Friday, January 5, 1917, Ill If DA1M AaXWJ WONDERFUL CLOCK IN 8TRASBURG CATHEDRAL PROM FAR AND NEAR TODAY Local News Notes "The Daily News" ProcrastinaUon Is tho thief of The clock In Slrasburg Cathed well by Keep yourself Tho only approach to wetness health: CLASSIFIED ADS. ral In one of the most wonderful Jaeger slippers 20 per cent, discmini the timely use and help of of Its kind. It was first made In at Peek's Shoe Store. C. at midnight on New Year's Eve 1 1 57 4, and went through various in Seatllo was what came from BEE0IAMIS K. C. Ln Trace left for Ocean WANTED. 'phases till it was rcinado In 1842, above In the shape of snow. As CHAM and since that dale has Jeen In Falls on the I'rince flcorgo early a result of the city having gone WANTED W. Patmore.oeneftl Servant. Apply Mra. L. this perfect working order. This clock morning. dry 1017 was greeted in tho most PELLS WANTED Porter for Savoy Hotel, whom mm not only tells the llmo of day, hut tf, Peck's Shoo Store Is giving 20 decorous fashion. Tho celebra Unwt S.U el Ant Mofcte "WrU. jthe month, the day of the month, WAITRESS WANTED Prince Rupert Hotel per cent, discount on ail rell tion was In marked contrast to and all the movable feast days of fcrlvetf tmm grapes. the Catholic Church. A statue of goods. 5 previous fetes. MINERAL ACT FOR BALE Apollo points out the day of the MIs Vance, nccornpanied by FOR SALE House-boat on float, contain. IVl pvW tSB 4tHSTtB Fourteen hundred men engaged Inr More tnd four llvlnr roomi. cioie fcaallfc 1 month and the name of the saint Mrs. Mcintosh, of Kdmonlon, left Nctlco to Delinquent Partners. to Cold Storare plant. Orocery bual. corresponding to that day. The for the south on the I'rince In shipbuilding In Portland, Ore., To Oriot Mahood and Patrick Daly. neaa now belnr carried on. Rooma partly clock shows TAIE NOTICE thit whereas we have furnished. Apply T, McCymont tf, the rising and setting fleorge. are on strike. Both sides nre NO ALUM done tnd cauaed to be dona assessment of the sun, the diurnal motion of emphatic in declaring that no work by surveys on the Daly, Sullivan, FOR SALE Carload minlnr machinery, In-cludinr the moon round the earth, its The train from the east did not compromise will be made. the Edith Stlmon tnd toll Bear Mineral River Clttmt.Dlatrlct,tltutted rortltnd In drill-steel,17 machine steam-nttlnra,drllla, column etc Apply ban, passages over the meridian, the arrive until midnight last night, Canal Minlnr Division, for tbe year 116, Dtlly Newt. f, phases of the moon, and the having been delayed by snow in Alaska's mineral production for iiid lave ptld for did work tnd unloit record-inr MISCELLANEOUS sstae tbe turn or ttlO.OO. you J.L.HICKEY eclipses of both sun and m6on. the east. 1910 is valued at $50,900,000, an piy to ui the turn of 1111.00 for your "Allegorical in shsre or said tssessment work, toretber OASOUNE ENOINEER hat email amount figures chariots CONTRACTOR A BUILDER increase of 5 per cent over 1916. with tho coat of thla tdvertlsement. we of csub to Invest with tervlcee. What j , , representing the days of the week Just arrived 300 tons best Heavy exports of copper are responsible hall at the expiration of ninety (BO) daya have yout Write Box III. Dally News. drive into Ladysmith Lump Coal, Send In from the date hereof, apply to the Minlnr view, appearing each Store and Office Fixtures, for the big Increase, necenlrr tt Stewart. B. C to have your FOUND Sash, Door and Moldings. day In proper order: On Sunday, your orders to Prince Rupert Coal flold shows a small increase. Interests In tho atld Daly, Sullivan, Edith and Lola mineral claims vetted In ua. In Co. Phone 15. tf. Apollo; Monday, Diana; Tuesday, FOUND- Oold-nlled watcb In public Oak and Hard Woods of all pursutnre of the provision of the Mineral realtor room. Apply rollre omce. tf. kinds. Marsi Wednesday, Jupiter, armed Denmark is beginning to feel Act M. the well known raiU D. thla lath day Sheady, Dated at Victoria, C FOUND Silver net purse. Apply We Specialize In making with a thunderbolt; Thursday, the pinch of war times and the nf November, A. D. It 16. News Offlce, Dally road contractor who has been in tf and fitting storm win Thor; Friday, Venus, and Saturday, government is taking steps to james Mcdonald. town for some days, left for the F. ft. FREDERICK C. WIN KLEn. size. Saturn. the food and fuel dows, any south this morning. conserve supplies. Plate and Sheet Glass and At a quarter past the hour a Rye bread, tho staple bread LAND ACT FOR RENT Glazing. child comes forward and strikes Len llaslett, formerly of the of the country, has for some time Corner Fraaer and Sth Sts. a bell once; at half past a youth rioynl Bank staff here, arrived In been mixed with len per cent of Vancouver Land District District ef strikes the bell twice; at a quarter Coast, Range 9. Modern 6 room bouse, Enrllsb IIIIL and this Is likely to be increased England on Christmas Day, Len barley TAKE NOTICE thtt Archie Btrnet Martin. Collate I rooma, 9lb Ave, see. 7, PHONE GREEN 269 to the hour a middle-aged is a gunner in an artillery com to twenty per cent. occupation mill mantrer, of tbe city of Cot tare 4 rooms, bath. Summit Ave. P. O. BOX 448. man strikes it three times; and Vancouver, rrorlnce of British Columbia, rurnlsbed Cottare 117 tth Ave. E. pany. Intend to apply for permission to purchase Cottare 4 rooma, Thompson tnd lib. just before the hour a tottering Prof. Franklin Pobbitt, of the the followinr described lands i Cottare 4 rooma 110 Ith Ave, E. old man strikes the bell four Commenclnr tt t pott planted on the The Shipmasters' Association University of Chicago, says that outh shore of Cousins Inlet about five iiii times. Then a figure of death hainK west of tbe southwest corner of MCMORDIK APARTMENTS, S rooms, meets schools 50 r. tonight for the election of public are only per bath and ranae. Rent ef those flats 83 P. O. BOX 38 steps forward and solemnly Lot It, nan re I, Coast District; thence hat been reduced to SS ofllce-bearers. All members aro cent efficient. He says, "We have south to chains, thence west 40 chains. aer month. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. strikes the hour. requested to attend as matters of passed the quill pen stage in education. ibrnce north' to chains, thence west tt Neat and Will clean.aalaomlne Sood to Janitor suit tenant.service. halns, thence north it.t cbalos more or On the stroke of twelve, the , importance will be discussed. We arc now at the type- less to It. W. M. or Cousins Inlet, thence REST THINS IN TOWN FOR THI twelve Apostles appear, each one riler stage. If our schools were loilowlnr the II. W. M. to this post tnd MONET. Traisfer ad Storage bowing as he passes the figure of Constable Brethour, of the Provincial properly equipped they could do '115)ontalnlnr acret one more hundred or less.and twenty-fire We write fire Insurance, repre Christ, who stands with hands police force, left for New DATED tt Vancouver. B. C, tblt 1st CST LUMP NUT COAL n half a day what they now do aenllnr only stroor. liberal companies. lay of November, A. D. ttlft. uplifted in blessing, and as the Westminster last night in charge in a whole day." tl. ARCHIE BARNES MARTIN. Tour buslneea It solicited. NO LONG WAITS procession passes, a cock crows of the man Murray who was sent NO SHORT WEIGHTS three times In a very life-like below for six months for thefL Perched on top of a disabled M. Q. HELQER80N, LTD When You Order from Us. manner and flaps its wings. Ex. hydroplane and half frozen by A. J. MacDonald, an old timer FIRE ALARM SYSTEM I the waves that dashed over him Arrived full line of American of the Yukon, is visiting his sister, for two hours, T. K. Okuri, a shoes. Newest shapes and styles. Mrs. A. McKinnon, of this Japanese- aviation student was JIROUIT NO. 1. E. Peck's Shoe Store. 5. city. I his is Mr. MacDonald s rescued from a perilous position Bex it- ttb St. tod Ird Ave. . Davey first trip out in twenty soi it etb et and Ird Ave. Sheet Metal Work years. the four miles off Staten Island Eos 14- ttb St. and Ird Ave. LAND ACT Teacher of snd Singing other day. The captain of a tug Res IS Junction of 1st. loft end James Neville, who went to Vic Ird Avea. Voles Production. Now is the time to have boat noticed him frantically wav Bet it lit Ave, berweea lib en PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT DIS toria the other day to pass his your heating plant, put in TRICT OP COAST, RANGE III. ing for help and effected a rescue. ttb Sts. (Kjji Hotel.) final test, has been discharged Set 17 -1st Avs aaj Itb (Co PHONE BLACK 217. shape for the winter; roofs TAKE NOTICE, that Pacific Mills. Limited. The hydroplane was lost. rai HcteLl and skylights seen to. of Vancouver, Brltlab Columbll, occupation, from further active service, on pulp -tnd ptper makers, intend to apply In such eases consult for permission to purchase tbe followinr account of the wounds he re FAMOUS OIROUIT NO. L PLAYERS' COMEDY n- Ird u.1 ird St practical man If you want described lands. Commenctnr tt post ceived in Flanders. Set v MINERAL ACT results. planted on the north bank of Koeye river, AT WESTHOLME THEATRE (I ot UBrt . about one-quarter of t mile up-stream Soi SS- lrd Ave. aud McBrltlr 8t C. 0. Rowe from tbe shore of Flti-Hurh Sound; thence Call the Pony Express for wood Bos ye 1st . and McBrlJe BL Notics to Delinquent Partners. north twenty chains, thence eaat twenty cut ln stove lengths 4 feet. This is Famous Players' night Sss ZS tnd and tod St or To O. W. BUi woll aad Ohenee NlcneiM. chains, thence toutb to river's bank, thence Boi Z9 tnd Ave. and ttb Practical sheet metal man. tlonr shore ln a westerly direction to Best household coal and general at the Wcstholme, when Donald e 7- O. T. P. TAKE NOTICE that whereas I have done Opposite Board of Trade point of commencement and contalnlnr Brian is presented in "The Smug . and caused to be done assessment work forty (40, acres, more or leaa. transfer. Piano moving our blfCll AO. on the Woir Mineral claim, situated tt tbe Rooms 322 2nd Avenue Dated June 10th. llo. Septe pecialty. Prices moderate. Phone glers," a comedy-drama In which Soi si - lib Ate. and rutoo .. betd or Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet. In PHONC MO. PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, fun predominates. It is the story Bes 3i - floifV-u and Taylor Sts. tbe Skena minlnr division or Skeent district, "Mark 301, n. W. ltogers. tf. assessment work for tbe years till. by Bmaby," ArenL Bos S4 Ttb Ate. end Fulton SI. Estimates Furnished Free. of the loss of a $20,000. necklace IIH. and it It, and have paid for ssld 3 Boi -Sth Ave. and Comoi Ave. Prince Rupert Land District District of work and tbe sum of 00 recordinr Inventory Sale a big list of by the wife of John Dattleby Bos 87 lit b Ave. and Iv.dir ri. same, Ooaat. Range S. HOT.tO, Unless yon pay me tbe sum of Boi 3(-Atb Ave. and Thnmcinn St. TAKE NOTICE that tbe Ptcine Mills, necessary goods, including shoes Watts, a wealthy promoter and Ittl.tO, for your share of tbe aaid assessment Limited, of Vancouver, B. C occupation with the cost ef at saving prices Wallace's. breakfast food manufacturer. The CIRCUIT NO. , work, toretber pulp and paper makers. Intend to apply Soi et- tb Ave. and Sjiimereon this tdvtrtlsement. I sbtll. at tbe eiplra-tlon for permission to purchase the followinr story abounds with funny situations PL or ninety 0) days from tbe date Prkce Rupert Feed Ce. described lands: Commenclnr at a post ANOTHER LOCAL MAN which are staged in splendid Soi 42 iifi Ave. tud Mibrlile St hereof apply to tbe minlnr reeorter tt planted it tbe toutbetst corner of Lot set Boi 4j- ttn Av. and Green SI. Prince Rupert. B. C t0 nave your Interests on the west shore of Cousins Inlet, thence IS KILLED IN ACHON fashion. There is a strong sup Bca et ttb ve and BasU 8t lo tbe Wolf mineral cltim vetted la west 40 chains, thence toutb 10 chains. So me. In pursuance of the provisions of tbe porting cast and Donald Drian is 4 Tin Ave. and Kberte. thence esst to shore, thence northeasterly ulnrrsl set HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS Soi 141- Ttb Ave. and Ytunr St. tlonr shore to point of commencement. Malcolm Smith, a brother of a host in himself as a laughter Dated tt Prince Rupert, B. C., tblt I tin AND FERTILIZERS eonttlnlnr St teres, more or less. day or February, lilt, Alex. Smith of Dominion Cannery, producer. f AOT1C MILLS LIMITED, ml. J. K. STARE Mark Bmaby, arent. has been killed in action on the WE HANDLE Dated May 11th. A. D. 1910. Aur. II So in me front. Malcolm was well Bulbs, and Take Orders for known along the Skeena river Nursery Stock. having been in this district for Chicken Feed A Specialty. WW FIBS RAW FOBS! number of years. Having the sight of only one eye, he had CANADA .stall OeSera Promptly Attended To. great difficulty in getting to the P.O. Boa 83. 60S Third Ave. Ike Edwntoa Fur front, though he was a crack shot PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Ultimately he managed it and has l.jiirrf Exchange, Ltd. now sacrificed his life for his Is open for business and offers country. expert service to trappers, Mr. Smith also has a brother- traders and buyers of NATIONAL SERVICE furs. This Exchange is the in-law a prisoner of war in Aus 1. C UNDERTAKERS largest in Canada. It carries tria. He was on board a British out a plan of open, competitive selling. It is made up vessel which was torpedoed in eURCRAL DIRECTORS of solid business men and the Mediterranean and was taken SALtJICRS SATISFACTION SUAR- stands for PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given under the authority of the "War Messurct ajrrsmo open day and nisht RESPONSIBILITY RELIABILITY to port by the Austrian submarine u'u9l?" thst durinK the firt week in January, 1917, an inventory will be made 11f END STREET PHONE 1 RESULTS crew. by Post Office of Authorities, every male between the ages of sixteen and sixty-five, Exchange sales are advertised residing in Canada. widely. They reach the big buyers. The Exchange SUN AND TIDE National Service Cards and addressed envelopes for their return to Ottawa LAND district district op employs none but experts. have been placed in the hands of all Postmasters for distribution amongst the OOAST, RAMOS THREE Us warehouses are safe Saturday, January Gth. persons required to fill in such cards. Every male person cf the prescribed ages against fire, Vermin, or other damaging contact. The Exchange is required to fill in and return a card enclosed in an envelope within ten days Sun rises 9:2 a. m of its TAKE noUce that I, rrtnclt Joseph offices are central in receipt. Betle, actlnr at arent for tbe Empire Edmonton. Bend your next Sun sets ........... .1:18 p. m Any who person fails to receive a card and envelope obtain the pulp and Paper Mlllt, Ltd., of Swtnson shipment to may same High' water ...0:20a.m. lit, 17. Bty. B. C. occupation lorrer, intend to upon application to the nearest Postmaster. apply for permission to lease tbe follow Tbe Etafltoi Fur Low water .,..0:2 a.m. lit.- 1): tnr described lands i R. B. BENNETT, High water ..11:53a. in. lit. 20.: Commenclnr at a pott plauted on the south shore of tbe laroon at tbe end of Excbaige, Ltd. Low water ...0:44 p.m. lit. 4.2 Ottawa. 15th December, 1916. Director General. toe East Arm of Mussel Inlet, about one Cnptain Mr Gee, M. M. S. A. and one half miles In a westerly direction ADAMS BUILDINQ GOD SAVE THE KING. from tbe M.W. corner or T. L. 44146, tot, limp., thence south to chains, thence Telephone SM3, Edmonton west 40 chains, thence nortb It chaloe Alberts. Qslvstlon Army, NATIONAL SERVICE WEEK : lit to 7th JANUARY. more or lest to shore line, tlienee followinr poiui eliure of euniroencement.line In an easterly direction to RAW FURS! RAW FURS! Punllo meetings, Tuesday f RAN CIS JOSEPH BEALE, Applicant. Thursday and Snturrtay at 8 u. iu October II tb lots. M Sundays at 7:30 p.m.