FrltUy. January 12, 1017, rue daily muws Sixty Ymts Nm J. R. EASTON REPLIES i irlitt tf a TO SIR GEO. E. FOSTER Local News Nolcs TIIEtNOINfyktriNtMLV "The Daily News" tut tor tttt CLASSIFIED ADS. James II. Ion, of Spltzer, Wednesday was chosen ns tho ISHtRStAITS BNOINB Rorlck & Company, Toledo, Ohio, by n majority of 157, I Ofl ' ' 1 tn" 11B nnd well known In Prince Rupert Httftt P"e WANTED. Miss Astoria left for Van. Mary n with jn connection the purchase cti.--s - of this city's bonds, Is now in couvcr last evening to attend Moras Pewee. WANTED Olrl for teoeral nnustwork college. a( or I 1' S-SS A'ply Mrs. Kennedy, 411 Emerson riaee, Vancouver looking into the flnan Morse Pewee, BAWN6 cial situation in South Vancouver. WA.tTr.l) Eiperleneed man to uta tbtrte John Day Hell, who was re of berrlnc curlnt plank tippertny and Mr. Kaslon stales that his firm ported killed at the front some For Further Information Seolrb cured. Arr'y Hot If 4 Pally last year placed from ten to twelve Apply to mm time ago, is n prisoner of war In million dollars' worth of. bonds Germany W. E. WILLISOROFT WANTRIWOeneral Servant. Apply Mrs, L. for Canadian clients and thnt they . . . W. ratmore, Haa frMi firisr Prince Rupert, B. O. iMMi havd the most absolute confidence Andrew Brighton, who has been WAHTED Porter for Savoy Hotel. it, in lirilish Columbia. home in Scotland recovering from WAITItESS WANTED Prince Rupert Hotel "We have found Canadian mu wounds, Is now qualifying for NO ALUM nicipals an absolutely safe Investment, lieutenancy. Imported Blouto This photo Bathe FOR 8ALE said Mr. Kaslon, "and our graph shows one of the latest Mrs. It. J, Wilson, of Moose ron SALE Carload minmr maebinery, la-tludinr continued operations in Hrltlsh Kngllsh models in a silk crepo do Internally IT machine drillt, eoluma tart, Jaw, arrived from tho east last J.L.HICKEY Columbia show that we have every chine blouse finished with the dnil-tieeL itetmOltlnts, etc Hcplj night to visit with her father and Dally .lews. faith in this province despite its mother here. latest long roll collar and lapel. Over 50,000 People Are Now CONTRACTOR A BUILDER temporary setback and the de ... It has detachable net collar and Doing So. MISCELLANEOUS .j , , . the over-speculation trimmed with three of pression roliowing cuffs, rows Mrs. F. 0. Dawson, nccom Tor many years pnyslrlans nave a treed OASOLttC rjtOI.IEr.a Us small amooal Store and Office Fixtures, you have been in. panted by her mother, Mrs. Roth dainty lace. that the vail majority of buraan tils were of eab to Invest with services. Whs l Sash, Door and Moldings. In." caused by accumulated waste In tbe Lower have yosit Wrlle Wot III, pally Nrws, dulging well, of Ilegina, left last evening Intestiilei that In our present way of Ur Oak and Hard Woods of all Mr. Kaslon says that his house for Vancouver EMPRESS' SACRIFICE ine Nature rouid nofremove all this waste LOST wttbutji assistanee, no matter bow rem-lar kinds. pays litllo attention to politicians ... we ml it I be. and tbet tbe poisons Wa Specialize In making and their prognostications around The reserve fund bylaw was Tho German F.mpress has or from Ibis wasie rlrmtatinr throe Ibe LOST ct.eiie Between corner Wrslhtil'a of ririb Street,store aod a tbe parse blood palled us away down below par and and fitting storm windows, election time or to outside knock, endorsed by tho ratepayers at the dered that all dispensable articles were responsible ror many diseases of a niotalainr t sum of mmey. Aivy tuof '"' any size. ing and criticism, but sends its election yesterday, tho vote being of gold In tho Court treasury not tertoui naiure. If. Dunnr this lime the "J 0. L. Catrsde Plate and Sheet Glass and own men into Uie field to invest!. almost unanimous. possessing historic o r artistic ror Internal Saibinr baa, because of their FOUND Glazing. gate before opening up negotiations value shall be given to the collec been recommrndalkia and Unse of Its users. POatD silver net purse. Apply Dill) fleorge It. Nadcn left for Victoria steadily rrowinr In (svor. Corner Fraser and 6th Sts. for bond Issues." All its information tions of gold articles organized neeenily. however, Use stsrtunr sews .News Office. last evening. Thcro were wnirb bas bee coeerlnt IMS country, tbal is secured first hand for the of Increasing PHONE GREEN 269 friends nl the wharf to wish purpose treat surrecas aoj specialists have been and by trained men, who are many Germany's monetary gold supply. operauor to ibe Lower tatrstine for tbe P. O. BOX 448. him success jin his new office. nasi rbronie and serious diseasea, has FOR RENT capable of making an intelligent ... Kxchange. reused American to becceoe iboroerbly study of conditions. It was as a There wero over a hundred aw ate lo tbe Unportanc or krepinr tbia Lower iniestine rrre rreea all result of this kind of investigation through passengers over the fi. T. UNIQUE PHOTO waste msiier. and ter IS0.SS0 pmsooooa art sow Modern rents boose, rayUsb IIUL PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 38 that the Prince Ilupcrt loan asms Internal Bitna, Collate I rooms, tth Av. sec t, P. last evening, most of them being U yew try tbe "J. B. U Caseade." yoti Collate 4 rcuna, bath. Summit Ave. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. was placed in faco of much ad- prairie folkJ wishing to es Frank Dowllng, Senr has re win and youreelf always bntbt, conS rumisbed Col u re ti; tth Ave. K. verse criticism to the city. "We the hardest of the winter. ceived an unique plcturo of young deal and capable tbe poisoned waste Col u re 4 roucM. Tneenpeoa and I in. cape mates us bullous, blue. rfvU and nerrowa. Collate 4 rooms its su Ave, f, had a man in Prince Ilupcrt for . . Frank, who is in F.ngland recover Internal Satba are N store's own care tor Traasfer asd Storage weeks, going into the situation Call the Pony Express for wood ing from wounds and doing nice, ConstipsUoss Jasl warm water property MaTonoit APAJcTsieNTsT s riZZ arptird. Pror tarn Nttare tbe -, B, BEST LUMP A NUT COAL thoroughly and as a result have cut in' stove lengths or 4 feet. ly, in the shape of a movograph. L. Caseaoe" rmUy assista ber. beth a a raeta. Meat of Uses Seu Ma beee redased le BS pee sseeU. faith in the city. One of your big Best household coal and general To all appearances, it Is an ordi Call and see II al Cyril II. Orme'S. Meet ad aJaaa. Os aHee Corner Srd Ate. and tin Dmrnl, SL. or NO LONG WAITS public men spent a clay there re transfer. Piano moving our nary picture but-on touching a aM there for "Why Man of Today li only viae. Will taieeealAe to eon Uwl NO SHORT WEIGHTS cently and then wexnt hack east specialty. Prices moderate. Phone spring-at the back, Frank's countenance IS per rem ElBclraL" a boot k I of rreal BEST TtMlta StONSr.IN TOWN PON THE mterest, wbltli Is uvea free oa requesL When You Order, from Us. and gave the impression that .101, IU.V rtogers. tf. takes on a beaming smile If yo prefer, write for Boctbt to Dr. is, A. Trrrelt. Itl Collere street. To- We writs Bre lasursncr Prince Rupert was 'all in The while "hi eyes twinkle. kind of investigation he could J. F. Strang, of the Gosse-MH- reato. paniea.aeaust only slroot. liberal c make in a few hours stay there lard Canning Company, left for SUN AND TIDE Teer tMselaeee sa e4kHe. Prfece Rupert Feed Co. was worth nothing at ail. the south last evening. Mr. Saturday, January 13th. H. Q. HELOERBON, LTD Strang expects to come north Sun rises 8:50 a. m. SCOTT LOCATED again in about two weeks to begin Sun sets 1 :2I p. m. . E. Davey HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS preparations for the season. High water ,.1:2? a.m. lit. to MtERA LAND CXSTRSCT RASsaA OttTASCT Of ... COAST, TMCX AND FERTILIZERS (Special to Tbe Dally newt.) Teacher TAtt tsouc tbal rraaoi Low water ,10:27 a.m. lit. H.I of Singing and L Jest Vancouver, Jan. 12. John T. J. Storfold, who has been rep High water .4:22 p.m. lit. 18.3 Vole Production. Palp Beate,and acua Paper as Mills.a real Ltd,for of tte leaaaoa tatptre WE HANOI Scott, who is wanted in connec resentative of the Deep Sea Fishermen's low water , 1017 p.m. 111. OJ Bay, B. C . octwpaUoa letter, Mtrad Union here, left for Se appty fur persatssiea so h see the ratlew Bulbs, and Take Orders for tion with the Vancouver election Captain MrGre. M. M. 6. A. PHONE BLACK 217. let described Usxis: Nursery Stock. scandal, has been located at Long attle last night accompanied by Deameacmt at a post pleated aa toe Beach, California. Mrs. Storfold. J. II. Meagher has south store at the Is rwa al tbe cad of the East Arm af Mussel Intel, about eae Chloken Feed A Specialty. the of the taken over management and e half miles la t westerly airecUoa affairs of the union here. mea the N.W. corner of T L 4I4. Ml, Mall Orders PreenpUl' uM To. ... MINERAL ACT lltssp, uwnVa south fl chains, thrare B. C UNDERTAKERS west t( chains, theare aonh ft cfcaiae P. a tot 333. SOS TMrd Ave. A. J, MacDonald, who has been more or Wee ta shore line, iheace follee IMS riAITLRTIUX. riUCTIO. BELLiS tot shore line la an easterly eUrecaua ts onrcoroRt ro visiting his sister, Mrs. McKm- rntCTIO.H, BLL'E PRINCE RUPERT, B. G. sukrral OEJtTIAN. BELL fllAC- pniat ef nrnimtacetneaL i BALCRS SATISFACTION OUAR. non of this city, left for Seattle ti'iM, cosmos mAcnoM. thistlx ntANaS JOfEPH SCALE. Appmaat (PITIED OPEN DAT ARO NIOhT rhACTIO.t, MARJOtiLO rRACTIO.N. ULAC October llth. lilt. LH 117 IHO STTtEET PHONE 41 last night. Mr. MacDonald was rRACTiot. rra-t ratcno.-c, rit appu PMNCC RUPERT LAND CM STRICT DISTRICT highly delighted with his stay in rntcrio'v. coxcomb, eroosu ntto LARD ACT TIOM, MntHAL CLAIMS situate la tbe ef Van see tee Lad pietrltt OsatHet RANGE 111. Of COAST, Prince Ilupcrt, finding the winter Que a Cbarlotte District, located at or new Ceaat. Reef. S. TAKE NOTICE that Puttie Mills. Limited, or Vancouver, British Columbia, occupation, LAND ACT climate here a trille milder than laeda BayQueea CberlelU Island. Preeinee TAtB ,no TICK that Archie Barae Msrtm. pulp and paper makers. Intend to apply Prince Rupert Land District District ef of Ortllsb CWembta. sad laatally beld by eccupallea mUl maaater. af the dty ef that of the Yukon, where he has laeda Mines Limited. Provtace Vsncouver, of Bnush Cotamtu, for permission to purcbare tbc followlnt Coast, Haas described lands. Commenelnr at a post TAKE NOTICE that tbe PactOe Mills. spent the last twenty winters. TAKE OT!CE thai I. John A. Martanl. Intrad to apply for permission te par planted on tbe north bank or Eoeye river, Limited, of Vancouver, B. C, occupation Kllcltor for tkeda Minea Umlled. free chase the fottowtea- described leads about one-quarter of a mile up-stream pulp and paper makers. Intend to applj mtnr' eertineaie it., Tessa B, Intend aenmencint al a post planted an tte from tbe shore or Plti-Hurb Sounds tbenee lor permission to purchase tbe followlos RED CROSS WORK IS alter the eipirauoe of sitty dsrs frun south thorn of Cousins lalct about Sts tbe date hereof to apply oa bebalf or tbe cbalns of weal of tbe southwest corner described lands at north twenty cbalns, tbenee east twenty i Commenelnr a post GREATLY APPRECIATED said Cunpany to tbe Minlnr Itecorder for Lot chains, tbenee sou lb to river's bank, thence planted at tbe soutbeaat corner of Lot tt II, Kant S, Coast District! Ibrsxe alonr snore In a westerly direction to n tbe west snore of Cousins Inlet, tbenee In "Peg O' The Ring" at the West, a rerUSrate of Improvements for tbe put' south II chains, tbeac west II chains, p of obtaintnc a Crown Oraot lo tbe tbenee north II chains, t brace utet II point of commencement and containing est 40 cbalns, tbenee soutn to cbalns, forty I to; acres, more or less. tbenee eat to snore, tbenee nortbeasierl) John Day Bell, who left hero holme Theatre tonight. above culms. rbaina, tbrace north I I.I chains mare or Dated June tOln. 19ft. Septa door snore to point of commencement, for the front some time ago and A.1D rUMTIItn TAtK NOTICE tbal acUca less to U. W. M. of Cousins fnlet, throe PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED. containing, el acres, more or less. under Sectloa It of tbe Mineral Ad must follow tar the If. W. M. to this post sad by "Mark Smaby." A rent. pacific mills limited, is now a prisoner of war In Germany, beeocnmeaced before the Issuance of sura eoniainiai- one Bund red and sty-e Mark Smaby, arent. has written to George Hill FIRC ALARM SYSTEM 1 rertmrate of improvements. i III acres more or less. Dated Ibis list day of May, A. D. lilt. DATED al Vancouver. B. C ibis til luted May llth. A. D. III. Auz. It expressing thanks to the Ro KiH.1 a, ts, day of November. A. D. HIS, RAW FOBS! RAW FURS' Nature Cross Society for tho splendi-work JISK5VIT NO. I. Sulleltor for tkeda Mines Limited. '.II. ARCHIE BS.RSES MARTI. Says it is doing for the prisoners it is lib St. aid Ird . held by the Germans, Mr. Bell rv (ib 81 Sid trd Ae "I can remedy most ills, and Ba e - .sih SI. awl Snt a., The Eitafttofl Fur makes a plea for support' for the help you to escape many ailments, iHti,iKn t tel. h4 soil if you give me timely lied Cross by the people at home. s. t ,iti ... ' n in i Excbange, Ltd. aid" Naturally, Nature prefers IB I tikIS HOfl.) Ramsay's Bss 1 Ml and Tta St. Tmi j WE3TH0LME THEATRE Is open for business and of. j BEECHAM'S rs! HoL) fers expert service to trap- pers, traders and buyers of ! OINCUIT RO. . furs. This Exchange is the : ilobart Henley ,who featured in ea tf - trd sod lr L largest in Canada. It carries : PILLS 'Craft,'1 is presented at tho West-holmo (! I iiTlee.) Empire Cream Sodas out tive a selling.plan of open,It is competl-made up ;' kmight In "Temptation and a ri At, sai Mcnnde St Urxut Sale el Aa M-dlssVe (a tie Weill. ess isi a, so 1 Melirld Ot and of solid business men a Man," a modern drama. "Peg stands for SU TMtfc Is inm Me. a K- tad A arid lud Si RESPONSIBILITY RE LI- i O'The Ring" is the other big item B.i f tod A. aod tk St iy-fl, t. p tus la aVe. TlM ABILITY RESULTS in the program, this installment Kxchange sales are adver. ' belns entitled "On the High Seas." OIROUII NO. tlsed widely. They reach the ; Sheet Metal Work Set 11 lib Ave. ind Pulluo a-DoMro Have attained their envlsAle rwauUUon by their superior big buyers. Tbe Kxchange ; Draco Cunard n! frsnci. Ford I Sea S2 and Tailor SU. employs none but experts. uontfnuu to hold ihr interest in J Sea S4 lib At, tod rultoo SL quality and uniformity. The most (ftoorimlnatlng house against Its warehouses fire, Vermin,are or other safe ! Now is the lima to have this big serial Sei S lb are. sad Cuuaos Ate. wife Insists upon ''Reunoays Empire'' when buying Soda damaging contact. The Kx- : your heating punt put in 7 sua Ave. aud bole fl. Biscuits. tb Ave, and TVaapvM It, change oMccs ore central in : shape for tho winter, roofs iaVss Kdmonton. Bend your next ; and skylights seen to, OlSOTtJIT NO. . They are made In B. O. and your groosr gets his supply shipment to Harry A. Harvey t U At., and a.Muri frequently and In such cases consult I '- qulokly, Insuring frehneee, whloh mesns The Etamtoft Fur practloal man If you want 4 (Late London, B., Citsevetelre a U r and MfPnde SI crlapnsss. ; uttp or Musi) results. J Sai at lib A. aud Oer.a St t PUPIL OP LANSDOWNt OOTTELL SIS S4 lib Ave ind ris.ll SL Prove It by buying a tin with your nsit order. Exchaage, Ltd. C. 0. Rowe pupils Taaf for Bee Tin Ase. MS KS-mIi, 3 VIOLIN, PIANO, ViOUNCELLO and SWs 141- tm . snd Yhioi si Manufactured by A BAMS BUILDING Practical sheet meUI man. HARMONY, Telephone Alberta.B2B8, Edmonton ; Opposite Board of Trade Pupils Prfad EXAMINATIONS for Isamlnalleee. RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Rooms 322 2nd Avenue Associated Beard, Veseeuver, Oenter RAW FURS1 RAW FURS! PHONS S40. Woyal Oellsas el Musis, Lendow, Eng. SUBSCRIBE FOR Vancouver, B. O. BBBBMBHavassHSjaesasMsasssi. sMssasisaBMBjssBiBMawaaasHaei Estimates Furnished Free. TERMS - PHONE BLUE 378 Wa The Daily News ahX"ws s