Friday, January 12, 1917, in ft DAILY JfKWfl. FELT LIKE A NEW FIRST FOR WAR-FIRST FOR PEACE 2,000,000" PERSON TaBBr Si k Nf dPr' M BBaasanM.wflwl Belgians f9jSMgav il gggggga gsasnf Depend on us After Taking Only Om Box Of "Fmit-Mfrfs" for Bread! E Snip lUfov; N.8. "it It great p,Mur9 tht I Tito Since shortly after the Genua invasion, the Belgians wonderful ItwtSli I to lure tell rerelred you of the from taklnf "Fruit... have depended for food eatirely oa the "Coaumuioa tires". For years, I u droa-lful for Relief to Belgium". Hieir own store of food, sufferer from CDntiipi"" H' evea if not destroyed or pillaged, would Ust only acket,and 1 fU miserable medicines In erery seemed way. three weeks they hare had bo chance to raisr more-end In the way of Nothing to help n. Then I finally tried the ruthless Germans refuse to supply theaal Fruits-tltes" and the effect was Backed the splendid. After taking one Ikji,I feci by like those sickening new Mat.person,MARTHA.Headachea".to hate DCWOI.FK.relief from Belgian felief rund tOc, bo, 0 for$3.50, trial aire,Me, At all dealeri or sent pott paid by Fruit. so geserouWy contributed in the Briton Empare and tbe United tires T -nH-J, States, the neutral Belgian ReCei Cotnnusnoa hat imported CARBONVOID for sale by Lip. enough wheat. Sow and other foods to feed the whole nation A Cunningham, ami Parkin. so far. The great majority of the 7.000.000 Belgians left in tt the country hart been able to pay for their dJy alowance of Ward Kleclrlo Co. tf bread but a steadily growing number hart no ainair left. Unless we are wiSag to let these hundreds of nSoosands of Women, children and old man starve, they mint be fed at the expense of the Belgian Relief Fond. To make this psaWbls someone must contribute Beady 93,000,000 a i mortb U mis wssterl No people under Bte ASed Flats ate as wel abb to c generously as we Canadians! Ne caste bos ever been otsre deferring of help I la the name of Jtke and Hisaiaay for The Whisky the sake of oar own seM-fespoct 1st at gire al we caa as help our martyred ASesI Quality A!laWol 8 Years Central Exsotrthrs Csmnittss, 59 9t rVtsr SL, satrssJ bfr bottling $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. CUARANTtXD Y THE COVTXMtDfr CANADA Bap--! a BmJ L IImIMM CANADIAN WOMEN ISOLD WATCH FREE. SHOULD KNOW THIS The Crown Prince: "Papa, do you think we can get away with it?" Cartoon by W. A. Rogers In the "CANADA FTCST"MI Is t?ie BEST IKU New York Herald. s-tj bf Your Crocar. The Government Bulletin N j.305 1 ells the story IT COSTS TH E SAME. stand the erosion of the centuries, cuimi roeei-lllT has decided to cut out the annual IW 1 f jrM mat wkirrcd eram.cIiitlTraa Ctponl4 FROM FAR AND NEAR tbca wkip at will(mk ctuto. allowance of 125 to secretaries of in which wilt be stored 01ms Tub ATLMKR CONDCNSCO MILK CCLt. farmers' institutes .throughout designed to inform the people of Aruit,Onr4 Canada Hon. John Oliver has Issued 7 the to of how live ages come we the and to the Instructions for a complete audit province increase today. to be made of the accounts covering grant to the associations them. the construction of the Pa. selves. nflc and (ireat Eastern Hallway. Hon. John Oliver hat sent an The Department of Agriculture ultimatum to the Canadian Northern Pacific demanding that it pay for the use of the New West FRED STORK'S HARDWARE minster bridge in thirty days and agree to meet future payments when they fall due. "Honest John'- 710 SECOND AVI is right on the.Job. CarpsnUra' Tools ulldsra' Hardware Ship Chan a lory Wire Cable Steel Blocka Flsrtlno Tackle Scientists claim to have discovered Iron Pipe Pipe Flttlno Rlflaa and Shotguns Rope Valvea Ammunition the. substance that produces Pumps Host Paint growth in the human body-It loeM and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated lror is called Thelelin and is located HWI SILL NOTHING BUT TH! BIST" in the pituitary body al the bate of the brain. Scientists say that by retarding or accelerating its FRED STORK'S HARDWARE functions it may be possible to control the stature of human beings. Possibly they may be able Hie Poor Mans to control the growth of the brain Babys Own Soap as well but they had better keep m mind II. O. Wells' "Food of tho University (IihIs," whilo they ore experimenting. It is stated by a Santa Clara, 'ONES knows more about i California, professor that about titan other I cars any rata eight billion miles of spots arc irw j know," said a man to his now marring the face of the sun. friend. "He has obtained bis The professor states that there knowledge chiefly from motor car advertisements, is a great scar visible and that and the catalogues and booklets me can see further into the sun circulated through them. than ever before. It would bo n "All I know about photography," declared a well-known relief If Wilhelm could be stuffed amateur, "I have learned from the saea who into that scar. advertise cameras, plates, papers aad okas." San Francisco has just launch Advertisements have been ed the largest floating drydock in well called "The Poor Man's tho world . It will accommodate (ho largest vessels sailing nut of University," but other than Krisco. At that, it may not bo poor men have been schooled any bigger than the drydock In thereby. Princo llupert. VV (. law If ym trt dtiut If I ' Much of what the average individual knows eea. The preserving of neutrality In Utk ovtr yvur dt ititlnf prob cerning personal and domestic hygieae. saedsra Kurope is a delicntv matter. In Urn with lU AJvrliio !) office methods, books and authors, clectxisky. pre of thU order to show no favoritism, Hot. rrtuiat aiippr. cious stones, investments, aad almost evsryltiigg 4a, If J " iti't fttti'd! " After the bath with BABY'S OWN SOAP the land Is obliged to ship 80 pounds BititatUntmtu It Mould t l he has learned from advertisements. lor hsvs ibt ccwettl ssd kin is smooth, comfortable, and exhales tho of bucou to F.ngland for every too it.Iiae yoti o of (mJ kitflUin A .1 I... -.1 I..-4 sends A lilt of thus ill b .1.1 I .t.. t...I.Ji. I.r.n . of freshly cut flowers. pounds of fresh pork she or. aroma furniihtJ, wllhoul coil or kli. aspirations which have raised us to higher levels of Freedom from sklu troubles, explains in some measure to tiermany. r(ioa, by lh Steitlary l Cb thinking and living. Advertisteg is ladsW The A"ilio. Koom di.a Pr the refreshing aleep which "Baby's Own Soap" babies S(U,Lsm.Jia UailJi.Tufoo. Poor Man's University." enjoy. Kspcciallyforuu,rBeryutielnlston,'Baby,iOwnM, U is proposed to erect In Con. a .,. b I I I.-I UAUTUril .... 9 trnl Park, New York, a 11,000,000 iiiutisoleum, constructed to with. 11