THE DAILY NEWS The Daily News Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Published by the Frince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES~—Datxy, 50¢ per month, or $5. WEEKLY, $2.00 ner year, OuTSIDE CANADA— Daily, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. 00 Et year, in advance, $8.00 per year; Weekly, Contract rates HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES NeW YoRK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co, ae The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trank Building, Trafalgar guare. “The newspaper, with the law, should assume the accused innocent until proven guilty; s) ould be the friend, not the enemy of the general public; the de*.nder, not the invader of private life and the assailant of personal character. It should be, as it were, a keeper of the public conscience.’’—Henry Watterson. age ARE IMPROVEMENTS TO BE TAXED? DaILy EDITION. THURSDAY, May 11 The snub administered by the Mayor to Alderman Morrissey at the council meeting on Monday evening when the latter wanted to know if it was the councii’s intention to tax improvements,is a snub that was quite undeserved. In asking the question, Alderman Mor- rissey was only deing his duty as a public servant. The question was asked on behalf of a large number ef citizens, most of whom it may be assumed under the law of averages were once supporters of Mr. Manson. In all progressive communities it is considered a virtue for the citizens to take an interest in public affairs. Even were-it not so, the fact that it is the citizen's money that supplies the taxes ought to entitle them to ask the question through their representatives whether the counci! proposes to tax iniprovements or not. To say that the time is not yet ripe to discuss the council’s taxation policy, is a most unsatisfactory way of evading the question. If there are difficulties ahead, the council may be assured of a sympathetic and helpful consideration being given them, if they will take the public into their confidence. If there are no difficulties ahead, then the public is at loss to assign any reason why they should not be informed of a policy, in which they are all deeply interested. As things now are, the fear is abroad that the council are muddling along without any clear policy,or with a policy which they are not anxious to enlighten the public on. This fear has been intensified, owing to the scant manner in which the public has already been treated over the assessment returns Even though one member of the Finance Committee has exceptional advantages for addressing the public nightly,nothing more than the bald statement of the assessment has been given out. The task of dissecting and expounding the council’s fiscal programme is one we would muct prefer to leave to the aldermen themselves—if they will take it up. Eight weeks ago we suggested that the Mayor might enlighten the public on the economics of the city’s assessment problems. We detailed a number of tepics on which the public interest demands that enlightenment be given. The suggestion was made in a spirit of friendliness and not as criticism. In the same spirit the News again invites the Mayor to the task, in courtesy oftering him the privilege, before we take it up ourselves. So too, in regard to the question as to whether the council proposes to place taxes on improvements—in other words impose a fine on those citizens who during the year have attempted to build up the town—| we would invite the Mayor to answer, not ourselves, but the host of his own supporters, who are anxious to have this simple question answered. As tax-payers they feel they have the right to ask the question either personally, through an alderman, or through the press | They, at least, do not relish being snubbed for taking an interest in the work of the council. NOTES DUE Two special efforts in the newspaper field call for special mention. The first is an excellent illustrated edison of the Omineca Herald. Its theme is progress and opportrnities, with a number of well written articles describing the country, and giving intending settlers a fund of useful information. The pioneer newspaper has difficulties enough without getting out special editions. It is to such efforts that the province is indebted for a great deal of its ‘‘progress and opportunities.”’ The second special occasion is the receipt of a newspaper from the new mining camp of Steamboat. ‘“‘The Steamboat Nugget” the title, though an intimation is conveyed that its name will likely be changed to the Hope-Steamboat Nugget, as the paper is to be published in Hope ‘‘owing to the impossibility of taking a printing plant into Steamboat.’’ What a story is conveyed in that last clause. It recalls the story of the rush to the Klondike, when $14,000 was spent on teaming in a $3,000 linotype in order to start the first paper. Percy F. Godenrath, of the Portland Canal Miner is the publisher, and the Nugget, bears a family likeness to the Miner. 1s The value of the wireless was demonstrated again yesterday, when after the Daily News had the exclusive story of the rescue of the crew of the Fish Maid on the press, a wireless message from Captain Baugh- man of the Humboldt came to say that his vessel had sighted the overturned craft, rig''ted her, and left her adrift one mile from Dead Tree Point, Alaska. Twenty minutes later Mr. McKay, the owner of the boat, was in the Daily News office seeking confirmation of the news, and at once despatched a tug to Dead Tree Point in search of his vessel. EEE en The Daily News a DELIVERED TO ANY AD- DRESS IN S®CTIONS 1, 5 AND 6 EVERY DAY FOR — «- 50c PER MONTH BUYS BIG RANCH English Lord Coming to Canada (Canadian Press Dispatch) Nelson, May 10.—Lord Hind- lipp has bought a 500 acre ranch from W. S, Sento of Thunder Mills, 65 miles from Cranbrook. Lord Hindlipp arrives in a few months FLAMES STILL RAGE Hundreds Homeless’ as Result of Forest Fires (Canadian Press Dispatch) Winnipeg, May 10.—The forest fires in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and northern Ontario continue to be a menace to life, and scores of settlers are homeless. Fire fighters are still struggling. WHITE FLIER CROWDED S. S. Port Simpsen Left Yes- terday for Hazelton At 10 a.m. yesterday the Port Simpson left for Hazelton, and a large crowd of passengers em- barked, A number of parties of land stakers had taken passages, and several busiitess men are mak- ing the trip. Among these were E. C. Gibbons of the firm of McCaffery & Gibbons, who is going to establish a branch office for the firm in Hazelton and C. B Lockart. Messrs. W. Kennedy, R. Higgs, and E. Sweet have gon up river on land-staking bent. TWO CHILDREN KILLED ARE AFTER IMMIGRANTS Want to Bring Danish Farmers Into B.C. MR. HOLM’'S PLAN Is Now Interviewing Heads of Three Big Canadian Railways to Arrange for Bringing Out Suitable Settlers. A big colonization scheme is at present in its initial stage, but when preliminaries are concluded it is expected that arrangements will be made to bring to this province many hundreds of. the best class of Scandinavians and Danes. The man who is working to bring about this immigration is Mr. Bert T. Holm, formerly agri- cultural editor for ‘‘The Standard.” Buys 160 acres of. Fruit and Vegetable land at Fit Fise $320 selas, Half mile from Railway. eabin included. 187 Buys 75 1-8 acres of Fruit $ land at Kitselas. Half mile from the Railway. $700 all rented. “ASK UNCLE JERRY” $250 sci strestss Kite $500 Buys Rooming House on 3rd Ave. Nine furnished rooms, A snap. Buys Furniture and Lease for two years of Ten Room Toilet and bath, Mr, Holm is now engaged in com- munication with Sir Thomas Shau- ghnessy, Sir William Mackenzie and C. M. Hays, the heads of the| three big Canadian railroads. In his letter to Sir Wilfrid ey rier in which he outlined his scheme, Mr. Holm said in part: “I know that results would soon | follow: for where can the Danish | farmer, dairyman, pouiterer and} fruit grower find a better sphere | of activity than in the Dominion of Canada; where can the Nor-| wegian fisherman and lumberman | obtain better conditions or reap) greater harvest from lakes and forests, and where can} the Swedish miner, woodman and | the seas, | Hamilton (Canadian Press Dispatch) Hamilton, Ont., May 10.—-Two| little boys, Harold Tye, aged 9, and} Morris Hoit, aged 10, were run | over and instantly killed by the Gees ers morning. gether on the track when the flyer} came along. Before they could | get out of the way, or before the| engineer could stop the train they) were hit by the engitte and in- stantly killed. Winnipeg express this) Whites Portland Cement... | | G. C, EMMERSON AGENT Naden Block Second Ave Phone 125 | ‘Windsor Hotel FIRST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET I Newly Furnished and Steam Heated Rooms | A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING | ROOM IN CONNECTION RATES 50 CENTS AND UP BATHS FREE TO GUESTS ROBT. ASHLAND . P.O. BOX 37 o THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards Twelve Tables SECOND AVE. .Grand Hotel.. WORKINGMAN’S HOME Spring Beds, clean White Sheets 25¢ agricultural worker find a_ better | Scandinavia become too narrow? And where can the Dominion of | Canada expect to find a class of settlers better adapted for the climate, conditions and work?”’ The settlers he would locate in} British Columbia would be those) who had ready cash and therefore | immediately upon arrival and com- | mence farming right away. INGENIOUS BOAT STAGE Tidal Variation Successfully Overcome ott | SAFE LANDING FOR LADIES Device Contrived by H. Robin- son at the Rupert Marine} Wharf Does Away with the Old Raft Hauling Stunt. Boating is one of the principal Rupert, | and many residents who enjoyed | themselves last summer on the water will be glad to notice this the summer recreations in | | season great improvements | that have been effected along the) waterfront. Last to the it to do a navigation stunt by means This year year was mnecessar reach | boathouses y of a rope-hauled raft there is a difference. At Rupert Marine wharf newly completed, Mr. H. Robin- the $2700 House. : 800 Cash—First payment on $4,- $ 200 Rooming House, 25x 100, 2 story and basement. Balance pay{ able $100 monthly. $7 25 Buys Furniture and 3 1-2 year lease of Kooming House in section 1. Rent $45 per month. “ASK UNCLE JERRY” 190 Cash buys 2 story Room- $ ing House at Kitselas, 47 x 70. Accommodates 30 people. $5 Per Acre. 155 1-4 acres, with buildings included at Brecken- ridge Landing, (mile 85.) $1 Per Acre. 422 acres in the famous Lakeise Valley. Per Acre. Just a nice little $5 farm of 80 acres, House and farm buildings included in acre price, 1-4 mile from railway. Were Run Over by a Train Near! home, when the confines of little | “ASK UNCLE JERRY” Buys live, a x hotel O17 (SOU: sicyons hake, Cosh $7,500, balance in one and two years. $2500 of payment can be arranged. $6000 Buys 5 room House in section 6 Kasy terms Apartment Te rms Ruys Double House in section 6, They were playing to-|in a poisition to buy land almost) can be arranged. 5500 Buys Nine Room House with basement, hot and cold water, and modern conveniences. Time payments arranged. $5180 bath, al! modern conveniences. Buys five $300 Reserve. “ASK UNCLE JERRY’”’ Buys elegant eight room Bungalow; four fire-places House room on Buys 4 room House in sec- tion 5. Modern conven- iences including bath. $3000 jences, $50 Per month will rent store on Second Avenue “ASK UNCLE JERRY’”’ $10 Per month. We are offering for rent a fine Store on Sec- ond Avenue, 25 x 47, $1090 $35 Buys 7 room House in sec- tion 5. Modern conven- Buys two story House, 7 rooms, in section one, a & foot Buys fine Storehouse on Third Avenue. Per month Store and Living Room on Fulton St. rents | Offices for Rentin the Banking District | thence north 80 chains, t “ASK UNCLE JERRY” son has just designed and con- $800 eee oe a zou structed a most ingenious landing | g3750, stage for small craft. Although 840 Buys lot in section 5. This there is a twenty-six foot tidal $ is a snap for cash, variation to contend with the plan} $550 Buys two lots in section 5, adopted makes it possible for) Easy terms. passengers to embark or disembark $600 Buys lot in section 6, Price at all stages of the tide with} $1025. Good terms on bal. perfect convenience. The con-) $400 Baye lot in section 6. Fries trivance consists of a _ floating} Price $9. platform 30 ft. by 15 ft. which slides between piles of the wharf | quite freely up and down with the rise and fall of the water but) cannot move away from the gang-| HERE is an increasing demand for dwelling houses and apartments, Anyone having houses and apartments for rent to be vacant at any time in the near future should list them with us at LAND PURCHASE Nopy E | Skeena Land District —Districy Take notice that 1, Mra. John Con »t Cons | Rupert, B.C., occupation married oe to apply for permission to purchas | described lends: re Win Commencing at a post planted 4 and 120 chains south from lot 1733, Coast District, Rang | chains, thence east 40 chair ona a chains, thence west 40 chai, ot point of commencement . | more or lesa. acrcy | MRS. JOHN (Lot Oo | Date Mar, 20, 1911 | Pub, Apr. 4, 1911 COAL NOTICE ds Land District —Distelet of Skeena Take notice that I, John MeLaod of occupation broker, intend to apply ee to prospect for coal and petroleum on described lands Commencing Queen Charlotte Islan Vancouver permimion following two milex at a post planted about poe eL. » Tel River and marked John Ne Gane No a2, thence south 90 chains, thence vrest 80 chains, thonee north 80 chains, thener eve 90 chains to point of commencement; containing *40 seres, mote or lee JOHN MeLEOD pee. er Leslie E. Walter, Agent } Sksena Land District—Distriet of Coa 5 Take notice that Macy Bell | 7 yer, Bi. ©, aecupation spins ends weet toree Islands Land District-—Diatriet of Skcena that 1, John MeLeod of Vancouver, | Queer C or + a eit - intend to apply for pa iswion | a to purchase th oP on sal f t Howin ned | to prospect ae and petroleum ou he foll " Commencing at & post pla : : Crenmencing at a post planted four gree south Seea eo ts ot det 8980, thence he vO Ww th of the Theol River and . , 72 hence 80 a ing and ve Wee ee Serhan. No. 46, thence north 8982, thence about 80 chains sou ro Lax marked J. ie me west 80 chains, the ce south 80 | thence 40 chains east, thence: sing 60 ehains, Neto east +O chal t point of com.) Lot 682, thence 20 chains enst, th uth te . ae 4. containing 640 acres, More or we north, thence 20 chains eayt to ' ; haltg Dated Feb 3 1911 JOHN M'LEOD a rt ee 280 acr 1m we. : M ‘ont marked M. B. B., S “ > . § ; eDowell, Agent |. , S.B. ¢ Pub. Feb, 25. Clarance gent | Dated Feb.14, 1911, MARY NOLL pea | ub. March 4 , N ‘harlotte wlands Land Distriet—District of | apes pschataas Skeena Skeens Land Mistrict—Distric fan ouv " arlott, Take notice that 1, John MeL, «d of Van ouver, | : slanas iteetion broker, intend tu apply fer psyniss on Take notice that Geo. H. La to pro pect or coal a d petroleum on te followitg B. ©., oeeupation barber, inte : ert ¢@ scribed |iuds wrminion to purchase the z Commencing at ap st plant d abo tto rmiles | lauds: ~ outh and two miles west of the mouth oe the Commencing at a post Tie! River and marked J, M L W. Corner, | miles west and one mile » No. 35, thenee north 30 chains, hence eas. 0) of Stanly Creek, Naden Ha chains, thence soutn © chains, the ce west 80/ chains, thence west 40 cha chains © p int of commencement ntaining 640 | chains, thence east 40 chains a res, more or is. | Dated Mareh 17, 1911 Gt “eo Dated Feb, 23, lett JUN M'LEOD | Pub, April 22 ume » LAUX Pub. Feb. 24. Caran e M_ Dowell, gent | \gent Skeow Land District Take notice that |, J. H Rupert, occupation miner permission to purchase the f } lands Commencing at a post planted at the corer of lot 2249, thence east south 6 chains, thence west ¢ north 6 chains to point of cor taining ®0 acres inore or ‘« Date Feb. 15, 1911 Pub. Feb. 25. 1911 Dist Queen Charlotte Islands Land District-—Disuriet of | McA 5 te Skeena Take notice that I, John MeLeod of Vanvou Ver, occupation oroker, intend to apply tor permission to prospect for ¢ al and pe troleum on th > following described lands : Commencing at a post planted about { ur milee south and two miles wet of the mouth of the Tiel River and marked J. MeL. N. W. Corner, No. 36, thence south 80 chains, thence e st 80 chains, thence north 5 chains, thence wes 80 chains to point of commenerment; containing 640 | « leas ocres, Fob 23, 191 JOHN M'LEOD | Dated Feb, 23, 1911. Pub. Feb. 25. Claranes MeDowell, Agent Andrew Ke ned Skeena Land District ~ District of Cassis Take notice that I Boleom Mel Rupert, B.C., occupation labore ply for permission to purchase ef a Quees Chartotte Islands Land Distriet—District of | scribed lands > Commencing at a post plant« ve hatf miles in an easterly direct on Naas River where the Lava | and one mile in a norther esi! Lava Lake trail, thence ales thence west ® chains, ther thence east chains to p containing 640 acres Date Feb. 3, 1911 BOLA MM NA Pub. Mar, 16. Joney Age Skeena Take notice that I, John MeLeod of Vancouver, occupation broker, intend to apply fur permission to prospect for coal and petroloum on the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about five miles north and one mile west of the mouth o the fl-el River and marked J. Mel., N. BE. Corner, | No. 24, thence south 80 chains, thence west 50 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 50 | chains to point of commencement; containing 640 acres, more or > . Dated Feb, 26, 1911. JOHN MeLbou Sksena Land District } wb. Feb. 28. Clarence MeDowell, Agent Take potice that I, W | couver, B.C., oecupat for permnission to purch ed lands Commencing at a post pla A¥ northwest corner, and ™ ander Buchan north south &) chains, thence « north #0 chains, thence Queen Charlovte Islards Land Distriet— District ot Skeena Take notice that I, John MeLeod cf Vancouver, oceupation broker, intend to apply for permission to prospect for coal and petroleum on the following described lands Commencing st & post planted about two miles south of the mouth of the Tiel River and marked J. MeL. 8 E Corner, No. 31, thence west 50 chains, thence north thence east 50 chains, thence south * to point com mencerrent; contains 640 acres, more or lew. Dated Feb. 22, 1911 JOHN McLBOD Pub. Feb, 24. Leslie E. Walter, Agent A of Distr new Skeena Land District Take notice that Frank |. ; n Ont., occupation bockkeer for permission to purehase the lands Commencing at miles west and two m Stanley Cr Harbor, Graham thence 80 chains cast thence 8° chains weet and contaning 640 acre Dated March 17, 1911 | Queen Charlotte Islands Land District — District o She ms ‘Take notice that I, Joon MeL d of Va couver, occupation broker, intend o ajply for permumion to prospect fore al und petroleum o he following deceribed lands: Commencing at & p et) avted about four mile south and tw. miles west of the mcuth of the Pub. Apru 7 Tel River and marked J. Mel. N Corner, No. 05, thence ,outh 80 chains, thence weat 50 | chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 Sheena Land District D | cha me ie VA eh egectsains nt; ontaining 640 Take notive that I, Peter Re e Ser, tcew SFM . . B.C., occupation teameter : at Feb, 23, i911 HN M’'LEOD : ay ° ge »». £5 Claranes McLowell, Agent permission to purchase th we ub ie 2 } Mel Y lands Commencing ata post plant« R."s S.W. corner and immediate “ marked J.M.« N.E. ex ner; thence north &) chains LAND PURCHASE NOTICE thence south # chains, ther t . - —— point of commencement « more or leas t eb. 191 ‘ Skeena Land District-—-District of Queen Chariott« pees vet isi! G Islands ub. Feb. 25 Take notice that George W. Arnott of Prince Rupert, B. C., oceupation real estate broker, keena Land District — Distr a intends to apply for permission to purchase the Take notice that Char! following described lands Rupert, B. C., occupation sur ; Commencing at a post planted about seven | 8pply for permission to jure . miles and one-half,mile west and one mile south described lands from the mouth of Stanly Creek, Neden Harber, Commencing at ® post plat thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, | corner of surveyed lot ‘, | thence east 80 chains, thence north 50 chains trict, thence in an east Dated Maréh 17, 1911 GEO, W. ARNOTT | putherly limit of sury Pub. April 22. Numa Demers, Agent | Jeetion thereof 40 chai paraliel to the easter sforesaid 60 chains m¢ Skeena Land District——District of Coast Range 5 limit of a timber | Take notice that Angus Beaton of Prince Rupert, | 40 chains m B. C., oceupation miner, intends to apply for psr- | southerly mission to purchase the fcllowing deocribed laniis 3984, thence in a na Commencing at a post planted at ‘he south | projection of the said enat corner of Lot 3937, thence 40 shcins weot, limit 60 chains m thence 40 chains south, thence about £0 chain ment, containing 24 east to Lakelse Lake, thence meancering said lake | Dated March 8, 1911 CHA shore in ar northerly direetion to point of com- | Pub, Mareh 25. | imencement: containing; 170 acres, more of ewes Post marked A. B., N’. Lb. Corner Coast Range 5 Land | Dated Feb. 11, 1911. ANGUS BEATON Take notice that I, John He Pub. Mareh 4. sumkalum, occupation farmer “ | for permission to purchase the | = . | o . lands i Skeena Land District District of Coast, Commencing at a post plant« @ nor = Tak ytice that I, John Miller, of Vancouver, | corner of Lot 3985, thence ea ae B.C supation butcher, » apply for | south 40 chaina, thence we pe nto purchase the deseribed | north 40 chains to place o! cor - \ ta Dated March 15, 1911 J Commencing at a post planted about 1 ehain | Pub April 16 from tidewater. at the head of Luscombe Bay, and marked J,M.'s N.E. corner, thence west 80 chains, | Sxeena Land Distriet—-District o! tangy i thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains Take notice that Alexander Bea Vance ‘ ; rye commence- | yer, B, C., oceupation carpenter a) ment, containing )acr ens lor on to purchase the { » JOHN MILLER oer ee J Dated Ist Feb., 1911 Charles B. Stark, Agent Commencing at a post planted ‘oe Pub. Feb, 26 from the south west corner of ies marked A. B., N. W, Corner, “~ Queen Charlotte Islands Land District--- District of south, thence 80 chains « - Skeena north, thence 50 chains west . z Take notice that I, John MeLeod of Vancouver, Daren ven’ soil 1K " AN ER TON occupation broker, intend to apply for permission ag eb. 13, 1911. “5 8 to prospect for coal and petroleum on the following Pub. Mareh 4. described lands oa Commencing at a post planted at the mouth of Skeena Land District ~ Dist of Ve the Tl-el River and marked J. MeL. 8. EB. Corner, Take notice that I Arthur Jame le No 1, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 | couver, occupation broker, inte = chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 | permission *o purchase the f chains to point of commencement’ containing lands: : snd coe Commencing at a post plant S terly direct a « River where the La I thal r the trail, ther t ub uth 80 chains, tt Queen Charlotte Tdande Land Distriet--Distriet of | north 80 chains to 1 arene co 640 acres more or les Take notice that I, John Melwod of Vancouver, ee MAR THUR JAM 640 acres, more or less. Dated Feb. 21, 1911. Pub. Feb. 28- JOHN McLBOD Clarance MeDowell, Agent | way reaching to it. The gang- way is a broad 28-f{t. ladder fitted with hand rails. It is fixed at one end to slide upwards and down- wards responding to the move- ment of the platform below, and the result is a perfectiy safe means of access to launches and small boats whether the tide is high or low. The new contrivance was in use for the first time on Sunday when a detachment of Earl Grey's Rifles embarked for their shooting practice across the harbor, Rooms 50c BEST IN TOWN FOR THE MONEY J, GOODMAN, Proprietor FARM LANDS Bulkley Valley 820 acres with Hotel, Office... 820 acres, 200 acres meadow..... $3,200 Skeena River 158 acres........ ihe ebe lint e cane 861-2 acres, 161-2 acres improved, 7,000 Porcher Island 286 acres, Crown Granted,.......$3,750 G.R.NADEN COMPANY A stere would soon fail it if paid for any considerable amount of advertising which it could not make it TO YOUR INTEREST |once as we have many demands by mail from parties who desire to secure quart- ers by the time they arrive here. |¥ AM daily asked my opinion as to the permanent values of real estate in | Prince Rupert for investment. To all such enquiries I honestly state that any Prince Rupert properties, at present valuations, are a good investment, but I advise my clients who are desir- ous of taking advantage of ‘‘snaps’’ to invest only where offerings are made at much below present market quotations. Ww" are able to pick up for our clients who haye ready cash for invest- ments good properiies at from 20 to 40 per cent. below the market by czreful watching of fluctuations and chances by our staff. If you have cash for in- vestment and are looking for real bar- gains callin and talk it over, I can show you how to make quick profits, aoe AND PROFIT TO READ AND Second Ave., Prince Rupert, B.Cc,| ANSWER. Jeremiah H. Kugle;, following described lands: ntends to apply for permianion to purchase the | land occupation broker, intend to apply for permis#ion | Pub, Mar. 10 Joseph Belws to prospect for coal and petroleum on the following described lands: “ Commencing ata post planted about two miles | Skeena Land District ~ Dist’ . d south and two miles west of the mouth of the | ‘ake otic 1, Alexar I o Tiel Wives and marked J. Mel. Ns 8, Corder, | Vosr RO ecupation bute! ‘w No. 47, thenee south 80 chains, thence west 80 | anoly for permission to purchase ” chains, thence north 80 chains thence east 80 | doseribed lands at chains to point g commencement; containing 640 | Commencing a post planted and A acres, more or leas. | - ‘6 y posts ; Dated Feb 22, 1911. ‘OHN MeLEOD 8.E, corner, and adjoining i renee o wet Pub. Feb. 24" Clare MeD Ah aeeh N.E. corner and P.R.'s 8.B. cor » east ub. Feb, 24 nee McDowell, Agent | 40 chains, thence north 80 chains, | 4 | chains, thence south 80 chains to | re Skeena Land District—District of Queen Chariott | Meneement contatn ng oa NDER | HAM Islands . ria . Ase Take notice that J. H. Murphy of Vancouver, posed ies Feb, 1911 Charles H. A B, C., coeupetion commercial traveller, intends | PU>- Feb. 25 to epply for perWision to purchase the followin: et of Coast described lands: . op Rionne Land District tg { Kiesoe Commencing at a post planted about seven kelum. ¢ th farmer, inter py miles west and one mile south from the mouth miss —e on oh the followin: a of Stanly Creek, Naden Harbor, thenes north 80 aaa pues a epains, jeunes wees 40 qualns, thence south 80) “Commencing at a post plar then . y exot corner of A, MeLeod's pre thence ft Dated March 17, 1911. J, H, MURPUuY I . s ¢ ! Pub. April 22 Numa Demers, Agent oo quate aqui thenes 108 hain + to pot # . : chains north, thenee 10 chains Ww as commentement containing 20 meres more | HUES Skeona Land District—District of Coast Range 6 | Dated April 10, 1911, FRIBDRICH © gal Take notice that George Levick of Prince Rupert | Pub. April 22, Fred Ham} B. C., occupation clerk, intynds to apply for |. j ft Coast Rank! ermiaaion to purchase the following deaceibed Sipene land Disiziet rye S lov of Vane ards: oe nol ice yal t one age’? rv apr Commencing at ® post planted on shore of | Yer B. C., occupation miner, \1\ mg sero Lakelse Lake about 60 chains north east frora outlet | [or pormiston to purchase the follow rt of said lake (Lakelse River', thence 20 chains | ngs: " ur north, thence sbout 60 chains east to Lakulay | Commencing at a post planted Meeast Distt Lake, thence meendering sald lake shore in a weet- | West corner of Lot 992, Hange © 0.) chai erly direction to point of commencement; eon- | thence west 40 chains, thence 8000)” cing it taining 80 acres, more or less. Post matked G. L. | thence east 40 chains, thence north 8. W. Corner, | point of commencement. : KINGSLBT Dated Feb, 14, 1911. GEORGE LEVICK | Dated March 24, 1911. LIONEL & Pub, March 4, Pub, April 22 J n Chalet Skeena Distriet—District of Quee? inne Skeene Land District—District of Cogst Tale aad ois Tiabort 0, Crew of eet , Take notice that Mrs. lL. C. Putnam of St | Rupert, B, C., occupation agent, intend jeseribl Poul, Minnesota, occupation married woman | for permission to purchase the followins 7 yout ©“) Commencing at « post planted abou' uth a Commencing ats post planted at the southwest | mies west and half a mile souch of (he UN aie corner of Lot No, 1784 marked Mra. LC, Putnam's | Stanley Creek where it empties '"\0 cyaink northeast corner, thence west 40 chains, thence | Harbor, Graham Island, thence ©8*! 1) jqink south 80 chains thence east 40 chains, thence thonce north 40 chaina, thence Weel *” oneal an 9 sheine ‘Se. 20K a commencement, eon | thenee south 40 chains to point af commen’ é vee 0 nd contain 60 more or les. g Dated March 201911, MRS, L. ©, PUTNAM | ated Moreh it wil. HUBERT 0 wer} Pub, April 16 Geo, R, Putnam Agen | Pub Av 7 | Numa Demers '