vr Wednesday, January 3, 1017. 1112 DA1L1 MWi CHILDREN'S CONCERT H8.00 to $10.00i Wlii to weasel AT PORT ESSINQTON we paid nothing for licrnuso there t j Local News Notes was no market for them. Today "The Daily News" A pure, evaoeeteaavsseeTiejFeJ h&0 prsddedddsddrs Tho children of Port Ksslngton they bring 7S cents to $1.50. CLASSIFIED ADS. Jaeger slippers 20 per cent, discount Indian day school gave a most Oiler, nno could buy Iho fiesl tho Cream of Tartar nt Peck....Shoe Store. ' 5. delightful entertainment in the enrtfiproduced ril ?5.0ft and f 0.00. Methodist Church there on tho Today wo pay 120.00 to $30 Inland WANTED. If you don't get n descriptivo SMI Baking Powder evening of December 20th. llcv. caught skins. Would you list of Solo Goads, phono Wallace's. W. F. ftushbrook presided over a think It possible to buy tho best lVAMt.l uciiirti Servant. Apply Mn. V, ratmore. ... large attendance and the children silver fox that was ever trapped K. C, LaTraco " returned last submitted a program o f over for $85.00? That was tho price. WANTED Porter for Savoy Hotel. tr. Made in Canada evening from n visit to tho interior. thirty Items, Including motion It takes a small fortune to buy It WAITfiESS WANTED rrlnce nupert Hotel and recitations. Tho causo of this tremen ea - songs, choruses now. WANTED Younc lady clerk. Apply La Tho children rendered tho various dous advance in the valuo of Catae Bakery. t-l. Ilclait Merchants meeting In pieces with marked earnestness North American raw furs is tho Sixty Years the Standard City Hall Thursday night, 'Jan. and ability. There was tho usual keen competition created by the FOR 8ALE i tli at 8 p. m. Christmas tree, each child receiving well known Circular Houses. Ono ron SALE llouje-boit on float, contain-In '. n gift from Santa Claus. During would think that this wonderful atore and four lifter roomi. ciota A. 11. Williams was amongst to Cold 8 tort re plant. Grocery Dual tho intermission, a,collection advance in valuo would drive tho nem now belnr carried on. nooma partly the tho south DrPrices this passengers forenoon. -from was taken up in aid of tho Belgian consumer of furs out of tho mar furnlthed. Apply T. McCymont. tf. Helicf Fund, which realized tho ket and prohibit tho sale of man FOn SALE Carload mtntnr machinery, In-cludinr 17 machine drills, column ban, The Prince George had eighty- sum of $20. Tho gathering closed ufaclured goods, but with North drlll-ateel, atcam-flttlnri. etc. Apply CREAM seven flrst-class passengers on with the sjnglng of "O Canada" America prosperous and rurs so Dally Newt. tr. hoard this morning. and "God Save the King." Thirty-one extremely fashionable, , it will bo MISCELLANEOUS Baking Powder children took part in tho pro soino lime before we will see Inventory Sale a big list of gram and their work reflected the lower prices and during this win OASOLINE ENOI.NEER hat email amount of rath to Invett with aervlcet. What necessary goods, including shoes greatest credit upon their teachers, ler many fur-bearers will bring have you? Write Box 113. Dally Newt. Contain No Alum at saving prices Wallace's. while it alsp displayed a high advanced prices over Inst season degree of intelligence in the FOUND Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Waitc, of cholars. Dig dry-goods nnd shoe sale pound- silver net purse. Apply Dally Smilhers, were amongst tho arrivals Perfectly leavens and makes the starts tomorrow Wallace s. News omce. tf from the interior last even food more delicious and wholesome. ing. MILLIONS WILL BE PAID TO TRAPPERS AND TRADERS TODAY FOR RENT Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ketchum arrived in tho city at the end of the Furs are extremely fashionable Procrastination is the thief of year and will make their homo and n woman's wardrobe is not health: Keep yourself well by Modern room bouse, English Hill, here. complete without one or more the timely use and help of Cottage' I rooms, ttb Ave., sec. T. Cottage 4 rooms, bath. Summit Ave. . sets of furs. Eve'n in mild climates, Furnished Cottage J17 ttb Ave. E. Mr. Miller, of,the Dominion there larger quantities beedun:s Cottage 4 rooms, Thompson and lib. J.L.HICKEY PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 38 are Cottage 4 rooms I to Ith Ave., E. government engineering staff, returned of fur overcoats being sold to PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. this morning from a visit MCMORDIK M gentlemen. OONTRAOTOR BUILDER APARTMENTS, S rooms, to the south, Tho present prices of American PILLS bath and range. Rtnt of th.tt flatt haa b.tn reduced to $9 p.r month. Store and Ofllce Fixtures, ; Transfer and Storage raw furs as compared with the N.at and elean. Good Janitor ear-vice. J. D. McAulay, who has been IbmmI S.U of Aay Mxiicin. lath.Worli. Will aaltomlne to eult Sash, Door and Moldings. priegs of a few years ago, make ItUnuTwkut, la beiM.ZSc UnanL BEST LUMP NUT COAL appointed commercial agent for BEST THINS IN TOWN POR THE Oak and Hard Woods of all pleasant reading for tho old MONEV. the G, T. P. here, arrived from kinds. NO LONQ WAITS rapper and fur collector, but to MINERAL ACT the south this morning. Wa Specialize In making NO SHORT WEIGHTS . tho tenderfoot in the fur game it We write nre Insurance, repre-tenting only strong, liberal com-panics. and flttlna storm windows, When You Order from Us. Kenny Monro, who is spending seems like an impossible story, Nctlce to Delinquent Partners. any size. a vacation in the south, came and if tho "old timers'' didn't To Orant Mtbood and Patrick Daly, Your butlnttt It solicited. Plate and Sheet Glass and from Seattle to Vancouver on the know tho facts to bo true, they TAKE NOTICE that whereas we have H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD done and cauted to be done aiaessment Qlazlng. Prince George this trip. would say, "Tell it to the ma work by aurveya on the Daly, Sullivan, Corner Fraser and 6th Sts. rines," says Mr. A. B. Shubert, Edith and Lola Mineral Clatmt, tltuated In the Salmon Bear niver District. Portland Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Alder and president of A. H. phubert,- Inc Canal Mining- Division, for the year lilt. PHONE GREEN 269 family arrived from Vancouver and have paid for aald work and record RAW FOBS! RAW FURS! Chicago, the largest house in the P. O. BOX 448. ing tame tbe turn of It 10.00, unlets you this morning and will take up world dealing exclusively In pay to ui tbe turn or 1115.00 for your . E. Davey tbare of said assessment work, torether . their residence in the city. - American raw furs. Why it was with the cost of tbtt advertisement, we The Edmonton Fur . only a few years ago that one shall at toe expiration of ninety (00) dayt Teacher of Singing and The annual meeting of the from tbe date hereof, apply to the Mining Sheet Metal Work Exchange, Ltd. Hoard of Trade will bo held on could buy all the muskrats in necorder at Stewart, U. C, to have your Voice Production. western Canada at 6 cents apiece, Interests In tbe said Daly, Sullivan, Edith Friday evening, January 5th, when and Lolt mineral claims vetted In us. In Is for business and offers and they sold as low as 1 cents. open will be pursuance of the provisions of the Mineral PHONE BLACK 217. Now is the time to have expert service to trappers, office-bearers for the year Winter and spring collections last Act. your heating plant put in traders and buyers of elected. Dated at Victoria, B. C this I ttb d rurs. mis bxenange is ine season brought 40 cents to 50 of November, A. D. It It. roofs shape for the winter; largest in Canada, it carries cents. Tho entire collection of james Mcdonald. MINERAL ACT and skylights to. L. G. Aniess having resigned seen out a plan of open, competi r. si. FrtEDEIUCK a WINk'LEn. In such cases consult a tive selling, it is maao up from the city lire staff, the filling northwestern skunk could be practical man If you want of stands solid for business men and of the vacancy has been left in bought nt $1.00 to $1.50 for No LAND ACT Notice to Delinquent Partners. results RESPONSIBILITY RELI the hands of tho mayor and Fire largo prime black. Now they To Q. W. Metweil end Chertte Nicholson. Vancouver Land District District ef TAKE NOTICE tbtt whereat I have done C. 0. Rowe ABILITY RESULTS Chief McDonald- sell at $5.00 to $0.00. Tho best Coett, Range 3. and ranted to be done assessment work Exchange sales adver are reach the . . . ' lyrtx sold in C, M. Lampson t TAKE NOTICE that Archie Darnea Martin, on the Woir Mineral claim, aiyiated ai tbe tised sheet metal widely. They mill Uad of Alice Inlet, In Practical man. occupation nitnarer, of tbe city of Ana. Observatory The Exchange Tho man Wiliett, who was nt sale in big buyers. Co.'s London, England, VanrSuver, Province of British Columbia the Sktena mining division of Skeena district, Opposite Board of Trade employs none but expwts. brought to tho hospital from $3.50. Last season $12.00 to Intend to apply for permission to pur assessment work for tbe years lets. Rooms 322 2nd Avenue lis warenouses ore fim cbase the following described lands: 1014, and Itlt. and bave paid for stid against fire, Vermin, or other Swanson Bay suffering from se $15.00 was paid for them. Marten of Commencing at a post ptanted on tbe work and recording tame, the turn PHONK S40. damaging offices contact.central The Exchange in vere head injuries, is making ; that are now worth $0.00 sold for south shore or Cousins Inlet about live t307.to. Unleta you pay me the turn of Estimates Furnished Free.? are chains west of the southwest corner of M3I.40, for your tbare of tbe tald assessment Kiimonton. ena your nexi wonderful recovery. $2.00. Tho best dark fisher that Lot 31, Range 3, Coast District; thence work, together with tbe cost of shipment to North America ever producei south SO chains, thence west 40 chains. this advertisement. I shall, at tbe expiration The case against Wong How, a thence north 0 chains, tbence west 3t of ninety (to) days from tbe dste The Edmonton Fur could bo bought for $10.00. Last chains, tbence north I8.t chains more or hereof apply to the mining recorder al Chinaman who was accused of season $50.00 was paid for the lest to II. W. M. of Cousins Inlet, thence Prince Rupert, B. O, to bave your Interests Prince Rupert Feed Co. havin? opium in his possession oilowlng the It. W. M. to this post and In tbe Wolf mineral claim vested In Exchange, Ltd. large dark skins. The best col containing one hundred and twenty-five me. In pursuance of tbe provisions of tbe dismissed this morning thero was leqtion of red fox was sold for (U5 seres more or less. mineral act. ADAMS BUILD1NU being a lack of nuillqient evidence DATED at Vancouver, B. a, tbls 1st Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., tbls I ttb 0 HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS Telephone 5283, Edmonton . $2.00 average. Today the same day of November, A, D. it It. day of February, Itlt. Alberta. 1, ti. ARCHIE BARNES MARTIN ml. J, E. STARK collection of red fox would bring AND FERTILIZERS John IUchm, nd, of Metlakatla RAW FURS! RAW FUaS! who was admitted to tho hospital WE HANDLE on New Year's Day suffering from Bulbs, and Take Orders for tuberculosfs, passed away during Nursery Stock. the nliTh't. He was 55 year or age. Chicken Feed A Specially. who has been Harry Hooper, nrE ALARM SYSTEM til Ore.ra Promptly AUmIM To. Irivlng an ambulance for tho P. O. Soi SS3. SOS Third At. JINOVIT NO. 1. Vancouver police, arrived from i cawmuct bc nun i I hsomhiv wrrurmcD ev i PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. tho south this morning to lake up Bci 12 - U Si. and Ird Ate. Boi 1 -tb St. and trd Ave. lis duties as driver for the city NATIONAL SERVICI m jjrurtirrr-rrr wot 14 - tin St. and Ird Ave. known from lire staff. Harry s CANADA. leoi 1- Junction of lit. In and 4 Ird Ave. coast to coast as ,an auto nian 1. What I.) r Ml I Set lew- i.i Are., between Stb and and should be an acquisition to I. lAtut ttountry ib Sit. (K.vji Hotel.) B. C. UNDERTAKERS t you !! na yo u torn? wt ultl Ave., and Ttb St. (Ceo the staff. i of cMy, 1 ! t country. r.l HoieL) viOjotc I ORB.J your fatter I eUNERAL OIRKOTORS AND EM-SALMIRS StnaU , Numb . 7. In whit country wit Mayor MeCatTery being confined your mottw bom? OUAR. SATISFACTION CIRCUIT NO. S. tO. I ANTKtO OFKN DAY AND NISHT Soi 12 Ird lie. and Ird 81 4 to tho houso Buffering from an lUnonettfiom kav. you I L W.rt you bom t BrttWi tukjaptf-1 11T tND STRCST PMONB 41 (Pot Ufflce.) attack of la grippe, Aid. Nelson sol yours II not.tr. you Mturlid t . Set ts trd Ave. and MeBride St. 1&- Which tr. you oujrrt!, Soi t4 lit Are. and MeBrtde OL occupied the chair nt tho city HOI purl tl Of your slhtK angl. i - i nuny urlOM aatldat 1 ' - SKKIMA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or bui tnd Ave. and sul council meeting last night, on Urn 14. Of your I yourMil Oo set tetnd Ave. .and ttb St. COAST, RAMOS THRU Set 17 O. T. P. motion of Aid Montgomery, see t7.wd is.you working .1 Sara ""Hi OIROUIT NO. s. onded by Aid. Mcllao. tS. Wawa 0.you work , , TAKE notice that I. rrincli Joseph ... VS. Mawi IraO. ' you t or KotoaVa H. II to,xlut?. . , Beale. acting at agent for Ilia Empire Sea 1-ttn Ate. and roller, . Pulp and Paper Mill. Ltd., of Swanaon Sei M florden and Taylor Sta. Just nrrivud 300 tons best It. Art you worVUuj raw 1 Ti. II nut,why . . O. C. occupation logger, Intend to mot S4 7th A'i. and tuHoe St. Ludysrnith Lump Coal. Bend In Bay, O. WauM you kaurSlino to ihw m nnnnl war.In,olh.,n-f-.o. rfc tl Ih..mm m aurf Bw.m.t , apply (or permission to Uat the follow Bet SS tin A?t. mid Cunoa Ave. M tnr described lenast set 17 nth Ave. and Douge PL your orders to Prince llupert Coal Are you wMWuj. your nltwiy lam U tald.to Inn wh.n you now lv..tnd oo to torw.othw olio,la Canidt te oo tucn work I Commencing at a pott planted on tbe ea. a- Alb Are. ai.d ?homieon St. Co. I'nono 15. tf I CM VMO OTMU IIM tomb shore of. the latoon at tb end of . . iba Eatt Arm of Nutael laid, about one wihcutT r0. . and on naif mllea in a westerly direction Set 41- ttb Ale, aot Kumeraoo Call tho Puny Kxpross for wood ' fruin tba N.W, corner of T. L. 44t4t, lot, PL cut In stovo lengths or feet. 1 1 COOP., thence aouib 10 chain, thence Soi 41- tin at.., and UcSrtde M. 40 cbalni. tbence north SO chains rtoi 41 lib Avev WJ llreen St. Most household coal and general more or lei to shore line, thence follow ei .4 etb Are add fcetil sl imtiAfcr. Piano moving our Ing shore line In an easterly direction to See 4 7lh Ait. w.t Kkeitiu iiulut cf commencement. : mi i4l7tb Are. and Ttung St. specialty. Prices moderate, Phone October rilANCIS lllb JOSEPH III. BEAU. Applicant,M SUA 30 1, it. W, Itogers. tf. 3 ft . (I. , ...