C? ! ,"2"r- N m v m in DAILY News VOL. VIII. NO. ?. MUNCH rtUPKUT, h C THt'llSDAY, JANUAUY. II, 1917. PHIITK KIVK CKNT RUSSIANS BEGIN CREA & rka OFFENSIVE 1 - GER'Jean SOCIALISTS DEMAND PEACE - PORTUGUESE TROOPS ON WEST FRONT GREAT RUSSIAN WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC ISLANDS WOULD MAKE GERMAN SOCIAL IN HUN-RIDDEN BELGIUM GREAT NATURAL PARK OFFENSIVE HAS DEMOCRATS ARE The Kcho de 1'ari publishes, (Contributed). in It edition of November 9lh, Almost state in the every BEGUNAT RIGA 1910, the following interview- of American Union has its Natural OUT FOR PEACE Mr. II. Carton de Wlatl, the Itel-Kian il'ark, and there I no reason why I Minister of Justice, concern. the Northern part of Ilritish Co-'petition Germans Scared by Raw BwvaJop-mnt to bw tent to Ohancwllor on Hid Front Sis Ing the removal, deportation lumbia should not be made a re-J -PortuguaM Troop on Watt-em Advance Soared by and compulsory work Imposed sort for tourists, and for those! Front Reply to WHaen Th Rualana. upon numerous Belgian civilian seeking health and recreation. on'th Wky. by the high German authority: Within eighty miles .of Prince (rprtltl M tm Dr fws.l II I only too true, declared Mr. fiupert I a group of island that (SpccUI lo TM Daily Itrwt) petrograd, Jarf. I isHi? great Carton de Wlatt, that the German will compare favorably with any London, Jan. 11. German 8o- authority la actually proceeding pleasure resort on thl continent, )iuian offensive on tlifl Hlg cla Democrats are circulating a ww In Belgium, throughout.tbe whole In the way of climate, fishing, petition for signature to be sent ffont If causing alarm nmuugst military area, to veritable raffle hunting, scenery and natural ad- to chancellor .Von Bethmann- Ib enmy, who are frightened by of men which are a reproduction vanUges. The Queon Charlotte Hollweirir demandln that Ocr- Ibo continued ucce of Hie line hut on a still larger scale of the isianas are lime mown 10 me many gye up au her plan for of attack along the Wga-Mltau crimes perpetrated a few month majority of resident of the prov- worid conquest and mnke peace r$ad, at the jiorthweatern end of ago, under the pretence of agri ince; they are well worth a visit Jal once the lluaaian battle Hue. cultural labor to be done, in the irom inose jeesing recreation or i Pertufuaso In the Fray. Tbe German are touring all Invaded region of France. About resi. ine inieis ana river ieam Portuguese troops have arrived Uiitf available reaene Into the the middle of October, a decree with all varieties of fish; the lh ttin, frrini in nA.t thinning line .facing the Cxar'a bearing the signature of the sandy beaches would make belter LtrengtlTto the Hrltish and French troopi in thl ace lor. (Juarlermaftter General Von Sau-hertwelg. automobile drives than. .tbe 'arnedforcee. m no t The llusslana are preparing to wa potted in our """ 1 " -"-1 xhe liritlsn treasury is prc- eilriul their attack until It rea. llainault and Handera Com i me most equable in me wnoie parjng t0 aUneh a, "loan of vic-of diet the dimenal&n of their of mune. That decree stipulate the Dominion while the scenery lory.,;whch 9 hoped to be the frnaive in (lallcla and Volhynta that all person who are able-bodied cannot De excelled, strange 10 ,agt flolatn n connection with lal ipring and summer. ThU U and who have recourse, I I relate, there are no wild animale lhe carrying on of the war. the conscnaua of oplnon, not only themselves or their families to .on the islands, other than black! Not Approvatf. RIGHT IN THE CM AD BASKET In Allied circle, but In the cap. "other people aid" may be for bear, marten, land otter, ana a The reply of the Entente Allies TUK KAISKH: -"Ocb, hlnimel, he nitluig me below tbo belt." ital of the Central Power. -Advance cibly compelled to work, even out-(Contlnued few weasels. Wild geese, duck to President Wilson's peace note Cartoon by Shield in the Toronto Telegram. a Mile. on Page four.) and Rrouse are plentiful, while a has now received the, approval of Russian troop attacking the 'iftfr drefjiave, recently.beenurn. all the- allied'Kovurnmeatu and ia RATEPAYER I REDOUBLED EFFORTS ed loose, and are thriving. There ATTENTION German line in the region of BEING CARED FOR now en roulo Washington. Lake Habit, west of Riga, aeored protspt X trUw fsjawel to auiauia of lambaenis rewrrt en to our taierc O IN PROSECUTING WAR is no reason why caribou, moun Frwnoh Report. nn advance of more than a mile brwtara dbi is la bt tot4 m by yoa oo Tbe Prisoner of Var Department tain goats, mountain sheep, moose Paris, Jan. 11, There I no lb 1 1 tk J injury and other animals could, not be capturing an enemy position be. We submit Ik folJotac rtssoos la Ottawa, Jan. It. There is no of the lied Cross Society has news of importance from tne tween the Tiril Marsh and the fw of sswt (Uw introduced, considering that there Uvestern front. ID Tlx rrrt faad bss simdj ba evidence of an early peace, but received from Queen Charlotte foader aU the round and Iliver Aa and taking 21 heavy 4Ubtib4 UUs yssr, snd bs ia prtcUc the contrary, all preparations year Tne French parHament ha re gun and 1 1 of lighter calibre. t a Unvn ami " on City, through Mm. sandilands, $5 no animals, that would prey upon a99embled after the Chriatmas t Ttt sivtjs bss Keo. sod lsx are for a protracted strupple. l provide two months food supply luem. vacation. The government ha Berlin Report. iu r. t tfeurur I ruiKXkjt of spul Sinco tbe elevation of Lloyd . t.i i-,nmMl. .. nd olbrr bT- No. 4981, With mile after mile of grass,! Her I In, Jan, II, The renewed 1 ,V wh4c P sfcsruw Ms brrrtofor- fcI beea for Pie. A. Bristow, requisitioned all stocks of alco- Russian attack with stronger umj Us, rood m ttaenl rtmw, tsi w have bn received in Ottawa by wno ls Pri9oner al Cegangenen- trees, muskeg, berries, and every- hoi for the use of the military de- d4 this lbs air ofi reqairtJ lager, Mcnuei, uermany. lining iiiauwuu auunais tuuiu ouu-ipartmeni. force southwest nf Itiga yesterday, la borrow frcsa UM buX. 4 slwirs W the munitions board to have :::a and near the northern end of the pUr la lb rsrl7 tMtes sua Ut terlal turned out with redoubled In case the public are not aware sist on, tame sheep and goats I "There are repeated rumor of rial If Ian front, were unsuccessful. ami tbU sborut. WO resorts nf the fact, the denartuient ad- could bo pastured by thousands, a proposed German attempt to rsubiubtd 1U aelibsr bsTt I borrow vigor. ' I It -. - r n.ijnn I . I ... .;A.n'l. I.n.-A lia I nl-a A n I.V (K I(tH Su.tl A.pIa tlfl. or cduusU. in ......iliir. in Tinnifa ofl'ise nisi nrry anuuiun inuuu-, . Kir.11 muuj -jjttujjiu umc .u.u ..,.UuB" t Hnw4 of borroolnr frotn will bso rt-w dollars Wwhctber adopted or subscribed idea that crossing Hecate Straits The Swiss army Is staunchly de- SI sis ) lr eeni oor rrr core of million of on dm brrai of dluoDt tairsu m ni-ni- of .11 kinds !fr or not, receives a parcel each 'is an undertaking with exception- termined to defend the country at TO THE ELECTOR) til tr rrsl rati m f f sotb"' m 11,0 ned Cros Prison-Jal risks. The white and Indian all costs from Invasion from any Prlnea Rupert, B. G. tr tamim oa lbs boss uoomt has recently been authoriied. In rrtrm. o4 w ,u ,tc r,MC Tbo-MKd Ul" ... the nVw nlants can- "s of war uepariment in Mn- residenia cross over 10 rrince source. M Us MUM f nrir Four sUoa I-.ngland. lie also receives in small launcnes ai an nunr sum. Owing to Illness In the rxdUr H.8 not possibly bo completed for U011, jtuperl family, I was detained In i. Tbs srbmio bss beo birtJly -tr ready, 12 lbs. of oread a week and cloth- xeasons of the year, and not oriel London, Jan. It. The British Itie east longer than I . . sir rrlrwk r.t th- Bink wmisms-Tsjtor.of MootresL months. When Service they Commission are ing from time lo time. The cost life has been lost. In many years, steamer Loroa, of 1,129 tons, is anticipated. Having the National re. ttso br lbs Unsl bw4 boom la Co. labor of this Is provided out of the. The Inlets indenting Vie Islands overdue and Is believed to nave turned, I am again in the IBO BOO IWIWII uiwuhv. will bo strained to provide Held for alderman during t f II SS for their operation. general Prisoners of War Fund are wonderful, almo-it cutting been sunk. The British steamer 1017. and. If the money subscribed by through, fbm, the east to the Andonl, of 3,188 tons, hasjlbten or uus pr rrsrv W bsoJs terullr lncrs nay tn-Irur ibt NOTI0E anyone adopting a prisoner js not'west. Tbe notable inlets are!torpedoed. sad oil! br s fsr-wsfbuif sufllrent, the balance is made up Massett. Skidegate, Cumshewa.l J!lrl la lb. nrsl of Ibt CHf ' David II, Hay has taken over out of tho funds, so that prisoner and rsaden, running Tor many TO THE ELECTOR T Tbf8 city Trorr dUll4 wtu b reports urrr the real estate. Insurance ana of war are in no danger of miles with land in 'sight on both SOLIDARITY Prince. Rupert, ft. O. .nd 1o M Mil tipUMUoa toy nwpsrrr of lb wbol. msiur. safely deposit business hondlod being neglected. If anyone cares jsides. On theso inlets fishermen I fft n!-nnni-- ind sto IM WHrs of tomiofiulsuoo rt- br Hon. T. D. Pallullo. Mr. Hays to adopt a prisoner, a name will are able to catch a large quantity OF LABOR Ladles and Gentlemen: . . ....it.. .r will conduct this additional busi be furnished by the society. Manyjof marketable fish. On one of the Having consented to become m- Aldermanlo GancHdatM for em. a candidate for Alderman iwi on.Wv. will b. rst4 by. ness at bi present ofTice al the people are doing this and are re- islands is situate a hot spring, Municipal Election 1S17 for the Klecllon x n. joiisso, corner or iccomi Avenue aim ceiving letters of gratitude from'which the Indians state, has great nett Thursday, I respectfully into rtTtw. cur ot'w- Second Street, tf. these men, The constant stream value for invalids. Here and J. J. ANDERSON Inlluence.solicit your vote and Prlnca Rupert Publlo ohool Board I of help must be keptjup If we arc there, are a number of small is- LaunaVyman. Ilespectfully your. SO TICK TO rini rKwnnKndslloos of TUG-BOAT WAKTED j to save our men and especially at glands, where good camping GEORGE B.CASEY JOHN IIYHHAVN, (J Ill ITl1.!.ronformliy Ml v. riiurailon. pupils win t- ,,n,i,r.i.i 1, rn 10 Durrb. .the. present Unto with tho reported grounds may be found, with wood be Ukea into lb. rwlvwr elssse of lb null iifsra tur. forty 10 Ofty feti must' shortage of fKd in Germany. land fresh water in abundance. ruMi tb.iis in- rsriy, i u opiv. tu rood sound bull, nrsi-tisis micnin-1 Langara Island, the northerniost FRED SHAW ' ln, of lb. term la;.nu.r, JL!fS; cry sj4 bs sfsnortfty in srery rir. - PAM'MTS Ann ouAitui" - Apply by Irltrr, rlrin su prucuii-, THOMAS MClKEEKIN SOLICITS of the group, is a small but very WBJI VOTE A SOLID lht pupils sis )srs of si sod tboss who lUtlnr wbrrc t cso b lnspecied. ., nenasr.M am will sium ibo .i. of sii mn w w WILLOW niVlli ICMBtR CO, j ' " Interesting Uwality. There hun. W. G. BARR1E ror ib in uy of Msr n. 0iC0v. a. c 'THURSDAY. 0. dreds of fishermen gather in the Saturday admitted 13 lb. rrlvlD ,nd Ibfludio... lb . tUb day im of at rHisffl Jsnusry.hk. spring to troll for the kiug sal. W stand or Fall Tt4Wt; PuNU wui mrifM - - which from twenty to inon, weigh Endorted kf th Tr4 audi lofluSlT. Half Holiday 8-Ul from rrb.v. p.Ill VANCE,W tb 8crtry. Battle of the Somme ono unusual hundred for a pounds.troller to It ia obtain not l000t0 LaM 000000000 OounoH, 0000 AND WE WILL twenty king aliuon In one. day. NOW WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY YOU BY OUR TO THE ELECTOR Men, women and children engage LONDON C ATI tERVIOK WESTHOLME THEATRE in king salmon fishing oft Uto an alderman shore of Langara Island, obtain THAT On my record a One Show Each Night Doors Open at 7, Show Start 8 p. m. WE APPRECIATE IT during the past year, I Ing n living and. In many cas, TMrtJ Aimim again aollclt your aupport rlsssl first sis rows (Chllr)M Cant. BUns f Lswsr rie and clearing quite a um of mowy , JWTIf 0 PtfrM 9r Pur Row sUlMr, Rsssrisd, 71 0nt. tllsty M Osats. B)im 11.00. Tha'nkYou on Thursday. RESERVE YOUR SEATS AT ORME'S AND AVOID THE RUSH, from the most healthful ausi STRICTLY UNION IISySE D. 0. MoRAE. of occupation. Durlw pleasant All rassss 0ld for Ttil atw. BOXES FOR LAB4M 'ItOTAll. CI.KHKH." . 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (continued on Page Four.) -t jjjjUIII Iff"