filurday, January 0, 1017. 1U8 DALL1 MffJ 9K ,fi SB5 1 SSI 3K SK.IS 395 SE SEE IS. j Local News Notes If you want health ;j "The Daily News" Jaeger slippers 20 cent, discount you can have it, by heeding Nature's laws. Keep the CLAHlNtl) ADS. per stomach strong, the liver active, the blood pure, and at Peck's Shoe Store. 5. the bowels regular, and you will seldom be 111 Take v good care of these organs, and at the first sign of VANTED. U. Aliisloiio, of the City Treasurer's anything wrong promptly take Bcecham's Pills. department is down with "WANTED Oenerl Servant Apply Mrs. U In grippe. you certainly need ' V. fetmore. 9 9 V'STEP r.Jiler for savoy Hotel. tf, Peck's Shoo Store, is giving 20 the help and relief of this world-famed remedy, to per cent, discount on mi rcu keep the body in health. They quickly establish normal WAITRESS WANTED Prince nuperl Hotel goods. 6 conditions, so the organs perform their functions as Nature intended. No other remedy will so surely FOR SALE ctrengthen the system, stimulate the liver, regulate Columbia ron SAUE llouie-bott on float, contain. L. Morris, of the the bowels and quickly improve the general health as Inr More and four llrlnr room, close Paper Company, Is in the city on to Cold Storate plant. Grocery bull-ness business trip. now belnf carried on. Rooms partly LUX ftEEtHAMShLLS furnutied. Apply T. McCymont. tf, rrived full lino of American ion SAI-K Carload mlmnf machinery. In eluding- IT tnschlne drill, column bar, HI shoes. Newest nnd stylos. shapes To give sweater coats n drill-steel, Hesra-ilttinri, etc Apply Peck's Shoe Store. 5.1 Dlly Now. tf. new lease of life III Worth a Guinea a Box PVtMr4 hI,Vi TImmm Beecliam,St.tUlma,Laacukir.EaatuUL .MISCELLANEOUS i Now that sweater coats are getting more expensive, it David A. Hodman, of Lntouch, geM wrU tm Caaada mmd U.3.Aaaerlea, la btM,29 tak is more than ever desirable that you wash yours with Alaska, is visiting In the city. Mr. OASOUME ENGINEER ha (tntll amount LUX. Of all things a sweater coat, vluch is seen Hoffman is in of cash to Invest with services. Wbtt 1 interested to much, must be kept soft, flu r- fleecy &nd "new" . . mining. BOARD OF TRADE THE NEW GETS THERE have yout Write Box It). Dally New. in appearance. You can keep :.iirs hat way and ELECTS NEW OFFICERS 1 At the Hoard of Trade meeting FOUND wash it and if Ihis: again again ye i 5 YoHtnniay afternoon The Dally Pour LUX tie&ef- eMeriv I last evening, Peter Ilorvig and J. (Continued From Page One. N boiling water over 'pum News advertised a gold-filled roUND Cold-filled walcn In public read-Inr of soap allowing 3 or 4 tablespconM 1 for every gallon F. Strnng were admitted to membership. Mr. Mortimer slated that the room. Aprly Police omce. tf. of water you use. Whip into a crei..y lather few watch as having been found In 1 seconds it needed. Then put in the garment and itir 11; halibut receipts at Princo llupcrl Within ten FOUND Sllrer net pure. Apply it about. Let it soak until cool enough for your s the reading room. New omce. tf hands to squeeze the water out of the coat the dirt 1 Mrs. J. II; Thompson and her In 1910 wero 20,i 17,800 pounds I minutes of the Issue of tho paper Just runs away. Rinse in two or three relays of nnd the salmon catch totalled tepid water,and hang to dry. little boy have gone to Nova the watch was claimed. 21933,100 pounds. Customs re Very simple. Anyone can do it just a few minutes' 1 Scotia to pend the remainder of FOR RENT show of ceipts an increase 951,- LAND AOT work and you get a result that the most expert the winter. K French cleaner might well envy. III 000 over last year. 4 Vancouvte Land Dlttrlct Olitrlct f David II. Hays congratulated Modern 6 room bouse, English Hill. LUX won't shrink woollens. Won't hurt any III Mrs. Stewart Langille, who barf Coait, Rang S. fabric or color that pure water can safely touch. Mr. Mortimer on the concise j TAKE NOTICE that Archie Banie Martin, Cottage 3 rooms, 9th Av., sec 7. Cottage 4 Summit boon visiting with Dr. and, Mrs, rooms, bath. Ave. occupation mill manager, of tbe city or manner In which he had drawn Furnished Cottar. 337 3 th Ave. E. At mil trttrt iOt.Brititk majt 0L Qi'wwfT yitlfiJ m (Irani, left for her homo Winnipeg Vancouver, Province of British Columbia, Cottage 4 rooms, Thompson and I in. up Ills report, which covered Intend to apply for permission to pur this Cottage 4 rooms 110 Stb Are., K. morning. Lever Brothers Limited chase the following described lands i much ground clearly and In few 1 Commencing at a post planted on the Toronto 21 Just arrived 300 tons best words. Ho moved a vote of thanks south ibore of Cousin Inlet about five I SJCMORDIE APARTMENTS, roama, I. I chains wcit of the southwest corner of; bath and rang. Rant of these Rata to the commissioner, ami ex Ladysmith Lump Coal Send in l.ot 31. nange 3, Coast District; thence has b.en reduced te SS set. month. your orders to Prince Rupert Coal pressed regret that finances did Aiith to rhitm. thene wait id rhslR. ' Nstl and clean. Oeed Jan Iter service. thence north 0 chains, thence west 31, Will salaemlae te salt tenant. JAPANESE INJURED Co. Phone 15. tf. not permit of tho report being rhalns, thence north 18.3 chains more or' REST TMINO IN TOWN FOR THE WHILE OUT HUNTING published. les to II. W. M. of Cousin Inlet, tbence) ONBV. J.L.HICKEY lonowing ine n. w. M. to tm post ana V. G. Norrie, of Hazel ton, man-1 ontalnlng one hundred and twenty-five 1 ATTENTION RATEPAYERS I We write Are 'Its) acre more or less. ( Insurance, representing CONTRACTOR BUILDER Di Yasuda, a Japaneso engaged ager of the Silver Standard Mines, only strong, liberal cont' DATED at Vancouver. D. C thl lit A to maintain bylaw a reserve to ensure nt Claxtun was brought arrived in the city yesterday panles. caanery, prompt payment of Instalments on our de lay of November, A. D. It IB. Store and Ofllce Fixtures, to the General Hospital last light 'morning. benture debt I to be voted on by you on tl. ARCHIE BAflNES MARTIN. Tour bualneee la eelkitsd. Sash, Door and Moldings. suifering from a mangled right the We llth(ubnilt January,tbe following reasons In H. Q. HELQERSOM, LTD Oak and Hard Woods of all hand, sustained while out hunting. Miss Sullivan, of the city hall favor of said bylaw: (I Tbe reserve fund bat already been is victim the Ntaff, of kinds. The injured man was lifting a epidemic established this year, and ha In practice FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 1 Wa Specialize In making Ills' shot-gun out of a boat when la grippe which is so nreval vrrn innwn a great success. (t) There always ha been, and always and fitting storm windows, the" weapon went off. cnt In the city. will be, a shortage In collection of special 3IRCUIT NO. 1. size. rates for local Improvement and other by E. Davey any sici is Mb bt. ami im . Mayor McCaffery is still con- laws, which shortage bas heretofore been Plata and.Dheet Glass and LAND AOT ntt nuul fp.,n miumI Mv.niu hut t. Set IS th "St and 3rd Ave. Inried to the house but Is steadily ,io u,i, the "city has often been 'required Res 14- fUb St. aod 3rd Ave. Teacher of Singing and Glazing. TT I a . I I to borrow from the bank, and always to oi IS jHnetinu or l.l. tiM PMNCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT DIS anu to ie iiiproviug expects, 3rd Avaa. Corner Fraser and 6th 8ts. the Voice Production. place in yearly estimates sum to TRICT OP COAST, RANQI III. gtot IS- 1.1 AV.. ttclwern lib tixl around in a day or so. nteet this shortage. With the reserve TAKE NOTICE tnat PtclUt Mill. Limited, tb rtU. Hotel.! PHONE GREEN 266 established we will neither bare to borrow of Vancouver, British Columbia. oecupaUon, Bat 17 -1st av in 1 itb ti-o PHONE BLACK 217. pulp and piper maker. Intend to apply Miss Louise Calderoni and Mr. nor estimate. P. O. BOX 448. Instead rsl Hr.teL. Tor permlsilon to purchase tbe following 13) of borrowing from the bank letcrlbed land. Coramenelnr at a twit Dominic Santurbavn were quietly at six (6) per cent our reserve will re planted on tbe north bank of a'oeye rlrer, crlve the benefit of delinquent Interest, and CIRCUIT NO. S. married afternoon on Wednesday Bos - 3rd and srl Si. will mile pay to general fund six (6) per cent about one-quarter of a up-stream MINERAL ACT from tbe bore of FlU-Hura Sounds thence by Itev. J. F. Dimmick. per annum on the whole amount of such (Host OOi,-., It. PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 38 tbenca reserve, and this will In fact reduce tax Sea t 3rd At. and MrHrMe KL north twenty chain, east twenty . ation to 'the extent of Tour Tbou Ret 4 1st snl MrHrlOe St. nearly IF rhalns, tbence outh to river bank, tbenca Notice to Delinquent Partners. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. along shore In a wetterly direction to Constable Adams has received zund Dollars (34,000.00). Boa SS-.fnd and tod 91 scheme has and tt To O. W. BtaiwMl and Ohenes NlUteiMn. (1) The been heartily en So 2S nd Av. si iKiInt of commencement and containing a note of sympathy, on tho death le. dorsed by Sir Frederick Wllllams-Tayior, atat gy O. T. TAKE NOTICE that whereas I have dune forty M0; acre, more or Dated of his brother at the front, from General-Manager of tbe Bank or Montreal, 4nd caused It be done assessment work June lOtb. lite. Septe 4 Transfer d&i Storage PACIFIC also by the largest bond bouses In Canada, , UROuri mo jo the Wolf Mineral claim, situated si the MILLS. LIMITED, Premier Lloyd George in the name by "Mark Smaby," Agent. as welt as tbe Bond Dealers' Association stoi t tin a.. situ ruihia 2 liead of Alice Arm. Observatory Inlet. In BEST' LUMP V NUT COAL pf tho King and Queen. of Canada. Bei 32 - dorrten lift Taykir St. uie Skienc mlolug division or Skeena dis (3) We believe that the establishment Box S4--.Tih We. snd rultoq !i trict, asseawct work for tbe years 1313. Prince Rupert Lead District District ef of this reserve will materially Increase the SS 9lb . and OHnci 4f ttfi, and t3t3,tnd have paid for said NO LONG WAITS Oeeet, Rang S. J. V. Kxley, of Digby Island, selling price of any bonds we may here Sex 37 -nth At, aud IHle li. ork and recording same, the sum of NO SHORT WEIGHTS who has been unwell for several arier Issue, and will litre a far-reaching o. IS Mb Ave. ami TlKiipon St 3307.30. Unless you py me the sum of effect la the general financing of tbe City 1331.30, for your share or tbe said assessment Paelflc TAKE NOTICE that the Mill, When You Order from Us. Limited, of Vancouver, B. C. occupation weeks, was brought over to the In the future. CIRCUIT NO. . work, together with the cost of (6) The City Treasurer will be happy this advertisement. I shall, at the expiration pulp and paper makers. Intend to apply hospital this morning, Mr. Kxley Bex 1 lt 4.. aiul lmntrfn for permission to purchase the following to show te any ratepayer detailed reports ft. of ninety (30) days from the dtu described lands: Commencing at post is suffering from bronchitis. snd full explanation of tbe whole matter, tea 42 titi . aul MiHriU t hereof apply to' the mining recorder at and also tbe letters of commendation re. .. Trince Rupert, B. C. to nave your nt,r' 43 planted at the southeast corner of Lot 39 Bos llh and Oren 91 wired. et,s In the Wolf mineral claim vested In n the west snore of Cousins Inlet, tbence Bos stb Ave and Hasll SI. Call Prince Rufert Feed Co. the Pony Express for wood (7) Clearly remember not one dollar of me, in pursuance of tbe provisions of tbe west 40 chain, thence south 30 chains. Jth At, ane Earta. this reserve will be raised by extra taxa mineral act. tbence east to shore, thence northeasterly cut in stove lengths or 4 feet. fiat 141 Jib .. aon Tmni it. tlon. Daied at Prtnce Rupert, B. C., this I3tb long shore to of commencement. point Most household coal and general E. D. JOll.tSOX, City Treasurer. day of February, 131. "ntaintug 63 acres, more or less. ITtED PETERS, City Solicitor. ml.. 1. E. ST ARE' HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS JfkCSlC MILLS LIMITED, transfer. Piano moving our AND FERTILIZERS Mark Bmaby. agent xpecialty. Prices moderate. Phone Haled May tJth. A. D. tU. Aug. 13 .101, R. W. Rogers. tf. WI HANDLE CJeorge R. Naden has , accepted Bulbs, and Take Orders for tho position of Deputy Minister Stook. RAW FURS! Nursery RAW FOBS! of Lands, offered him by Hon. T. CANADA Chicken Feed A. 8peoialty. D. Pattullo. Mr. Naden will leave The Edsonton Fur for the south next Thursday to tall Ortlere Premptly AUaMed Te. take up his official duties. Mrs. 'a P. O. SSS. SOS Third Ave. Exchange, Ltd. Naden and family will remain in PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Is open for business and offers Prince Rupert meantime. expert service to trappers, NATIONAL SERVICE traders and buyers of SUN AND TIDE furs. This Exchange is the largest in Canada. It carries B. C UNDERTAKERS out a selling.plan of open,It is competitive made up Sunday, January 7th. of solid business men and Sun rises ,.0:1 a. m. UNEftaU. OIRCOTORS AND S93-SALSJsTRS stands for PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given under the authority of the "War Measures OAT I(FACTION OUAR-AMTESD RESPONSIBILITY RELIABILITY Sun sets ; .1:19 p. m. V19i4'" that durinS the nrst week in January, 1917, an Inventory will be made OPEN DAY AND NIOMT RESULTS High water .. .1.11 a.m. lit. 18.2 by the Post Office Authorities, of every male between the ages of sixteen and sixty-five, 11T SJtD STRUT PMONE t sales advertised residing In Canada. Exchange are Low water ...0:15 a.m. lit. 9.5 big buyers.widely. They The Exchange reach the High water ..12:30p.m. lit. 20.5 National Service Cards and addressed envelopes for their return to Ottawa DISTRICT DISTRICT OP employs none but experts. Low water .. .7:19 p.m. lit. 4.0 have been placed in the hands of all Postmasters for distribution amongst the COAST, RAIMUC THRU Its warehouses are safe persons required to fill in such cards. Every male person of the prescribed ages against fire, Vermin, or other Monday, January 8th. is required to fill in and return a card enclosed in an envelope within ten days damaging contact. The Ex. Sun. rises .9:1 a. in. of its receipt. TAKE notice that I, Prancl Joseph change offices are central in Beale. acting a agent for the Empire Edmonton. Bend your next Sun sets 4:19 p. m. Any person who fails to receive a card and envelope may obtain the same Pulp and Taper Mills, Ltd., of Bwanson shipment to High water ...1:40 a. in, lit. 18.8 upon application to the nearest Postmaster. Say. B. C occupation logger. Intend to apply for permission to lease tbe follow The EtJaorion ' Fur Low water ...7:23a.m. lit. Q.1 Ing described lands i High water ...1:18p.m. lit. 20.0 R. B. BENNETT, Commencing at post planted on the Ottawa,. 15th December, 1916. south shore of tbe lagoon at the end of Exchange, Ltd. Low water ...7:53 p. in. III. 3.9 Director General. tbe Eut Arm of Mussel Inlet, about one ( MrfiVe, M. M. S. A. 'and one naif miles In a westerly direction ADAMS BUILDING ai'ialn GOD SAVE THE KINO. (run the N.W. corner of T. U 43e, 303, tttOOP.. tbence south 30 chains, tbence Telephone &M3, Edmonton west 40 rhalns, thence north. 30 .chains Alberta. fUlvstlon Army. NATIONAL SERVICE WEEK : 1st to 7th JANUARY. more, or Us to tbore line, tbenc follow polut Ing (bore of eoinrutneement.line In an easterly direction to RAW FURS! RAW FURS! Puhllp mllnirM, Tuesday riUNCIS JOSEPH BEALE, Applicant. nmrsday and Saturday at 8 p, in October 13th. III. J40 Sundays st 7:30 p. in. 4-