pital» Tickets at $1.25 per| h, or $15 per year, Fifty Cent of the receipts are to go | t the Medical Association, and | per cent to the Hospital. | \ ommittee consisting of Mayor ‘nson, President D. G. Stewart, | M. Stephens, and J. Kirk- | trick met the Medical Associa- | 1 to discuss the matter, and 1 I Manson presented the pro- | i! lo the Board. Bc discussion, and the matter is { There was | in the hands of the committe r further consideration. The fernative to the contract patient stem is for the Hospital to have | resident physician, it j It is probable | “n arrangement will be come with fit the doctors for a year at| Fire Escapes \ letter from the City Clerk | of $43,170, this being the balance) | Outstanding subserip tio and the Board will consider shortly, | d appointment of al Cuthbert's| the selection ; Secretary to take Mr |} ended place | Receipt was acknowledged of $25.75 Miss | Sutherland, Deaconess of the First} the sum of from Presbyterian church Balance Sheet Issued The balance sheet issued shows | a surplus of assets over liabilities | | of the revenue account, and not of course cash in hand. $17,900} of the revenue account is for the] 18 lots donated by Trunk Pacific and the B. C, the Grand] Government, rhe subscriptions | total $13,568, hospital fees $2,410, while other subs« riptior s and dona tions include Ladies’ Auxiliary $1,243, Miss Sutherland $135 Tsimpsean Masonic Lodge There are still outstanding accounts| to be paid of over $10,000, with} s and fees : of nearly $5,000. iz yj Iwo grants figure on the balance Rupert, | oughly nection with the Coronation. Some of his tours of disastrously for the in- spec ted. A certain commanding officer was putting his troops through a iseries of manoeuvres before Lord Kitchener, but somehow or other he managed to get his men thor- mixed up. In the end, however, the C. O. bobbed up, smiling, and trotting proudly up to “K, of K.”" he remarked: ‘‘There sir, I flatter myself that was ex- tremely well done.” “Oh, excellently,’’ was the suave reply: “but, may I ask, what on earth were you trying to do?” It is estimated that more than 152,000 troops will be employed in Londen during the Coronation |ceremonies. No fewer than 25,- | $950) 000 soldiers and sailors from every } Royal Navy e state and dominion of the Empire} Cavalry will line the route and take part n the royal procession on Corona- tion Day, The various contingents t is expected, will be as follows: sheet, one of $10,000 from the! Indian Empire,.... 500 | Provincial Government and one| Overseas Dominions. 1,500 of $1,000 from the city of Prine | Colonies and Protectorates, 200 ‘Channel Island Militia...... 20 inspection have lations of latitude and longitude Central Electric line found S laxge } made from the sun are not nearly | 18 lying oe the. alle 4:0 |fine enough for the Government |!'°™ here, A little further on he experts who are making hydro- found " huge tock. The T,.aa8 | With powerful | N O. commissioners who spent the night in their private car at ; : . : ‘oba ‘re expec lof far distant sters which have ote Cobalt ae expected s0 little movement. By working out}™4*¢ 4 tour o spapernen ae then ilculations made from. two/ the oew electric road this morning, | wa ae ind the incident pointed to designs different points on the earth they|* : : I iv oe gn It takes|O their safety. The incident is eas | being investigated. | graphic surveys. | telescopes they take observations jarrive at exact results. |nights of watching. night, beautiful and starry as it| om PERE Seuss) hes, was in Prince Rupert proved fruit- SURPRISE PARTY less, because it was cloudy in Reem enren | Vancouver, Last night a surprise party Valuable Instruments called on Mr. George Leek to The telescopes and other in | sive him a little send off before he |struments brought here by Mr. | leaves for England tomorrow, McDiarmid are very valuable, and| Music and a general good time are the property of the Govern-|made up the programme. Those Even Royal Regiment of Artillery 500 Corps of Roya! Engineers 100 Phe Infantry Army Service ( ‘orps Royal Army Medical Corps Army Ordnance Corps Military Cadets Special Reserve 100) of POP Rees erees 1 2,000 | Territorial Force L 2,000 | Various Departments 180 350)| single units, witi 1,000 | performers, ment. In order to avoid any | Present were: Messrs. Frank Ellis, vibration, a special concrete pillar} W. Harker, J, White, H. M, has been built at the meteorological | Lever, H. M. Birch, C. Ravenli, —.- | Station to stand them on, and a| M. Hender:o1 and James Moir, .25,000|shack to protect the astronomers Every night 6,000 Total massed bands of the Foot}from the weather. Freemasons are requested to 10,500) Guards, Household Cavalry, Roy-|for a week at least they will be|attend an Emergent Communica- 150) al Artillery, Royal Engineers, Roy-|busy while the rest of Rupert| tion of Tsimpsean’ Lodge tonight 100) al Marines, and the Royal School | sleeps, Mr. McDiarmid expects | at 8 o'clock p.m. V. W. Bro. H. E. MeDonald work | wiil make his official visit. ‘Whird degree.--J. Christiansen, Sec'y. Music, with the bands of|to be in the neighborhood taking provide 2,000/observations for scientific until well into June,