January 5, 1017. Friday, TO DAILY JfKWt. THE IONIC THAT ' 2,000,0001 BRINMALTH Belgians Depend on us "Fruit-a-iives" Builds Up The Whole Systran for Bread! who take "Frulta-tlves" for the Those fire UmC re oflen "tonlshed at Since shortly after the German the way " buiUt them up and tttaket have depended for food entirely oo the "Commission IketH feet Utter all over. Th ey may bo for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, disease,Ukinf ,,rruit-a-tives,,for M Constipation,somespccifie Indigestion, I even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only Chroale Headaches or Neuralrla, three weeks they have had no chance to rais more KiJnfy or IMadder Trouble, Ilheu and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply thesal ntatiimorFalalnthoBack. And they fin-en"Fruit-a-tives"has cored the Backed by the incise, that they feel -better and stronger In every way. This is due to the wonderful tonit prvpertiet of these Belgian felief fund famous tablets, made from fruit Juices. 50c, a bos, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At til dealersor sent postpaid by Fruit-t mm u so generously contributed in the British Empire aod the United tires limited, Ottawa. States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation so far. The great majority of the 7,000.000 Belgians left in the country have been able to pay for their daily allowance of rlease Ladv. hnvR rrot or mbbers vou. a our bread but a steadily growing number have do money left. or overshoes about you anywhere? I want to save Unless we are wiSng to let these hundreds of thousands of mestt ergots ana oo my Die to help win me war. women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible someone must contribute nearly 93,000,000 a i month al mas wastexl The Whisky CHURCHMEN DECLARE bia, the Armenian massacres, the PEACE MAY BE CURSE destruction of merchant ships, A. No people under the ASed Flags ace as wel able te .-.ft7 o IS 4Vwr Harry Harvey generouslr ae we Canadians! Ne cause has en the hardships of Jews and Syrians (Lats tendon, Ens-, onaarvatolrs deserving of help I la the aaaae ef Justice and HiaiissAy for AfffltnWood Washington, Dec. 31. In a the "attempt to array Moslem Of Music) the sake of oar own self-respect let as ghre el we cast te signed document addressed to the " PUPIL OF LANSDOWNE COTTCLL 8 Years against Christian in 'holy war, help our martyred AIKesI before bottling1 nation, more than fifty prelates and to be reminded that "peace VIOLIN,Pupils PIAJtO,Tsken for VIOLINCELLO and 5md yoas aUcnpttoas wwkly,sMSdUy as Is aaa lease seas 6a LeasJ as and laymen of various denomina Pranaiaal Coiaiinm,m to nts S CUAKANTEED BY THE is the triumph of righteousness HARMONY. GOVERNMENT a CANADA tions representing many sections and not the mere sheathing of EXAMINATIONS Central Executive Committee, M 9L Pttsr ft, trial Pupils Prsparad for Eliminations of tho country have united Jn a the sword." Atsoclatod Board, Vancouver, Contsr $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. warning against what they declare It further declares the signers Roral Oolites of Music, London,Eng. may be a premature peace in "view with some concern the organized TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 Kurope which "may bring a curse CARBONVOID for rale by Lip. and deliberate efforts now tett & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward instead of a blessing." being made so to stampede Chris, LAND ACT Electric Co. tf. The address declares the Christians tian sentiment as to create a public of America should consider opinion blindly, favorable to VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Th6 Daily rt delivered bj the right or wrong of the occupation slopping hostilities without adequate OF COAST, RANGE 3. CANADIAN WOMEN SHOULD KNOWTHIl rarrier, 50 cents per month' of Belgium, roland and Per- consideration of the issues TAKE NOTICE that I. Leo Stanley Bar-don, mill CANADA FIRST"Milk Is the BEST Milk of Ocean rails. B. C occupstlon which the war Involves." secretsrr. Intend to spply for permission old b f Yo-jr Crocer. The Government Bulletin 305 tells the IT COSTS THE SAME. to purchase the folio win r described lands; Nj. story Commencing- at a post planted about Ore PHOTOGRAPHING 80UND chains distant and In a westerlr direction CA.itii mass rsosucT-IHSlST HARDWARE I f wfcl chill"Caaaja Finl"Evaporated want wd FRED STORK'S ron ernra. IS LATEST INVENTION from the southwest corner of Lot tl, then whip as with freih cream. nanre S. Coast District, thence south to ThbAYLMKR CONDENSED MILK COhLts. chains; tbence esst t chslns; thence north Atlmkb.ont4 cahada The ancient and modern were 10 chains; tbence west it chains, to this 710 SECOND AVE post, eontalnlnr In aU about 4t acres. brought together at the sessions LEO STANLEY BURDON. Carpenters' Tool guilder' Hardware Ship Chandlery of the American Association for .NOVEMBER 8, 1916. T. t. Wire Cable Steel Eloeke Fishing Taokle the Advancement of Science, held Iron Pipe Pipe Pitting Rifles and Shotguns in New York recently. A machine Rope Valves Ammunition that "shows how sound looks" Pumps Hose Paint and a restored "pithecanthropus Stoves ard Ransea ftubberold Roofing Corrugated Iror. ereclus," who roamed the earth -WE SELL KOTHINO BUT THE BEST 500,000 years ago as the "missing link" were amongst the exhibits. A discussion as to wiiether man FRED STORK'S HARDWARE has been on this continent for 125,000 years or 300,000 years V was a feature of the gathering, while there were many addresses If mni!nMiMis!iiiiwii modern economic and human on Don't merely smother your cough itarian subjects. HI I 13 V m At I A The sound machine, which is -Jfw- Si gff SM llinr TO Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil not oJv I arrtati cochin, but thanka to tta tonic aid called tho "phonodeik," was exhibited VUIYLl 11 itrtDhenlnK propcrtlri it helps theiyvtrrn to throw of by Prof. Dayton C. Miller, the cold and thus effects a permanent cut. It U this quality which baa won for k the largest sale of any cough and cold remedy in Canada. of the Case School of Applied jje. Urge hottUt, tverym her. Science, Cleveland, Ohio. He explained j.i lursBO co- rrvsw nsia r. that the instrument photographs tho variations of the human diaphragm governing the volume and cadences of the voice e Poor Mans and projects them, magnified 40,-000 Baby's Own Soap times, on a screen. A record of Caruso's . voice University caused a broad, violently fluctuating :yv line of light, while Tetraiini's voice showed as a finely pencilled dancing path of light. Prof. Miller ONES knows more about motor spoke the word "war" into the cars than any other man I machine and a confused irregular know," said a man to hit blot of light Hashed upon the friend. '' He has obtained his screen. Pronunciation of "peace" knowledge chiefly from motor car advertisements, produced a marked contrast. and the catalogues and booklets circulated through them. or MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements AU I know about DhotofraDhy." declared a well- NOTIOI known amateur, " I have leanied from the aaea who Sllrer Bow Mineral Claim, sltuata In the a ' advertise cameras, plates, papers and films." kerna Mliiint Division of Caistar District ' )est m. Wbrr located i At the bead of a branrb x Advertisements have been uf Ume Cites about four miles from tbe nesrh on the south side of Alice Ann. well called "The Poor Man's ri TAKE NOTICE thst I, Oeorr n. Nsien. ml tire Miner's CertlOcste No. 40B. srtlnr to University," but other than at Strnt for Thos. McDostle, Free Miner's WTlllirst No. StttlB. and Jamas U llslrn. tree Miner's Certificate No. smeB, in poor men have been schooled tmd, amy days from the data hereof, to ii-ply to Hie Mioinr Recorder for a Certin thereby. rsie of Improvements, for the purpose of ubtalnlQi- a Crown Oram of lbs above rlslm. ytu tl d$lf letal tu$iui$$ Much of what the average Individual knows eoa And further Uke notice that action. talk over yoir dvertiin prob ceraing personal and domestle hygiene modera under section SI, must b commenced tN Urns wiih tbe Advcrtitia De office methods, books and authors, electricity, precious for the Issue or such Csrtmcaia or lin psrtmsnt of this newspaper. stones, investments, and almost rTtrrthkHtltT. provrments. tf ytm r dtltf a prtirtl r After the bath with BABY'S OWN SOAP th tuird this Sltb dsy of Msrch. A.D. 19 If ! it would te vtsll he has learned from advertisements. OEOPOE R. NADEN. lor you to have tba couoitl sod kin is smooth, comfortable, and exhales tno assisteaee ol a food dvitiin Advertisements have stimulated our lata afeaev, A list ol ihtsa will bs flowers. suucu cuui iiiuuiiy iu uui a,uuniu(B, auu (iiniin aroma of freshly cut lurnished, without cost or ubli aspirations which havo raised us to hiAher levels of Freedom from skin troubles, explain! Jn omef""" adiaa fatioa,Press by the Association,Secietary el Koom Caa thinkind and living. Advcrtking is indeed " The the refreshing sleep fSo I SO),Lufflsdee !lulldin,Toroato. Poor Nisn's University." enjoys specially lor nursery j - - MONTREAL. H U t ALBERT SOAPS Llmlt-d, Manufacturers, 0)