Y 4 THE DAILY NEWS The Pioneer Druggist PHONE : 3 :. 82 For Sale—Lot 9, block 31, $250, balance 6 and 12 months, Lot 20, bloek 31, section 6; $600, cash $250, balance 6 Apply to Owner, P.O, Box 546. section 6; $760, cash au and 12 Gs 5 LR PR DRONES HGR | months. vs -_— -_ — = — —_ : i at DARN RA roy SS ——— ———— - - —— ————_—-—___ — —- AS [ Bea) ~ A ue * t A PRIEST IS °c : NEIGHBORS ENGINEERS i yobs assified - - vertisements ISy r Z “What Shall it Be” IN CUSTODY 7 ruc WERE AMINE) & f : at t e J One of the best services the modern newspaper gives the public is in the classified advertisement co umns, WE ‘i There buyer a ones, ee and worker, landlord and tenant, and a host ae omer — on pet 5 al 5 ; iy aaa mon ground. ‘o put this modern convenience in reach of everyone the News will reduce Ils : : i - | , t Question Charged with Being the Leader rate to a nominal price of a cent a word per insertion Minimum charge of 25 cents. Ladies Had Wild Time at Den-| Provincial Inspector of Machin. hia be of thé Carunorcs Here is our Classified Advertising Column for today. Watch it grow. ver Convention ery Here ie oe . : s ‘ ae This store is prepared to answer it - ——-~ ince a ae 3 heed) mele ent i if Lssaumiai CAPTURED IN RAID IRISH W A NT HER C APT A] Lost and Found POLICE CALLED IN MANY ASPIRANTs ne tai ie . pms pmey syne meysmes emerson , Fi} aN ae a Z wh Was Arrested at the Head- A NEST EGG IS TAKEN ILL FOUND—On wharf, Saturday, May 6th, roll of ‘Royal Neighbors = tae? mnaeiiomeonis Now in Progress P 4 it will; it is our duty to be $ a j oney. Owner can have same by applying to : ‘ ‘ a ‘ . ; 5 4 ih ready to supply you, and we quarters of the Organisation | Dail News Office and giving matiafactory par- | & Ladies a ae a oa for Certificate, : * - 2 - SRE rulac‘e, 08- ‘ . f can do it too. on Mount Vesuvius—Is Ac- Ask for Fift Million P as | Giaatind th cigs Povey ids al ad Royal Neighborly pha n till Entering. Inspecton { “ IF joney © venue, 2 ~ . \ Mit With pleasure to you be- cused by Some of the Band. (aos ye Soa ee te ee hig ee C" |" Apply McRae, shoemaker, Fulten St. #10) Electing a Supreme Uracte Warning to Both | Mployer ti 13 cause of the size of display; ee to Start on tained Here | grmormerterrmerantreinrneteranenennt and Employees. oH / with profit to you because o Canadian Press Disnatct — ——— / Denver, Col., May 10.—Dis- page our ability to sell close. (Canadian Press Dispatch) For Rent ’ as ; ae By | Naples, May 11.—Still another UME Re ee “hg 29.0 agg If ~ 4 orderly scenes characterized the In the Provincial ¢ H } i i i — 2 Att Ot eet . 4 ¥ a When the gift question pre- |priest has be asted in con- ct pee ere ee ean sessions of the Royal Neighbors of | today the examinatio sents itself let us show you priest has been arrested in con They Want England to Give the! P ia D While He | House furnished for housekeeping, 2 rooms, $17 : : ‘ |e how easily we can match your |nection with the criminal! activities ae ee ene = og paar yes ra eveloped aes per month; back of rink. Apply Law Butler America yesterday, and the climax for various classes of B. (, | Fav ideas. ‘of the Cammorra. He is Angelo Irish Exchequer a Big Sum of| was Taking the Boat from mats h lose | ae came when a police automolile} gineering certificat P .: er Se g f you would like a new house close in, phone 266 ; asia sieries LPrandese, who, will eevien teen oth. Money to Start National) Seattle to Alaska. Customs |! yoy. sgur lie to 108-tf filled with bluecoats appeared on|S, Baxter, Provincial lnspect, iy 1 MRE te ekeeping with. i $ id. ed House to Rent { tion 6 for one . maeting t ’ ile ie a Hei Pi | ers, was captured in a raid on the Boots Mate Officer Summoned Aid | Minonth from May Isth—490.” ‘Apply Prinee tu: | the scene of the meeting in answer Boilers and Machin, 118 | t eintzman anos | Cammorrists’ burglary headquart- ; M . 1. 7 Tj ; : Et Sey a ole re aaa and he is vane i to a riot cail. The pr lice sergeant charge of it, and sf ia . + ; dona ’ +s ‘ Z . _ > >| Nice shed rooms for rent. Pp exel) . : cna > ‘ ‘ : j ere ers at Poggo Marino, on the slope London, } 4 ey . Ac ae € aptain C harles White of ro | Rooming House, ~~ Ave., near McBride. in charge, aiter reviewmg the twe nty candidates H . 4 io saVS c srences d as tne te . #9 ree ay 3-lmo p : . . ‘ ead . i bee : A i aenenisians of Mt. Vesuvius. Francese denies | **¥* tie a dieses = ware a0. 7% 8 isoline launch sho | two nicely furnished pa one frbat reem,boe| turmoil in the convention hall,} ers are expected to | wat | knowledge of the criminal activities exist in the cabinet cramer the belonging to the Hawk Fish ( B Deaths. The Roland, Third avenue. 108-6. | decided that it was nothing that selves tomorrow it C B WARK of the band, but several of the}ttom* Rule Bill, which has been of pattie; is lying in the noepey | Sprmarmeemsomermnsomsrmnsrmmsrmmaremsrmesrmee® | recuired his attention and retired Inspector Baxter fo a > -" prisioners are said to have con-|°?™° time in preparation. It is|suffering from pneumonia. The) Help Wanted without taking action. The Royal| the benefit of all usi ey § S ¢é Sé - - ; 2 ‘ usi a . § intended to establish a separate|launch was on her way from| | Bt a ise voting tel Jety 1; : fates bs 1 eek Jeweller fessed and accused him of being the frieh echoed ' The Nati f diistal Sientele:ta: Adeatis -) White |= vmsrnivenmsresp| Neighbors of America is a society]in this distri¢ t, tha fe a tae, | Irish exchequer. he Nationalists | Seattle to Alaska, Captain ; tie = a Mesa o,|0f Women For three hours and/for running an engin: by > . s : > : tha . ; i é oy to assist in office at Piercy Morris Ong | < 7 ? ne Ses penne ae ara at the out-| took ill when the boat was Pat te deve. 104-106 fifty minutes the faction suppert-| proper certificate is $300 ; ! ‘ |set pay thereinto fifteen millions!little way from Rupert, but held) waitress for Reilly's Bakery Lunch Apply}; : ‘nrig ‘mel offence The A misleading advertisement | f Me 16 eterlivas aa | at cet Z eit : il Y ‘ s reached Reilly's Lunch Rooms, ‘tasenent Empress | ing Mrs. I A Enright for Supreme offence. The same hy Would be! alieneume dteebicus to|° pounds sterling as a nest egg,|on manfully until port was re: a Theatre. , of | Oracle, kept up an increasing noise, | employers also, if ‘ ape » ¢ al subsidy. | whe > collapse Mr. >| A wor o do house work; al ts for laund ; : ae a : i or exit a store as a fire—with no insurance. at ah not the , eee : was tib when a cou apeed. Rat ove a work sow Pioneer Laundry. : {03-108 s | while two of their number statione d}not certificated. nis question is found difficult.|of the Customs Department he 4 An Experienced Stenographer at once. Apply te themselves: Oh: tie aad OF. Gial-< The ‘examination ; —_—_—_—_ There is als ifference fF ateuy | c ne hz P ners - . é Mac ealty a nsurance Company. “106 ‘ ee, gree ggs i There is also a difference of view} at once had Dr. Kergin ea un A Mother's Help. One who can do childrens sew-| rostrum and urged the rest to/Second, Third, Fourt | Partly furnished House on - és as to the number of representatives | the skipper was removed wit : vu ing. Other, eid hoot. Avoly Mire. almer) “keep it up. Quiet was not] class certificates. First ( | : > “ Je inate slay 2 = vresterday. ‘ +n . cy : ¢ . ii we Ave. |. ¢ Pitas 12 with < Section 6 5 to be retained at vs Se ee age dety a9. -$n6 moepital gael 7 Waiter wanted at Central Hotel. 100-tf restored until an overnight truce|ns that the holder 2 as > 5 7 » > 4é . ami . ‘re ay, oe 4 4 . 1 a ve bath. Electric lighted. A TME Gah ABRAIIE A we i is to the conditions of ther! The launch remained here today, | poy Wanted. Apply at Optimist Office. m-tt | was declared. trusted with the < 4) ies , retention, but may ‘proteed’on her journey! |. ssmatletety, gtet for light house wert. | ia eLETS size of plant. Secon: pe c onetime i ; : Apply to Mrs. M. B. Cohen, Fraser street or | ’ . Hh Section 7 APRA DAMA nH without him. Phone 32 103-t.f 500 H. P., Third cl "4 G. C. Emmerson : ~~* cme "AUTO W 500 H. P., 7 : ae ” » 2 Lots on 9th Avenue SSSicky i E Tehs aies mc cs ee me mers rere H. P., Fourth clas t } Rae = é 5 | +s a f F NADEN BLOCK SECOND AVE. $250 each VICTORIA CAFE The merchant must relax his ] t ae INO nines & revue ey ae 2 ee ee et, oe anxiety to create buying oppor- Houses Wanted AT VICTORIA a Il loggi ‘plant ty Pe : ; small logging plants z John Dybhavn, Exchange Block = Lunch 15¢ Meals 25¢ Up tunities for his patrons—not One | eee ereeerermerermer ski " ‘s ; ' nw —COME AND SEE- ; or. sma vine rs » . »ss chain! HOUSES WANTED—Furnished or unfurnist W A N T D Seid ASS dibs cd factor arid? Ale sda now ang then, but an endless « oa eros I iat =, Pie | Hecbert Thonasda Rabotted Deol purpose >» » I will rent them myself and pay rent in ad > . ‘ . - E. PRR nner fb | 0 them! vance, no waiting, no listing. Phone me today ing of His Injuries After the exami: c ges = ee lack 59—Unels Jer T2-t | . a me ss rn re HEE ms ec rs —we i x ry gineers is ended, ly ora 0 ine tech ents ee tees Pine snd ss FePPOPOG DQ Q89 DHHS OOSOO OOO OQOOOOOOOSSOOG j if STRUCK TELEPHONE POLE} proceeds to inspe A local representative is wanted | Board Wanted { : for a territory tributary to Prince $ rs { ' jmachinery all Rupert to sell the hardy non-irri- y | teeter mermiemerme | Car was Travelling at Rate of|from Prince Rupert gated nursery stock grown by the fr e WANTED=Reom and bourd in private famity. | Fifty Miles an Hour on Rock-} Atlin and the Na , M.,. Optimist Office. ‘ . : Ao eit Sree ee! See f land Avenue This Morning. | Sho Tabaval tena: (Par re r race one stacetma-s0-sonmnetaseeta-s mee mies : Soialt ol well s aiaminhdet, Y @ e Cc ] e O. Fi I { shen Commpmate Thtaree, ee : ; Ire insurance ; j A i l rue 4 | | merican League mermsrmsrmes ADDRESS +mermesrmeermes + ia eee eae (Canadian Press Dispatch) | (Cl?veland 6, Bost a R | OUR SPECIALTY—Fire Insurance. _We repre- Victoria, May 11.—An_ auto- New York 6, Det: senteleven strong Fire Insurance Companies ° - . ear Fs We want your business, large and smal!.| mobile owned by Herbert Thomson! Chicago 2, Washi regon ursery ompany | Let us quote you rates. The Mack Realty and | Pg ms : Insurance Company, cor 3rd Ave. and Fulton St. | Containing Mr. Thomson and two Philadelphia 2, St. | Orenco : Oregon | THE British Union and National: Fire Insurance | friends Bryan Coombe, and Napier | National League ae ompany of London, England, with capital . % ‘ of $2,500,000.00, See us fur rates. The Mack| (Gowen, were racing down Rock-| Boston 7, Cincinnat | Realty and Insurance Company. T0-tf A ‘ | | dormsmerermermrernnermaemnrmnres jland avenue at fifty miles an hour) Chicago 1, New Yor! A‘ i this morning when the ear struck} St. Louis 4, Brookly FOR SALE @ Situations Wanted {ye telephone pole, demolishing the Philadelphia 6, Pitt g 2 Pe eres eet ce cook ea: “ase, | Proms? weemeormcom cremate | CAT And hurling the occ upants out Pacific Coast League $200 takes the outfit for quick sale. Apply | A classified advertisement is a tireless work-| Mr, Thomson is now in the hospital Portland 2, San Fr H. E. ROSS, Empress Hotel Pool Room | hunter-and seldom fails tne his ; ; ( achat Third Avenue 2 Prides Rupert liewetatah Ceti seaista (edldoia thi ‘adic Bk hoes, |OoOe of his injuries. oombe anc Vernon 4, Sacrame Pr eee first class cooks. Apply noe ae B..| Gowen though badly hurt will Los Angeles 2, Oak By experienced man and wife as cook and helper | recover | x _ bp Saeens comp or country hotel Aoply Hi L. | Branch in Hazelton / Position by Japanese cook in family or boarding | TRIAL AT VICTORIA | A branch of the A Ouse. *.O. Box 894 103-6 | Store has been oper l Ze Sots rere reese rmsrmesrmecomesrmeedfy | owes ; re has be me i} i Request for Trial in Prince Ru-) Mr. M. Schien | j Boarders Wanted pert is Turned Down wired his partner, M1 / ee today saying a f FOUNTAIN. | Home cooked meals and nicely furnished rooms| A telegram was received in| }juilding had bee: for three persons. Apply Mrs. James, Seott a6 ‘ : : * / Bidg.. ard Ave., between ath and $thsts. sett, the city this morning notifying | Hiazelton for the firn i | Private Board by the week or month. Home| the solicitors for the men char- cooking & specialty. Miss E. M. Gleeson, &rd | ‘a e ° ° Ave.. between 7th and 8th Sts., phone 171. 8-tf| ged with rioting during the : . | a | ‘ ° : | Pantorium Pioneer Cle 1 Pee ee strike that the trial is to take| 9 | Money to Loan place in Victoria on June 5th. { | | peers od ots 9s one 9nd Pts On 0s ot The request to hold the trial Store-competitior l A classified advertisement will find you the mon- oh Prince Rupert has been in VAI ‘A : I: 7 not mer Pure Ice Cream with all the | | | «7 with which to put your plan Into effect. refused. | competition in SI RVI a “Bixins’’ ] ee er ee — advertising is an in | Real Estate When looking for a sgrood cup | in reputation-makins et of tea call at Reilly’s Bakery |making—-not merely ch { | | A classified advertisement is a real estate esles Lunch. | made today thy C H ORME | | A large stock of man, and does not atten count enough “to — - fe . . count” in the net result f. “airy : ———____ BERL CSG eb ren te ae ‘ 4 i $-* #004 — o-+ a | J FRED. STORK } vie ~General Hardware— || Hae ~ = ‘| i ’ 4 Builders’ Hardware 7 4) eae ie Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves . | i j if Graniteware Tinware 1 | 9 : : . | " i *| 2h SECOND - AVENUE 4) » — &-©- 4 + + @-@ ore j _ | 7) § Hotel Central wry rises: } ; a i; European and American plan, steam ‘ heated, modern conveniences, Rates } at $1.00 to $2.60 per day. 3 : | j H 7 Peter Black Proprietor ) ith 4 f AL AL NL + th : AY are e@ ASK. ME ee if i if you want to buy or sell i ‘| REAL ESTATE Life, Health and Accident JOHN DYBHAVN P.O, Box 727 Office: Exchange Block INSURANCE ACCIDENT sneeragee Sy Fe Low Premiums, Prompt Settlement i | | { | PoP lr CrOrrQnCnen neq QNQN QQ FFF FPP FFVOQQHOOOOOOOOOOO OOS RUBBER BOOTS au OILED CLOTHING to be disposed of further reductions in the price of suits and pants Suits from $3.00 Still lots of Boots, Shoes, Blankets, Underwear Socks, Suit Cases and Bags, Etc., to be Sold + *_¢ ¢ ¢ « PPPPFPSPPPWFPPPFPPFPPPPPPPPPo oo aOR 89 9) 106-111 4h. WHY TAKE CHANCES--SEE We have a good building lot within a bloek of Me- eager | PATTULLO & RADFORD | Second Ave. SECOND AVENUE, FOR bP | SAFE REAL ESTATE | K DEPOSIT ‘| i FIRE INSURANCE BOXES (CaSO SPRUE ane ee Fr | For Sale et tet ert ere eet ee a i NT eh el eR OF A first-rate proposition which will give a steady monthly income, $800 cash handles it. H. F, McRae & Co., Second Ave. 104-tf Household Goods. Rooms to be let Apply Mre Evien, 7th Ave. and Taylor St. near Summit. 95 \Goecer pm bE » Cap Sy) (rae es) ree PP PAD APP OR Pa OR PD pant ptr DLA Office Wanted oe ttre etre rma rm srmmcors rm Apply to | Wanted to hire, small space in office. | 99-108 | P.O, Box 767. S. O. E. B. S. RS sees SU Clarmont Rooms England, meets the first and third Tuesdays in | each month in the Carpenters Hall, at 8 p.m, F. V, CLARK, See., P. O, Box #12, Prince Rupert FOR RENT $50 per month will rent fine, newly builé apartment house, three stories high, containing rooms on upper floors, Recep- tion, bath and living rooms on round floor. Must be seen to e fully appreciated, Special opportunity for hotel or room- ing house. Located on Sixth Avenue Near Fulton Street BS > = teen newly furnished rooms, Hot and cold water, Bath, $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 per week | Three to five minutes from cen- tre of business district, Nine- Co-Operative Real Estate Co. “ASK UNCLE JERRY”’