The Daily News Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES—DAaIty, 50c per month, or $ WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. OuTSIDE CANADA—Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. 5.00 per year, it: advance, Contract rates HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES Neéw YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 28rd St., New York City. SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. Tao ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar quare, “The newspaper, with the iaw, should assume the accused innocent until proven guilty; should be the friend, not the enemy of the general public; the defender, not the invader of private life and the assailant of personal character. It should be, as it were, a keeper of the public conscience.’’—Henry Wattersom. DAILY EDITION. <> FRIDAY, May 12 ON BEHALF OF FAIR PLAY No one in this city can applaud the decision of the Victoria author- | ities that the trial of the strikers must be held in Victoria. It isa ruling) that works a hardship on the city,on the witnesses, and on the accused. | It is not merely the bald contrast that to save two men the trouble | of travelling to Prince Rupert, the authorities will make seventy or eighty Prince Rupert men travel to Victoria. It is not merely that a sum of from five to ten thousand dollars of Prince Rupert money will have to be needlessly spent in attending the trial at Victoria. It is not merely an affront to the request of the defendants—the only side which could ask for a change of venue—and to the city. It isa decision, which will operate to prevent the accused men from properly presenting their defence, and from getting the fairest possible hearing There are fifteen criminal cases from Prince Rupert, in each of which a large number of witnesses should be heard. Upon the hearing. THE DAILY NEWS play demand that no man be adjudged guilty until his trial is over, | oP and that any man on trial be given the fullest opportunity to prove | : H | his innocence, Windsor ote It is an axiom of British law that it is better even that ninety-nine | phigh AVENUE AT BIGHTH STREET guilty ones should escape than one innocent person be punished. The Ontario courts have recently sent for three witnesses to Turkey for ’ | the second time in a case which has been tried and a conviction entered, | Newly Furnished and because the Crown learned afterwards that it was reported that all Steam Heated Rooms the defence material had not been heard. It has been the boast of | British justice that it would ransack the earth to find evidence on A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING behalf of an accused man, even while it was ransacking the earth to| ROOM IN CONNBOEION find evidence to prove his guilt. In the present case, the irony of the situation is the more marked, RATES 50 CENTS AND UP because in all probability there will be a civil Supreme Court sitting BATHS FREE TO GUESTS in Prince Rupert in the week following that in which the men will | ; be on trial in Victoria. ROBT. ASHLAND P.0, BOX 37 . ” Lwrou* Cer tk THE IROQUOIS | POOL jnglish and American Billiards Twelve Tables Clarmont Rooms Located ‘on Sixth Avenue Near Fulton Street Grand Hotel.. Three to five minutes from cen- WORKINGMAN’S HOME tre of business district. Nine- Spring Beds, clean White Sheets 25c teen newly furnished roome. Rooms 50c Hot and cold water. Bath. BEST IN TOWN FOR THE MONEY J. GOODMAN, Proprietor FARM LANDS Bulkley Valley $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 per week 320 acres with Hotel, Store and Post Office $20,000 % 320 acres, 200 acres meadow. $3,200 Skeena River of their evidence depends the result. All of the defence witnesses are | workingmen. Most of them owing to the strike have done no work| since March Ist. Many of them have already gone away in search| of work, up the river, and away to Alaska. Others, at great sacrifice are staying round town, in order to testify on behalf of their comrades whom they believe are not guilty of the charges against them. The news that the trials are put down to be held in Victoria in| the middle of June, means that cthers of these defence witnesses will | drift away out of town so that when the cases are called the accused | men will be unable to collect their witnesses. It is fair to say that the Crown has consented to pay the hotel | and travelling expecnses of some of the defence witnesses, but the| promise is limited to those who testified at the preliminary trial. The| prisoners claim to have other witnesses who Were not called at the| preliminary trial. These it will be impossible to take to Victoria save at the prisoners’ own expense. For the acts of violence which were committed on April 6th, the | News has nothing save words of censure. But the instincts of fair | The Daily News 153 acres jurleuibeitee eae $1,915 86 1-2 acres, 16 1-2 acres improved, 7,000 Porcher Island 286 acres, Crown Granted, $3,750 'G.R. NADEN COMPANY Limited, DELIVERED TO ANY AD- | Second Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. DRESS IN SECTIONS 1, 5 ded toni ell ei ea a. AND 6 EVERY DAY FOR cher Island, occupation ship roaster, intend to ap- ply Zor permission to lease scribed foreshore Ce Take notice that I Severin A. Tallander of Por the following de- t planted at the N.W. cor- > west to low water mark, uth along low water mark chains more leas, thence east to S.W. corner of lot 1302, thence north along high water mark (being the westerly boundary of lot 1802) 25 chains more or less to point of commencement and containing all foreshore in front of lot 1302 SEVERIN ALEXANDER TALLENDER DatedMarch 9, 1911. 50c PER MONTH TELL TALE mapy are injured, bu the number. A left Leadville for the wreck. The number killed j OF RESCUE Crew of Fish Maid Grateful to Capt. Macdonald dows to the Keel, and Waved | Thier Jerseys as the Muirneag | Will it Old Hove in Sight. | On Sunday M . Fy _ [his wife will tev Captain Chris Johnson and his}Camosun for | }gra | SECOND AVE. | lon Tuesday night are feeling very | visit the Fish Maid when she} the two or three mo: turtle off Dundas Island| Mrs, Stork are awa Scotland, Irel and probably Italy from 1 i turner teful to Capt. Macdonald and | nurses and volunteer wrecke; crew of five men who were rescued | the Coronation festivit ———_ | t do not fx COC tore train of d } SCENE of + Denver (Later) —Two HAD THRILLING TIME {are reported killed seven injured. The day , Crawled out of the Cabin Win-| tourist car are in the ri, Lands I ng! ithe his crew of Scotchmen on the| Muirneag “We were in the water for three | juarters of an hour’’ said Johnson } the News It was a terrible | Cone ltime, and we all realise what a Wie notice that I. rrow escape fr death we had. | Prince ee ead oe “ | mer, intends to apply fo | When the Fish Maid turned over we had to get out of her through} LAND PURCHASI : Skeena Land District to Commencing at a ; north east corner of We did not know} Range 6, Coast district, ichains to a the windows. whether Muirneag saw us or not, ‘ chains; thence south 60 « so we took off our jerseys and | east 7a ehaine to th waved them to attract her at-|mencement. FREI tention.” The captain and one | Dated February 25th, f his fishermen, Magnus Foldick| are residents of New Westminster, | TRAIN WRECK — NEAR DENVER Two Killed and Twenty-seven Injured Skeena Land District Take notice that William Rupert, B. C., ocecupation to apply for permission t described lands Commencing at @ post plant« south of the Indian Reser Goove Bay and on the eas thence south 80 chains al ng 40 chains to Goose Bay, thener 80 chains, thence west 40 chair post, containing S20 acres more dated Mareh 8, 1911 Pub. April 15. Skeena Land District) Take notice that Otis J Rupert, B. C., FELL INTO RIVER lands of a mile from the north we Island on the said Gibson Ie chains, thence east 20 cha chains, thence weet 20 cha a West Bound Denver & Rio Grande Train Derailed While Fred ( Rupert, B.C., ox Commenring at @ post plant | purchase the following ce wst T Surve slough; the pe ). GARTON 1911 First insertion Mar. 11 Distr ean ‘ a wig WILLIAM M oeeupation prospe apply for permiasion to lease the [ mencement, containing 80 acre . Rounding a Curve Over the 0 Eagle River Dated 20thMar ch, 191: Skeena Land District Take notice that Hume | Rupert, B. C., occupation to apply for permissior deweribed lands (Canadian Press Dispatch) i ° a Denver, May 11.The:. west-| Gee tise ot 0 pest plan bound Denver & Rio Grande pas- | 23th ae tas eons oof to senger train No. 1, was derailed] north 100 cnsne sont nee or i while rounding a curve two miles! thence 100 chains slong shor east of Minsura, Colo., at 8,50.) more or less at Dated March 4, 1911. . » 5 The smoker and day coach are| Peb. April 16 reported to have plunged into the Eagle River. Read The Dai Messages state that ME NI ax ly New | Pub. March 18. 4 ePaerarrae . ty OPROPROCSLOSROS oPAOsCRe +P ROB40 274020020024 OF £0 PROF E0F4OFQo BROSLOSROPES, ROPE OPE 0 P40 F028 OPES P40 P40 PEO PEO PROP4O PLE FLO PECSAIPEOS ee 3S 2 a02R8. 2 9% ¢ $ e 4 4 $) > So cesses $ ia SESSESSESSESESSESSESSESHESSESEESEE : | ESSESESNENCES CE TeeSee Teese see seaeeaesee sess SEESSESSESSESESSESHESSES SESE ESSERE ES SESE SSE SEE SELES SES EES EES HESRES EES EES ESSER ES SES ES ESE Secs: : ee eseese seeeseose es: poe eseeced peeecee SRST HE HERE HE The only Main Line Townsite in British Columbia in which the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Co., a eee sseese ose: has announced its joint ownership. ee ne ee ey pasessessessessessees GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC Townsite ELLISON Lots in Ellison Towisite aud Addi- tion For Sale. Rogers SEBIESSE SBESIEBIE EBVESIESIESIESIESIESLESIESIESIESIEBIEBIUET “ 2 % wn w “ % 2ES2E3! Fy i t OI = = f i 4 ; ae at | a : | t OB s\ | tion and enginysring, would know just what they were | Do yon propose to foliow the individual townsite promot- | veys, you may change the location of towns, but you can- il te i 31 SEE THE OFFICIAL MAP doing len thas oat their official ome on Ellison, ers or the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company. aot sbange the geography of —e country through which Baan \s) The first glance will show you that ELLISON is lo- | 3TUDY THAT MAP~I desire to say to all parties STUDY THAT MAP—If you desire to put your | te railway passes. @ head of navigation necessarily ; he 1 3 | cated at the junction of the Skeena River and the Bulk- cnatne ipa ae aalis in tha vicinity ve Shaate River | Money into a real estate promoter’s townsite you will | cone aD eens wnt wy Ellison a not wy! be at if os. ley Valley. The Grand Trunk Pacific has announced that | 24 Bulkley Valley that there will no doubt be several | have many, many opportunities this summer. The ay- | the heag of navigation, but the centre of a mining district ike: +4 sv are iol , : i Di N 3 Fa Acar | : : ; erage oter is full of hurrah and red fire. He must | Wonderful in its resources that is now being opened up, By hiaiae a .e 4 they are joint owners in the townsite of Ellison, ©W, | small towns, just the same as one always finds in a min- | &Tage promoter is full o ! " : if hich Eli filha thaiahion? ; Ba rah (@) my dear reader, you must remember that up to date the | ino district. ‘There will be towns in the vicinity of El- enthuse investors of the mail-order class with his wares, | 4nd for hic ‘ison will be the shipping point both by B18) i : Ty a Rene tee ~ at i é | Ing ‘ ; 7 ) 3ON is in the Missouri class. Therefore, 1 am not | rail and water, The fact that trains may change en- i Grand Trunk Pacific has not announced that it has any | jj.6), along branch railways, probably towns at the ends ELLISO i ‘ : fies’; Dnunntice (ndene thi dttee eebinal ttt . Sate ¥4 interest in any other main line townsite in British Colum- | 6¢ }ranch lines made to serve the mines and the collieries, | telling any fairy tales about it, I am making statements & mee oh mek, 1e ae * in veh urDE OF the town hae of fe) bia. Does that start you thinking? | but it will be histo ting itself in regard to the | that can be readily verified, ‘llison§does not amount to shucks in building up a i ’ | DUP te Wis Oe mistory Fepwasing ack 8B i THAT MAP.~—If you want to join that | t0W" when such places are compared with a town located wee STUDY THE MAP and you will find that Ellison is | building up of every metropolis. Ellison has every nat- Bey a AT ommutilong-Panwe. then yeu should | Where rails and navigation meet. \ | where the railway tracks leave navigation.. That fact is | ural advantage, hus every earmark of being the future }| great army of investors-a oe rong hate n i} .% nowd STUDY THAT MAP.~ You will find on the official | } | a very important one for conservative investors to think | mercantile and financial centre of the Skeena River min- } put Your pees oe een y oy Bi acho nawtaits 7 bein | plan of Ellison that a large part of the townsite has been | | over. What is known as the Hazelton distriet covers a | ing district and the entrance to the Bulkley Valley. a perrert y oo ae ee aed et PEE oh ay ys Grand | reserved for future sales, the same as the company has , territory many miles in extent in every direction radiat- STUDY THAT MAP and you will find that all of Hon , ‘ed ihe, tea , Foans U earetes investi ation ‘have | done with certain sections of Prince Rupert townsite, | ie | ing from the townsite of Ellison, Mining machinery, ore | the mining towns and railroad towns around there just a 6 pps gta du 8 ’ | There are, therefore, at this time, comparatively few lots | Bie + | Shipments, smelters, reduction plants and all sorts of | beginning to be talked about will only be feeders to city | put WMI POnOy, : : : | on the market. You must hurry if you want one, eau i f } mining operations starting up in this rich mineral! region, po port of ELLISON. The Grand Trunk Pacific has put | STUDY THAT MAP.--It is not likely the Grand SVUDY THAT MAP.-ROGERS’ ADDITION to | | ome 5 We be must necessarily have a metropolis, a HUB, a headquart- its official stamp on Ellison, Do you believe the company Trunk Pacific will have any, other townsite in British Co- | Ellison, only a small parcel of land, lies within eight | RY 4 | ers. If any sane, conservative man can figure out any | will do as much for townsites owned by individuals as 4 | lumbia for sale this year. The officials of the company | blocks of the site of the railway station, Lots in this | i ob a 8 | other spot except Ellison for the hub of the great com- | will for one in which its stockholders are joint owners? | state that the company is not interested in any townsite | gre being offered, I am advising my clients to buy Rog- | ead 34 | merce of this district, his plan should be very interesting | If you do, don’t buy any lots in Ellison. If you desire tu | in the Hazelton district except ELLISON. ‘ | ere Addition lots at $150 for inside lots and $250 for | a fey to the Grand Trunk Pacific officials, It does seem as | make a permanent investment, or merely to make 4 little ELLISON is on the bank of the Skeena at its con- | corners, ‘Terms—-10 per cent. discount for cash, or 10 iit 3 | though these officials, after several years of investiga- quick money, you must decide for yourse!f right now. fluence with the Bulkley, You may change railway sur- | per cent, down and the balazice on easy terms, no interest, ‘ * 1X ah fT i 9) i Roates) e) ate: $1 He OS For R ion of lots in Elli ire A. W. Brid 1007 G t t, Victori et : 4 i or Reservation of lots in Ellison, write or wire A. W. Bridgman, overnment street, Victoria, B.C. “yi Vy +4 i ae al Land Commissioner, G.T.P. Railway, Winnipeg, Man. Jeremiah H. Kugler, Second Ave., Pri ul ef nd Commissioner, G.T.P. Railway, Winnipeg, Man. Jeremiah H. Kugler, Second Ave., Prince Rupert wa ah + ae > 4 by H Led esse t 20 UDR DAE RE ENED EEE ESD aE ESR DEDEDE EOE ED ESE eee recreate . : f é and Sete N a