The Daily NEWS ... j VOL VMf. NO. l'HINCK RUPERT, II. C, SATURDAY. JANUARY 0, 1017. PRICK FIVE CENTS LLOYD GEO Mi AMD LOR DIM ii n ii it N ROME ALLIED CONFERENCE IN ITALIAN CITY-THE GERMANS SAY DOBRUDJA IS THEIRS ALLIES TO HOLD ENEMY ENTERS GERMANS CLAIM CONFERENCE IN BRITISH LINES DOBRUDJA HAS ETERNAL CITY ON WEST FRONT BEEN CAPTURED i Lloyd George and Lord Mllner are Heavy Fighting Near Loos Heavy Braila Taken and Rumanians and Now In Rome Senate Approves Artillery Fighting on Verdun sj 1 Russians Driven Into Moldavia Wilton Note Greek Vessels Front Minor Battles Small Russian Sunk. ! Elsewhere. Successes. I London, Jan. G, Premier Lloyd London, Jan. G There was Berlin, Jan. G (Official) The George and Lord Milner, accom-panled heavy fighting yesterday in Ihe Germans and Unitarians have' ly Uieir olllcial advisers, vicinity of Loos, following the en (captured Braila, the most import have arrived at Home where lliey trance into the Uritish trenches ant Rumanian commercial centre ire to hold ,a conference with the of parties of the enemy. A num on the Danube. The armies of French, Russian and Italian gov-eminent ber of German dead were left in the Central Powers continue to representatives. the trenches "after the repulse. advance through greater Wall-achia Washington Approves. Some British soldiers are missing into Moldavia. Washington, Jan. 0, At the There have been encounters Galatz is the only remaining conclusion of a stirring debate, with enemy patrols in Champagne Rumanian town which Is still un- thich lasted for three days, the district and there is considerable captured. The success of our Senate adopted Senator Hitchcock reciprocal artillery fighting along armies closes the DobrudJa path. s resolution and voted approval the Woevre frmit. ay to Constantinople from Rus PAPER 8ALES OO UP WHEN ZEPPS COME DOWN of President Wilson's request Verdun Front. sia, von Mackenzen has carried that a statement of the Parfs, Jan. G. There was con There was great joy in England when the ZepTJs were brought the towns of Slobozia and Rolesti. down recently. Everybody, even the staid London "Bobby" patrolling terms upon which a peace conference siderable artillery fighting along Russian Report. may be started be secured the Yerdun front, particularly in his beat, bought papers and eagerly read the good tidings. Petrograd, Jan. 6. The enemy This photograph was taken under the shadow of the great lions from the belligerents. the vicinity of Douaumonl and last night silently approached a Greek Steamer Sunk. Vaux. Elsewhere, this front was in Trafalgar Square. Russian position south of Brody, Paris. Jan. 6. The Slripirbs, quiet last night. on the Galician front, but was a Greek steamer, has been sunk. Macedonian Front. CANNERYMEN WANT IMUCH LAND REVERTS repelled with losses. The captain and his crew of There was considerable fighting TO INTRODUCE TRAPS! TO THE GOVERNMENT North of Zolotvin, Russian twelve men have been safely along the Macedonian front, the scouts attacked an Austrian re-' landed. TheTOreelk"8leainer Tslr-opinas advanced positions, held by the conndlCerlhg" parly. Several were W. E. Williams, chairman of Victoria, Jan. 3. About $300,- has also been sunk. Her Serbians, being attacked. The bayonetted; others were captured, the fisheries committee of the 1000 in arrears of taxes were taken Serbians repelled all attacks. and the remainder dispersed. of saved crew twenty-five was Board of Trade, drew the attention in on the closing day at the land The crew of the Norwegian vessel last while estimated of the board evening to department, an Odda, which was sunk, was BOARD OF TRADE the impending changes coiuingjquantily of nearly 2,000,000 acres SIR WILFRID ADVISES also saved. The Spanish ship ELECTS NEW OFFICERS in salmon fishing in the Skeena of land has reverted to the crown ANSWERING QUESTIONS Fan Leandro is aUo a victim but and also to the necessity of pressing for use under the Soldiers' Homestead there is no report regarding the The Hoard of Trade last evening home the changes desired by Act. With Jan. 1 the last Ottawa, Jan. 6. Sir Wilfrid fate of her crew. Changes In Ontario Cabinet elected the following olllce- the fishermen, which had been day has expired in which land Laurier has answered every communication This picture shows lop YV. D. bearers for this year: Honorary ignored last year. purchasers can either pay up he has received regarding THREE HUNDRED KILLED MrPherson, K. G M. P. P. for President, Hon. T. D. Pattullo; Mr. Williams pointed out that their arrears or take a proportionate National Service, advising BY FORMOSA EARTHQUAKE Toronto North-West, who has President, George A. Woodland; there are 739 attached licenses amount of the land they prompt and conscientious been appointed Provincial Secretary Yice - President, H. S. Wallace; in this district and only 120 in. had agreed to purchase. completion of the registration Tokyo, Japan, Jan. G. Three by Premier Hearst, in the Hony. Secy., David II. Hays; Members dependent licenses. None of the At the time the Soldiers Homestead cards. ' ..' kundred person were-killed and stead of Hon. W. J. Hanna (bottom of Council, W. U. Williams, new canneries participated in the Act was passed at last session Labor Declines. many injured by an earthquake picture, who held that portfolio L. M. de Gex, George Frizzell, H. attached licenses, which -were it was estimated there were Calgary trades unions have yesterday in central Formosa. It for eleven years, and has A. Grant, Captain Uabington, J. chielly distributed amongst the about 2,500,000 acres held by notified their members to decline i estimated that a thousand resigned but remains in the cabinet M. Clancy, W. J. Smithers, S. Japs, who were held in a form of purchasers on time payments and to observe the requirements of homes were destroyed. The city as Minister without Portfolio. Parker, J. H. Iloerig, J. F. Strang, slavery by the canneries. on which .there was due to the the National Service Board. 1 of Nante has been extensively The centre picture is that James Mcllae, O. II. Nelson, Al He also pointed out that while government some $11,000,000. Casg rain's Successor. damaged by fire following the of Professor (ieorge C. Creelniau, fred C. Garde, A. J. Prudhomme the Jap9 received 18 cents for The Homesteads Act provided that It Is reported that Patenaude earthquake. president of the Ontario Agricultural and H. J. I. Smith. sockeye, the independent fishermen unless arrears on this land were will be successor to the late Hon. College, who becomes Commissioner George Woodland, Vice-Presi got 25 to 30 cents. For paid by Dec. 31 the land should RETURNED SOLDIERS T. Chase-Casgrain as Postmaster- under the got 40 cents and revert to the government,, but HAVE NARROW ESCAPE of Agriculture dent, presided over the meeting. springs Japs General and that Sevigny will Premier Hearst, who will act as The commissioner, E. H. Morti the independent men 90 cents to holders might, before Dec. 15 succeed Patenaude, Calgary, Jan. G. The explosion Minister. mer, presented a very clear, con f 1. For cohoes they got 15 cents last, make application to the gov of a boiler In the Immigration cise report covering the activities and the independents 42 cents. ernment to be allotted such pro Mali partially wrecked.the bulld- PULPWOOD INDUSTRY of the board for the past year He said that the independent portion of Iheir holdings as would SOLIDARITY Twenty returned soldiers, and dealing shortly with the cannerymen were me only can- amount in value to the amount of IS THE WATCHWORO waiting discharge from further RECEIVING ATTENTION various happenings of importance ners who brought any business to money paid on account of pur OF LABOR service, who were occupants of in the city. The successful notation Prince Rupert, the other doing chases. 'h building, escaped uninjured. At the meeting f the Hoard of of the city's bonds was referred all their business in the south. The idea of the government was Aldermanle Candidates for (Trade last evening, correspondence to; the construction of the He urged the use of gasoline that while such a plan would pro Municipal Election 1S17 NOTICE from Hon. T. D. Pattullo, Emerson sawmill; the taking up boats on the Skeena as in the tect purchasers to the extent of J. J. ANDERSON 'avid 11. iayB has taken over minister of lands, was read, deal of the questiou of shipbuilding south. The sole reason why the the money they had paid in, it Laundryman. the n-al estate, insurance and ing with the development of the with . the Norwegian syndicate canneries opposed the use of gas would also supply a large amount fcty deposit business handled pulpwood industry in northern which is operating in the south; boats was that they would make of good land as a nucleus for the GEORGE B.CASEY l Hon. T. I). Pattullo. Mr. Hays British Columbia. The minister the proposed American fishing the fisherman independent as he area which it was proposed should Miner. conduct this additional busl-ne ussured the board that his de legislation in regard to the halibut could go some distance to dispose bo available for the returned sol FRED SHAW at his present onicc nt the partment is thoroughly alive to industry on this coast; the of his fish. The policy should be diers. Whllo the definite figures Plasterer. crner of Becond Avenue ami the great importance of this industry visit of the Dominions Iloyal to make every fisherman inde. are not yet available, it is estl-mated W. G. BARRIE Second Street. If. and stated that, as soon Commission; the encouragement pendent, but this the Canncrs As that about 75 per cent o as practicable, the whole question of.the pulp-wood industry, etc. sociation did not want. Ho asker the lands will revert to the gov 1UI8 We stand Fall Together; fty calendar samples now would be pone into fully by him. (continued on Page Four.) (Continued on Page Two1 ernment, as the holders have not : Endorsed by or the Trade and Save your orders. We will Ho enclosed maps showing the paid up their arrears. What Labor Council. on you, 0. Vv Nlckerson Co. nuln areas and adjacent.. water- amount of arrears have been paid ways, for the information oi a uie a. Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent up by holders who are desirous hoard. A vole "f thanks v,as of securing allotments is hot ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF INSURANCE IN ALL ITS RANCHES WESTHOLMF. moved to the minister for his cooperation known, but on the last day there LONDON CAFE OPEBA HOUSZ ill the matter. Headquarters for Oeorretown Sawuilll Co., Ltd, and tbe North Coait To win r was taken in at tbe land depart AND GRILL TONIGHT Company, Ltd. ment between 1250,000 and $300, ONLY cunteat Roslta Marstlnl NEW WELLINGTON COAL, PECK, MOORE 6c COMPANY 000, one big land concern putting Third Avenue IIG. Wo have Just re. Serves Nothing but the Best phone SIT Scon4 Anu OENERAL BROKERS F-hon ISO in a cheque for 1130,000. 'The Heart of a Tigress" ,.lved a shipment of 500 tons STRICTLY UNI4N rHHHHC Jind We nre prepared to BY Get tide table for 1017 at Lump Coal. BUILDINO FORMERLY OOCUPIEO THE CONTINENTOL TRUST COMPANY your BOXES FOR LADIES n "L.K.O.'. Comedy. put In your winter s coal for you. Mcllae Bros. 3.0