Saturday, January fl, 1017. Trill DAILY NRWi. RHEUMATISM WAS PROVINCE CREATED ? FROM FAR AND NSM Bathe ALSK 1MMSS10N 2,000,0001 MOST SEVERE lho following item is from tho Japan has iolillcd Washington Internally that slic is about to -arm all her Belgians current Issuu or the Wnr Cry and largo merchant vessels. Over 50,000 People Are Now rwaaM Mot All The Tin Until He culled lias evidently from the been Innocently Doing 80. Depend on us recent article in Too rKUl I'A'I IVL3 I Sir Henry Daltlell, proprietor For many yrare physicians have arrred lho Vancouver Province, to which that tli vast majority of human III were for Bread! of lleynold'fl Newspaper .and. one railed bjr accumulated waste.In the Lower J. 11. Ilocrig referred recently in Irt of Hv that of the leaders of the "Dinger IntcMinej our present war fho Daily News: lotr Nature rould not remove all this waits "A (Iroup", has purchased the I'all without asslsunre, no matter how rtru-lar Since shortly after the German iavion, die Belgian largo floating drydock is to we mlrht br, and that the poisons bo constructed nl Vancouver. It Mall (lazcttc, one of the most influential from thli waste clrculatlnr throurh the have depended (or food entirely on the "Commission London blood pulled ua away down below par and for wilt be a 10,000-ton, double-section newspapers. were responsible for many dlicase of a Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, dock, capable of handling aerlou nature, even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only a l'arkcr Williams has been Durlnr thla time the "1 D. U Cascade" appointed three weeks they have had chance to raJs boot of 18,000 tons, which is tho for Internal riathlnr ha, because of their no more measure of the maximum to tho Workmen's Compensation recommendation and thoA of It user, and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply thera I requirement Hoard. The Labor been a lead 1 ly rrowlnr In favor. on the Pacific todayi Ilecenlly, however, the Martlfnr new Backed by U Unions are not quite certain which ha a been covering- thli country, that asetnnnnnnnMrEasannBSnBnn&. That this will supply a long-felt whether they of the treat aurreon and aperlalisu have been approve appointment. wnnl -will bo evident from the ojwratlnr on the Lower Intestine for the mnat chronic and serious diseases, has Belgian Rtlicf Fund MR. LAMPSON fact that slcamcrs sailing from caused Americana to become thorourhly Verona, Ont., Not. 11th., 1915. Canadian ports on the I'aciilc at awake to the Importance of kclplng- this Captain Dickson, who has Lower Intestine resigned free from all poisonous for number of to generously contributed in the British Empire sad the United "I sufTcrcJ a years present nro forced to dock for repairs waste maiter, and over 00,000 are now with RluutnatiitH and uvert Pains in at his command of the Union ualnr Internal Paths. States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commiaaioo has imported Side and Sack, from (trains and henry Hong Kong, at Kobe Co.'s steamer Camos.un to take If you try the "J. n. L. Cascade" you enough wheat, flour end other foods to feed the whole nation lifllnc. (Japan), or In Australia." up a commission with the Inland will rind yourself always brlvht, conn- '' so far. The great majority of the 7,000,000 Belgians left in V licn I had clvcn up hope of ever Captain Cooper, in charge of Water Transport, was presented dent make and ua bullous,capable blue,the dnll poisoned and nervous.waste 1 the country have been able to pay for their daily tJowaace of loin?well scaln,a friend recommended the local branch of the Salvation Internal Batbi are Nature's own cure for' bread but a steadily growing number have do mosey left. ' Fruil-a-llvcs" to mo and after usinf with a handsome pocket book Constipation Just warm water properly I Hie. IxfX I ftuh belter that Army, in an enthusiastic booster stuITed with bills by the officers applied. Drurs force Mature the "J, B.I Unlets we are wifGog to let these hundreds of dtoasaods of U Cascaue" rently assists her. children end old they be fed the take and I for Prince llupert, and, immediately women, men starve, must at continued to them, now and members of the I crew of the Call and see It at Cyril H. Orme',' expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this passible am wijoylnj the best of heath, thanks on reading the news item Camosun before that vessel left Drurrlslf Corner rd Ave. and eth SU or I someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 s 1 to your remedy". a'k there for "Why Man of Today Is Only referred to, he wrote to the editor for the north month all that waiter! W. II. LAMPSON. on Wednesday. 0 per cent Emclent." a booklet of great of the Var Cry pointing out that Interest, which Is riven free on request. If you hoare reading this have If you prefer, write for Booklet to Dr. No people coder the AKed Flags are ss wd able to any Kidney or Hladdcr Trouble, or Prince Hupcrt has a drydock of The C. p. It. plan to open their Chas. A. Tyrrell, 163 Collere stieet, Toronto. generously as we Canadians I No cants has ever been mere u.;er with Uheumatlsm or l'ain In The 20,000 tons capacity, and inclosing Alaskan torulst service on June deserving of help! In the name ef Jvstbce and Humeaitjr for Trouble "Fruit-a the take of our own teU-respect -let as give si we ati to llaeli or Stomach five a copy of The Dally News 8lh. The Alice, Sophia and lives"a fair trial.This wonderful fruit help our martyred Allies! containing Mr. Iloerig's letter on Charlotte will be the mcUiciue will do you a world of good, the subject. put on Sheet Metal Work Sod ywsr sUuipt wtJy,SMaakly m b east fctoe? teat tt LeaaJ et as it cures when everything else fails. northern run and a more successful Prariacaal C insa. t I die I 60c. a liox, C for$2JO, trial site,25c. season than last is expected. Central Exsetitivs Committee, M St. Peter St, wtrial At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt WE8THOLME THE ATM Now Is the time to have $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. of price by Frult-a-tlres Limited, in South Vancouver la in grave your heating plant put Ottawa. Tho big attraction at the West-holme financial difficulties and an appeal shape for tho winter; roofs and skylights seen to. CARBONVOID for wale by Lip. tonight is Countess Hosita for assistance lias been made In such eases consult a sett & Cunningham, and I'arkin-Ward Marntini in "The Heart of a Tigress.' to the provincial government. practical man If you want Electric Co. If. This is a stirring drama, results. full of Ively action and striking rtritain and France have spent The Dally nts delivered hj C. 0. Rowe CANADIAN WOMEN situations. There is also an L. $120,000,000 In feeding starving carrier, 50 cents per ninnlh K. O. comedy which is full of fun. Belgians. This is ten times the Practical stieet metal man. SHOULD KNOW THIS Opposite Doard of Trade CANADA FIRST"Milk Isttie BEST Mt& amount expended in the same sMd by Your Crocer. The Government Bulletin cause by the United States. Rooms 322 2nd Avenue Nj.30S UUsthe story IT COSTS THE SAME. PHONK 840. $o.octroTiseiii owats I FRED STORK'S HARDWARE I Alberni Conservatives may put Estimates Furnished Free. CAtDi-then whip as with riooacr--INSIST fresh cream. up a candidate in the by-election Ths AYLMZR CONDENSED MILKCOLve. I Aviitaa. Casiaoa there, caused by the Premier's SUBSCRIBE FOR Okt4 710 SECOND deciding to Victoria. represent The Daily News Carpenters' Tool Builder' Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cable Steel Blocks Flshlno Tackle Matron F. Wilson, of Vancou Iron Pipe Pipe rittlno Rifles and Shotguns ver, has been awarded the Iloyal Rope" Valves Ammunition lied Cross with first-class honors Pumpe Hose Paint in recognition of her distinguish Stoves and Ranoee flubborold Roofing Corrugated Iron ed service on the field. "WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" The Montreal Mail and News has ceased publication. The in FRED STORK'S HARDWARE timation came as a great surprise to the people of Montreal. It is reported from Ottawa that there may be two sessions of the Don't merely smother your cough Dominion Parliament, this year. rTTIiri fill Mathleu'a Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil not oolv promptly arresti coughing, but thanks to Its tonic as SANDSPIT BADLY liUIllJ 11 rtreugthening properties it helps the ay etna to throw ceT REQUIRES A WHARF the cold and thus effects a permanent cure. It U this quality which ha wo for It the largeat sale of any cough and cold remedy in Canada. jje.faz bottles, everywhere. At the Board of Trade last X I MATHKU CO. Pre. HEBOOBX. evening, a letter from the postmaster at Sandspit, Moresby Island, was read. On behalf of tho residents at Sandspit, the writer Poor Mans asked that steps be taken for the Bahys Own Soap construction of a wharf thero and JHglne also that a more regular mail service be inaugurated. At present, through the lack of a wharf, freight and mails have to be landed in small boats, and when . I PQttBtPVBB "TONES knows more about motor tho weather is rough, these have i BE Hg? I cars tan any other man 1 to be taken to Skidcgate. The S 9 1 I P 1 know," said a man to hit letter was referred to tho incoming mm f friend. "He has obtained his committee. I mm knowledge chiefly from motor car advertise- ments, and the catalogues and booklets NEWSPAPER MAN IS I circulated through them. M for NAMED AS SECRETARY "All I know about photography," declared s weB known amateur, " I nave learned from the men who Victoria, Jan. 3. Hon. William advertise cameras, plates, papers and films." mm Sloan, minister of mines, has named as his secretary, Mr. Advertisements have been Otrtl Itohcrt Dunn, a Victoria .newspaper oor man. Until last Saturday well called "The Poor Man's S OlIS': Mr. Dunn was city editor of the University," but other than Victoria Times and was prior to m poor men have been schooled that connected with tho repor-torial stafT of tho Colonist. Mr, thereby. Dunn commenced his new duties on Tuesday morning. In making If yn art 4tlt hutimeu Much of what the averaate kWiviaual knows talk over your advertUiaf prob coming personal and domestic hygiene, nodera his selection Hon. Mr. Sloan was itai wilb lb Advtrtisial !) office methods, books and authors, ekctnoky, Influenced by Mr. Dunn' abilities partmaat of Ibis otwtptper. cious stones, investments, and almost eraryAias atec, Ar. .L. RARV5 OWN SOAP th as n newspaper man, feeling that malitnul If fm art kutiunt dtimf It a would prHikl fcewtll r he has learned from isdvertUcmsat. his experience titled him for tho lor you lo have th couessl and kin is smooth, comfortable, and exhale the aaaittaaee ol a food advertising Advertisements have stimulated ovr uataWtjanot), cut flowers. post as no other training roilld (oov. A list of these ssillbs added enormously to our knowledet and iivsm us aroma of frehly furnished, without cost or obligation, have done. aspirations which have raised us to higher lavskof Freedom from skin troubles, explains in ne,mfas"" adiea Press by the AasocUtioo,Seeistary ol Itoom Caa thinking and living. Advartkteg is ifidced " The the refreshing sleep which 'Baby's Own Soap Ladios nowost American shoes, S&l,Lumsdca tuildia,Toroato. Poor Man's University." Hest lino ever shown hero. Peck's ALBERT SOAPS United, Manufacturers, . MONTREAL. H U Shoe Store. 6,