Bnltmlay, January C, I017 The Daily News THE MAILS THE LEADtNO HEWS PA PER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA . 113 PaMiehwl Dally aaJ Weekly For the East. APPr,RSHtkt"MoreMoHey'' Gusranteed L art,set Circulation Wednesday and Saturday, box TR closes 0:30 a. m. and Friday 3 HEAD OFFICE huily News lJutidtng, 3rd Ave, Prince itupert, B.C. Telephone V8 a. ni. r.llable-responslble-sali i Fur House wlUi aa BtibletnlttMd CANNERYMEN WANT From the East. m ealstlna;for"mora than a third of a century."a Ion a it TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 60 cents per Inch, Contrsct and ?i5rfiT recl of sendlne Far Shtoen SJotnjATACTORY Tuesday arrive TO INTRODUCE TRAPS Trains AND PROFITAULB retorea, rates on application. tie only reliable,accurate mark at report and prire list pubuioad. Thursday, 5:30 p. m. Writ, far It-NOW-tVa FRKB iCoulinued From Page One.) For the South. A,B.SHUBERT,be DAILY EDITION Saturday, January 1017. C, Boat sails al 5 m. Tuesday, p. II why the cannery business should MORS PEA4MC TALK at almost any price. In this, bo different from any other business. 7 p. m. Wednesday, 7 a. m. Boat sails That the refusal of the En as we know, he was vastly mistaken. tfente Powers to enter into any The British people arc Mr, Williams also called- for at 0 a. in. WINTER SCHEDULE 7 Boat sails at Friday, a. in. discussion of peace, unless one in their determination to proper patrols here for prospecting Germany and Austria come out carry on the war with renewed for herring by tho govern 9 a. ni. Effective January first Saturday, Boat sails 0 p. m. openly and show that they are vigor Until ti'e wrongs of Belgium ment in order that tho halibut Boat sails 0 m. Sunday. p. sincerely sorry that they ever are righted, and now the men might have ample bait, and S. S. PRINCE GEORGE the allowing of the halibut men For Anyox. THURSDAY 12 Midnight for Vancouver, Victoria A 8Uit. made on attempt to gain world heads of the Central Powers ANYOX Wednesday, box closes 10 p. in. WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT FOR dominance and that they are arc figuring 011 their next move. to tako dog and humpback salmon 8. S. PRINCE JOHN ready and willing to make If there is truth in reports for ball when herring could not For Katchlkan, Wrangall. Juneau and Skagwar January 10th and 24th QUIET WEDDING March 7th and 21st. February 7th and 21st I reparation for the great wrongs emanating from Vienna, and he got. Ho thought it was time For Qusan Charlotte Islands January 3rd, 17th and 31st. Fabruary 14th done Belgium and Serbia, has there is good reason to believe that the canncrymen realized that and 28th. .March 14th. Miss Ida Martinson and Mr. F. PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE they did not hold tho fisheries of given tne Kaiser and his friends that they are true, peace may W. Chandler, of this city, wero Wsdnaaday and Saturday at HtSOa. m. for Smlthere. Prince Qsorgs. Edmonton, to think furiously is evident come much more quickly than the north by "Divine Right." Saskatoon and Winnipeg, making connections there far all points quietly married on Thursday aaat and south. .Mlsad train every Tuesday at 4 a. m. from the reports of impending is supposed. The Kaiser is not 8almon Traps. evening. The ceremony was per Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. conferences at Vienna and Berlin. finding the Mr. Williams sounded a warning young emperor tu formed by Rev. J. F. Dimmick, the For information and reservations apply to It is significant that these easy to handle as he did the regarding the proposed use witnesses being Mrs. Dimmick City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. PHONE 280 conferences are not of a mill-tary aged Franz Josef. Emperor of salmon traps in the north. Tho and Miss Hudson. Mr. Chandler character and have no Charles Is still under thirty; is cannerymcn wero preparing to business s one of the pioneer bearing upon the carrying out a man of sound sense and a have this matter brought up at men of this city, and with his of any new scheme of campaign real ruler.- lie is looking ahead Ottawa soon and unless strenuous bride, is receiving the hearty congratulations CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY but are simply diplomatic and it is clear that ho" sees opposition were put up, the of many friends. Mr. gatherings called to discuss little good to come from fighting Skecna would bo spoiled as the and Mrs. Chandler are residing Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points Fraser had been. the political situation. the battles of the.Prussian. at 232 9th Avenue, East. via Steamer to Vancouver and the It is.apparent that In submitting If Austria is to remain intact, O, II. Nelson and Captain Bab- CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY his proposals lor a peace she must be released immediately ington heartily concurred in the Meals and Berth Included on Steamer conference, the Kaiser once from participation in points made by Mr. Williams. more showed himself to be utterly the struggle and the people of It was decided to have a meet Princess Maqulnna for Granby Bay Friday 11 p. m. incapable of estimating Austria and Hungary seem to ing of the joint fisheries com Stuart J. Martin Princess Sophia Southbound Saturday 6 p. m. the character of the British; be clearly convinced that there mittee in tho city hall on Monday Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 8 p. m. people. There is little doubt is no hope of success and that afternoon to formulate plans for ASSAY EH the placing of these matters be J I. General Agent PETERS, he entirely continuance that, expected an a of the war on HAZELTON B. C. different., answer to his overtures, their part simply means reaping fore tho Advisory Board and the Corner Fourth Street and Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. B.C. and that he looked for the whirlwind. An important committee was given power to ap The oldest established Assay a sharp division amongst the move may follow the point a delegate or delegates to British people on the question conference at Vienna and it is go to Ottawa to press home the Office In the North. of the continuance of hostilities. not unlikely that the peace talk urgent needs of tho north in re It is not unlikely that he started by the Kaiser through gard to" freer fishing. placed his confidence in the President Wilson, will be continued success of his appeal on the until peace actually S. B. Peacock, of Bulkley Can STEEN & L0NGW1LL fact that, before the war, there comes. One thing is certain, yon, was amongst tho arrivals in was a large element in Britain, the Kaiser now knows the town yesterday morning. SANITARY AND HEATING headed by Lord Ilaldane and frame of mind of the people of NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. ENGINEERS other admirers of German France, Russia and Britain. .If R. S. C. Chapter IIS. methods, industrial and scientific, he wants peace, he knows the Agents for and Norman n. Hume B. Bablniton which scorned the idea of terms on which he may obtain B rod bunt of the City or Prince Rupert, McCLARY FURNACES war with Germany and which, it. Wilhelm is shrewd enough, in tt6 Province of British Columbia, hereby rive notice that they hare under Sec PLUMBING even after the rape of Belgium, with all his weaknesses, to be tion 7 of the said act deposited with the still had strong sympathy for able to calculate very accu Minister or public Works at Ottawa and and In the omce of the District Registrar SHEET METAL WORKS German lines of thought. rately just what a continuance Titles at the Land Registry Office at the Phone 5. 834 Second Avenue. of Prince Rupert aforesaid a descrlp There is little doubt that the of hostilities is to cost him. If City the of a wharf site and plans lion of the Night phones 576 The Royal Stwdard Test Kaiser figured that between the he arrives at the decision that proposed to be built in Henslunr Bay, aud Blue 270 Lang-ara Island. In front or Lots 999 ana people who were sick and tired it is to cost him his throne, 98, Queen Charlotte Island Land District, The right work, at the right 151 of the war and the followers of he will be certain to make fur. rrovlnce of British Columbia. time, and at the right price. Here! where we lest the AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex choicest samples of Canada's Ilaldane, there would at once ther approaches to the Allies piratlon of one month from the date of be a strong clamor for peace, immediately., the first publication of this notice the six tnllioa acre wheat crop. said Hume B. Babington and Norman R. LAND AOT We grind them into flour in the BEST Brodhurst will under Section 7 or the said act apply to the Minister of Public little mill you sec cm the left of Works at bis office in the City of Ottawa, VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT the picture. Then comes the Province of Ontario, for. approval of the OF COAST, HANOI S. test bread-baling. If -aaaTaaaaBBBTfPaBW Tickets said site, and plans and for leave to con supreme struct the said wharf. TAKE NOTICE that I, Leo S Unify Bar the bread is perfect in every DATED at Prince Rupert. B. C. this don, of Ocean Falls. P. C, occupation mill the wheat we te u from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, 7th day of December, A. D. 1914. secretary. Intend to epply for permission way pronounce Finland, Italy and Russia. WILLIAMS & MANSON. to purchase the following described lands: A I and the flour-ROYAL SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK Solicitors for the Applicant. Commencing; at a post planted about five STANDARD. "Brrrrnifjord" Jan. J 7th. chains distant snd In a westerly direction "Stockholm" February 10th from the southwest corner of Lot II, AT YOUR GROCER'S Krlstlanlarjord" .... February 17th. Range 3, Coast District, thence south to "Bergensfjord" ...... March 10th. rhalns; thence east chains; thence north Vancouver Mill'mgofirain CaLtl BOWL STANDARD I Haft vour Reeervatione snass Early. AKERBERG, THOMSON SO Chains; thence west St chains, to this For Rates. Illustrated Folders and post, containing in all about 45 acres. Ceneral Information Apply to LEO STANLEY BURDON. ulrTSSlBMSSSaiaaiaaasay COMPANY NOVEMBER. 8. 1016. F. t, EVEVEfSEVA&t , rjSBKM OVEHAVN HANSON for Agents nsuraaee and Steemehlp Manor, "FRISCO IMPERIAL," "PALMER,1 MINERAL ACT Prlaoe Rupert, a. O. "FISHERMAN," "FERRO" AND Notice to Delinquent Partners. Whether "CLAY" OAS ENGINES. To Grant M snood and Patrick Daly. PHONE 525. For Yourself TAKE NOTICE that whereas we have done and caused to be done assessment or aaa Let Us Save You Money on your work by Surveys on the Daly, Sullivan, Edith and l.ols Mineral Claims, situated In Gift to your Friend M. B.A. n Hanson, the Salmon Dear filvrr DlJtrlcl, Portland Distillate W. K. Williams, n.A L.L.B Gaaoline or Canal Mining' Division, for the year ISIt, WILLIAMS MANSON and have paid for said work and record in? same the sum of S510.00. unlets you Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PERMN'S We guarantee to aave you 25 per cent, on gasoline or diatillate and piy to us the sum of 1155.00 for your upkeep and free any motor from CARBON troubles. A seven ounce MONEY TO LOAN share of sM assessment work,- toretber box of Carbonvoid is equivalent to 50 gallons of gasoline. Every box BOI 118! with the cost of this advertisement, we of Carbonvoid . 1 will aave you Heirerson Block Piincs Buperl. B. C shall at the etpiration of ninety (90) days from the date hereof, apply to the Mining GLOVES Sou WaT- CarboMVOid the aiUonTmilea? puts Ilerordcr at Stewart, B, C, lo have your tZrtffiZ Interests In the said Datj-, Sullivan, Edith SuYftrin1 "GO" in Gasoline : : and Lois mineral claims vested In us. In The well known Perria trademark move an carbon 1 Lr"5-t"""" DENTISTRY pursuance of the provisions of the Mineral as The largest companies in the world use it. THE ALLIES OKDEKED Act. shown in cuts should be on every glove IN JUNE 288,000 CARTONS. Previous order 250,000 cartons. Fully Dated at Victoria, B. C., this ittli dsj of CROWN ANO BRIDOfl WORK you get, aa this assures perfection of $1.60 guaranteed or your money refunded. Mailed anywhere on receipt or November; A. D. 1 014. you A SPEOIALTY For Sale Only by DR. J. S. BROWN T. 14. JAMES rHEDEBJCK MCDONALD.a WINKLER. Style, Fit and Finish. Geo. L. frince RttPert B-c- DENTIST ADVERTISE IN mi dmatmrw tkm too rid over $U (Aa Clayton, - OSIest Smith Black, ThlM Aveawe AtaxaaUsae PBMMIM'S GLOVES. 'J Phoae 4S4 The Daily News t BISTMMJTOR F. Q. OAVVSON I0MOUEMLK PRINOE RUPERT, . C.