m& DAILY MtWft Tuesday, January 2. 1910, - - - The Daily News THE MAILS THC LEADrNG NEWSPAFER Bi NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA PabHaaed Dkr ee1 Weekly VEaStI For the East. Guaranteed Lancet Circulation Wednesday and Saturday, box TR APPERS-Cet More Mo y" closes 0:30 a. m. and Friday 3 tor reiee,Maskrat.Wot Tea,Wkltt Weasel,Klak.Lrwt,Boa. HEAD OFFICE Ver,Fisher,aed ether Tmt Bearera collected la yaw aoctloa Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Hupert, B.C. Telephone 98. a. m. Emm In TOtm UK World FUnS deeUaf DIRECT tidaattft ta o"KIIUBEHT"tW UMTS AMtMCtt larant been no Intimation that the Posl-mastcr-Uenera! From the East. reliable responsiblesale For House with an nnbUmlshod rep. TKANBIKN f DISPLAY ADVERTISING 50 cents per Inch. Contract tiUtlon etlstlna for"mora than a third of a contprr."a Ion too-eemfnl was seriously 111. Trains arrivo Tuesday and record of sendinf Fur Shippers pnfflnojjSATlSPACTORY ratn oh application. AND PKUFITAULB returns, write for"m Mrtrtt Srt" Tho filling of the cabinet vacancy Thursday, 5:30 p. m. the only reliable,accurate market report and price liat puUuhed. Fit Hit Writ for lt-NOW-tr will likely bring u by-clcction, but For the South. A.B.SHUBERT,fee. itcE DAILY EDITION Tuesday, January 1010. 2, it is not likely, judging by past Tuesday, 5 p. in. Boat sails at I ast procedure, that any attempt will 7 p. m. NATIONAL 8ERVICC There are many ways of be made to fill the vacancy of the Wednesday, 7 a. m. Boat sails r, National Service Week is serving the nation besides going Montreal seat. at 0 a. in. WINTER SCHEDULE here and the fact that the first to the front. The man on ... Friday, 7 a. m. Boat sails at week of tho New Year bears the farm and the mechanic in There seems to be little method 0 a, m. Effective first that title is something in which a workshop may bo serving in the distribution of tho National Saturday, Boat sails G p. m. January everyone In Canada has an Interest. tho nation as usefully as the service cards, and the reluming Sunday, Boat sails 0 p. m. S. S. PRINCE GEORGE The men are interested man in tho trenches. Every of them filled up is evidently For Anyox. THURSDAY 12 Midnight for Vancouver, Victoria A Seattle. because it Is obligatory upon man should bo doing tho work purely a voluntary matter. As a Wednesday, box closes 10 p. in. WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX each of them, between the ages which represents his most ef matter of honor, every recipient 8. S. PRINCE JOHN For Kelthltan, Wranoall. Juneau and Skagwar January 10th and 24lh of 16 and 05 years, to fllLcut ficient service to his country. should fill in his replies and return MINERAL ACT Ftbruary 7th and 21st March 7th and 21st. one. of the cards which the Tho war is teaching us, or his card at once. For Queen Charlotte Islands January 3rd, 17th and Slat. February 14th and 28lh. .March 14th. government Is sending to them should be leaching us, great NASTURTIUM, IRI3 FRACTION. BELLIS PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE BLUE BELL FRACTION through the Post Office au lessons. Terrible as aro its Tho British press seems to bo FRACTION,C03M09 GENTIAN,FRACTION, TH1STLF Wednesday and Saturday at 11i30a. m. for Smlthere. Prince Qoorge. Ed-monton. Saskatoon and Winnipeg, making connections there for all point thorities The women In worrying needlessly tho in-e.tpcrienco MARIGOLD FRACTION, LILAC , are effects, those who havo faith over FRACTION, east and south. .Mlaed train evtry Tuesday at 4 a. m. tercstcd because their co in Canadian manhood hope and of the overseas Pre FRACTION,FRACTION, FERN COXCOMB,FRACTION.BFQONIA PINE APPLE FRACTION, Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. operation is being invited, in believe that tho nation will miers In European affairs. There MINERAL CLAIMS situate In the For information and reservations apply to Queen Charlotte District, located at or near City Ticket 628 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 Office, seeing that their men-folk attend emerge from this experience n seems liltlo cause for any such Ikcda Bay, Queen Charlotte Island, Province to this important duty. stronger and a better people. misgivings. The British war of British Columbia, and lawfully held by Tho children are interested because If the meaning of National council has the experience and the Ikeda.TAKE Mlnea NOTICE Limited.that f. John A. Maclnnls. their school teachers Service is thoroughly grasped overseas Premiers may bo able cllcltor for Ikeda Mines Limited, fret have explained to them the and to make some suggestions which, miners' certificate No. 703S4 B, Intend properly understood, if the after the expiration or sixty days froni CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY meaning of National Service government's call for information in the light of that experience, lira date hereor to apply on bebair or the to the Mining Recorder for said and the way in which father is responded to in the will bo beneficial to the Empire. a certificate Company of Improvements for the pur Lowest Rates o all Eastern Points and tho big brothers at home right spirit, this year will bo pose of obtaining a Crown Oram to the via Steamer to Vancouver and the have to reply to tho various the banner year in Canada's Until the United States Supreme above AND claims.FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY questions. history. N a t i o n a 1 Service Court has brought down a de under Section 8S of the Mineral Act must Meals and Berth Included on Steamer be commenced before the Issuance of such To write in tho answers and Board. cision regarding tho constitutionality certificate or Improvements. return tnc card promptly is a of the Eight-Hour Bill the Dated this 31st day or May, A. D. 1914 Princess Maqulnna for Granby Bay Friday 11 p. m. good New Year's resolution for NOTES AND COMMENTS railroads will ignore tho measure Solicitor JOHN for A.Ikeda MACINNES,Mines Limited Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. every man throughout the Dominion in making up their payrolls. Princess Sophia for Alaska Monday, January 1th, 1917. and it has the advantage In declaring that all peace NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. J I. PETERS, General Asrent LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS of being easy of fulfillment. offers must be ignored until the a . a Chapter 116. Corner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. It only means a few Allied demands are granted, the HOTEL g I minutes' careful thought. The Governor-General was probably Hums B. Bablnfton and Norman R. IS HOW OPEN TO QUESTS" Orodtiurat of the City of Prince nupert, postman in the cities gets the expressing only his personal (n the Province of British Columbia, here One of the largest Hot Springs In hard work, for he has not only opinion, but, in doing, so, be "was by rive notice that they have under Section America, circumference too feet Temperature or Water, 180 d. Fahr. 7 of the said act deposited with the to deliver the cards; be is responsible interpreting the thoughts of every Minister or Public Works at Ottawa and also for their proper loyal Canadian. In the omce of the District Reristrar of Eicallent Trout Fishing In Lakelae Titles at the Land Registry omce at the Lake. return. Prompt mailing of the City or Prince Rupert aforesaid a description Phone Connections with Tarraco. answers will make the postman's In the sinking of the transport of the site and the plans of a wharf RATES l S2.S0 par day. proposed to be built In Henslunr Bay, work very much easier. Oihonna, Russia lost a thousand Langara Island, In front or Lots .9(9 and National Service means that horses. Russia is better able to 998, Queen Charlotte Island Land District, J. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, M.nag. J Province of British Columbia. we are to get into that frame bear this loss than any other nation AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex of mind which Will cause us to as in that country half of plratlon of one month from the date or the first publication or this notice the think of the needs of the country, the world's supply of horses is said Home B. Bablnfton and Norman R. Brodhurst will under Section 7 of the to realize that the interests owned. In parts of western Siberia said act apply to the Minister of Public of. tho State have a greater there is a horse to every inhabitant Works at his omce In the City of Ottawa. Stuart J. Martin Province or Ontario, for approval or the claim on us than self-interest. our and in parts of many said site and plans and for leave to construct ASSAY Eri This applies to everyone, Russia herds of horses are reared tho said wharf. DATED at Prince Rupert. B. a. this from the highest in the instead of cows and mare's milk t7th day of December, A. D. 1916. HAZELTON B. C. land to the lowest. The Prince lakes the place of cow's milk. WILLIAMS fc MANSON, The Royal Standard Test Solicitors for the Applicant. of Wales' motto "I serve" may The oldest established Assay well be the motto of every The announcement of the death I5l Office In the North. Here'i where we test the citizen of the British Empire of Hon. T. Chase-Casgrain came choicest samples of Canada I at this time. as a great shock, there having AKERBERG, THOMSON six million acre wheat crop. COMPANY We grind them Into flour in the BEST Agents for litter little mill you sec on the left of Tickets "FRISCO IMPERIAL." "PALMER," THE ENGINEyKLTINEMEN the picture. Then comet the "FISHERMAN," "FERRO" AND 3R If "CLAY" OAS ENGINES. inert bojts(A(ro4t supreme test-bread-baking. PHONE 526. the bread is perfect in every to and from Norway, Sweden, Dtn-mara, FISHERMAN'S ERMINE the wheat Finland, Italy and Russia. way we pronounce t alUNttS FROM NEW YORK t Oil 1-t In. by 7 In, 11-18 A I and the fW-ROYAL BrrensfJor(l ....... Jan. 87m. Me a at. Hanson. BA, STANDARD. "Stockholm" February 10th Cyl. 3 8-4 In. by S 1-2 In, 28 kristlanlafjord" .... February 17th. W. E. Williams, B.A, L.L.B Korea Power. AT YOUR GROCER'S "Berrensrjord' ...... March 10th. WILLIAMS MANSON Cyl 1-. la. by S In, 28-35 Nat Year Reservations made Karl v. (VanrniivprMillintTfirnin fnl tvT Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Korea Power. royal stanmd For Rates. Illustrated Folders and General Information Apply to MONEY TO LOAN Vancouver,new weitminiter.Keneimo.Vktoria.tl. DYSHAVN HANSON Bos lt For Further Informstlon UelreraoB Block Priure BupM. . I Apply to Insurenee and Steamship Aaener, Prlace Rupert, . O. W. E. WILLISCROFT Prince Rupert, B. C. Whether DENTISTRY For Yourself Let Us Save You Money on your CROWN AMD BRIMS WORE or A SPECIIALTV STEEN& LONG WILL Gift to your Friend Gasoline or Distillate DR. J. 8. BROWN DENTIST SANITARY AND HEATING Olel Smith. Slack, Third Atw We guarantee to save you 25 per cent, on gasoline or distillate and Phone 484 ENGINEERS Wa PERRIN'S upneep ina iree any motor rrora uakhuim troubles. A seven ounce box of Carbonvoid is equivalent to 60 gallons of gasoline. Every box of Carbonvoid will save you Agents for (15 in gasoline and give from 400 to 600 ad-Carbonvoid Carbonvoid puts the ditional miles, McCLARY FURNACES GLOVES just drop in is the a : "GO" in Gasoline : dry tanic.powder win you re-from HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PLUMBING move ail carbon cylinders. SECOND HAND GOODS The well known Porta trademark The iargeat companiea In the world use it. THE ALLIES OKDKUED and as IN JUNE 288,000 CARTONS. Previous order 250,000 cartons. Fully OP ALL KINDS SHEET METAL shown In cuts should be on every glove WORKS guaranteed or your money refunded. Mailed anywhere on reeeipt of f 1.60 this you get, as assures of you perfection BOUGHT AND SOLD Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. For Sale Only by HARD TIMES SATISFIED WITH A Night phones 570 Style, Fit and Finish. Geo. L. Prince B-c- SMALL PROFIT and Blue 270 Clayton. - 8w dmnUrt thm The right work, at the right mrld awr mU tkm S2S 3rd Try Ave., Or Phone Red 2SS time, and at the right price. gmmuutm PBMJUJrJ GLOVES. ............... . . . . . .- , tltWMJJi T ............ EMPRESS COFFEE WMMH.MALK BISTRIaWJTOrt F. G. DAWSON " ' . PRINCE RUPERT, . 0.