THF All Y NEWS":- VOL. VIII. 7 PRINCE HfJl'ERT, H. C, TUESDAY. JANL'AllY 0, 1917. PRICE FIVE CENTS "I FSSiMG D r1 r GOING TO P ,,,,, P31NCE RUPERT CITIZENS ARE DETERMINED TO BREAK THE CANNERY MONOPOLY m i mat the attached license he NOTICE TO MARINERS ROBERT CAMERON WILL TO OTTAWA TO DELEGATION abolished. The chief plea of the THE MAYORALTY i preventatives was that an international Alaska, Wrangell Strait, Point REMAIN AT ESQUIMALT COMBAT CANNERY MONOPOLY question was Involved Alexander Light was temporarily Last year at this time, and that the independent men changed from group flashing to there was a feeling Sergeant Robert Cameron, who were so In name only. Mr. Williams a single flash, 0.3 sees, duration throughout the city that left here with the first contingent PLAIN SPEAKING AT MEETING WITH FISHERY REPRESENTATIVES showed that the independent every three seconds, December I the civic ship was entering and who has lost the use of his LAST NIGHT MAYOR McCAFFERY SUMS UP men got much larger prices 22, 1010, without other change. on a stormy voyage right arm through getting a few SITUATION EFFECTIVELY DELEGATES V for their fish and said that the The normal characteristic will bej which required n strong, machine gun bullets in his elbow, TO LEAVE WEDNESDAY canneries enjoyed their monopoly restored as soon as practicable.' steady hand at tho helm, is expected lo arrive In Vancouver j because of the boat-rating. Wrangell Strait, Point Lock- and a hand guided by a this week. Ho spent Christmas McCaffery summed up' Intyro last night, which was pr- Ttie matter of opening up the wood Hock Float Light No. 1 rc-j clear, alert brain. M. P. at his old home in Charlottetown, the fishing situation at the close mI l over by Mayor MeCallery, tt-8eine fishing at the mouths of ported on December 2711) as being McCaffery was elected as where he was given a rousing rc-' of the meeting last night, in a was decided to send a delegation j streams was next discussed at adrift and opposite Deception skipper of tho ship. The ception by his many old friends. ilghting speech in which ho said to Ottawa to appear beforo the length. The committee demanded Point, light extinguished, will be ship has sailed through Hob had just been homo two days that the matter simply resolved Advisory Hoard to press the that the exclusive rights to the replaced and relighted as soon as the year without a bump when his mother, who had been itself into n question of monopoly claims of the north against the -canneries be abolished. (practicable. or tremor. Everything has suffering from cancer for somo versus democracy. To him, the cannery monopoly. The delega- The granting of cannery 11- Clarence Strait, Approach to gone along smoothly, rap-Idly time, passed away. Mr. Cameron .:rux of the mailer lay in the cannery lion consists of O. II. Nelson, from censes to all applicants was then Lake Hay, Heck Island Light. Re-tho and efficiently. Today, expects to be detained at the mili- boat-rating and the closing city council; V. E. Williams, 'brought up, and the refusal of theiport has been received that Deck the taxpayers realize that tary hospital at Esqulmalt where of the rivers to Independent fishermen Hoard of Trade, and O. W. Mor-row. government' to grant tr license Island Light was extinguished for they have completed the he will undergo special treatment and independent canncrs. of the citizens' committee, hen the Dominion government the winter on December 4th. Jvoyage at much less cost for his injured arm. To the people who livo in with W. II. Montgomery as an alternative. ad given one. Mr. Cunningham Sitka Sound, Western Channel, than ever before and with Prince Hupert, and in the north, In the event of any of explained that one new license in Channel Itock Deacon, reported much more security. NEW WELLINGTON . COAL, the fishing of the Skeena and the those gentlemen being unable to each dhtrict was granted each !missing on.December 8th, will be j The city has entered phone 11C. We have just received Naas. is a natural resource", In go, the mayor Is to select a substitute. year. j replaced as soon as practicable. upon another Voyage of a a shipment of 500. tons full II una nren.l Hint n elilnf in- J. II. McLEOD. I year, nnd the opinion of Lump Coal. We are prepared to which the people should nave say as to the use made of that At the outset of the meeting, speclor of fisheries be located in ! practically every man in put In your winter's coal for you. fishing," said the mayor. "In d W. II. Montgomery asked the representatives Prince Rupert. 0. W. Morrow VOTE FOR THOMAS McMEEK- the city is that the skipper manding that the fishing in these why the resolutions and O. II. Nelson strongly recom- IN ON THURSDAY. BUSINESS i of last year Is the only Prince Rupert Public Bohool Board rivers be freed from the monopoly of last year were turned down. mended this, pointing out that MEN ARE NEEDED AS ALDER- man to take charge of the NOTICE TO PARENTS AND O.UARDIANS. which binds it, the people' are Mr. Cunningham said that he had (continued on Page Four.) ' MEN. 9. ship. He has shown him- In conformity with, recommendations of the Department or Education, pupils will self to bo thoroughly only exerting their democratic l sent a written report on the whole be taken Into the receiving classes of the capable, in rough weather Public Schools twice yearly, at the open rights. It gets down to this, that!matter, which gave the reasons. Inr of the term In January and August only. the people of Prineo llupert and W. E. Williams then look up Do Want io Help or calm, and the feeling PARENTS AUD 6UARDIASS TAKE flOTICE ' you throughout lih'eiclty today that ruplls six years of are and those who the north want to disrupt this Ut question of herring lioenses, JlL-ltllnjJ6fi.AEtnt-Mx yeari-flo-Dr-JbeM is one of profound eonrfs cannery organization and throw asking that Otherme on thi fore tho 1st day or May ivw, win oe Prince Rupert Grow? fidence in the ability of admitted to the receiving classes up to the fishing opeifc Tnat istfuei roast be given the same treatment and Including the 15th day or January, Mayor McCaffery., With a and the central truth of the whole s tho Atlantic men. Rales hero 11 V. D. VANCE. Secretary. of experience behind m Iter." said Mr. McCafTery. are much higher. Mr. Cunning year him, he is still better NOTICE Addressing the Advisory Hoard ham said that he had not the Atlantic Do you Believe in Progress? qualified for the important representatives, the mayor said, rates with him, but he admitted David II. Hays has Taken over post than he was last year "You two inMi are supposed to that there is a difference. Then Vote for and Support WEDNESDAY as the Half-Holiday and, with tho city's flnan- the real estate, insurance and represent us in Ottawa. The Ho would place the matter, before look backward, safety deposit business handled Oiare you content to knock, cial troubles a thing of question has been placed before tho board. Mr. Williaurs -asked ' and in general ttT retard progress and hinder the past, thanks largely to by Hon. T. D. Patlullo. Mr. Hays you strongly. You have Ignored that the herring area be thrown If will conduct this additional business tho development of Prince Hupert? so you Mr. McCaffery's business it In a way, ono reason being tho wide open over the whole of No. Saturday as the Half Holiday. at his present office at tho will support - ability, ho will have time danger of International complications, district. Mr. Cunningham his corner of Second Avenue and this year to devote still the people of the north thought that this would be no nd- The selection or Saturday wouM remit In t serious Inconvenience to the Second Street. the venel outnt and prepare to leave ror the 'energies, as he has the halibut Industry as many or vll not stand for thlst cannery antage as the herring could not Banks on that day. nast few months, to rtlan- . rnmlino. There ara limits to he taken earo of for more than Durinr the Salmon season no Billing U allowed rrom Friday until Sun-Jay - - - - - night, thu riving- alt persons engaged In that Industry an opportunity ning for new industries for TO THE ELECTORS 'licit the people will not submit. ten hours. and their requirements only at the weekend. B. O. to come to rrluce Rupeit purchase Prince Rupert. The fact Prince Rupert, ' They put the matter clearly before Captain William Sellg advised Arrival from and departures to all outside points would be compelled to that the Emerson sawmill you last year. You put It up tho government to put on ono or wall a day and a half to transact their business, ir Saturday were chosen- is an assured fact is large- Ladies and Gentlemen: to the government, but nothing more boats to prospect for bor The general public arpear to be well Mttsned with the present day as Having consented to become proven rrom experience of the last six months and no valid reason has been ly duo to Mayor McCaffery, a candidate for Alderman as done. The limit, has been ing as the fishermen Imd not tho brought forward for a to Saturday. as Mr. Emerson himself fop the 'Election reached. We are living in n democratic tlmo to do this. This was being has pointed out. Other next Thursday, I respectfully country, with responsible done on the Atlantic. WEDNESDAY MEANS A It EST INTERVAL IN THE MIDDLE will follow, solicit your vote and pnvet nment, and it is tho opinion . W. McLean was in favor of OF THE WEEK. It takes the curse off'of the daily toil for developments influence. employees. A holiday in tho middle of the .week and tho and they will follow much Respectfully yours, of im-Mf in this free to go any. nnd man fishermen being every rest on Sunday means happy arid contented clerks and moro rapidly and surely if JOHN DYH1IAVN. town, irrespective of politics, that where, so long as they observed a satisfied public the reins of government IV action must bo taken." the regulations for the preserva WEDNESDAY is tho reasonable day for employees, general are left in the hands of As a result of tho meeting with lion of spawning grounds. public as well as employers, and means development and the Port of Prinze Rupert. M, P. McCaffery. F II. Cunningham and D. N. Mc- Cnptaln Ilorvig gave his ex progress for : SOLIDARITY perience In trying to get herring, IS THE WATCHWORD DO YOUR DUTY TO YOURSELF AND YOUR TOWN AND which was costly and ineffective. ' MARGUERITE CLARK AT OF LABOR VOTE A SOLID know VOTE WEDNESDAY THE HALF-HOLIDAY. wanted to HAW Morrow WESTHOLME THEATRE objected lo Aldermanlc Candidates for i the government The Prince Rupert Table Supply. 3eorge J. Frlitcll Saturday opening up the whole district. Tho (By J. C. Oavlran). rrlnre Rupert Bataar Marguerite Clark, In "Silks and Municipal Election 1917 matter of taking caro of tho fish P.Martin Turns O'Reilly k. Company Jabour V. 0 rat Brothers ton Satins" at tho Westholmo tonight J. J. ANDERSON Half Holiday wuh up to tho fishermen. Mr Max Sweeder llellbronner Brothers Mrs.Mdlse S. Bros.,Frlnell Ltd. is as bright and dainty as ever. Laundryman. Cunningham said that the present Third Avenue Meat Market. Arthur Spurr, Spurr's Market Tho part of littlo Feliclto is particularly AND WE WILL regulations had been mado by a II. A. Barsalow fuller k McMeekln Company suited to this brilliant GEORGE B. CASEY SHOW and Harvey. K. reck li. Hoffman Miner. ommission somo years ago E. A. Oalland rarkln & Ward Electric Company little actress and never has she YOU SERVICE BY OUR thoy could not b upset nt once Frank Bulger Urocbu ti Penlke Mussallem Mussallem Grocery& Company,Company,Ltd. Ltd. been seen to greater advantage. FRED SHAW on tho ouestion of Blowing A. R. Phillips Anne Importers Limited There Is a delightful lovo story Plasterer. THAT halibut men to use humps am K. Mussallem Mberta Meat Market running through tho play and the WE APPRECIATE IT Mr Oeorge P. McColl II. S. Wallace Company, Limited W. G. BARRIE dog salmon for halibut bait, M. M. Arthur r. Uramley 'vlitilo makes ono of tho most en-'joyablo Cunningham refused to entertain J. A. klrkpatrlrk Fulton Cash Market, Thank You Williams, Capt V. V. Wrathall Prince Rupert Orocery movlo productions ono ; We stand or Fall Together; tho Jdoa. Mr. could wish to see. : Endorsed by the Trades and "HKTAIL CLERKS." Itorvlg and others explained that Labor Council. tlio value of the halibut taken va THOMAS McMEEKIN SOLICITS - -t for in excess of tho salmon used Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent YOUR VOTE FOR ALDERMAN ON iiiiiniifrff r out tlmt Jap Mr. Rurvlg pointed ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THURSDAY. 0. WESTHOLME on thu Islands, had sent 1.000 ton INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES LONDON CAFE of dog salmon to Japan. v,l OPERA HOUSE Tho question of tho abolishing Headquarters for Georgetown Sawmill Co., Ltd., and the North Coast Towing Owing to a breakdown AND GRILL TONIGHT ONLY Company, Ltd. brought out In tho telefcronhlo service, Third Avenue of tho boal-ratlng MARGUERITE CLARK PECK, MOORE 6c COMPANY Serves Nothing but the Best n innuthv nnd futile discussion wo woro obliged to go to "SILKS AND SATINS" Strong lighting speeches wer SIT Seon4 Avanue OCNERAL BROKERS Phona 1S0 press today without our " STRICTLY UNION HOUSE Katzonjammor Kids made by all tho members of tho BUILDING FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY THE CONTINCNTOL TRUST COMPANY 4 usual war despatches. BOXES FOR LADIES In "Lions." ...mrnlttce in which they demand '