Friday, January S, lo 17 I . The Daily News Arc You Intoxicated? THE MAILS The question is not as impertinent THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA a it sounds. You PuMUfc4 suad as pally Weekly Guarantood Larfloot Circulation may be a real teetotaler and For the East. lllPERS-SSSEMoney- Wednesday and Saturday, box yet be "intoxicated" that for Fen.Moskrat,Welvee.WMte Weasel,Mlalctn, HEAD OFFICE is, poisoned by the cases closes 0:30 a. m. and Friday vcr.Maker,and otber rax Bearers coUacical tmym iirnfl Toun runs Dinner t"HUHKnTfti!. Dally iNewa Duildlng, 3rd Ave, Prince II u pert, B.C. . Telephone 08 that come from imperfect a. in. LYaVe p fa Ike World oeitka eadaafttN la RMTI Ajkbicm nij rfai Prom the East. a i eUable-reaponalblo-aafe Par Ilfoae with an aoUeralahad J2 TIIAN8IENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING SO vents per Inch, linntracl digestion. The products of rales on application. food putrefaction are taken Trains arrive Tuesday and AND I'KOFITAllLB retnrna. Write for WttftViirr I up. by the blood and often Thursday, 5:30 p. m. For the South., SJt. DAILY EDITION Friday, January 5, 1017. poison the entire system. Tuesday, S p. m. Boat sails at Cut out meats and starchy foods for a while. Eat 7 p. m. ee'AFTWi them shall know how much value to Shredded Wednesday, 7 a. m. Boat sails Wheat with milk Just before the ordcr-in-council attach to the machinery set up at 0 a. in. or cream for breakfast; eat WINTER SCHEDULE regarding the cost of for dealing with the high cost it with stewed fruits and Friday, 7 a. in. Uoat sails at living was adopted at Ottawa of living and whether pariia green vegetables for dinner 0 a. m. Effective January first Saturday, Uont sails 6 p. m. or It will cure auto members of the government de mentary action in the direction supper. intoxication and make a new Sunday, Uont sails 0 p. in. clared that drastic steps, were of more effective measures will S. S. PRINCE OEORQE man of you. All the meat of For Anyox. THURSDAY 12 Midnight for Vancouver, Victoria A Seattle. about to be taken to deal with bo necessary. the whole wheat in a dinesti- Wcdnobday, box closes 10 p. m. WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX the problem, with particular irusis, combines, mergers ble form. A perfect meal at 8.8. PRINCE JOHN For Katchlkan, Wrangell. Juneau and Skagway January 10th and 24th application to trusts and com and other lowest Made in Canada cost. large commercial interests MINERAL ACT February 7th and 21 at I March 7th and 21 at. oines, wnen tne order was must realize that the For Queen Charlotte lalanda January 3rd, 17th and Slat. February 14th passed it was found that the call to sacrifice . includes the IRISH REVOLUTION NASTURTIUM. IRIS FRACTION, BELU3 and 2Sth. .March 14th. PA8SENQER TRAIN SERVICE GENTIAN, M.UE BEl.L FRACTION, FRACTION, burden of Investigation was average citizen. They must AGAIN PREDICTED COSMOS FRACTION, THISTLE Wedneaday and Saturday at for Bmlthore. Prince Ooorge. Ed monton, Saskatoen and Winnipeg, making conneetlena there for all unloaded the points upon municipalities, suffer relatively from the exi FRACTION, MAKIOOLU FRACTION, LILAC eaat and south. .Mlaed train every Tuesday at 4 a. m. FRACTION. FERN FRACTION, FINE APPLE which upon discovering gencies of a war in which New York, Jan. 2. Prediction FRACTION, COXCOMB, BF0ONIA FRAC Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. any "undue" enhancement of things a thousand times more that another.revolution in Ireland TION. MINERAL CLAIMS situate In the For information and reservations apply to prices were expected to submit precious than dividends aro at Oueen Charlotte District, located at or near City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 s certain unless peace is restored Iked Bay, Queen Charlotte Island, rrovlnce their evidence to the justice stake as much as anybody else. of Brltlsli Columbia, and lawfully beld by very soon" was made by John D. Ikeda Mines Limited. department at Ottawa, which They should not expect to oper. TAKE NOTICE tUat I, John A. Maclanls. was empowered to prosecuto ate on the same profitable Moore, secretary of the Friends solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited, frer the culprits. Fierce penalties basis which f Irish Freedom, in a statement miners' certiorate No. 70114 B, Intend upon they may after fhe expiration of slity dart from CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY were provided, but sceptics, re--membering have operated in normal times, issued tonight as a protest in be toe date hereof to apply on hebalf or tne said Company to the Mlnlnr Recorder foi the carpet slipper and the government should see half of Irish Nationalists against a certificate of Improvements for tbe pur Lowest Rates to all Eastern Pointa commission of four years ago that they are not allowed to do an international alliance such as pose of obtaining a Crown Oraot to tbe via Steamer to Vancouver and th above claims. and the fact that the government so. Moreover, the government s proposed by the league to en AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY itself was collective and would bo wise in taking this force peace. under Section tt of tbe Mineral Act must Maala and Berth Included on Steamer be commenced before the issuance ot such individually placed In office by matter in hand in tho strongest Mr. Moore declared no small certificate .of Improvements. the big Interests, regarded possible way, and profiteers nation ever had achieved its free oatea tms j i st day or may, a. d. ivie. Princess Maqulnna for Qranby Bay Friday 11 p. m. JOHN A. MACINNES, these as so much stage thunder. themselves would be wiser still dom "excepting in participating Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. Princess Sophia Southbound Saturday 6 p. m. Penalties without prosecution if they made executive action n a general war and making al Prlneess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 0 p.m. are worthless. unnecessary, for as surely as liances with its oppressors' ene Canadian municipalities have the sun rises there will be mies." LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS J I. PETERS, General Asent ever-growing opportunities of serious trouble in this country He asserted any attempt to HOTEL Corner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. testing the bona fides of the when the war ends if at that force Irishmen into the Dritish IS NOW OPEN TO QUESTS national government in respect time no substantial relief is at army will he resisted to the One of tbe largest Hot Springs In of this vital question as well hand. Academic lectures and death. It is expected the Irish America, circumference 300 feet-Temperature of Water, 180 d. Fahr. as the practicability of the appeals from the finance minister ill receive assistance from their measure it took, to deal with it. for thrift are merely a greatest ally, Germany," he said. Eacallent Trout Lata.Flatting In Lakalae Our retail merchants in this waste of energy unless the government Phone Connections with Terrace. city say they have a sound case itself resolutely bears Sale starts Thursday morning, RATES l A20 par day. in connection with several its share of responsibility for this week, Wallace's. 4. For further particulars, apply to commodities, particularly sugar. the public welfare and deals i. BRUCE JOHNSTONE. Manager. That this province is in seriously with those problems. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. R. S. C Chaptar 118. the grip of a sugar trust has Without their solution a call been -self-evident for :years. for thrift on tho part'of" the Hume B. Bablnrton ana Tfonoan Fi. Brodburst of tbe City of Prince Rupert Let the municipality collect the people generally is little better in the Province of British Columbia, hereby Stuart J. Martin l' evidence, transmit it to Ottawa than cruel irony. Victoria rive notice that they have under Sec tion 7 or the said act deposited with the and demand action through the Times. ? Minister or Public Works at Ottawa and ASSAY EH "drastic measures" provided by In tbe office of tbe District Registrar of Titles at tbe Land Registry Omce at tbe the order-in-council. If its researches "We must say loudly that we City of Prince Rupert aforesaid a descrip HAZELTON B. C. disclose any other won't give up the fight until our tion of the site and tbe plans of a wharf The Royal Standard Test proposed to be built In Henslung- Bay, cases, which undoubtedly they aim is reached," declared Prof. Langara Island, In front Ot Lots 999 and Tho oldest established Assay would, let the evidence respecting Milukoff, leader of the Constitutional 988, Queen Charlotte Island Land District, I5I Province of British Columbia. OfRce In the North. Here's where we test the them be sent to headquarters Democrats in the Russian AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex plratton of one month from the date of choicest samples of Canada's also. In that Duma way we soon tho other day. the first publication of this notice the six million acre wheat crop. Id Hume B. and Norman R. Bablngton We grind them into flour the Brodburst will under SecUon 7 of tbe ro BEST said act apply to' tbe Minister of Public t&vlttttf little mill you see on the left of Works at his omce In tbe City of Ottawa, THE INEMENTl the picture. Then the Tickets Province of Ontario, for approval of tbe ENOINEyXtf comes said site and plans and for leave to con supreme test-bread-baling. If struct the said wharf. the bread is perfect in DATED at Prince Rupert, B. a, this crery FISHERMAN- te aid from Mirwir, Sweden, Denmark, ENOINE Finland, Italy and Russia. S7ih day of December, A. D. IS 18. way we pronounce the wheat MILIUM FROM NEW YOM 'WILLIAMS k M ANSON, Oyl. S 1-2 In. by 7 In, 11-15 Al and the flour-ROYAL "Berrensfjord1 ....... Jin. J 7th. Solicitors for tbe Applicant. Horse Power. "Stockholm" February 10th Cl 3 8-4 In. by 1-2 In. 25 STANDARD. Vristlinlarjord" .... February nth. Horse Power. AT YOUR GROCER'S "Berrenirjord" ...... March loth. a crl 1-2 In. by a la, Have Your steeervationo eaade Early. Horeo Power. 'VanrniivprMillinff x Train fnl tvr STANBAII For Rates, niustrated Folders and AKERBERG, THOMSON IMUVVUIH 1IXU11IIC.VIU1U111 VtiJUtU. J EOftL General Information Apply to : v.. v .r - y . "riioioier.nenoisio.victoria. DVBMAVN HANSON COMPANY For Further Information Apply to tnsuranee and ttaamshls) Aaaacy, Agents for Print at. o. Rupert, "FRISCO IMPERIAL,' "PALMER," E. WILLISCROFT "FISHCIUSAN," -TVUtO" AND "CLAY" OAS ENGINES. Prince Rupert, D. O. Whether PHONE 526. For Yourself Let Us Save You Money on your or aaa ilea U. Hanson. A.A. . STEEN & L0NGW1LL Gift to your Friend Gasoline or Distillate W. r. Williams. B.A, L.L.B WILLIAMS A MANSON SANITARY AND HEATING We guarantee to save you 25 per cent, on gasoline or distillate and Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. ENQINEEftS PERKINS upkeep and free any motor from CARBON troubles. A seven ounce ONtV TO LOAN iwi vi uruvntuiu equivalent vo uw gauuua ut kobuiuic. hiii a Bos last of Carbonvoid will save you Ueigeraon Block Prince Rupert. B Agents fcr $15 in gasoline and trive from Carbonvoid the McCLARY FURNACES aO to MX) ad-Carbonvoid puts ditional miles, GLOVES Is a dry powder you just drop In the : "GO" in Gasoline : tank. Will re- PLUMBING move all carbon from cylinders. DENTISTRY Tha well known Ferrin The largest companies In the world use it. THE ALLIES ORDERED and trademark aa IN JUNE 283,000 CARTONS. Previous order 250.000 cartons. Fully SHEET METAL WORKS shown in cuts should be on every glove guaranteed or your money refunded. Mailed anywhere on receipt of f 1.60 CROWN AND BRIOOE WORK this you get, aa assures of A SJPBOUU.TV Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. you perfection For Sale Only by DR. J. 8. BROWN Night phones 57C Style, Fit and Finish. Geo. L. Clayton, - Prince B-c- OflUei Smith 03NTIST Block, Third Ataav Tho right work,and at Dlue tho right 270 drmUrt tkm mortd caw mU tkm 11 PIMM AM time, and at the riant prlco. tmrntUnm PBJUUM'S GLOVES. IMtOUMALK tWrrftlSUTOR F. Q. DAWSON PfllNOK RUPCRT, B. 0.