Wednesday Jnnunry 3, 1P17. TflP UUI.Y flKWP. HIS HEART BADLY "ALitUeSavingls 9 nnn nnm A Handy Thing" m u.utuu AFFECJED a man has lost Ins 3 Belgians MANY to become Depend on us independent by not "Fniil-a-tives" Soon Relieved having" the ready money to for Bread! This Dangerous Condition take advantage of a really big opportunity. "For 632 0iiu two years,St I u a Tobokto.victim of "Fortune knocks once at Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians Acute IndiffeaUon and (las In TLa every man's door". Greet her have depended for food entirely on the "Commission Ctomitli. It aftorwarda attacked ttty with a Savings Account, and for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, Heart thst and I could I had paint hardly all ot mote tr m around,y body, be ready for what she brings. even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only to I tried all kind of Medlcino but cone One Dollar opens a account k three weeks they have had no chance to rait more of them did mo any pood. At last, I in the Savings Department. and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them! decided to try "Trult-a-tUca". I loujl't tlio first'Box last June, and THE BANK OF Backed by the Mw I am well, aflir using only three British North America I recommend "FrultatlTs,, hrrt. 73 YUks ... . ..ISS. j RdiefFund lo anyone taflcring from Indigestion". Belgian Capital fiied j. cavi:i:k. ami AUarui, $7, i 60e. a box, C for $2.50, trial rite, 25c. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH ! At all dealers or sent postpaid ly Fruit-tuc3 so generously contributed in the British Empire sad the United Limited, Ottawa. W.J.SM1THERS,Manager States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported enough wheat. Sour and other foods to feed the whole natiia An Army of J to far. The great majority of the 7.000.000 Belgians left to the country have been able to par for their daily alowance ol bread hut a steadily growing number have do aaoaey left, Internal Bathers ! 1 Unless wc are willing to let these hundreds si thousand vsf 1 Over naif a million bright, keen, up-to- dsle Csnsdisns snd Atni'rlcsns bsre found women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the that Intrrns! Bathlnr Is more essential to expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible THE ANZACS' POSSUM PERFORMS IN LONDON. their well-being than External Baths. ! someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a bmob every A trained opposum, said to have Have round that, taken occasionally st month sll this winter I passed through thirty-two night, they reel like different people the The Whisky battles In Oalllpoll and Franco, recently visited London and was neat morning. No more of that bilious, I' No people on det the AEed Flan ara ss wefi able t of Quality Introduced to various prominent people. Ho Is seen here doing Nature's tired, nervous own cleanser,condition antiseptic but, having warm by j generously as we Canadians I No cause has'erer been more .mc of his tricks. water, removed all the poisonous waste I deserving of help I In the name of Justice sad Huniaty -for Ag ad In Wood from the Lower Intestine, tbey awake the sake of our own tetfetpect-Hat ara gfre si w cats to Years thoroughly refresued by normal sleep, help our martyred Allies I 8 ernmenl with its print paper at a with all their functions actlnr In healthy If en bottling FROM FAR AND NEAR ' accord, bright, happy, clear-headed and Scad ywn mlwcnpbaa wsckly, mmMf m fet tan larssp tasa Ss Latal at reasonable price,. The United confident, eager snd cspable for the duties Praviackl CoBaincea, to lit g CUARANTttD BY THE GOVERNMENT f CANADA Stales go ernmenl uses 30,000,-000 of the Copper day. Clirf, Ont March t. 191ft. Central Exeetrtiva Committes, 59 St Pater St, iMtretl P. Needier Van Trump, who, in pounds of print paper annually. Dr. Chas. A. Tyrrell, Toronto, OnL, $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. Dear Doctor, I hare been ntlnr your 1870, was the first to ascend "J. B. L. Cascade" for the past three Mount months, snd am convinced that It Is the Ilainicr in Washington, has most modern and scientific method of CAIWONVOID for sale by Lip-tett passed away in Dinghatn'plon, N. A committee of housewives and dealing- with consttpstlon that bss ever Y. been devised, snd I will lose no opportunity Si Cunningham, and Parkin. citizens of Portland, Oregon, demand to promote Its use among; my friends, as I can speak truthfully and en-thusissUcslly Ward Electric Co. If. that the city authorities as to Its merits. The erection of a government Tours truly, very and mill seize all stored up slocks pf foodstuff. J. A. Darrach, CANADIAN WOMEN 1 A. t The Dally rus delivered bj pulp paper is urged in Wholesale and Retail Men's Wear. SHOULD KNOWTHIO rnrrir. 50 rents por month. Washington to provldo the gov- It is planned lo storm the Why not learn more about this rapidly, "CANADA FIRST"Milk lithe BEST J LTk city body en masse. growing and natural, practice T The "J. YourCrocer. The Government Ball Mia D. L. Cascade", the original and best appliance s-Uby Kj.303 tells the story IT COSTS THE SAME. for this purpose, manufactured by Tho Nation, London Charles A. Tyrrell. M. D., Is now being aacvoti i sioet ro this eaaasua essa a weekly shown and explained by Cyril II. Orme, CAKSitn ni rtoDucT-IMSlsr FRED STORK'S HARDWARE I f want hintwd chill CanJa Tin"Evaporated review, throws cold water on the Druggist, corner 3rd Ave. and Cth Street, yon then whip with freah cream. Imperial Conference. It states There also may be obtained free on request. TnsAYLMER CONDENSED MILK COLts. "Why Man or Today Is Only (0 that the overseas Premiers can do Per Cent. Efficient, a most Interesting Atlhcb.Ont Canada 710 SECOND AVE much more effective work by remaining booklet on the subject. If you prefer, write to Dr. Chas. A. Tyrrell, 18J College Carpenters' Tools Uullders' Hardware Ship Chandlery at home. street, Toronto, for same. Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Iron Pipe Pipe Fitting Rifles and Shotguns The Imperial government is recruiting Rope Valves Ammunition a small company of Canadian Pumps Hose Paint boatmen for the freighting Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron of supplies up the Euphrates and 'WE SELL NOTHING OUT THE BEST" Tigris Ilivers In Mesopotamia. Two more Railroad Ilaltalions FRED STORK'S HARDWARE have been authorized for over seas service. Railroad engineers, some of whom have seen service at tho front, will hold commissions. Don't merely smother your cougn Owing to tho fact that young VTTI Mathleu't Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil not only II promptly arret coughing, but thanks to its tonic and men eligible for military service VtUrtXl strengtnnlne properties it helps the system to throw off have been holding dances in the tb cold and thus effects a permanent cure. It Is this quality wntcn nas for at the largest sale of any cough and cold remedy in Canada. town hall of Tillsonburg, the JSC. torx bottUt, evtrywhtn. municipal authorities will allow no more .dances in their buildings X K. fttATRIXU CO. rvwp 8BZBBBOOKI, PA until after the war. ha M III " -J J aVL f f Over eight .thousand soldiers Hie Poor Mans have been returned to Canada sinco tho outbreak of the war. Bahys Own Soap Over six thousand of these were TgaaaaasgaaLv ssv v jK4gaBaiS j Universiiy suffering from diseaso and other TlaataatSyasafcrstTsat disabilities and only 1,010 had II lfBRafV LSaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV been wounded or gassed. Captain Itrown, formerly pilot 'ONES knows more about motor on tho Camosun, of the Union cars than any other man I has know," said a man to hit StcntiiHhip Company, succeeded friend. '' He has obtained his Captain Dickson as com knowledge chiefly from motor car advertisements, mander of the vessel. and the catalogues and booklets circulated through them. Tho Ruthenlau, Saskatchewan, Presbyterian convention of last 'All I know about photography." declared a well- Friday was broken up by the known amateur, " I have learned from the men who advertise cameras, plates, papers and films." throwing of eggs by a disgruntled delegate. Advertisements have been Deeriptio price list of 'al-I well called "The Poor Man's ace's big sale now being distributed. University," but other than Phone if you do not have been schooled get one. 11. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. poor men thereby. LAND ACT If yn an iiln( a lct iaii Much of what the average individual knows cos-ccrning VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT talk over your sdvertiaiaf problem! personal and domestie hygiene, modera j Of COAST, HANOI S. psrtment with of the this Advsrtitin nswapsptr. office methods, books and authors, electricity, pro TAKE NOTICE Mist I, Uo Stanley Bur- Jvlnf cious stones, investments, and almost eveirthtBttelse, If art prtvimclal Aft su. l..), with BABY'S OWN SOAP the don, or Oeeau rails, B. C occupation mill matimtt ym ivtimm it 0 Mould b well tr he has learned from advertisements. secretary. Intend to spply lor permission lor to have the counsel and the you kin ii smooth, comfortable, and exhale lo pureliase Ilia following described lands i aaalttaoc ol good sdvtrtiiiaf Advertisements have stimulated our iatelllfence, aroma of freshly cut flowers. rtisins Conunenelnril distant snj a In post a westerly planted ebout direction nve ienoy. A list ol ll.S will bt added enormously to our knowledget and given us lumiihcd, witlioul cbli Freedom from skin troubles, explains in some measure from Ilia southwest eornsr of tot It, gatioo, by the Secieury roit or ul Caa aspirations which have raised us to higher levels of the which "Baby's Own Soap" babies inn re 1, Cosit District, thence south to adlaa I'reaa Aaaoclatloa, Itoom thinking and living. Advertising is indeed "The refreshing sleep ctialna; thence east It chain) tbsnce north S03,Lumadea llulldio,Toroato. Poor Man's University." insist "Baby's Own . enlov. UBueciallv for nursery use on to rbslns: tbenee well it chains, to this ALBERT SOAPS limited, Manufacturers, . MONTREAL. -'l putt, eontsininr In all about 41 seres. LEO STANLEY BUI1DON, NOVEMBER. I, IS 16. f, t