The Daily News v V VOL. VIII. NO. 2. 1'IUNCi: RUPF.RT, B. C WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1917. PRICE FIVE CENTS flFHQA L fiCErlY Til mm NOTE DRAFTED NEARLY SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND GERMAN AND AUSTRIAN PRISONERS TAKEN REPLY-TO FRANCE J 1 iflllm.i., . 4 fe'sr ? 1 ALLIED GIVES . , ;M mm i, kmi PATROLS FAIL WILSON NOTE ALLIES MUCH mm TO PENETRATE IS NOW READY WAR MATERIAL BRITISH LINES Copies Forwarded to Russia and Though Resources Largely In the German Storming Party Out In Italy for Approval Huge Enemy's Hands, France Is Doing Two Skirmishing In Lorraine Number of Prlsonera Wonderful Work for Germans Claim Gains Taken In 1810. Her Allies. in Moldavia. (Special to Tfc Dany newt.) (Special to T&e, Dally flewt) (Special to Tbe Dally News.) London, Jan. 3. The official Paris, Jan. 3. Official figures London, Jan. 3. There is little draft of tho reply of the Entente for the year indicate that, though to report from the western front. Allies to President Wilson's note France has been deprived of fifty A hostile patrol reached the Brit regarding a peace conference nan per cent of her coal resources; ish trenches east of Yermelles been prepared and Is approved ninety per cent of her Iron ore, but was repulsed with the loss of of by Great Britain and France. and eighty per cent of her iron half its number. Copies of the reply have been forwarded and steeJ manufacturing establishments, French Report. to Italy and Russia for through the German Paris, January 3, Skirmishing their approval. occupation of northern France look place last night at small Year's Captures. and the territory east of Lorraine, points near Le Petlre and in the Paris, Jan. 3 During the year she has been able to provide her Jury Wood north of the border of 1910 the French and British have allies with nearly a quarter of Lorraine. captured 119,600 Germans; the her total output, besides supplying SICK OF WAR Russian Front. Entente Allies have taken 11,173 the needs of her own "armies The Devil was sick, the Devil a monk would be; Petrograd, Jan. 3, Souths of Bulgarians and Turks: the Italians on the field. The Devil was well, the Devir i monk was he. Brody, on the Galician front, the have raptured 62,200 Austrian, Younger Officers. enemy yesterday opened up a and the Russians have taken over General Lyautey, the new Minister NANAIMO PUTS IT UP "JIMMY" PARKS STILL ENORMOUS WASTE OF fierce rifle and machine gun fire four hundred thousand Austrians of War in. France, is vigorously and advanced in small groups TO THE GOVERNMENT ALIVE AND KICKING VALUABLE COMMODITIES and Germans. pursuing the policy of in against our lines. The Russians The Entente air forces have troducing younger officers into met them with.a heavy curtain of A resolution from the Nanalmo Glad reached Fire Chief The following is extract from conducted news an raids into the higher seventy-five the positions in com fire and drove them back to their hostile territory and have shot mands, believing that this system city council regarding the high McDonald this morning in the an article in the Vancouver bun trenches. down nine hundred German aero-planet. will make for greater efforts in cost of living was brought down -, of a ,elter from jlmmy" dealing with the coming year in Berlin Report. ' .. - B . 1 I. at the city, council last evening. -Somebody ousting ma ufrmn' iroiii. iu ,3.iwho wag rcported killed ther flshinr"industry of -the Pa --Berlin, Jan. 3, TheGerman.r Split. territory they now occupy. The resolution called for the pro- u.ks ncr, noloP was ient iflc coast: are continuing their oirensive. Washington, Jan. 3, Senator tection of the home demands for',0 the m)ort in that Jlm nad nol along the Rumanian front and Stone, speaking in the Senate LOCAL BATTALION food commodities; the removal of L riUen for flve weeks, and he had No one know the wealth of esterday forced the Russians and yesterday, denounced the unknown DID SPLENDID WORK tariffs on foodstuffs; the fixing',,,, a ,nost reguiar correspon-and British Columbia's sea product. Rumanians back into Moldavia. person who gave the newspapers regulating of wheat prices' T.. ,,, ia frnm a hos. There is no report, either Pro- Continuing their drive into Moldavia, advance information regarding The following is an extract and an inquiry by the government pital at Boulogne where the former incial or Dominion, which gives the Teutonic forces are President Wilson's peace overtures, from a letter received from Major into the cost of production of member of the fire staff is the public an adequate idea on approaching the bridge-heads,of the rumor of which caused J. Charles Halsey. who Is now adjutant canned goods, flour, etc. recovering from wounds. His the subject. The amount of the Fokshany and Fundeni. such a panic on the New York of his battalion: Aid. Montgomery moved that right eye is damaged but it is salmon pack is covered In these The Russians and Rumanians Stock Exchange before any official "We have been moving .back the resolution be endorsed. This gradually mending and he hopes epot-U, but nothing is said of the continue to retain their positions notice was published. from the Somme, and when on the was seconded by Aid. Mcnae, who to recover the sight of it completely. oolachan. Some little data may between the Buzeu and Danube march, are unable to post letters, said that the investigation was He mentions having seen e "obtained as to the halibut rivers. CHRISTIE GIBSON HAS nor do we receive any. We left started at the wrong end. He Andy Hepburn, who was well, and caught by the fearless fishers of BEEN KILLED IN ACTION Albert on the Somme on the 2Cth thought it was the higheriups Sam Massey, who had had the the northern seas, but nothing is COLLEGE BUILDING AS November, arriving here last who should be investigated. He misfortune to lose his right eye. said of the dog-fish. Several CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL Word reached town this morning night, where we expect to spend noticed that one big milling company, He also mentions a lad Murray, companies have been formed for that Christie Gibson, one of a few days, reorganizing and resting capitalized at $2,500,000, who formerly worked for Brother tho purpose of gathering in the Halifax, J a n. 3. Dalhousie the best known bf Prince Rupert up a bit. which paid 0 per cent, before the Moody, as having made the great black cod, which swarm in the College building for use as a old timers, was killed in. action in "We are glad to get, away from war was now paying 10 pr cent. sacrifice. waters around Queen Charlotte University has offered the Old November last. Mr. Gibson was the Somme area for a while. Since The merchants were in his opinion 'Jimmy" expects to be invalided slands, but nothing is ever said military convalescent hospital. l're in the very early days and the action of October 21st, we struggling to make a bare to England and be is looking of the various edible fishes which The Hospitals Commission im. had many friends in the city who have been in lw other. The last living. forward to seeing the members of they will catch, kill, and consign mediately accepted the offer. . will deeply regret to hear that he one we did not suffer very badly. Aid. Casey said he was in accord his family again. Whether he to the waters from which they lias paid the price of patriotism. "I note the people there think with the principles of the will be allowed to return to the came. RED CROSS SALE there was some carelessness in resolution but he did not think front ho doe not yet know. He Nothing in the past has. been LINER MISSING the battles we were engaged in. that it should be dealt with while make feeling reference to the said of the waste going on at the Mrs. Parkin and Mr. ,McClyr was Justithe reverse. The 11th the Investigation here was un-j death of Captain Adair Cars, who almon canneries, where head, mont will have charge of the Red Special to Tb Dally Newi.) "ittrnrie which Ve In-long- to, ha completed. was loved by all the boy. The entrils and other "wagte' are Cross sale on Friday first. The New York, Jan. 3. Marine insurance been complimented by all ,the Aid. Montgomery was of the new that Mr. Park is still alive dumped into the alt water below ladies are still doing magnificent .1 companies have increas army and corps commanders on opinion that the cause of the high and recovering from his wounds the cannery. work in these weekly sales 'in aid I. ed their rate on the cargo f this front. This brigade has established cost of living was covered by the will be welcomed by hi many All of these by-products of the of our wounded soldier and their the While Star liner Georgic, a reputation, and at resolution and the endorsing of friends in the city. fishing industry are of inestimable efforts are worthy of every en- I ; which was due to arrive in Liverpool tained a standard or eincieiicy it would not interfere with' the alue to the province as fertili couragement. It s esseoitlal that.J from Philadelphia on Dec. that Is very difficult to matnta'ln. investigation. PAULINE FREDERICK AT zer. 1 hero is no oetter fertilizer there be no let-up until victory is J j lth and which has not yet arrived Further, this battalion i the best Aid. Casey said that the reso WESTHOLME THEATRE known than fish product, because ours. ; nor been beard from. In the bcigade, and is recognized lution omitted an important factor of their great content of phos ' as such by the Higher Commands. in that It did not deal with Paulino Frederick, ono of the phorus. NEW WELLINGTON COAL, Economy is wealth. You save With regard to the actual battles, the fact that the government is most popular star of the screen, Tne year 1017 will witness a phone UC. Wo have Just re-. on shoes, on dry-goods, on walU we always obtained our objectives, competing with tho consumer for i the big attraction at the We st-holme great change in this industry. reived a shipment of 500 tons 1 paper, on crockery, nt sale com-J and held them. We .took supplies today for the army and tonight in "The World' Salmon packing, which ha been Lump CoaL Wo are prepared-to ' inenclng tomorrow at Wallace'. more prisoners than our total is paying such high prices that Great Snare," a picturization of established on a commercial basis put in your winter's coal for you.', casualties, including ick, wounded the manufacturer prefer to deal Oppenheim' famous novel. It is for many year,' will not be amen Like putting money In the hank nnd killed. The idea of any with tho government rather than a mining story of the early days able to many change, but other Peck' Shoe Store Is giving 20 buying shoes at Wallace's. 4. "carelessness is absolute piflle." to produce good for tho people in California nnd never has Miss phase of the industry will be per cenl discount on an reit fat home. He moved that the reo Frederick appeared to better ad drought to the front in a manner goods. 5 NOTICE lutlon lie on the table and be vantage than in this stirring story never anticipated. WESTHOLME David II. Hay has taken over dealt with -at the same time as of tho west. The novelist might the real elale. Insurance and the report on the local invelia have had this great actress in STRIKE SETTLED LONDON CAFE OPXRA HOUSE TONIGHT ONLY safety dpposit business bandied Hon. This was seconded by Aid. mind when he drew the character AND GRILL PAULINE FREDERICK by Hon. T. D. Paltullo. Mr, Hay Dybhavn and carried by the chair of Myrn, It i something nol to (Special to Tbe Dally newt.) Third Avenue IN will conduct thl additional busl-nes man' vote. he missed. New York, Jan. 3. Thirty-five Serves Nothing but the Best "TMI WORLD'S OSUT INARC at hi present ofllce at the thousand striking clothing work. STRICTLY UNION H.OUK riillllpa 0H'iiiieim' celebrated corner of Second Avenue nnd Sale starts Thursday morning, lllg sale start tomorrow era have unanimously agreed in Novel. BOXES FOR LADIES Kfcnnil Street. tf. this week, Wallace's, 4. Wallace's. rehUino work immediately.