Wednesday, January 10, IP17. THB DAILY JVIWI. TWO LONG YEARS laak By Mail Anl Save A Trip ta Tawa HE SUFFERED the benefit of those FR live out of towa, f rait-a tfm" MaM Mm Feci we have arraaged a It WHkm flu Mr pkn by which you cut 4o your baakiag by mtM qake OsiJaJa.0n.t Not,th. 1911. at satisfactorily as if y Toroter two years, I tu trout Jed stood here at1 oar coaatera. with rHi.Drvwtimtu, Uk Come la and let us espial sour sign which rc4. "J'ruiU a the pka or write for the iuke you feel walklaaoa alp." informatloa. w ux,uc w Tliii appealed trv a box. J "T ,nort t,me 1 i THE BANK OF Iccsa to feel bctlrr,And w If.ttnr, Duini rol appetite,relish eterythln BrMba NafHi AaKrfea I est, and the Headaches sre rone ' rntlrtlf. I recommend UiU Vi4 ?t t K4 etainiss. fruit nuJitin to aJI my friends CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. S7.SS4.. DAN McIXAK. BRANCI PRINCE RUPERT Cop, box, for $3X0, trial site,Ke. 7 ;jiHHHn B-HHnnmHH - tssssssssraau At alt dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tlre.. I W.J.SMITH ERS,Maaager limited. OtUws, Ja .-. . lHKI m.u.'V'viT312 F ' aMB'aMaMcXaMaMaMaMaMaMaMaH CARBONVOID for rule b" I.lpi we ouaranth is rn eenr. elt A Cunningham, nnl 1'arkln. MVINO. WHY PAY SJOfM Ward Klectrlo Co. POR FIRE INSURANCE CiATTLE OF 80MME AT tho scenes depleted la the great their husbands and sifters recog-t risks of the soldier ln making OLD, STRONG) CCHKPARHES WESTHOLME THEATRE series of scenes from the. Komnv nired brothers. Ther are the'their Alms and one camera man . SEE CONSOLIDATED SSeUIHTICS, LTD. front showing at the Westholme most lealistic war picfures everj was shelled and lost his camera, Room It Smith Block . The Whisky Tli above it a picture of one tonight and tomorrow. When shown as they are the real thing. I and came near to losing his life. PHONE 1 an4 BLAOK EM f the t.ig guns on the Fomtiie Ui ee pictures were shown In taken by the government opera-'This is the real thing and should ipMMMfMWWMWMMMMMM oQuality fntnl and It glvea a faint Idea of London, many women recognized tors. The movie men ran the ;not be missed by anyone. J W9 8 Years TRADES AND LABOR INSTALLATION' OF Channel Itock Deacon, reported of COUNCIL. OFFICERS K. OF P. OFFICERS miine on !eerr!ber 8th. wiM h--replace WHEN BUYIMGYEAST CUARAKTTXD ST Tilt as soon as practicable. INSIST ON HAVING COVTJUHUNT CANADA 1 At thf meeting of the Trades Skeena u$gc 15, Kuie'ulm f t - t'O? THIS PACKAGE GBaMS and Labor Cwuneil last evening Pythias, installed the following E IB following tiffierrs were elected: io officers on Monday evening: C. H. KINO APPROVES OF Ireidfnt. B. I. Maedonald; Viee- Xlewart. O. ft.; J. Knight. V. C; 8. SOMME BATTL: riLSSS .lMrsidonl. Oeorpe Itudderhams Johnson, Prelatei S. Ilamblin, M. CBEAM Secretary. I. II. Limey; Treasur-rr. of V.; a C IKjp, K. of R. nd S.: ' The J'ltiic of the Somme" ws SOU WATCH FREE, John ; Warden. J. M(rrion. II. M. Daggett, !. of P.: William CxHnmitlee: W. shown by reyal eoioniand at B" ean; legislative V.l'b, U. nt A ; R. Clifke, I C; (1. Rudderbam, and Windsor Castle, before the King I Thmnpsnn. O Drother ..aRMcW. fJenrjre Johnson. C.; erivsTaraaai EaHOmSrsW m- L. W. Iteilly. Finance1,OnmmlKe: W. W. Wrfylu was fleeted firand and Queen on Sept. 2nd, last. The ga linn wh John iwan, II, llatum. and l. W.,Ide King expressed his unqualified ap Bes4totwieasW Ilriily. Delegate to II. C Felera-lioo proval of the picture and ad.ised ! linii liirtai of labor, which meets at COMPLIMENTS AT COUNCIL the Dritish public and the. people j i PflBpSpHEQV IteveUloVe on January 29th. W. of the Umpire to see. them. DECUKE SUBSTITUTES NO ALUM 1 K. Thompson . 8. D. Maedonald Is Jn the crpressfM hearty " '-" m having appreciation of the kisdly co&- tmm mmm. m mm to m m,,taa If- w "IS s mtaa sa " M I . .. been unanimuutly elected at isideratlon which the mayor had tlliliH UtfTtk. VMM. pr sidml f the r'.uncd for the always extended to the members-Aid. third successive term. McIlie7"ln"Vndorsing the sentiments expressed by Aid. A mil I T. I ijuiiai ii, ,u m l7 FRED STORK'S HARDWARE along well together, but he took exception to the actions of one inepiber. Aid. Casey. Aid Casey had gone through the books sjid 710 SECOND AVE had it marked, "Well, I have nothing QarpanUra' Tools Bulldtro' Hardwaro Ship Ctiandlsei and had on McIUe this time." Wlro OatU Stoal Blocks rishlno Tackle then come. Inln Ihe council chamber Iron Pip Pip Fltllns ftiriss sod ?KotstMs and cast dirty insinuations Nop VaiM Ammunition upon his character as an Aider-man Pump Hom Paint Hg challenged Aid. Casry tots and Rangoa Rubborold Roofing Corrugated Iroh J ' to show Hut he ever"done 'WE SELL MOTNINQ BUT THE BEST anything which was ,lihnrab!r SI I Aid. Caser said that Aid. Mc. " K llae had no business to buy .n . FRED STORES HARDWARE adding machine for !a cily. ana take a commission on it. Aid. Montgomery said tlirft they The Poor Mans all knew the.his.tory of the trans, I siiSL Baby's Own Soap artion and that there was nothing n it lor rcfli'ctuiHm any man. Aid. University rasey evidently did not kiuw that being a member of it limited com-pany I; m i i v., did not debar an alderman from doing business with the city. ONES knows aaore about i The other ildermen objected to cars than aay other aaaa I the. Insinuation made by Mr, J know," said a maa to bia Gaey and each xprri.iied the hope friend. 4 4 He has obtained We that they would meet again ns knowledge chiefly from motor car advertise Jtisual next week. rnents, and the catalok'uea and booklata I' circulated through them. NOTICE TO MARINERS Ail I know about photoiranby." declared wol known amateur, "I have learned from the asaa who Alaska, Wrnngell Strait, Point advertise cameras, plates, papers aad films." Alexander Light was temporarily rhang.ed from'group flashing to Advertisements have been n single flash, (L3 sees, duration well called "The Poor Man's very llireo wnn, iwemuer you msmB 22, 101 6, vvithou( other change. University," but other .than The normal characteristic will bo poor men have been schooled restored ns soon as practicable. Wrnngell Ptralt, Point Lock. thereby. " j&F'SWtt tu. wood Hock Float Light No. t ro. ported on Deretnher 27th ns being If ym see dlt If I hl"tt Much ol what the average iadividual kaews ulk ovtr your it rtUIof prob. Briinrf npptAnsI ani( rlrrai stain tawaltJbaftA aaii s ssstagk fvvS WMi MWnswcTW BBBnBNflFfrM adrift and opposite .Deception Itai ilh of lb Ibi AUvtftUini D office methods, books aad authors,HffSVBsTVfi cleemeky, precious l'olntj light extinguished, will be ptrimtal Bftrpr. stones,investuicets, aad aksett evarralhisul sis, 1 ym trt dtitf 4 frttimHtl r I 1 .' - After the bath with BABY'S OWN SOAP the replaced niul relighted as. soon as BMuiWfll It mouM I c nas icarncu irum aqvenwemaais.-J lor YO-i to h ibt CumI ! skin is smooth, comfortable, aad exhale the practicable. 1Ubo ol (ooJ dfili!i Advertisements hsvo itimu4atsd our aroma of freshly cut flowers. Clarence Ftralt, Approach to ter. A IUt o( llil illb added enormously to oar kaewledie, aad fjvea us troubles, in measure Lako liny. Deck Island Light. Ito. lurnUhttl, wirtioKl coit er ol C.tbl. aspirations which have raised us to hiahar lavala ef Freedom from skin explains some tioa, hf lb Steitury the refreshing sleep which "Baby's Own Soap" UWc port has betui received that Heck tdUm MJ,Lvosidaa Prtts AorUtton,HuitJis4,Torpst.Hoom thinkintt.I'oor Msn's and University living. Advertios 1 is kdeed The snjoy, UicialIyforuureryiliicIniIjton"Baby,aOr . Inland Light was extinguished for ALBERT SOAPS Lbnilsd, Mufocturrs, MONTJUAL. 1-4-11 tho winter on December 4th. Sitka Bound, Western Channel,