The Daily news H 5 V, 20 rr , . VOL. VHf. NO. PRLNCK nJTV C, fjypAY, JANUARY 5, 1917. PRICE FIVE CENTS AlpTElAM PEACE Ell SSAEY 0 VATICAN DESPERATE SITUATION IN AUSTRIA-HUNGARY - THE TISZA MINISTRY MAY FALL AUSTRIA MAKES ssHssejsjsjepjs eVHaPHBHM RUSSIANS ARE BRITISH ARMY URGENT APPEAL mMjM 'hmmmI SUCCESSFUL IN 0FTW01LU0N TO THE VATICAN CARPATHIANS MEN IN FRANCE Desperate Condition Prevail Men and Guns Captured and Halg's Splendid Force on Western Teutonic Allies Will Hold Enemy Positions Taken Cer-mans Front Three Aeroplanes Conference Another Claim Big Gains Downed No Coal for Note Expected. In Dobrudja. Norway. (iprcU! 10 Tlw Dtlljr ntw.J (txfll w II Dally AfwM (Special to Tbe Dally Newt.) London, Jan. 5, The Kmperor Petrograd, Jan. 5. The Russian Paris, Jan. 5. Two million and Empress" of Austria-Hungary army in the Carpathians has completely trained and thoroughly have despatched a special emissary captured a German advanced position, equipped men, ready instantly to lo the Vatican urgently requesting taking six hundred prisoners, receive instructions to deliver an His Holiness tlio Pope In three cannon and sixteen attack on the German lines, represented intervene for peace. machine guns. the British army in economic situation Another uccess. The desperate France on January 1st, under the in Austria lias causi-d a revival Petrograd, Jan. 5. A Russian command of General Sir Douglas of the traditional anlngon. rifle regiipent captured the village Haig. for the of Gulianka, taking S5G ism of the Hapsburgs prisoners; Three Planes Downed. Prussians. The fall of the TIsza six cannon and eight machine' London, Jan. 5. Three German ministry is imminent, as it is believed guns. The Russians also captured aeroplanes were shot down over to be largely responsible the villages of Kioventi and the western front yesterday. Two for the present situation. Maksineni, driving the enemy occupants A HARD, DIRTY JOB, BUT GOOD FOR 1B A WEEK of tbe crews were killed and the The Kaiser, Emperor Charles nf both villages southward. Women workers on munitions are earning good money, partic- crew of the other enemy machine Franz Josef of Austria, King ularly in Scotland, which has furnished a large number of sturdy was captured. Ferdinand of Bulgaria and the Germans Claim Gain. women for this work. Our photo shows a woman working at a Norway Threatened. Sultan of Turkey are arranging Jicrlin, Jan. 5. The Auslro-Germans cutting machine, making metal faggots. She is paid $15 per weeklchristiania, Norway, Jan. 5. The for a conference at Vienna lo die have captured-Matchin. wliich is considered a very big wage for a working man In the old (British government forbids the cuss the policy to be pursued flMMMMslttflsMaSI opposite Ilraila, the important country. export of coal to Norway. The since the Entente Powers have! Rumanian oil and graiu centre on shutting off of coal supplies from refused lo discuss peace except the Danube, and are forcing the GRAND TRUNK BOATS. TO . IfISHERY C0MM1TEES Britain might result in a coal' Rumanians and Russians south of along lhelIneSlald down In the farrtTneMiere. -a--- reply lo the German note. Premier Lloyd Oeorge m a char-arteristic the Danube, where the river separates BE OVERHAULED HERE' ARE AGAIN ACTIVE Dissatisfaction 'with the Nor The Foreign Ministers and pose. Dobrudja from Ilessarabia. wegian method of exporting ore. I'i'cidents of the Parliaments of Following up this success, the Mayor McCaiTery, who has been Last evening the fisheries com fish and other commodities and Teutonic armies have cleared Dobrudja mitleo of the city council met the Central Powers arc assembling EMERSON WILL BUILD in communication wun vv . i. failure- to fulfill other provisions of the Russian and Rumanian wilh the committee of the Board of the Into at Herlin. It is believed that llinton in regard to the overhauling agreement entered with SHINGLE MILL AS WELL defenders, with the exception of Trade and those who served lne Brillsh is said to the discussion will be one that of the U. T. P. steamers at government of a narrow strip of territory, on the citizens' committee last be responsible for this drastio affects the policy to be pursued has received rince Rupert, a occupied by the Russian in the city hall, to discuss year, action lhe of uritain and has Mayor ieCaffery has Just received on part no military significance, rear-guard, forming a lane leading letter from the traffic manager of the fishing situation with a view M ytfest Retires. J. S. Emerson a letter from since the representatives of the . . I r t j 1 t ! - war staffs of the Central Powers slating thai, after consulting with to Galatz. The defenders lost the G. T. P. stating that, follow- 10 placing me t-uemanus ft n r oi uus. I London, Jan. 5. Mrs. Corn- a thousand prisoners and ten machine the overhauling of the Prince uismci ueiore r. u. huhihhbuuhi, walHs-West,. result of the have not been invited to attend. E. F. Duby in regard to the supply ug as a Another Note Expected. of cedar logs, ho Jias decided to guns when Matchin 1 was Rupert, all the steamship over tho coast representative on the 8evere official censure administer- A general understanding exists begin tho construction of a taken. hauls will bo carried out at Prince Fisheries Advisory Board. Aid. cd at the court of enquiry yesterday, mill in conjunction with Montgomery presided. has decided to retire from among the Entente diplomats that shingle Rupert. Mr. llinton also intimates another the sawmill His plans included a THOMAS LAWSON GOES The requests to be made will all public work,, it is understood. German peace proposal, that the necessary applica be along the lines submitted last this time written in the minor shingle the mill,construction but his idea of it was until to AFTER WALL STREET tions have been made to Ottawa year and a joint meeting will be TORNADO WRECKED ley, will quickly follow the conference delay in regard to the Emerson sawmill afternoon to draw- held Monday on date. However, he has RURAL SCHOOL HOUSE of the Central Powers' a later and that he that (Special to Tbe Dally flewa) expects up the representations and to dis. his mind to proceed leaders in Herlin and Vienna. now made up everything will bo flxed up at an Thomas' to be taken building of the shingle Washington, Jan. 5. cuss the line of action (Special to Tbe Dally News.) with the LABOR mill concurrently with that of W. LawBon, of Boston, has cancelled early date and construction work The committee will take up the Muskogee, Oklahoma, Jan. 5 MEN DENOUNCE the sawmill. a European trip in order begun. matters of opening up the northern tornado wrecked a rural school NATIONAL REGISTRATION The letter to the mayor closes lo give evidence before the house MERCHANTS FAVOR fishing areas to all comers house near here yesterday. Thir- follows: "I realize"that you committee on rules Investigation wno may uesire io ereci canneries leen 8Chool children were killed (Special to Tbe.Daily ewt. as WEDNESDAY CLOSING will be interested in learning of into the giving of advance Information and carry on business under we Bnd twelve were seriously injured. Montreal, Jan. 5. The Trades regarding the submission regulations laid down; tbe abol- latest decision regarding the four of them probabiy fatally. and Labor Councils of Montreal, our There was a well-attended of the President's peace note to ishlng of the cannery boat-rating shingle mill to our Winnipeg have addition of a of the Retail Merchants' and "Vancouver the Entente Powers. meeting which is largely responsible for I feel that, as denounced the national rcgistra.- plant there, as you Association in tho city hall last tho employment of so many Ori. most important factor Mr. Lawson wrote to the chairman SOLIDARITY tion system and have urged their have been a evening when various matters of cntals: the removing of all mon. uf the coiiiinillee urging an wilh having Hie in connection IS THE WATCHWORD members not to sign the cards interest were discussed. There opolies in streams; the allowing and expressing a industry established in investigation OF LABOR sent out by the government. projected was a lengthy discussion regard of Canadian halibut fishermen It evidence. He Prince Rupert, I am entitled to willingness to give that the "leak" of last week ing the half-holiday and on a vote takn dog aImon for bait and a Aldermanlc Candidates for advised of any projected says 1018 calendar samples now- keep you through being taken all but one favored number of other changes which Municipal Election 1917 of series, was one a ready. Save orders." We will change in our plans." Wednesday as the most suitable the your are considered desirable by which he says "the American J. J. ANDERSON call on you. G, V, Nickerson Co. day on which to close. fishermen. CHEAT NORTHERN BUSY people were robbed of hundreds The question of having the G. Laundryman. of millions of dollars uf their Like hank putting money in the T. P. overhaul their steamers --buying St. Paul, Jan. 5. Tho Great savings." The letter predicts that ALBERTA COAL OUTPUT GEORGE B.CASEY shoes at Wallace's. is ex here was brought up and gone Miner. Northern Hallway Company other similar "leaks" are coming million dollars in extending into fully. Aid. D. C. Mcllao and (Special to Tbe Dally Newt.) pending a and that there Is an arrangement FRED SHAW WANeTED ils shops at Superior, St, lo "split" tho plunder with prom R. A. Grant were appointed as a Ottawo, Jan. 5. The Alberta Plasterer. Cloud and Great Falls, Minnesota, inent men. committee to take the matter up coal output for the year 1910 WOMAN COOK, AT ONCE with the officials of the company shows an Increase of 32 per cent We stand or Fall Together; They were asked to intimato to Endorsed by the Trades and EMPRESS CAFE NEW WELLINGTON COAL, over the previous yeur. tho that the merchants Labor Council. Public Meeting phone 110. We have Just re company were finding it monotonous to NOTIOE eolved a shipment of 500 tons give their business to tho G. T. P. Lump Coal. We are prepared to WESTHOLMR Under auspices of put In your winter's coal for you while the company still gave most David II. Hays has taken over OPJKRA HOUSE Trades and Labor Council of its patronage to the south. tho real estate. Insurance and LONDON CAFE TONIGHT ONLY INCAHPFNTEnR' HALL Oct your tide tablo for 1017 at The question of the existence safety deposit business handled AND OMLL McRae Hros. 3.0 of closed towns, such as Granby by Hon. T. D. Pattulio. Mr. Hoys Third Ami ue DONALD BRIAN Tonight at 8 o'clock was also discuscVd widely and it will conduct this additlonal-busl. Serves Nothing but the Beet lit "THE SMUGGLERS" Ladles newest American shoes was decided to make an appea ness at hi present office at the STRICTLY UNION HOUSE Comedy-Drama EVERYBODY WELCOME (lest line ever shown here. Peck's to the provincial government ask. corner of Second Avenue and BOXE8 FOR LADIES Shoo Store. S lug that the town be thrown open Second Street. tf.