Tucmlay, January 0, 1017. the daily wf.wa VHBQ mU LU..U SLIu 2,000,0001 HE .SUFFERED Belcrians frult-a-tiYes" Made Him Feel Depend on us As If Walking On Air for Bread! Okillia, Out., Nor.28lh. 1014. Tor over two yean, I was troubled Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians with Comti fatten, Drowsiness, Lad ej i have depended for food entirely on the "Commission and Headaches. Onodayls.1 your sign which read "1'rull-a tivc 1 for Relief b Belgium". Their own store of food, tnako you feci like walking on air." even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only This appealed to me, bo I decided to three weeks they have had no chance to ra? more- try a bos. In a very short time, I and ruthless Germans refuse them I lieffan to feel hotter,and now I feel fine. the, to supply I have agood appetite,relish everything Backed by the I eat, and tho Headaches aro gono entirely. I recommend tills pleasant fruit medicine to all my DAN friends McLEAN.". Belgian Relief Fund COc. a box, 0 for $2.50, trial slio, 25c. At all dealers orsent postpaid by Fruit-s to generously contributed in the British Empire sod the United tlTcs Limited, Ottawa. States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported CARBONVOID fur anlc hy Up. enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation felt & Cunningham, nnd Parkin. so far. The great majority of the 7,000.000 Belgians left in the country have been able to pay for their daily allowance of Ward Klectrio Co. tf. bread but s steadily growing number have no money left. Unless we are wiling to let these'hundreds of thousands of women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this passible someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month every month sfl this winter I nBBBBBBBBBBBBsaj - bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbm mm No people under the Aflied Flats are as wefl able re generously as we Canadians I Ne cause has ever been more deserving of help I In the name ef Justice and Humanity for The Whisky the sake of our own self-respect let a give al we can le help our martyred Alfiesl of Quality Scad 7 Mr raUcnptfaat wMkly,SMalUy f im wm hmmf msb k) Leaal m Pwiackl'OauBitlM, U Um S Afd(nWood 8 Yean Central Executive Committee. 6f St Peter ft, aterirtal before bottling Is $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. CUAJUNTtED BY THE GOVERNMENT mt CANADA BELIEVE US BROTHER. SOLOMON HAD S0ME JOB. KINO SOLOMON CA FIVES Tlll TUIIKEY FOR HIS IlIiTTER HALVES, FN 900 B. C. - a Bui Lata aiaalatla way, and the only means of communication obtain million of dollars in tho CANADIAN WOMEN enjoyed by the thousands near future. AH of this is within GOLD WATCH FREE In the Letter Box SHOULD KNOW THIS of while and Indian resi-dents a few hours of l'rince Rupert and A smictfarrl iwwuw "CANADA FIRST"Milk Is the BEST Milk is a fortnightly steamer no effort is'being made to run a stld by Your Croccr. The Government llulletln Im ftrt ftvinc ValeWa ) all Hunan mi la Um 4 Jutting nut into the Pacific from l'rince Rupert, which ought ferry service that vould bring in Nj.303 tell the story IT COSTS THE SAME. lm jocenn nre thousand of largo nnd to bo the place from whence all settlers and business men to CAHADI.K mil MOOUCt INSIST Mala Wriu Ismail inland, some populated by supplier should bo purchased, and build up the great lone islands I f ytm wat w Mrrd the a whip cream,chill with"CJa Ireth cream.FTrl"P. pouted t Lailna'of Mr (the aborigine, while others have which should be in close touch within eighty miles of tho prospective ThbAYLMER CONDENSED MILK CO..Lts. (WTtM SI4 .a few hardy white settlers, almost with tho people who arc endeavoring metropolis of the north, ATLutu,oht..Canada completely cut ofT from communication to obtain a means of liveli fiet a move on, Prince Rupert! with tho outside world. hood. Under present conditions, ISLANF)ER. at Mr snr4- It is hardly credible to learn that the whites and natives are able aboal m aa4 shew thMi u UMUfaiOaaiaJk. It wMi MRW cams ww!9mm M wa nrt wmj a t rvvw Itm.jjnV a mm a number of these places nre to send their orders fop supplies J-mUi wilt s aeel d-et,It !,IXJ.fcS,Ura.b MATD,J DVmIi ui.M, within a few miles of the- ter-' to Vancouver nnd Winnipeg, anil minus of n transcontinental rail- to carry on all their business affairs with other places. Under J tho present mail contract, a FRED 1 STORK'S HARDWARE steamer calls at Massett, Iort 81- Clements, Skidegale, Jcdway. Sandspit, Ikeda, and Lockport 710 SECOND AVE fortnightly, remaining but long enough to leave any freight that Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery is carried, and departing without Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Taokle giving tho residents of of Iron many Pipe Pipe Fitting Rifles and Shotguns Bop Valves Ammunition tho places time to answer correspondence. Pumps Hose Paint Although the Queen Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iroi. Charlotto Islands sent a large number of soldier to tho war, and " WC BELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" tho people aro contributing to the I Red Cross and other funds, they I receive no word of the progress FRED STORK'S HARDWARE j of affairs in the outside world, other than by mail, j Tho people aro kept in ignor- nnco of passing events, until they BaJftyis Own Soap read tho newspapers, or aro informed by letter, every two weeks. The city of lrinco Rupert is reaching out for business, but it is neglecting tho large islands lying at their very doors, as Vancouver '"TTONES knows about Island was neglected wheal more motor 1 than other I Vancouver terminus cars any man was an embryo I know" K-vid a man to hit of a trausconline.utal rail-v.'ny. J friendJ1 He has obtained his Tho department stores of II knowledge chiefly from :motor car advertisements, eastern with Canada, "Vancouver, and the catalogues and booklets Victoria and Seattle supplying the circulated through them; residents of Queen Charlotte Islands with tho necessaries of life, "AH I know about photography," declared well-known it is no wonder that many prospective amateur, " I have leanned from the men who advertise cameras, plates, pap:rs and films." settler visit tho Islands and leave again w'lhnut considering Advertisements have been that there is land in plenty for purchnso or pre-emption. Tho well called "The Poor Man's Queen Charlotto Islands have the University," but other than best gpruco lumber In the world, men have been schooled growing and awaiting the lumber poor .'.ff; gfeAA1vi.ao.tMatWMSsLifrjLr l'iir.'r.Airrik man and mills. Tho fishing thereby. grounds aro inoxhnuslible. When other part of tho Dominion arc If ftu art 4tlt a l'l Much of what the average- iadsVicfaal knows con talk over your advertising' prob. ccrninfi personal and domestic hygiene modern covered with tho nnow, evergreen lema with (ho Advertiaio Ue office methods, books and authors, clcctrsoity, pre of lhit Island partraent uiTord newipjper. food for cattle. cious stones, investment, and almost.cwcrylhirui else, After the bath with BABY'S OWN SOAP the There Is ic better place for port, uttltmat If y art imimru Joint it Mould prttlwitl be well tr he has learned from adscrtisemeats. kin if smooth, comfortable, and exhales the recreation and health than tho lor rou to have the coumcl and asilatanee of ood dvertlilfif Advertisements have stimulated ourintettiiee, aroma of freshly cut flowers. Queen Chnrlolto group. Tho Jap-nneso lency. A litt of ibeia will be added enormously to our knowledge and given u Freedom from skin troubles, explains in some measure nro discovering that the lurnitlied.by without the Secietary cott or ol Can obligation, uspirations which have raised us to higher level of the refreshing sleep which "Baby's Own Soap" babies fisheries of tho islnnds ore valu ediaa Preaa Association, Hbom thinking and living AdvertismU is ttodeed "The euiov. UbDecially for nursery iftse insist on"Baby's Own . able. American speculators have 503,Lumtdta lluilJinToroato, Poor Man's University." - ti r......... mriNTRFAL. ia-n looked uver tht .timber and niin OS lug wealth, from which they will